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Green Arrow In Comics


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Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 1 (Blood) – Laurel goes to Team Arrow after she (as a district attorney) interrogates a suspect who claims to be a disciple of Brother Blood:
Diggle: “Leathery skull. Well, that would sound a whole lot like Sebastian Blood’s Halloween mask except for the fact that Blood’s dead.”
Laurel: “And this whackjob sounds like he’s out of his ‘leathery skull.’”
Oliver: “Not necessarily. I’ve learned a mask can be a powerful thing.”
Felicity: “This sounds like someone has used Sebastian’s mask to take on his identity. And we’re positive Sebastian Blood’s not miraculously back from the dead, right?”
(Oliver, Laurel and Diggle all look at her.)
Felicty: “In my defense, that would have been a dumb question before we saw a whole army of Mirakuru-powered supermen.”
Oliver: “This isn’t Sebastian. The dead don’t miraculously rise from the grave.”
*  *  *
Felicity: “So what are you thinking? I mean, we are going to do something about this, right? Guy in a skull mask inciting whackadoos to take hostages? That feels in our wheelhouse.”
Oliver: “This obviously has a lot of religious overtones.”
Diggle: “Sebastian Blood was raised in an orphanage.”
Oliver: “St. Walker’s. It burned down last year.”
Diggle: “Point being, it was a church. In the absence of any better leads, it might be a good place to start.”

Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 1 (Blood) – Oliver goes to check out St. Walker’s Church and runs into a group of Brother Blood's religious fanatics:
Felicity: “Oliver should have checked in by now.”
Diggle: “You try raising him on comms?”
Felicity: “He’s not answering. You know how I hate it when he’s not answering.”
Diggle: “I’ll check it out. Laurel? You okay?”
Laurel: “How is Roy?”
Diggle: “Under sedation. We got him stabilized. What he needs more than anything is rest.”
Laurel: “He looks like my father. Lying there like that.”
Diggle: “How’s he doing, anyway?”
Laurel: “The doctors say well. But at some point someone’s going to have to explain to me how anyone in a medically induced coma could be considered to be doing ‘well.’”
Diggle: “Copy that.”
Laurel: “Go find Oliver. I’m starting to get worried about him.”
*  *  *
(Oliver is attacked by Brother Blood and his followers, and escapes, but is pricked with a drug by Warner Zytle (f/k/a Count Vertigo) in the process. Diggle is captured by Brother Blood’s followers. Oliver rescues him. Oliver starts hallucinating visions of Helena Bertinelli/Huntress, his father Robert Queen, his mother Moira Queen, Tommy Merlyn, and Slade Wilson.)


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Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 1 (Blood) – Sara Lance arrives in time to save both Diggle and Oliver:
(Two hours earlier – Felicity talks to an unconscious Roy in the Foundry.)
Felicity: “Oliver and John should have checked in by now. This is typically when you’d gear up and go out there to save them, right? But you can’t exactly do that right now, can you, Roy? And ‘typical’ doesn’t exactly apply to people like us. Although you do spend a lot of time in comas. And I tend to talk to myself when I’m alone down here, which is a lot…”
Sara (entering, while supporting a groggy Diggle): “if you really needed someone to talk to, Felicity… you know you can always call me.”
Felicity: “Sara! What are you doing here?”
Sara: “I got permission to stop in Starling en route to my next job. Good thing I did, too. John took quite the beating tonight.”
Felicity: “From who?”
Diggle: “Well, that’s the thing… it was Oliver. We got away from Blood’s… followers, I guess you could call them. And then Oliver… he completely lost his mind.”
Felicity: “Why would he attack you?”
Diggle: “I have no idea. It was like he wasn’t seeing me… He was scared, like a cornered animal. I barely got away.”
Sara: “I found this one just outside Verdant. He had collapsed by the door. I thought I’d help him get where he needed to be.”
Diggle: “Yeah, that wasn’t the least bit emasculating.”
Sara: “You’re welcome. What happened to Roy?”
Felicity: “He got shot.”
Sara: “Poor guy. He really does spend a lot of time in comas.”
Felicity: “This is what I’ve been saying. So… how long is your layover until you have to head off to … wherever it is you’re going for ‘business’? Which is killing people, right? Can I say that?”
Sara: “I can’t tell you where I’m going, Felicity, you know that. But I will say that at least this time I actually believe in what I’m being sent to do.”
Felicity: “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. We just… we could use your help right now.”
Sara: “Seems like. Blood? Isn’t he, you know, dead?”
Felicity: “We’re still figuring it out.”
Sara: “Yeah. Because once someone’ gone… they’re gone. I’ll bring Ollie in.”
Diggle: “Be careful, Sara. The state he’s in, he’s dangerous.”
*  *  *
(Now – Sara fights Oliver.)
Sara: “Hey, Ollie. Miss me? (He attacks her) Clearly. Just as clear,  you’re not in your right mind, Ollie… Is this votura? Not talking, huh? Ollie… don’t make me do something I don’t want to do. (Continues fighting) Suit yourself.” (Kicks Oliver in the face.)
*  *  *
(Sara drags an unconscious Oliver into the Foundry.)
Felicity: “Oh my God. Little déjà vu here. What happened?”
Sara: “I hit him very hard. I think he’s been dosed with something.”
Felicity: “Got a little tear here. Could be a puncture wound. John, you shouldn’t be up.”
Diggle: “I’m fine. This team needs at least one guy on it who’s conscious.”
Felicity: “I wasn’t going to say.”
Diggle: “Oliver’s got those magic herbs o f his in here.”
Felicity: “I drew some blood. Might help to know what we’re dealing with here.”
Sara: “Psychotropic drugs.”
Felicity: “Mushrooms, specifically. Me, I generally prefer portobellos.”
Sara: “It’ll take him a while to shake off the effects.”
Oliver: “I’m fine. Just needed a moment.”
Felicity: “Actually, you look like what you need is a bed.”
Oliver: “I’m fine.”
Diggle: “Felicity’s right. You were tripping pretty hard there.”
Oliver: “I’m fine.”
Diggle; “Sit back down and drink this. Magic herbs.”
Oliver: “They’re not magic.”
Diggle: “Sit. Drink.”
Oliver: “I give you those bruises?”
Diggle: “I managed to get in a shot or two.”
Oliver: “I’m sorry.”
Diggle: “It’s not like you were thinking straight.”
Oliver: “Sara?”
Sara: “You don’t seem too sure.”
Oliver: “I was…”
Sara: “Hallucinating. I haven’t seen that kind of delirium from someone in years.”
Felicity: “You were injected with something.”
Oliver: “Probably one of Hogue’s followers.”
Felicity: “Hogue? Clinton Hogue?”
Oliver: “He’s taken Sebastian’s mask and added a healthy dose of religious fervor to it.”
Diggle: “Looked like he had hundreds of people down there.”
Oliver: “I have to stop him.”
Sara: “Not with that crap still in your system. The only thing you’re in any kind of condition to do is sleep. We’ll deal with Hogue when you’re ready. In the meantime, there’s someone I have to see.”

Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 1 (Blood) – Sara visits her father in Starling City General Hospital:
(Laurel is sitting by Quentin’s hospital bed.)
Sara: “Laurel? How is he?”
Laurel: “What are you doing here?”
Sara: “Long story.”
Laurel: “Meaning, you can’t say.”
Sara: “It’s called the ‘League of Assassins,’ not the ‘League of People Who Like to Talk About Their Business.’”
Quentin: “Could you guys keep it down? M’ tryin’ to get some sleep here.”
Sara: “Daddy?”
Quentin: “Sara, baby.”
Laurel: “Weeks in the hospital, dozens of doctors… for you, he wakes up.”


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Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 1 (Blood) – Felicity is kidnapped by Brother Blood:
(Felicity returns home to her apartment.)
Felicity: “Honey, I’m home… She said to no one in particular, not even a cat. I really should get a cat. Strike that. Not old enough for that cliché. Please God, let that be true…”
Bad Guy: “Felicity Smoak…”
(She turns to see four bad guys in her apartment.)
Bad Guy: “I know someone who would like to have a word or two with you. His name is Brother Blood.”
*  *  *
Felicity: “This is insane… you’re insane. Do you know who I work for? Well, not for, but with. I like to think of it as a partnership. And it is. Most of the time. Some of the time. He likes to put arrows in people. When he finds out where I am, he’s going to come here and introduce you to a world of pain, buddy.”
Hogue/Brother Blood: “Oh, believe me… I’m very much counting on that.”
Felicity: “Who are you? Because I know you’re not Sebastian Blood.”
Hogue/Brother Blood: “I am your sins returned to be visited upon you…”
Felicity: “That’s… poetic. In the creepiest way imaginable. But I don’t sin. It’s not that I’m super-religious or anything, it’s just that I have a difficult time dating…”
Hogue/Brother Blood: “The Arrow will return here looking for you. That much is certain. Equally certain is that when he arrives, all he’ll find is your rotting corpse. And his imminent death.”
*  *  *
Felicity: “Yes, you scare me. But that’s only because you’re wearing a leathery skill mask and telling me you’re going to kill me. But if you think I’m going to give you the satisfaction of begging or any of that kind of stuff, you can shove your Halloween mask rightup you’re a-“
A Brother Blood Follower: “Sorry to interrupt, your Grace… but we have a problem.”
(Cut to Caleb Green,* who is attacking other Brother Blood followers. He now has Mirakuru-enhanced strength and wants to kill Oliver Queen.)

(* Caleb Green is a new character who's introduced in this tie-in comic and becomes more important later on in Book 3.)


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Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 1 (Blood) – Walter Steele suggests a plan for Oliver to get back Queen Consolidated:
(24 hours later – Oliver meets with an old friend.)
Ned: “It’s been a while, Oliver… you look well.”
Oliver: “And you lie well, Ned.”
Ned: “You look tired. You’re not hitting the party circuit too hard, I hope.”
Oliver: “With what money?”
Ned: “Oliver, your mother left behind a sizable insurance policy. What have you been spending all that money on?”
Oliver: “Miscellaneous expenses.”
Ned: “Well, fortunately, I might have found a solution to your financial woes."
Oliver: “You have my attention, Ned.”
Ned: “Actually… it’s Mr. Steele who should have it.”
Oliver: “Walter.”
Walter: “It’s good to see you again, Oliver.”
Oliver: “All right. What are you two cooking up?”
Walter: “It’s quite simple, really. How would you like to get Queen Consolidated back?”
Oliver: “Obviously, I would. But like I just told Ned, my finances are depleted.”
Walter: “And that’s where I would come in. After Isabel Rochev’s untimely demise, the board placed QC in receivership. The general consensus is that the best way to get its creditors paid is to sell the company to a new owner.”
Oliver: “That owner being you?”
Walter: “That owner being you, Oliver. My partners and I at Starling National believe we can put together a consortium of investors who can back your purchase of Queen Consolidated.”
Oliver: “I ran the company into the ground, Walter. I signed my corporate responsibilities over to a sociopath. My business acumen isn’t exactly state of the art.”
Walter: “And that’s something we’re going to have to work on in the coming months, no doubt. You’re going to need to make a deep dive into corporate finance. But the truth of the matter is that what we’re really going to be trading on… is you. The Queen name still looms large in Starling City. Everyone has a long memory for the things your father did. For your family’s legacy.”


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Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 1 (Blood) – Oliver searches for Felicity, who’s missing:
(Diggle tells Oliver that, because Lyla’s pregnant, he’s taking her place on an ARGUS mission to Kahndaq with Task Force X, a/k/a the Suicide Squad. That mission is the subject of Book 2 of this tie-in comic.)
Oliver (on phone): “Absolutely. Do what you need to do.”
Diggle (on phone): “You hear back from Felicity?”
Oliver (on phone): “No. She’s not returning any texts or calls. I’m actually on my way to her office to check on her.”
Diggle (on phone): “And Roy?”
Oliver (on phone): “Recovering quickly. Helps to be young.”
Diggle (on phone): “If you’re saying that, imagine how I feel.”
Oliver (on phone): “Be careful in Kahndaq.”
Diggle (on phone): “C’mon, man, it’s a cakewalk.”
Oliver (on phone): “Be careful in Kahndaq.”
Diggle (on phone): “Copy that.”
(Oliver arrives at Kord Industries.)
Oliver: “Excuse me, I’m looking for Felicity Smoak.”
Kord Manager: “Are you a friend of hers, Mr. Queen?”
Oliver: "...?"
Kord Manager: “Yes, I recognize you. You used to be a fixture on TMZ.”
Oliver: “Is Felicity here?”
Kord Manager: “No, she missed the past two days, actually. And that’s on top of over a month of missed days and lost time. I’ll ask again: Is she a friend of yours?”
Oliver: “A close one.”
Kord Manager: “Then could you give her a message from me? It might go down easier coming from you? She’s fired.”
*  *  *
(Oliver enters Felicity’s apartment.)
Oliver: “Felicity… Felicity?”
(He sees overturned furniture and broken window blinds.)


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Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 1 (Blood) – Oliver is frantic to rescue Felicity and is forced to confront his feelings for her:
(Oliver enters the Foundry.)
Oliver: “Thanks for coming.”
Roy: “Yeah, your message didn’t sound good.”
Oliver: “It’s not.”
Roy: “What’s wrong?”
Oliver: “It’s Felicity. She’s been taken.”
Roy: “What? By who?”
Oliver: “I went to her place. Door was forced, place was in shambles. She had a security camera, wired to the Internet.”
Roy: “Of course she did.”
(They watch video of Felicity being kidnapped by three guys.)
Roy: “Who are those guys?”
Oliver: “They work for Brother Blood.”
Roy: “Excuse me?
Oliver: “Long story. Are you feeling up for this?”
Roy: “Yeah. I can handle it. What about Diggle?”
Oliver: “He’s out of pocket. Sara was back but she had to leave on League business. It’s just us. That all right with you?”
Roy: “For Felicity? Anything. What’s that?”
Oliver: “After you got shot, I realized you needed some extra protection out in the field, asked Lodai to work something up.” (Unveils new red suit for Roy)
Roy: “You’re kidding.”
Oliver: “It’s Kevlar-lined. Should stop anything short of an RPG.”
Roy: “These guys’re gonna have rocket-propelled grenades?”
Oliver: “It doesn’t matter what they’re armed with. They’ve got Felicity. They’re going down.”
*  *  *
Roy: It’s not that I don’t appreciate the new duds… I was just hoping for a bigger debut for them than climbing into a sewer.”
Oliver: “…”
Roy: “Right. Less talking… more looking for Felicity.”
Oliver: “This was where Dig was being held. On three…”
Roy: “Two…”
Oliver: “One.” (Kicks down door.)
Roy: “Empty. Now what?”
Oliver: “Felicity would try and leave a trail for us to follow.”
Roy: “How do you know that?”
Oliver: “Because she knows I’ll always look for her.”
(They search the abandoned office.)
Roy: “This drawer’s locked, and stubborn. Got it. #$%@.”
(There’s a bomb with a timer ticking down.)
Oliver: “What is it?”
Roy: “They left behind a little present. Tell me you know how to disarm this.”
Oliver: “I would. But I’d be lying. Felicity’s the one with the expertise.”
Roy: “So what do we do?”
(They run out just before the explosion.)
Oliver: “Roy, you okay?”
Roy: “I think so, I just… Holy crap… (Sees dead guy in Deathstroke mask laying in the rubble next to him) Okay, well that takes care of my nightmare quota. What’s one of Slade’s Mirakuru crazies doing down here?”
Oliver: “One of several very good questions. Along with, where is Felicity now?” (Phone beeps)
Roy: “With any luck, that’s her.”
Oliver (answering phone): “Felicity?”
Felicity (on phone): “Yeahitsme – butdontlisten – toanythingthey – saybecauseits – definitelyatrap.”
Oliver (on phone): “Felicity! Where are you?”
Hogue/Brother Blood (on phone): “She’s quite safe. For the nonce.”
Oliver (on phone): “I swear, if you so much as breathe on her, I’ll…”
Hogue/Brother Blood (on phone): “You’ll do exactly as I say, or you’ll never see your harlot again. Simple exchange. You for her. Midnight. Kord Industries Tower. Come alone or she dies.”
Roy: “What is it? What’d they say?”
Oliver: “If I turn myself over to him, Blood will let her go.”
Roy: “If you do this, he’ll kill you.”
Oliver: "I know. But I just got her back from Slade... I can't lose her again."  
*  *  *
Hogue/Brother Blood: “Now the serpent will come forth on my terms.”
Felicity: “If you’re gonna talk crazy, at least try to make some sense. What has the Arrow done to you? He didn’t kill Sebastian Blood. It was that nutbar Isabel Rochev. And spoiler alert, she’s dead too. Or is this just your run-of-the-mill, ‘I hear looney tune things in my head’ kind of crazy?”
Hogue/Brother Blood: “I’ve been charged with duty from a higher power, a light amongst the darkness that gives purpose to my existence on a realm you cannot imagine.”
Felicity: “So run-of-the-mill crazy is what you’re saying.”
Hogue/Brother Blood: “Make your jokes. They are a common symptom among those who do not understand. Perhaps you should spend some time seeing the world through Brother Blood’s eyes. Please feel free to scream. He likes screaming.”
*  *  *
Roy: “It’s almost midnight. You going to fill me in on the plan yet?”
Oliver: “It’s simple. I turn myself over to Blood. Felicity goes free.”
Roy: “Look, I get the stoic, monosyllabic thing is your standard gear but something about this is different. Someone. Because it’s Felicity.”
Oliver: "Since the business with Slade... I can't stop thinking about her. Seeing things from a different perspective."  
Roy: "That almost sounded like you have feelings."
Oliver: “Roy –“
Roy: “Point is, this isn’t happening by doing what Blood says. If we’re gonna get Felicity back… it’s gonna take us both.”


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  • Love 2

Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 1 (Blood) – Oliver rescues Felicity, with the help of Roy and Helena Bertinelli:
Oliver: “I’m here. Where is she?”
Hogue/Brother Blood: “Safe. But for matters to stay that way, put down your weapons. All of them.”
Roy (over comms, from the roof of a nearby buildling): “Oliver, you can’t do this. She’s not here. This whole thing smells bad. Give me the word to fire before this goes even more wrong.”
Minion: “He’s clean.”
Hogue/Brother Blood: “I’m impressed. I expected more insubordination.”
Roy (over comms): “Oliver, let me take the shot.”
Hogue/Brother Blood: “Up.”
Roy (over comms): “Oliver…”
Oliver (over comms, softly): “Sorry, Roy. When Felicity makes it back… tell her I’m sorry.”
(Cut to aboard helicopter.)
Oliver: “Where is she? Felicity Smoak. The deal was her for me.”
Hogue/Brother Blood: “Yes, and it was surprisingly naïve of you to surrender yourself with assurances.”
Oliver: “Oh, don’t worry… I made my own assurances.”
(Oliver rips the Brother Blood mask off Hogue’s head and wrestles the gun away from Hogue.)
Oliver: “Just because I don’t carry a gun, don’t think for a second I don’t know how to use one.”
Hogue/Brother Blood: “And how do you think this changes your situation any? I still have your Ms. Smoak in my custody.”
Oliver: “And you’re going to take me to her.”
Hogue/Brother Blood: “Or what? I worked for Sebastian Blood, if you’ll recall. I know you’ve foresworn killing.”
Oliver: “I guess Sebastian forgot to mention what happened to the last person who threatened Felicity Smoak’s life. Take me to Felicity Smoak. Do it now.”
*  *  *
Lyla: “He’s moving. They have him turn over his weapons, but don’t check him for GPS? These guys aren’t exactly the brightest, are they?”
Roy: “I think smarts take a backseat when you’re crazy, Lyla.”
Lyla: “This particular crazy being Clinton Hogue.”
Roy: “Yeah. Former muscle for Sebastian Blood.”
Lyla: “He’s a little more than that.”
Roy: “What do you mean?”
Lyla: “According to this, (Points to screen) Hogue ran with a loose affiliation of thugs called the Renegades. They operate out of Blüdhaven.”
Roy: “That looks to be where Oliver’s headed.”
Lyla: “I doubt that’s a coincidence. If Hogue is working with his old running buddies, you’re gonna need backup.”
Roy: “That why I came to you.”
Lyla: “You came to me because without Felicity, you can barely spell ‘GPS.’ No offense.”
Roy: “None taken. But the Canary’s out of the country and I was hoping Diggle was here.”
Lyla: “He’s still in the field with the Squad.”
Roy: “Was afraid of that. Okay… I can’t believe my lips are actually forming these actual words, but… you have any members of the Suicide Squad handy?”
Lyla: “They’re not exactly… appropriate for domestic work. But there might be someone I could pull a few strings to get out of jail.”
*  *  *
Felicity: “You guys are in for a world of hurt… I’m serious. I’ve become something of an expert in all things ‘Arrow’. You guys are gonna end up on the receiving end of a butt-kicking I can only describe as ‘epic.’ You’re not listening to me, are you?”
Bartek Kuranski: “You always talk this much?”
Felicity: “Actually, this is me being quiet.”
Kuranski: “Y’know what would make you more quiet?”
Felicity: “A gag of some kind?”
Kuranski: “That could work. But I was thinking something more along the lines to a bullet to the head.”
Felicity: “Your head or mine? I vote yours.”
Kuranski: “You think you’re funny?”
Felicity: “I’ve been told I have a wit, but I really haven’t thought about it much. Wanna know what I know for absolute sure, though? I mean, complete and total certainty?”
Cyrus Vanch: “Stop wasting your time with her, Kuranski.”
Kuranski: “No, Cyrus. No, I wanna hear this. Enlighten me, Glasses.”
Felicity: “I’m being serious now. This is objective fact.”
Kuranski: “I’m listening.”
Felicity: “When he gets here, you’re the first one he’s going to put down. Kneecap. Bet on it.”
Kuranski: “Okay. Thank you.”
Felicity: “No need to thank me. It’s a good tip.”
Kuranski: “No, I’m serious. I wasn’t sure which one I should tell Hogue he should kill first, you or the Arrow. But you’ve settled it for me… you get to watch him die.”
*  *  *
(Oliver pushes Hogue and his minion ahead of him with a gun.)
Hogue/Brother Blood: “Your Ms. Smoak is inside. But so are my comrades in arms. There are more of them than bullets in thatgun.”
Oliver: “I won’t need all the bullets.”
Hogue/Brother Blood: “That may be true. But I have God on my side.”
Oliver: “I don’t care what perverted form of scripture you subscribe to, there’s no God who helps psychopaths kidnap innocent women.”
Hogue/Brother Blood: “Well, you know what they say… God helps those who help themselves.”
Oliver: “Thanks, but the only ‘faith’ I need is in this gun.”
Hogue/Brother Blood: “Oh, you’ll need more than that. There are four of my men and only one gun and one you.” 
Oliver: “Let me worry about that.”
*  *  *
Helena: “It doesn’t seem like Oliver to make that kind of mistake…”
Roy: “He didn’t make a mistake.”
Helena: “He must really love her to surrender himself like that, to a man who wouldn’t keep his word, with no assurances that he’d keep his word.”
Roy: “I don’t know what Oliver’s feelings for Felicity are. But he didn’t make a mistake. He didn’t miscalculate and he didn’t put his trust in someone he shouldn’t have. His last communication to me was ‘Tell her I’m sorry.’ It was code in case our transmissions were being monitored.”
Helena: “Code for what?”
Roy: “’Follow my GPS… Do whatever it takes to get me and Felicity back.’ And that’s what I’m doing. Is the Felicity of it all gonna be a problem for you? I need to know.”
Helena: “It’ll be fine. Let’s get Oliver and his new girlfriend back.”
*  *  *
Oliver: “To use a bow and arrow requires patience and discipline. The gun should tell you I’ve run out of patience. Take me to Felicity.”
Hogue/Brother Blood: “You really have no idea what is going on, do you?”
(Oliver strikes Hogue.)
Oliver: “I have a pretty good idea. What’s ‘going on’ is me asking for the last time. Where is Felicity?”
Hogue/Brother Blood: “First things first. I’m going to need that gun back. (They fight) Even if you prevail, the Almighty will protect me and will me towards victory. (Gets gun away from Oliver) You see? God provides me with all I need to triumph.”
Oliver (holding up gun cartridge): “Does that include bullets?”
(Oliver knocks out Hogue and ties him up. Roy and Helena approach.)
Oliver: “You’re late.”
Roy: “Sorry. Stopped to pick up a friend.”
Helena: “Hello, Oliver.”
Roy: “You knew he still had one bullet left in the chamber, right?”
Oliver; “Let’s move. Hogue will have reinforcements inside. Helena, aren’t you supposed to be in prison?”
Helena: “Temporary furlough courtesy of Lyla Michaels. Your latest project – that would be Roy – briefed me. You’re both assuming a lot, asking me to help you rescue your new girlfriend.”
Oliver: “She’s not my girlfriend.”
Roy: “She’s not his girlfriend.”
Oliver: “But she’s someone I care about. Like I care about you…”
Helena: “Then let’s get her back.”
*  *  *
(Oliver, Roy and Helena are on the roof, looking through a skylight down into the interior of the building where Felicity is being tied to a chair and surrounded by four men.)
Oliver: “Roy, what are we looking at?”
Roy: “Hogue’s old crew, you know, before he found the crazy. According to ARGUS, two of them are ex-pats of Starling City.”
Oliver: “I recognize them. Cyrus Vanch and Winnick Norton.”
Roy: “Street name’s ‘The Dodger.’”
Oliver: “I know. Dumb name. The other two I don’t recognize.”
Roy: “Lyle Bolton and Bartek Kuranski.”
Roy: “What’s the play?”
Helena: “Four bolts, four bodies, works for me.”
Oliver: “Things are different now. I don’t kill anymore.”
Helena: “Really? I’m pretty sure if the Count was still alive, he’d have something to say about that.”
Oliver: “That was… different.”
Helena: “Let me guess: He threatened the bottle blonde down there.”
Oliver: “It was her or him. I choose her.”
Helena: “Maybe after we save her, she can tell me what that feels like.”
*  *  *
Winnick Norton: “You look familiar. Have we met?”
Felicity: “Okay, even if I wasn’t tied to a chair, that would be the world’s worst pickup line.”
Norton: “Two years ago, I gave you a necklace.”
Felicity: “You put an explosive collar around my neck.”
Norton: “I knew we’d met.”
Kuranski: “Stow it. Hogue’s late. Something’s wrong.”
Lyle Bolton: “He’s not answering his cell.”
Felicity: “It’s the Arrow.”
Kuranski: “Shut up.”
Felicity: “No, I’m serious. I’ve been at this hero thing a little while and I’ve got, like, a sixth sense for when things are about to go south for the bad guys. The ‘bad guys’ that would be, well, you guys.”
Kuranski: “Hogue told us to keep you alive. Didn’t say anything ‘bout keeping you intact.”
Felicity: “Remember how I told you the Arrow would take you down first? Put one right in your kneecap? I forgot to mention… after that, I’m going to kick you in the junk as hard as humanly possible.”
Kuranski: “You’ve got a smart tongue on you. Boys… cut it out.”
(Oliver, Roy and Helena crash down through the roof skylight.)
Roy (to Vanch and Norton): “You two were before my time. Now I can say I took you down too.”
Helena (to Bolton): “I’m sure your suit does something cool. You won’t be awake to see it.”
Oliver (to Kuranski, who’s holding Felicity by the neck): “Walk away.”
(Felicity suddenly jerks her head backwards to headbutt Kuranski.)
Kuranski: “You cray b –“
(Oliver shoots an arrow into Kuranski’s leg.)
Kuranski: “Arghhh!"
Oliver (untying Felicity): “You okay?”
Felicity: “Almost. Just need to do one thing. (Kicks Kuranski in the groin) You can’t say you weren’t warned.”
(Oliver, Roy and Helena fight Vanch, Norton and Bolton. Bolton uses his suit to do something to knock everyone back off their feet.)
Oliver: “Felicity? Helena?”
(Bolton is using each hand to hold Felicity and Helena by the neck.)
Bolton: “They’re both fine, for the nonce.”
Oliver: “Let them go or I swear…”
Bolton: “Swear you’ll what? You’re fast but you’re not faster than electricity. I can lobotomize them both before you even think about doing anything. But I’m feeling charitable. Let me and my guys go, I’ll let one of your friends live.”
Oliver: “You’re insane.”
Bolton: “I didn’t ask for a diagnosis. What’s it gonna be? Blonde or purple?”
Oliver: “Kill the blonde. Just let the other one go.”
Felicity: “What?”
Oliver: “Give up one and you walk, you said. Okay. Let the one in the mask go. Do it now.”
Bolton: “All right.” (Lets Helena go)
Helena: “Thank you. Is he really that stupid?”
Bolton: “Looks like. But don’t ask me. He’s your boyfriend.”
Helena: “Yeah, two things about that… First, I was talking to him, not you. (Knocks out Bolton) And he’s not my boyfriend.” (Helps Felicity up)
Helena: “Hello, Felicity. It’s good to see you again.”
Felicity: “Um... yeah. Shouldn’t you be in jail right about now?”
(Oliver goes to check on Roy, who’s on the ground.)
Oliver: “Roy.”
Roy: “Hey. What’d I miss?”
Oliver: “Not much. Just Helena blowing off some steam.”
Helena: “Lyla Michaels let me out.”
Felicity: “Temporarily? I mean – I know that sounded like I was hoping it’s temporary, but – you’re not still crazy anymore, are you?”
Helena: “You’re adorable. I can see why Oliver likes you.”
Felicity: “He doesn’t like me. I mean, not that way. We’re co-workers. And friends. But mostly co-workers.”
Helena: “Does Oliver know that?”
Roy: “How long do you think these guys will be out?”
Oliver: “Long enough for Bludhaven police to respond oan ‘anonymous tip’ that they’re here. Ready to go home?”
Helena: “And by ‘home,’ I assume you mean – in my case – Iron Heights?”
Oliver: “I thought I’d leave that up to you.”
Helena: “Really?”
Oliver: “You know what you’ve done, Helena. You know what justice requires. So I leave it up to you.”
Roy: “Just out of curiosity, does anyone know how to fly a helicopter?”
Felicity: “Oliver does.”
Oliver: “I do.”
Roy: “Where’d you learn how to fly a helicopter?”
Felicity: “Same place he learned how to fly a plane.”
Roy: “Where’d he learn how to fly a plane?”
Felicity: “I’ll pay you cash money if you can get him to tell you.”
(On board the helicopter, Hogue suddenly attacks from behind the seat. There’s a fight and Hogue ends up falling out of the helicopter to his death.)


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Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 1 (Blood) – Oliver thanks Helena for her help in rescuing Felicity:
(Oliver and Helena are sitting at the visitors’ table at Iron Heights. She’s now wearing an orange jumpsuit instead of her purple Huntress suit.)
Helena: “He killed that guy.”
Oliver: “Well, it was a drop from 10,000 feet. So unless Hogue was secretly Superman, probably.”
Helena: “What’s a ‘Superman’?”
Oliver: “Inside joke.”
Helena: “So Roy kills someone. You’ve killed, what, at least a hundred men? I’ve killed only five people. (Off Oliver’s look) You expected more? There was Nick Salvati, there was the head of Triad, there were three drug dealers when I became the Huntress – with your help. And that’s it. I didn’t even kill my father, who was really the only person I’ve been truly interested in murdering.”
Oliver: “Your point being, why are you back here?"
Helena: "Like you said, I know what justice requires."
Oliver: "Thank you for helping us. For helping me.”
Helena: “Can I give you some advice? Don’t let that one get away.”
Oliver: “Who?”
Helena: “You know who.”

Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 1 (Blood) – To thank Oliver for rescuing her, Felicity gifts him with a bed to sleep on in the Foundry; he then gives her a bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1982:
(Back in the Foundry)
Felicity: “Hey.”
Oliver: “I thought you’d want to be home after everything that happened.”
Felicity: “My home is an absolute disaster after everything that happened. Plus which, I wanted to give you your thank you present. (Points to cot set up in Arrowcave) Whoa. I just realized how that just came off. I mean the bed is your thank you present, not anything that might happen on – that this is when I stop talking.”
Oliver: “What’s the bed for?”
Felicity: “Sleeping on. That’s how normal people distinguish it from, say, the floor.”
Oliver: “I meant –“
Felicity: “You saved my life, Oliver. For that, you get a thank you bed.”
Oliver: “Roy and Helena had something to do with it.”
Felicity: “Well, you’ve apparently given Roy a fancy schmancy new costume and Helena freaks me out a little.”
Oliver: “Which reminds me… (Takes wine bottle from suitcase) It took a little while to find and, y’know, pay for.”
Felicity: “This is –“
Oliver: “A bottle from the case Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1982 my ‘friend’ had been offering as the ‘reward’ for his ‘scavenger hunt.’”
Felicity: “The Blackhawk Squad security group. I remember this… There was never a scavenger hunt, was there?”
Oliver: “No scavenger hunt, no case, not even a bottle. Which is why this took so long to find.”
Felicity: “You have a corkscrew somewhere?”
Oliver: “Kinda. You sure you don’t want to lay it down, you know, for later?”
Felicity: “I’d rather drink it now with the guy who gave it to me.”
Oliver: “I can arrange that. Hold the bottle out.”
Felicity: “Okay, why –“
(Oliver shoots cork off bottle with arrow.)
Oliver: “Corkscrew.”
Felicity: “Should I even ask about glasses?”


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Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 3 (Green, script by Marc Guggenheim and Brian Ford Sullivan) – After meeting with Walter and Ned at QC to talk about the upcoming Board meeting on October 8th, Oliver leaves the building and is attacked by Caleb Green, who has enhanced strength; when police intervene and are attacked by Caleb, Oliver takes off his suit jacket, puts on a hockey mask to disguise his identity and steps in to help the police, armed with only a baseball bat and his bow & arrow:
Diggle: “Where’s Oliver?”
Felicity: “Queen Consolidated meeting with Walter about getting the company back.”
Roy: “How’s the Suicide Squad doing?”
Diggle: “Down a member. Is that a bed? ‘Cause I swear, I think I could sleep for a week.”
Felicity: “I don’t think that’s gonna happen. Look.”
(Screen shows news footage of man in his shirtsleeves and wearing a hockey mask fighting Caleb on the street.)
Roy: “Is that –“
Diggle: “Oliver? Looks like. Why is Oliver wearing a hockey mask?”

Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 3 (Green) – When the cops surround hockey-masked Oliver and Roy, who’s in his Arsenal suit, Felicity uses a voice modulator to impersonate the police captain’s voice and orders the cops to let them go free; and Felicity identifies Oliver’s attacker:
Roy: “That was unexpected.”
Oliver: “Guess we’ve got someone… looking out for us.”
*  *  *
(Back in the Foundry)
Roy: “That was you?”
Felicity: “I’ve been working on a voice modulator, well, more of a voice impersonator.”
Roy: “Did you know about this?”
Oliver: “I knew Felicity would find a way somehow.”
(Oliver looks at the hockey mask.)
Diggle: “Thinking of a new look?”
Oliver: “Maybe you’re the one who could use a mask.”
Diggle: “Not in this lifetime.”
Felicity: “I hate to break up the post-fight banter, but who the hell was that guy? And why was he after the Arrow? And, let’s not forget, how did he get Mirakuru strong?”
Oliver: “He wasn’t after the Arrow. He was after Oliver Queen."
Diggle: “You think he knows you’re both the same person?”
Oliver: “No. It was more like I was going to be collateral damage in whatever revenge he was looking for.”
Roy: “That’s not exactly comforting.”
Felicity: “That still doesn’t explain how he got Slade Wilson cooties.”
Roy: “Hogue. When we were looking for you in Hogue’s church, we found a dead Mirakuru guy. No way that’s a coincidence.”
Oliver: “Hogue’s gone. This is something different.”
Diggle: “Wouldn’t be the first time someone came looking for you from beyond the grave, Oliver.”
Felicity: “Oliver’s right. Facial recognition just finished. Our rampaging crazy man is Caleb Green. His father William worked for Queen Consolidated.”
Oliver: “Green. Why do I know that name?”
Felicity: “He was laid off six years ago. Ended up taking it out on his wife. It was all over the news right before you -”
Oliver: “Ended up on Lian Yu.”
Roy: “And Caleb?”
Felicity: “He was the only witness to his mother’s murder. He’s been in and out of psychiatric facilities ever since.”
Diggle: “So we’ve got the deranged son of a murderer walking around with superpowers. Wonderful.”
Oliver: “Caleb said ‘he’ took everything. That’s why Green attacked me.”
Roy: “Care to share with the rest of the class.”
Oliver: “He blames my father. If Robert never fired William, he wouldn’t have killed his mother. Except my father’s dead, too. So he blames me.”
Diggle: “That’s some twisted logic.”
Felicity: “It’s been my experience that a little Mirakuru helps with that. Oliver, what are we going to do to stop him?”
Oliver: “We’re not going to stop him. We’re going to cure him.”
Felicity: “And how do you suggest we do that? We used every ounce of the cure to stop Slade’s siege a few months ago.”
Roy: “What about me? There’s gotta be some cure left floating around in my system, right?”
Felicity: “Not after all the blood transfusions I had to put you through after you flew the very unfriendly skies.”
Oliver: “That leaves just one other option.”
Diggle: “Oliver, you can’t be serious…”
Oliver: “I spent my first year back from the island atoning for my father’s sins. Looks like I’ve got one more left. Roy, you coming?”
Roy: “Are you kidding? I think I’m the only one who hasn’t seen it.”
Oliver: “Bring your entire arsenal… Lian Yu is a dangerous place.”
*  *  *
(Oliver and Roy go to visit Slade Wilson in ARGUS prison on Lian Yu. Slade is still hostile to Oliver. Oliver manages to get a sample of Slade’s blood, but not until after a fight and Oliver sticking an arrow in Slade’s leg.)


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Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 3 (Green) – Laurel tells Oliver about Caleb Green paying her a visit, when he told her he was one of Oliver’s friends from high school:
(In the Foundry)
Laurel: “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to being down here.”
Oliver: “That makes two of us. Kidding.”
Laurel: “You don’t ‘kid.’ Who knows? Maybe I’ll wear a mask of my own someday.”
Oliver: “Now you better be the one who’s kidding.” So what brings you by?”
Laurel: “A friend of yours came to my office.”
Oliver: “I don’t have any friends. (Off her look) Other friends.”
Laurel: “He said he knew you from school.”
Oliver: “Who did?”
Laurel: “Caleb Green.”
Oliver: “Did he hurt you? Are you okay?”
Laurel: “Why wouldn’t I be? He seems a little odd... but he’s harmless.”
Oliver: “No, Laurel. He isn’t.” (Shows her footage of Caleb rampaging through the city streets and using his enhanced strength to up-end cars.)
Laurel: “Oh my God. Is that –?”
Oliver: “Mirakuru. As best we can figure. If it is, I have a cure. We’ve been looking all over Starling for him. Felicity’s come up empty. Roy’s been hitting the streets. But so far, nothing. I never planned on him just walking right into your office.”
Laurel: “He said he had a present for you.”
Oliver: “His last ‘present’ broke the road next to my head. What’s this?”
Laurel: “I was hoping you could tell me.” (Holds out a piece of broken wood)
Oliver: “Oh my God…”
Laurel: “What? What is it?”
Oliver: “You don’t recognize this?”
Laurel: “Should I?”
Oliver: “It’s custom made. Hand carved. It’s from a staircase. One of the staircases in my house. He’s in my house.”


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Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 3 (Green) – Oliver goes to the old Queen Mansion and finds a kidnapped Laurel there with Caleb Green, who sets the mansion on fire:
(In the Foundry)
Diggle: “It’s gonna be okay, Felicity.”
Felicity: “Oliver went off – alone – to face a crazy looney tune who hates his entire family and is – oh, by the way – hopped up on Mirakuru. This is not an ‘okay’ scenario.”
Roy: “This Caleb Green probably isn’t even in Oliver’s old house.”
Felicity: “It’s more like a mansion. Not that that’s particularly relevant at the moment.”
Diggle: “Point being, Oliver can take care of himself. And he’s got the Mirakuru cure you worked up from Slade Wilson’s blood.”
Felicity: “He should’ve taken you and Roy with him.”
Diggle and Roy (simultaneously): “Oh, he definitely should have.”
Diggle: “But you know Oliver. His first instinct is always to go it alone. Fortunately, Oliver’s got a ton of experience dealing with Mirakuru nutjobs. Including Green. Don’t worry… I seriously doubt there’s anything Caleb could throw at him that he wouldn’t expect.”
*  *  *
(Oliver enters the empty Queen Mansion to find Laurel tied to a chair in the living room.)
Oliver: “Laurel…”
Laurel: “Oliver –“
Oliver: “What happened?” (Unties her)
Laurel: “I left your place and went home. He was there. He was waiting for me. It’s like the hundredth time my apartment’s been broken into. I really need to move.”
Oliver: “Let’s worry about that later. I’m getting you out of here. Where’s Green?”
Laurel: “I don’t know. He knocked me out. I woke up here.”
Caleb: “Hello, Oliver. I’m glad you could join the party.” (Shoots a gun)
*  *  *
(Oliver and Laurel are now both tied to chairs, back to back, inside the Queen Mansion.)
Caleb: “Sleeping Beauty awakes. You can take a bullet, Oliver. And throw a punch. Those five years on a deserted island seem to’ve toughened you up some.”
Oliver: “You have no idea.”
Caleb: “Attacking you in the middle of the street, in broad daylight… that was an error. That was me getting ahead of myself.”
Oliver: “You’re not well, Caleb. You’ve been injected with a serum, it’s called Mirakuru. It messes with your head –“
Caleb: “How do you know so much about it? One thing I’ve always wondered… Five years ago [tv echo: clearly an error], the Arrow started jumping off rooftops… right after you got back from the island. Coincidence? I guess the Mirakuru didn’t ‘mess with my head’ too much. Truth be told – and I’m a truth teller – I kind of had a few ‘mental health issues’ long before I became Hogue’s science experiment. Really. I had something of a nervous breakdown. Institutionalized for a little while. Helluva place. I forget the name. ‘Ark’ something. Point being, if I’m a little unhinged it has nothing to do with the Mirakuru and everything to do with your father driving mine to kill my mother and then kill himself. That’s why I invited your friend to our reunion. You should feel what it’s like to watch someone you love die.”
Oliver: “You want revenge? Fine. Let her go and you can take your best shot.”
Caleb: “Dad’s little boy. Captain of Industry’s son. You actually think this is a negotiation?”
Oliver: “If you know I’m the Arrow, you know what I can do. If you want any chance of leaving this house alive, let Laurel go.”
Caleb: “What makes you think I want to leave here alive? You’re wrong again, Oliver. I don’t plan on leaving here alive. I don’t want to. I want to stay… and watch as your house kills you.”
(Caleb has set the Queen Mansion on fire. The top floor is already spewing flames.)
Caleb: “Your father burned my family to ashes. Seems only fair I do the same to your family’s mansion.”
Oliver: “Almost three years ago now, I returned to Starling City. Some idiot kidnapped me and tied me to a chair. Just like how you’ve got me tied up now. Want to know what happened? This.”
(Oliver has gotten out of his bonds. He leaps out of his chair and punches Caleb in the stomach. They fight, but Caleb has super strength and gets the better of Oliver.)
Caleb: “Stop trying to make me kill you, Oliver. I want you alive enough to burn to death. Maybe if you were just paralyzed. (Oliver pulls out a syringe arrow) What’s this now? Something to knock me out? Or knock out the Mirakuru maybe? I don’t think so.” (Crushes the syringe arrow)
(Upstairs beams start falling from the ceiling.)
Oliver: “Laurel… get ready to move.”
(As the ceiling collapses, Oliver grabs Laurel and pulls her to safety.)
Oliver: “Laurel… head to the kitchen. Remember the servants’ entrance? Get out that way.”
Laurel: “I’m not leaving you.”
Oliver: “And I’m not debating. Go!”
(She runs off. Oliver searches for Caleb among the burning rubble.)
Oliver: “Caleb… We can’t stay here. Caleb?”
(They fight again.)
Caleb: “You fight with heart. More than your father had, at least.”
Oliver: “You never knew my father.”
Caleb: “Either way, say ‘hello’ for me.”
(Just as he’s about to hit Oliver with a wood plank, Laurel stabs him in the back.)
Laurel: “Good thing you didn’t get rid of all the knives in the kitchen.”
Oliver: “I told you to get away.”
Laurel: “And I didn’t listen, clearly.”
Oliver: “Laurel. (Caleb pulls out the knife and attacks them) Laurel, go! Go now!” 
(She runs outside and watches as the Queen Mansion collapses in flames.)
Laurel: “Ollie… Ollie? Ollie! Ollie!
(She sees Caleb lying among the rubble, with a wood beam through his chest.)
Caleb (weakly): “He… he…”
Laurel: “Oh my God.”
Caleb (weakly): “He… he’s dead. Oliver Queen… is dead.”
Laurel: “Oliver? Oliver!
Oliver (climbing out of the rubble): “It’s okay. I’m okay.”
Laurel (hugging him): “Caleb – he said you were dead.”
Oliver: “Where is he?”
Laurel: “There.”
Oliver: “Stay back.”
Laurel: “Oliver.”
Caleb (dying): “Still… alive. The Queen family. So… lucky.”
Oliver: “Don’t move. Laurel, call 9-1-1.”
Caleb (dying): “Don’t… Too late for me. Live with it. The guilt. Of what your family did… to my family. You think – you think you’re some kind of hero now. You think… whatever you do… in that hood… It can’t make up for what… for what you’ve done. For what your family’s done. Your father was a… a thief. He put hundreds of people out of work. He ruined families. Ruined lives. And your mother… helped destroy the Glades. But I bet… I bet they knew who they were. Not like you. I know who you were before that boat went down. Selfish. Only out for… for yourself. No hood… no mask can change that. I tried to kill you, but… but I couldn’t. So you live. You live with who you are. You live… live with what you….” (Dies)


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Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 3 (Green) – Felicity is helping Oliver study up for his presentation to the QC board, but he is distracted, so Felicity gives him a pep talk and serves him some 'truth tea':
(One week later - Oliver and Felicity are at Felicity's apartment.)
Felicity: “Alright… fiduciary duty.”
Oliver: “…”
Felicity: “Actually, the correct answer is the legal obligation to act in another party’s interests. Are you okay? I ask because instead of acting like a guy who’s trying to cram three years of business school into a couple of weeks in hopes of getting his family’s company back, you seem like a guy who, well, isn’t.”
Oliver: “I guess my head’s not in the game tonight.”
Felicity: “And last night? Or the night before that?”
Oliver: “Any night. I’m sorry you’ve been wasting your time, Felicity. That’s not fair of me. Particularly since I know you’ve been busy job hunting.”
Felicity: “So you’re saying you don’t want to try to get Queen Consolidated back?”
Oliver: “I’m saying… I don’t know what I want.”
Felicity: “This sudden disinterest, it’s Caleb Green related, isn’t it?”
Oliver: “How’d you -?”
Felicity: “I can read you like a book, Oliver. And not War & Peace, either.  Like one of those ‘Easy Reader’ books with huge print and lots of pictures. I know it’s your first instinct to be all, ‘Grr. I’ll tough it out on my own. Grr. Manly.’ But if you’d open up, I think you’d find I have a pretty sympathetic ear. The left one. The right’s a little callous.”
Oliver: “Before Green died… He reminded me of who I am: A selfish and self-centered child of privilege. Taking Queen Consolidated back is just another indication that he’s right.”
Felicity: “Hang on a sec. I don’t mean to be the Grammar Nazi here, but I’ve got to quibble with your whole use of the present tense, just then. You’re not selfish or self-centered, Oliver. You’ve been giving yourself over to this city for over two years now. You’ve saved hundreds of lives. Including mine.”
Oliver: “Green said it didn’t matter how many people I saved, I was still me.”
Felicity: “And you believed him? A Grade-A, Mirakuru-spiked whackadoodle? You really might be too dumb to get your family’s company back.”
Oliver: “Hey- “
Felicity: “Tough love. Er, tough platonic love, I mean. As friends. Friendly. Ugh, I wish I could sew my lips closed. Is there anyone who does that?”
*  *  *
Felicity: “Look, here’s the point I’m really trying to make – You’re a hero. Maybe you weren’t before. Caleb Green was right about who you were before the Queen’s Gambit went down. But since then, you’ve become someone else. You’ve become something else. And make no mistake, that something else… is a hero.  If you were the man Caleb Green says you are, do you think John and Roy would follow you into battle? If you were the man Caleb Green says you are, you wouldn’t have inspired a team. You wouldn’t have inspired me.  And all of us – including you – wouldn’t fight every single day to make this city a better place.  And you have to admit, it’s a pretty amazing city.”


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Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 3 (Green) – Sara attempts to kill Malcolm:
(On a rooftop at night in Starling City)
Malcolm: “Hello, Miss Lance. I don’t believe we’ve met. My name is Malcolm Merlyn.”
Sara: “Then you’re the man I’m here to kill.”
Malcolm: “Yes, your surveillance of me has been sloppy. But you’re not going to kill me. You’re going to solve a problem for me.”
Sara: “Okay. I’ll help you.”
Malcolm: “Hmm. That was surprisingly easy.”
Sara: “I’m going to solve all your problems.”
Malcolm: “I only need you to solve one: the deathmark R’as has placed on my head.”
Sara: “Oh. That’s right at the top of my list… I’m going to bring you back to Nanda Parbat and force you down onto your knees in front of Ra’s.” 
(They fight.)
Malcolm: “You have more of a sense of humor than I’d heard. It was nice meeting you, Sara. (Knocks her out with a kick) Thank ou for giving me some much-needed clarity on my course of action.”

(tv echo: It makes no sense that Malcolm and Sara have never met before now or that they wouldn't even recognize each other. Laurel grew up with Oliver and Tommy, or at least they’ve known each other for half of their lives. So presumably their families would know each other. And Sara is Laurel’s sister.)


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Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 3 (Green) – Diggle shows how well he knows Oliver and gives him some advice:
(In the Foundry)
Felicity: “I think you can take the Los Halcones off the board. Like, all of them.”
Diggle: “They’ll be back. The Los Halcones are the cockroaches of street gangs.”
Felicity: “Still, you’ve gotta admit, Oliver’s been on a crazy tear lately.”
Diggle: “No question. Caleb Green really got inside his head.”
Felicity: “You really think that’s it?”
Diggle: “You said it yourself. He’s on a tear. Every night for the past three weeks… Oliver’s determined to prove to himself he’s not the man Green said he was. With each gangbanger he puts away… each drug dealer… and psycho… he gets further and further away from the man he was before the Arrow.”
*  *  *
(Oliver and Diggle are having drinks.)
Oliver: “Are you done psychoanalyzing me?”
Diggle: “The night’s young.”
Oliver: “I’m fine, John.”
Diggle: “You’re living in the Foundry, training and sleeping during the day, beating the streets – and any criminals on them – at night.  It’s not good for you, man. You need some balance.”
Oliver: “I’m fine.”
Diggle: “If I had a nickel for every time you’ve told me that when it wasn’t true, I could buy your company back for you.”
Oliver: “Well, there you go. The company. Felicity’s been helping me study up. We’re gonna make a presentation to the board and I’m getting it back. There’s your balance.”
Diggle: “Oliver… you’re not getting your family’s company back.”
Oliver: “What are you talking about?”
Diggle: “Green held up a mirror to you. To your old life. And you’ve been running from that image for the past month. I can’t think of a bigger reminder of that old life than Queen Consolidated.”
Oliver: “I’m sure there’s a point in there somewhere, but for the life of me I can’t find it.”
Diggle: “You may think you want the company back, but deep down, you know you’ve moved on from it.”
Oliver: “It’s my father’s legacy, John.”
Diggle: “So was Green, in a way. That’s my point. You’re your own man. Charting your own course. Just think about it.”
Oliver (answering phone): “Yeah.”
Felicity (on phone): “It’s me. Roy’s got something.”
Roy (over comms): “I just took down three members of Vincent Steelgrave’s crew. Before falling unconscious, they had something very interesting to say about an illegal shipment of RPGs.”
Oliver (on phone): “We’re on our way.”
Oliver (narrating): “My name is Oliver Queen. After five years in hell, I have returned home with only one goal… to save my city.  Now, others have joined my crusade. (Pic of Felicity, Oliver and Diggle) To them, I’m Oliver Queen. … I am someone else. I am something else. I am… the Arrow.”

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I never read the 2.5 stories but they really drive home Laurel's resentment of Sara ("for you he wakes up") and makes her interest in joining Team Arrow seem more about being one of the cool kids than anything else. Her line about wearing a mask one day, when coupled with that scene from Crisis, does nothing to dissuade the view that she was playing Single White Female in season 3. It's a shame that none of this was explored in the actual show.

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This tie-in mini-comic was apparently a bonus in the Canadian blu-ray box for Arrow Season 3...

Oliver complains about Barry to Felicity:
Oliver (while doing the salmon ladder) : “He’s arrogant. A rookie…”
Felicity (working on a newspaper crossword puzzle): “Mmhmm.”
Oliver: “Reckless.”
Felicity: “Mmhmm.”
Oliver: “And just annoying.”
Felicity: “He does have the whole speed thing going for him.”
Oliver: “It just means he can get himself killed faster.”
Felicity: “That’s… um, cheery. Well, you’re both alive so I think it’s safe you two are a winning team. What do you say?”
(Computer beeps.)
Felicity: “Uh-oh. Reports of a disturbance off Fifth and Lincoln.”
Oliver; “How far out are the cops?”
Felicity: “Six miles south. You’ll have a 10-minute window before they arrive.”
Oliver: “More than enough time. Oh, and Felicity… I know twenty-two ways to put Flash down…”
Felicity: “Do you now?”
Oliver: “Well, twenty-one if he’s really pissed me off.”

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  • LOL 4

10 Comics About Heart Break That Will Destroy You
by Matt Amerling – on Feb 24, 2020


Setting up a long-standing controversy amongst the Justice League and fans, this 2004 series saw the JL facing an evil Dr. Light, who is suspected of murdering Elongated Man/Ralph Dibny’s wife, Sue Dibny. When wondering why Light would have retaliated, Green Arrow admits to new JL members that the original JL had Light’s mind wiped by Zatanna after he raped Sue to make him less of a threat and turned into the joke he’s known for being. Seeing the effect of Sue’s death on Ralph, the fact she was pregnant, as well as some of the other League members' reactions lends heartbreak to a book full of moral dilemmas.

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Crisis On Infinite Earths Tie-In May Reveal First Look At HBO's Green Lantern


One character who was notably absent from the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover was Felicity Smoak; Team Arrow's resident hacker and Oliver Queen's widow. Despite this, Felicity was said to have played a major role in the crossover, having located an artifact called the Book of Oa. It was through this book that Felicity found the first clues needed to start tracking down the Paragons; seven beings who were destined to rebuild the multiverse in the wake of the Crisis.

The details of how Felicity came to read the Book of Oa were revealed in Crisis on Infinite Earths Giant #2; the second of two comic book specials based on the television event. The comic revealed that Felicity (along with The Ray and Nyssa Al Ghul) traveled to Earth-12; the world later designated as the setting of the upcoming HBO Max Green Lantern show. From there they went to the planet Oa; home of the Guardians of the Universe and keepers of the Book of Oa. Unfortunately, the Guardians refused to allow Felicity to have access to Book of Oa, claiming that for a mortal to even gaze upon a single page of the Book of Oa would liquefy their brain and leave them begging for the release of death.
*  *  *
Thankfully, it was at that moment that the Anti-Monitor and an army of shadow demons attacked Oa, having followed Felicity while seeking to stop her from learning more about the Paragons. Soon every Green Lantern on Oa was moving to defend the Guardians from the shadowy invaders. During the confusion, the Guardian Ganthet (who had been the only Guardian to show any sympathy to Felicity) transported Felicity to the archive where the Book of Oa was kept and safe-guarded her as she attempted to utilize the cosmic artifact.

As the battle with the Shadow Demons raged on, several faces familiar to fans of the Green Lantern Corps comics beside Ganthet made an appearance. Chief among these was Thal Sinestro, once known as the greatest of Green Lanterns. Sinestro was seen fighting alongside the Green Lanterns Kilowog and Tomar-Re, with the three allies agreeing to a wager as to who could slay the most Shadow Demons. The battle scene which followed was reminiscent of the Battle of Helm's Deep from The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers, with the Green Lanterns calling out the count of how many Shadow Demons they had vaporized as the fighting continued.

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  • Love 2

I never read the comics, but if this is true, then OMG - I'm so glad Arrow didn't just copy and paste from the comics...

Green Arrow: The 10 Worst Things The Emerald Archer Has Ever Done
by Theo Kogod – on Mar 06, 2020


At the end of the "Hard Traveling Heroes" story when Speedy revealed his heroin addiction to his mentor Green Arrow, the older hero did not react well. In fact, he reacted abusively, blaming Speedy for his weakness and even striking the teenager for giving into addiction.

Beyond this obvious abuse, there is also the entire questionable nature of his having kid sidekicks. Green Arrow has essentially been recruiting child soldiers to fight dangerous supercriminals, endangering their lives and subjecting them to horrendous abuse. In addition to recruiting Roy as the original Speedy, he also made sidekicks of his son Connor, his sister Emiko, and a teenage girl named Mia Dearden.
*  *  *
Oliver Queen was born immense riches and has a sense of entitlement that comes from being born into a family that can buy and sell anything, including people's bodies. He used to be a party boy who slept around, viewing women as little more than objects of pleasure and beauty.

As an adult, he has outgrown a lot of his toxic masculinity, but there is still room to grow as he's been known to be a bit of a womanizer and to use some outdated terms to refer to women. His relationship with Black Canary has helped him grow, but he's broken a lot of hearts and been an absolute jerk to women.

In addition to just general chauvinist attitudes, Green Arrow has been less than a straight shooter in his personal life, having cheated on his partners in committed monogamous relationships multiple times. The most egregious example of this probably occurred when he slept with a woman named Joanna who was Black Lightning's relative, lying to her and to his current partner, Black Canary.

He has cheated on Black Canary numerous other times with other women too. Oliver Queen also fathered at least two biological children with women other than Black Canary. One of his kids he had with the archer and ex-yakuza hitwoman Shadom while the other one, Connor, was born before he met Dinah.


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The 2020 I'ds of March!


The concept is this - for the Ides of March, I tell you things that I'd have done in certain comics!!
*  *  *

I made this same basic suggestion a few years back, but after reading the excellent graphic novel, The Oracle Code, I was thinking about how important it was to have a prominent superhero in a wheelchair and if Barbara Gordon is really out of reach, due to her Batgirl duties, then why not Felicity? It works best if it is a prominent character and Felicity is A. a prominent character due to the Arrow TV series, but also B. not someone who is being used anywhere else and, heck, C. she actually had a period where she was in a wheelchair on the TV series, as well!

So I'd like to see her used as the new Oracle, including having her end up in a wheelchair.


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  • Love 1

10 Most Iconic DC Comics Love Triangles
Michael Austin    March 13, 2020


9/10   Black Canary, Batman, Green Arrow
While Green Arrow and Black Canary have continued to be one of the most iconic superhero couples of all time, that wasn't always the case. The two of them have had their fair share of rough patches.

During the Black Canary and Green Arrow's relationship, there was a point when things were getting tense. It was at that time that Black Canary, working with the Justice League, was sent to relieve Batman from his post. Upon arriving, she instead asked Batman to stay and the two shared a long, passionate kiss. Although nothing came of this, it was still a huge moment.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

LOL. Tell me again how these comics aren't soap operas.

The fact that it's the 10 most iconic ones as well is exactly the same thing they do on soap opera sites. And if nothing came of it then it's just there for random titillation and buzz.

Not to mention:

On 3/7/2020 at 3:45 PM, tv echo said:

He has cheated on Black Canary numerous other times with other women too. Oliver Queen also fathered at least two biological children with women other than Black Canary. One of his kids he had with the archer and ex-yakuza hitwoman Shado while the other one, Connor, was born before he met Dinah.

They would have been justified having more than one BMD storyline if they were following comics canon!

And anyone who says it would have worked out if it had been with Laurel instead of Felicity is deluding themselves, partly due to kid fathered during actual cheating in the relationship. 

  • Love 2

FNP Interview Special: Marc Guggenheim Returns
March 25, 2020

-- On the two COIE Giant tie-in comics, MG: "I wish - I wish we had more pages. I wish I was able to bring in, you know, even more characters. I would've loved to get the Huntress in there. Um, you know, but, uh, I was - I was - I was very happy with the finished product. And, uh, we're in the process of putting together the, uh, the trade paperback, which I think will be out - it should actually be a hardcover first... I wrote a - I wrote up a piece that sort of explains how it fits in continuity-wise, um, which was a fun little exercise, 'cause, uh, the - you know, getting all the pieces to line up, in terms of continuity, was not easy."

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10 Characters Who Grew Up With Superhero Parents (Who Turned Out All Right)
BY THEO KOGOD    MAR 27, 2020


10/10 Connor Hawke
Oliver Queen is the bow-wielding vigilante Green Arrow. He is also a womanizing self-destructive garbage fire of privilege and undiagnosed trauma. However, his son Connor Hawke is one of the most emotionally stable characters in DC Comics. The boy is incredibly zen, literally, as he spent years living as a Buddhist monk at an ashram.

Connor is not without his problems, including some abandonment issues over growing up without his dad present. That said, he is a straight shooter who can both live in the world and separate himself from the worst of it. After Oliver Queen died, Connor replaced his dad as Green Arrow.

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Two tie-in comic issues, Crisis On Infinite Earths Giant #1 and Crisis On Infinite Earths Giant #2, were published in 2019 (a deluxe hardcover edition containing both of these issues will be released on June 16, 2020). These comics include additional events that happened during the first two parts of the Arrowverse's Crisis On Infinite Earths (COIE) television crossover event in 2019 but were not seen on air.

Per MG, these tie-in comics are considered canon.

Felicity plays a major role in these comics. Pics of Felicity-featured panels from these two comics were previously posted in the Spoiler Discussion Final thread at the following links:

COIE Giant #1 - starting here:

COIE Giant #2 - starting here:


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COIE Giant #1 – Felicity is the narrator of the main comic and here is her beginning narration from the first eight pages (including cover):
Page 2
- Felicity (narrator): "Meet Nash Wells. But these days, he's known as 'Pariah.' Why is a longish story. Short version: He unwittingly released a guy called the 'Anti-Monitor'... and is now being punished by being forced to witness the destruction of every universe the Anti-Monitor is responsible for. Like I said, longish story. And yeah, there's more than one universe. Who knew? Turns out, I did."
Page 3 - Felicity (narrator): "My name is Felicity Smoak. And this isn't my first rodeo. 'Rodeo,' in this case, being the end of the world. But end of the worlds, plural? Yeah, that's new."
Page 8 - Felicity (narrator): "This is where I come into the story. I'm the cute blonde over there. No, the other one. The one behind the Atom."

COIE Giant #1 - Harbinger brings The Ray to the Waverider on Earth-1, where he sees Wally/Kid Flash, Ray/Atom, Felicity, Kate/Batwoman, Sara/White Canary and Barry/Flash:
Felicity (narrator): "This is where I come into the story. I'm the cute blonde over there. No, the other one. The one behind the Atom."
The Ray: "Flash? That's the Flash. I know him. Wait... If that’s the Flash, then I'm on -."
Batwoman: "Earth-1."
Barry/Flash: "We just got here ourselves. Seems the Monitor needs this ship - and us - for something."

COIE Giant #1 – The Monitor tells Felicity that she must fulfill her destiny:
The Monitor: "I fear that is impossible, Mr. Terrill. Your Earth... Indeed, all of your universe and all its teeming life... no longer exists."
The Ray: "And you are?"
The Monitor: "I am known as the Monitor."
The Ray: "No. You can't just destroy an entire universe. It’s not possible. Is it?"
Felicity: "Hold on one flipping minute. Does that 'no other [life?] exists' meme include Oliver Queen? What aren't you telling me?"
The Monitor: "Much, I am afraid, Ms. Smoak. But for now, sadly, you need to fulfill your destiny and come with me."
Kid Flash: "'Sadly?’ 'Fulfill our destiny'? Anyone else here not really liking the sound of that?"
COIE Giant #1 – Felicity and Nyssa meet Ray Terrill AKA The Ray:
The Ray: "Felicity, right? Oliver speaks highly of you. I'm Ray Terrill."
Felicity: "Oh, you're him. Ray, The Ray. That's what Oliver calls you. He's, umm, not really known for his sense of humor."
The Ray. "You, I don't know."
Nyssa: "Nyssa al Ghul, Daughter of the Demon and... friend to Oliver Queen."
The Ray: "Then you're a friend of mine. Good to meet you, Nyssa."
Nyssa: "Same."
COIE Giant #1 – Felicity is unable to get an answer from the Monitor:
The Monitor: "Before my anti-matter doppelgänger moves to a new universe, Pariah finds himself involuntarily drawn to it. With luck, before my 'brother' attacks again, we can discover that next world... that next doomed universe. And we might be able to mount a defense."
Kid Flash: "So we gotta beat up this Pariah guy and make him tell us how to stop the Big Bad?"
The Monitor: "Not exactly. We need Pariah to find Outkast, Pariah's anti-matter doppelgänger."
Kid Flash: "Why?"
The Monitor: "All answers in due course, Mr. West."
Felicity: "Oh nonono. Don't you dare disappear on me! Not until you tell me where my husband is. Hey! Unbelievable."
Kid Flash: "I don't think he likes to be interrogated."
Felicity: "And I don't like being ghosted. But if he won't answer my questions, maybe this ship's A.I. can."
COIE Giant #1 – Later, Felicity confronts the Monitor about Oliver’s death:
Felicity: "Mar Novu."
The Monitor: "This is not the time, Ms. Smoak. I am consumed with other concerns."
Felicity: "'Other?' How dare you? How could you? I hacked this Waverider's records... The man I love - who means more to me than a thousand universes - is dead and not only do you not tell me, you act like this is just another Thursday?"
The Monitor: "Oliver Queen died saving lives. And now we must act to save worlds. Outkast knows the identity of the Paragons --."
Felicity: "You just pick words at random, don't you?"
The Monitor: "The Paragons have the ability to re-spark the multiverse should my 'brother' purge its existence. You mourn your husband, honor his legacy. See that his sacrifice was not in vain. Find Outkast. Learn the names of the Paragons."
Felicity (walking out): "%$#@ you."
COIE Giant #1 – Felicity confronts Lyla about Oliver’s death:
Lyla: "Felicity?"
Felicity: "One question, Lyla. Did you know?"
Lyla: "Yes."
Felicity: "And you didn't tell me?"
Lyla: "I couldn't."
Felicity: "Because the Monitor --?"
Lyla: "Because I couldn't… I haven't been able to find the words to tell John, Felicity."
Felicity: "Oh my God, Lyla. The Monitor told us what was going to happen - that he saw Oliver die - but I - I -- I never really believed... I never really thought... What am I going to do now?"
(They hug.) 
COIE Giant #1 – Felicity tells Barry her plan to bring back Oliver:
Felicity: "Barry. Thank God. Someone I can talk to."
Barry: "Felicity, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry about Ollie."
Felicity: "Don't be. It's okay. Come with me."
Barry: "Where are we going?"
Felicity: "The reason the Monitor wants us to nab Outkast is because he - the Monitor, not Outkast - believes he can lead us to a bunch of folks who can - and I'm quoting here - 're-spark the multiverse.' Which means they can do the same for Oliver."
Barry (hugging her): "Felicity. C'mere. Slow down a sec. You've been though a trauma. You're in shock..."
Felicity: "I'm not. I'm focused."
Barry: "Felicity..."
Felicity: “Everything we’ve seen… all the resurrrected people we know... all the impossible we now know is totally possible... Boom goes the dynamite!"
Barry: "What are you talking about?"
Felicity: "Outkast's current location. (Looking at a screenshot of Earth-D) We find him. We find the re-spark, folks. We bring my daughter's father back."
Felicity (narrator): "Sounds like a plan."
COIE Giant #1 – The heroes prepare to go to Moscow, Russia, on Earth-D:
The Atom: "... Except for us going in so, well, shorthanded. I mean, tell me if I'm wrong, but none of us have what I'd call 'world-saving powers.'"
Lyla: "But you all have your roles to play. Including you, Pariah."

COIE Giant #2 – Outkast is not helpful in finding the Paragons and blows himself up:
Felicity (narrator): “Lyla – Harbinger to her friends (of which I am one) – takes us to the Monitor’s satellite. … And just when I think it isn’t possible… things get worse.”
Pariah: “It’s time, ‘brother.’
Outkast: “Agreed. But not for what you were expecting. Despite what you were led to believe, I do not know who the Paragons are… or where you can find them.”
Felicity: “He’s lying.”
Outkast: “Always, but not about this. The Anti-Monitor needed you to believe in order to draw all of you here… in one place. ‘Brother,’ I’m much more than just your ‘anti-matter doppelganger.’ I’m a living anti-matter bomb… powerful enough to not only destroy you and your Earth – but your entire universe as well.”
Felicity (narrator): “Felicity Smoak here, back after a brief commercial break. Far as I can tell – and I’m, like, real good at this – 76.6 universes are, well, kaput. (To use the technical term.) Destroyed by the Anti-Monitor. And if we don’t stop him, the rest of the multiverse will join them in oblivion.”
Outkast: “Brother, I’m much more than just your anti-matter doppelganger… I’m a living anti-matter bomb… powerful enough to not only destroy you and your Earth – but your entire universe!”
Felicity: “Guys… suggestion. Let’s get outta here.”
Outkast: “No. Nothing you can do… can stop Outkast.”
(Large explosion)
Felicity (narrator): "He's right. There's nothing we can do to stop him. Fortunately, Lyla - Harbinger (still getting used to that, btw) - has been gifted by the Monitor with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. Teleportation, in this case. And in an eyeblink, we're back aboard the Waverider. (Which, it turns out, is from a parallel Earth.)"
Barry: "Everyone okay?'
Felicity: "'Alive,' yes. 'Okay,' not so much."
Harbinger: "Felicity's right. Outkast possessed critical intel for our mission."
Felicity: "Yeah, that's one very dispassionate way of looking at it. Outkast was my last chance at getting Oliver back."
Barry: "What - How?!"
Felicity: "Long story. One the Monitor probably doesn't want me telling. 'Need to know' and so forth... And what I need to know... is how I'm going to go on without my daughter's father."
Sara: "Felicity..."
Barry: "Let her go, Sara... She needs alone time... to figure out what we need to do next."

COIE Giant #2 - In Earth-1's Star City, Felicity searches for the secrets of the Paragons:
Felicity: "C'mon, you stupid computer. The secrets of the Paragons are out there. Why the hell aren't you finding them?"
(The Ray and Nyssa enter through a portal.)
Nyssa: "Felicity."
Felicity: "Lemme guess... Barry sent you to babysit me? Well, that didn't take long."
Nyssa: "He is concerned for you. As we all are."
Felicity: "I'm fine, Nyssa. Well, not really. I'm throwing myself into work."
Nyssa: "That work being...?"
Felicity: "Outkast was supposed to give us the names of the Paragons - short version: super-folk who can 're-spark the universe.' Which I'm betting includes Oliver."
The Ray: "But what you're talking about here is very, y'know, cosmic. How do you expect a terrestrial computer to find these... what'd you call 'em?"
Felicity: "Paragons. But Ray, I'm just using my 'terrestrial computer' to hack into the Monitor's. He's got access to a lot more info than he's sharing with us. Including... Bingo! The vibrational frequency of the universe where the Book of Oa exists. Well, one of them, anyway."
COIE Giant #2 - Felicity seeks out the Book of Oa:
The Ray: "Slow down. Like, all the way down. The Book of Oa?"
Felicity: "According to the Monitor's records, it's a repository of all multiversal knowledge. Sounds like one-stop Paragon-shopping to me."
The Ray: "If the Monitor knew of this book, why did he send us after Outkast instead?"
Felicity: "Probably 'cause it didn't occur to him. Omnipotence is no substitute for good, old-fashioned smarts. ... The Book of Oa is on, well, a planet called Oa. Feel free to come along."
The Ray: "Nyssa? You know her best."
Nyssa: "And I know her to be impulsive and prone to emotion."
The Ray: "Which means..."
Nyssa: "Yes. She needs our help."

COIE Giant #2 – On Earth-85, at the Dawn of Time, the Phantom Stranger agrees to take Felicity, Nyssa and the Ray to Oa:
(The Anti-Monitor is fighting all of the major DC superheroes, including Superman, Wonder Woman and the Flash.)
The Anti-Monitor: “I have been awaiting your arrival here. Indeed, I have been disappointed that it has taken you this long to find me.”
Nyssa: “This is OA?”
Felicity: “No, this is where we’re gonna find the guy who can send us to OA.”
Ray: “Tell me that’s not this guy.”
Felicity: “No, that’s the Monitor’s antithesis – the Anti-Monitor!”
Ray: “Someone explain this to me. It’s beyond anything I’ve ever seen.”
Felicity: “It’s beyond anything anyone’s ever seen.”
Nyssa; “How do we stop something like – him?”
Phantom Stranger: “You cannot. Since the moment of his creation there has been no one in all the multiverse who could defeat him… including the heroes you see before you. But you did not come to fight in this battle, did you… Felicity Smoak?”
Ray: “He knows your name.”
Felicity: “He’s the Phantom Stranger. He knows tons. Including the way to get us to Oa. Right?”
Phantom Stranger: "Such is within my power, yes. But the Book of Oa was not meant for human eyes. Its secrets would overwhelm even the strongest mind."
Felicity: "How about you let me worry about that, Fedora? Because if I don't find out how to bring my husband back from the dead..."
Phantom Stranger: "You won't."
Felicity: "What –?"
Phantom Stranger: "I see your future, Felicity Smoak. The contours of it, at least. The path to Oa does not lead to Oliver Queen's resurrection. Nevertheless... I will take you there. For the multiverse entirely depends on you to divine the identities of the Paragons... provided the attempt does not drive you mad." 

COIE Giant #2 - On Earth-12, Felicity asks the Guardians of Oa for help and they are attacked by Shadow Demons:
Nyssa: "Where are we?"
The Ray: "Where we need to be. Oa."
Felicity: "Guardians! We need..."
Guardian: "Felicity Smoak... Silence! We know why you have come to Oa. Indeed, we are aware of all that transpires in all realities. You seek the identities of the Paragons. And yes, we, the Guardians, possess such knowledge."
Felicity: "So, you going to tell me, or is playing mind games with alien races how you bald little blue dudes get your kicks? I mean, if the Anti-Monitor wipes out everything, that includes you… But we can save the multiverse. Well, 're-spark' it at least. Whatever that means. I just need to skim the Book of Oa for a little info."
Guardian: "The teachings of Oa are not and will never be for mortal eyes."
Felicity: "Yeah, I heard. Don't care. We haven't crossed half of infinity to be told not no way, and not no how. The Paragons aren't just the last hope I have to save my husband... Who, by the way, bravely sacrificed his life to literally save billions of others... But they're the last hope the multiverse itself has to survive being blam-o'd out of existence. So you're gonna tell me everything you know and I'll be on my way, and you won't ever have to see me ever again. Well?"
Guardian: "For the sake of your sanity, and thus your life... Our answer must be... No."
Felicity: "What? You can't do that. You have to help me bring back Oliver. Please... help me. If you really were worried about me keeping my marbles… you’d give me access to anyting that would save my husband… uch less the multiverse. My point being, I’m stronger than you think. I’m as strong as I need – as anyone has ever needed to be.”
Guardian: “You arrogant child. The Book of Oa is written in time itself. A single page would reduce your feeble mind to but a puddle… And have you begging for the release of death. Perhaps the people on your minor world will listen to your self-indulgent prattle, but we will not.”
Guardian Ganthet: “Hello. Hope I’m not too late. I got tied up in all manner of problems. But I’m here now.”
Another Guardian: “Ganthet. You are late… as usual.”
Guardian Ganthet: “Well, just in case, I vote in favor of the Earth female.”
Felicity: “Yesss! I don’t know who you are… but you’re my new best friend.”
The Ray: “Ummm… urrr… guys!”
Felicity (narrator): “Frak! The Anti-Monitor’s foot soldiers – the Shadow Demons!” A.M. must have sent ‘em. So I must be getting close.”
The Ray: “Felicity, hang on tight. Time to blow this popsicale stand.”
Felicity: “Two new best friends. And it’s not even lunchtime.”
Nyssa: “People, the Shadows are closing in. I need backup. Now. (Fights Shadow Demons) Did you hear me? You call yourselves ‘Guardians’? Then guard your world. I cannot take on these things by myself.”
Guardian: “The Anti-Monitor’s Shadows avoid confronting us, but that wil not last for long.”
Another Guardian: “We will require reinforcements of our own.”
Yet Another Guardian: “Indeed. And they have been summoned. They are close. They are here!”
(The Green Lantern Corps appear.)
Green Lantern Kilowog: “Move it, Tomar-re. We got us some Shadows to smash!”
Green Lantern Tomar-re: “Remain focused, Kilowog…”
Green Lantern Sinestro: “Care to wager which one of us will take out the most?”
Green Lantern Kilowog: “I’m in, Sinestro. A hundred bottles of Thanagarian ale to the winner?”
Green Lanterns Sinestro: “I am so going to enjoy drinking my winnings.”
Felicity (narrator): “Pardon this sudden change of scene.”
Felicity: “Ray!”
Felicity (narrator): “To catch up, the Ray’s been protecting me by hightailing us out of there. But sometimes things don’t go according to plan.”
Felicity: “Ray, you okay?”
The Ray: “Felicity… behind you.”
Felicity: “Huh?”
Guardian Ganthet: “It is all right, human. I will not let those Shadows harm you.”
Felicity: “Ganthet?”
(Guardian Ganthet transports himself and Felicity inside a Green Lantern facility.)
Felicity: “Whew… thank you. That was way too close for comfort. This planet’s amazing. I can’t believe anything like this exists… anywhere.”
Guardian Ganthet: “Newcomer. But you’ll get over it. Even Paradise becomes boring after a while.”
Felicity (narrator): “’Boring,’ he says. How can any world like this ever become boring? It’s beyond description. A miracle. Which makes sense… because a miracle is what I came for.”

COIE Giant #2 - Guardian Ganthet shows the Book of Oa to Felicity:
Guardian Ganthet: "Behold - the Book of Oa."
Felicity: "Man-o-man, no way that's gonna fit into my backpack."
Guardian Ganthet: "Beware. Approach the Book without the proper protection and you risk losing... everything."
Felicity: "That's the thing. I already did. And I'm trying to get him back. What?!" 
(Felicity is getting sucked into the Book of Oa.)
Guardian Ganthet: "Felicity - Don't! Felicity!
Felicity: “Ahhhh!”

COIE Giant #2 - Felicity gets sucked into the giant book and sees images from the Book of Oa:
Guardian Ganthet: "Felicity!"
Felicity: "Oh my God! What's happening?!"
Felicity (narrator): "Oh, I see what's happening. I - I'm seeing things... images... from the Book. My past, present, and future."
Baby Mia: "Mama!"
Felicity: "Mia?"
Adult Mia: "Mother... is that you?"
Felicity (narrator): "They're all here. Everyone but – Oliver? Oliver? T-Take my hand... I can save you. I will save -- NO!  Nononono!"
*  *  *
Felicity (narrator): "I - I'm seeing everything...throughout all time... Time wants me... wants to claim me...wants to make me part of... everything... and everywhen. But Oliver... I... could be with him."
Guardian Ganthet: "Felicity! Do not surrender to time. It lies to you. It will not give you what you want. This is what I warned of. Temptation greater than the human soul. But you must resist. Forsake the time stream's temptations… and return to reality!"
Felicity: "R-reality... yes... yes!" 
Guardian Ganthet: “Safe… You could have gotten lost in time.”
Felicity: “Unnnhhhhhh!” 
(She’s ejected out of the Book of Oa.)
Guardian Ganthet: “If you had, there would be no way back.”
Felicity: “Nyssa… Ray… are they –?”
Guardian Ganthet: “Safe? Yes. The Shadows have been defeated. The Green Lanterns have returned your friends to their vessel. They widh to have you examined. To assure themselves you hae not been altered by your ordeal.”
Felicity: “I wasn’t. I’m fine. I don’t need –“
Felicity (narrator): “Obviously I don’t have a say in the matter. Ganthet waggles his little blue fingers… and bam! Medbay! Whether or not I want it.”
Guardian Ganthet: “It appears you are indeed unharmed.”
Felicity: “Told you. Now say goodbye to the others for me. I gotta find Barry.”

COIE Giant #2 - In the Waverider Library, Felicity talks to Barry Allen:
Felicity: "There you are. You okay?"
Barry: "Not really. I mean, Oliver and Wally... losing them both..."
Felicity (narrator): "Wally. I am such an insensitive dolt. Which is why this is so very hard..."
Felicity: "I know how insensitive this is going to sound, but believe me... it's what the multiverse needs right now... I need you to find a Lazarus Pit... and bring Oliver back."
Barry: "Oliver?"
Felicity: "Don't ask me how I know... it is the mother of all long stories... But Oliver has a destiny. And if he fulfills it... it could bring back Wally. It could bring back everyone we lost."
Barry: "How do you know?"
Felicity: "If I tell you any more, none of it might happen. The stakes have never been higher, Barry. You have to trust me."
Barry: "You know I do, but... while I'm trying to save Oliver, what will you be doing?"
Felicity: "Holding my daughter. Protecting her. And waiting for the inevitable... Goodbye, Barry. Hope we get the chance to see each other again."
Felicity (narrator): "Every cell in my body is screaming at me to come clean with Barry and tell him what I've learned. But I can't risk altering what's going to happen. What needs to happen. And not just for Oliver. For the entire multiverse. Every life that was or ever will be. Including hers. Mia. My daughter. A grown woman. Turning away from her... not letting her see me... not embracing her... It's the single hardest thing I've ever had to do."  

COIE Giant #2 - Felicity tells the Monitor about four of the Paragons:
Felicity: "Monitor, you said when I wanted to talk, to say your name. So let's do this. Yo! Monny! Talk! Now!"
The Monitor: "Felicity... did you learn the names of the Paragons?"
Felicity: "What? No small talk first? Isn't that against the bad guy rule book? I read the Book of Oa. It's written in time itself. Point being, as far as information is concerned... you have to just be happy with what it gives you. And it gave me four out of seven. Kara... Supergirl... is the Paragon of Hope. Sara Lance is the Paragon of Destiny."
The Monitor: "And the other two?"
Felicity: "No names. Just 'clues,' I guess you could say. The Paragon of Courage is someone known as 'The Bat of the Future.' The Paragon of Truth is... not surprisingly... a Kryptonian. But one who's suffered a greater loss than most mortal men could ever endure."
Felicity (narrator): "I don't tell him about Oliver." 

COIE Giant #2 – In Hopeport on Earth-1, Felicity tells Baby Mia that her father can no longer be with them and that he had to become the Spectre:
Felicity (narrator): "I'd like to think it's for the same reason I didn't tell Barry. ... But the truth is, I like giving Mr. 'Need to Know' a taste of his own medicine. However, I tell her. ... I tell her everything."
Felicity: "Mia, my love, your daddy can no longer be with us. But you need to know, he isn't gone. He's in our hearts...."
Felicity (narrator): "I tell her how Oliver's purpose has gotten bigger. More important. His goal is no longer to save a single city... But the entire multiverse. To do this, he had to become someone else. He had to become something else... The Spectre."

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  • Love 1

The Worst Romances in The DC Comics Universe


A good comic book pairing can lead to memorable storylines, character development, and are healthy for both parties involved. A bad comic book pairing is poorly thought out, underdeveloped, and sometimes just plain offensive. But this isn't a list of awkward one-night stands, these are three of the most offensively bad comic book romances that DC thought to publish.
*  *  *
Deathstroke And Terra 
A killer for hire and occasional anti-hero, the infamous mercenary Deathstroke has committed more than his share of bad deeds over the years, but one of the worst crimes he's committed has to be his manipulative romance with the then 15-year old superhero Terra. During the now iconic storyline The Judas Contract readers of Teen Titans find out that Terra was not only a villain sent to spy on the heroes, but was also dating and having sex with Titans archenemy Deathstroke. Modern readers might look at this pairing and see it for what it is: an abusive adult manipulating a vulnerable teenager. Teen Titans writer Marv Wolfman has explained his intention to reveal Terra as the true villain, and the one in control of the relationship. Recently DC wisely chose to retcon this relationship in order to mitigate the creep factor of a 15 year old being manipulated by retirement-age supervillain, but it's still uncomfortable nonetheless.
*  *  *
Arsenal And Cheshire
Green Arrow's ward Roy Harper is (unfairly) known for one major thing in comics: that time he became a junkie in the '70s as part of an anti-drug PSA. Another fact about Roy is his on-again/off-again relationship with the supervillain Cheshire (think Batman and Catwoman, but... more violent). The two of them had a kid together before the New 52 deleted her from existence, and it just so happens that Roy's relationship with his daughter Lian was the only redeeming part of their relationship. Lian actually dies shortly before the New 52 reboot, and this leads to the infamously bad Rise of Arsenal comic, where an emotionally distraught Roy tries to sleep with Cheshire but he's too sad to get an erection. Things haven't improved for the couple in Rebirth continuity, since Cheshire has resorted to attempting to sexually assault Roy on Valentines Day, no less. The pair are awful for one another, but for some reason writers at DC Comics keep trying to bring them back.

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Another Arrow tie-in comic that I neglected to mention previously is Arrow: The Dark Archer (released Aug. 31, 2016) - I had no interest in this comic because it's centered entirely around Malcolm Merlyn...



Set in the world of the hit TV show Arrow, actor John Barrowman and novelist Carole E. Barrowman pen the stunning, never-before-told origin of Malcolm Merlyn—the Dark Archer! In this tale in print for the first time, Malcolm retreats from his duties as Ra’s al Ghul to return to his secret research team in South America only to be met by a figure from his past who’s out for vengeance! Collecting all twelve chapters of the digital series! 

On sale at Amazon.com here:

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Did Green Arrow Really Kill A Villain in the Classic 'Night Olympics'?

Reader Nolino tweeted the following question to me, "Got a New Question..regarding Night Olympics (Det 549-550 / Alan moore + Klaus Janson) Did Ollie kills Lomax (the Punk Archer)? The story leaving the interpretation open."

Nolino is referring to the classic two-part Green Arrow back-up feature by Moore and Klaus Janson that ran in two issues of Detective Comics in 1985. The story, titled "Night Olympics," opens with Green Arrow causing a psychotic break in a criminal. We then cut to a brand-new villain, Pete Lomax, a nihilistic punk who just wants to cause death and mayhem...
*  *  *
We then see Green Arrow and Black Canary discussing the idea about how superheroes might have been too much for the average crook, hence that aforementioned crook who had a psychotic break when he was apprehended by Green Arrow. Oliver explains to his girlfriend, Dinah, that perhaps their presence has forced out the "normal" crooks and weeded out all but the psycho criminals, like supervillains.

As they're debating this, Lomax fires.

In the next issue, we see that he wounds Black Canary...

She survives and once Green Arrow makes sure that she is being tended to, he heads off after Lomax. Lomax, again, believes himself to be this nihilistic dude and he brags about hurting Black Canary, daring Green Arrow to come after him. However, WANTING Green Arrow to come after you and HAVING Green Arrow come after you are two different things, as Lomax discovers when Green Arrow stuns him and quickly disarms him with his shockingly precise shooting...
*  *  *
With Lomax now disarmed, he suddenly finds himself at the mercy of Green Arrow and he does not handle it well, fainting at the sight, which leads to Green Arrow making another pissy comment about how maybe villains really AREN'T that good nowadays...

Green Arrow then heads to visit Canary in the hospital and Moore concludes the story with a riff on the whole olympics motif, with "laurels" given out at the end...

Now, could you read Lomax as having been killed by Green Arrow? I don't see how, honestly. The whole thing is based around Lomax, when it boiled down to it, punking out and fainting. If Oliver killed him, dragging his body out would be really weird, right?

So no, Nolino, Green Arrow did not kill the bad guy in "Night Oympics."


Green Arrow's True Legacy Confirmed in DC's Future


... "An inspiration" is not one of the best descriptors for the Emerald Archer, as he is the character most expected to push the boundaries of superheroics; but within the pages of Legion of Super-Heroes #5, it seems the legacy (and lineage) of Oliver Queen extend out to at least a millennium.

Legion of Super-Heroes has expanded the DC mythos out over a thousand years. The Earth has been destroyed, and subsequently rebuilt as New Earth; there is a planet devoted entirely to Gotham City, and a mystery quest to find Aquaman's trident, which had become lost to time. A confrontation between the Legion and members of the Science Police escalates, threatening violence, as the Science Police are under orders to arrest the Legion. Before anything can go further between the two groups, though, Brainiac 5 appears in a hologram, and talks some sense into both sides.

Reasoning that since both the Legion and Science Police are  both on the same side, and hoping to achieve mutual goals, Brainiac says that both sides should cooperate to uncover what led them so close to trading blows, and to work "...together. Because, to quote Sir Oliver Queen the Eleventh, if not us, who?"  The use of these words, and that name, work to calm both parties enough for the Legion to regroup. The legacy of the Queen family name has a lasting effect even far into the future.


To date, Oliver Queen has no children, and his relationship with Dinah Lance is rife with breakups and reconciliation. However, trusting in the Legion of Super-Heroes, it goes to show that not only does Oliver indeed become a father, but it is a family line that continues for centuries, and continues to hold high esteem and weight even in the future. Since Superman and Lois Lane have since successfully transitioned into parenthood, and it appears that Batman and Catwoman are readying to do the same, superhero parents are coming into vogue in the DC universe.

The idea of a future lineage of Oliver Queen's that extends for centuries is not far from reason, nor without precedent. Arrow, on the CW, introduced viewers to Queen's children, William and Mia, who grew into their characters, and whose legacies the later seasons explored. Officially introducing Mia and William into the comics canon would garner some interest in the gestating Arrow spin-off series on the CW, which itself looks into the near future of the character and the entire Arrowverse. Either way, knowing that he is poised to become an even more well-renowned hero...even if it IS in the far future...will surely leave readers and fans eager to start keeping up with the comic book tales of the Green Arrow.


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15 Things About Green Arrow We Didn't See In The Arrowverse


Arrow may has had its ups and downs over the years, as Amell himself has admitted. But, as an adaptation of comic books to the TV screen that came to be spread over several series and several years, its scope was unprecedented.

It's only natural that some elements of the Green Arrow comics would change in the transition to TV. Here's a look at some of the comic book details we lost in the Arrowverse.
*  *  *
15/15 Black Canary's Inherited Gifts Didn't Make It To The Arrowverse
In the DC comic universe, Black Canary's power to strike with the sound of her voice was a gift she inherited from mother to daughter — Dinah Drake-Lance and Dinah Laurel Lance. Her voice is so strong she once made Superman's ears' bleed. In the Arrowverse, the Black Canary mantle has been worn by a number of characters, and not in a mother-daughter line.
*  *  *
13/15 Oliver's Comic Family Didn't Include A Sister... At First
In the comics, Oliver didn't have any siblings until the New 52 reboot added half sister Emiko Queen, who becomes Red Arrow. Thea Queen, aka Speedy in the Arrowverse and Oliver's half-sister on his mother's side, doesn't exist in the comics, although she is based partly on Mia Dearden/Speedy of the comic world.
*  *  *
10/15 Oliver Queen's Love Life Is Very Different In Print
The romance between Green Arrow and Black Canary is a major thread throughout the GA comics. In the Arrowverse, not so much. Oliver Queen has enjoyed the company of a number of the show's female characters, notably Felicity Megan Smoak - who never crossed paths with Oliver Queen in the comic book world.
*  *  *
9/10 Comic Green Arrow Had A Lighter Side To Him Than The Arrowverse Version
In DC Comics, Green Arrow has a sense of humor, and he's more of a fun-loving rich playboy than Bruce Wayne. He's not portrayed as a tough guy in any way - in fact, his girlfriend Black Canary is the better fighter of the two. The Arrowverse's Oliver Queen is a much darker, grittier character with demons of his own.
*  *  *
4/10  Oliver's Shocking Sexual Assault Did Not Appear In The Arrowverse
In one of the more shocking storylines in comic book history, Shado, a Japanese archer, assaults Oliver while he's delirious, and later has a son named Robert. It's understandable that TV's Arrow showrunners didn't want to introduce that kind of controversial subject. They turned Shado into Oliver's long dead ex-lover and mentor.
*  *  *
3/10  Oliver Lost His Soul... And Then Got It Back
Like most DC characters, Oliver Queen has died more than once, only to be subsequently resurrected. So far, the Arrowverse has killed him off, but he seems to have no intention of coming back per se. In Green Arrow (vol 3.) it is revealed that Queen's resurrection came without a soul, which he fights to regain so he can fight demons and save the world. (Naturally, he does).

15 Black Canary's Inherited Gifts Didn't Make It To The Arrowverse
14 Starling City Became Star City
13 Oliver's Comic Family Didn't Include A Sister... At First
12 Robert Harper's Substance Abuse Issues Didn't Make It To The Arrowverse
11 Green Arrow's World Didn't Include Batman's Villains (So Much)
10 Oliver Queen's Love Life Is Very Different In Print
9  Comic Green Arrow Had A Lighter Side To Him Than The Arrowverse Version
8 The Van Dyke Beard Has Gone In The Arrowverse
7  Green Arrow's Robin Hood Roots Have Vanished
6  The Arrowverse Never Saw Roy Harper As Speedy
5  Green Lantern Was A No Show In The Arrowverse
4  Oliver's Shocking Sexual Assault Did Not Appear In The Arrowverse
3  Oliver Lost His Soul... And Then Got It Back
2  Comic Oliver Was Outspokenly Political And Involved In Social Justice
1  Roy Being Raised By Navajo Becomes A Rough Childhood In The Glades

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  • Useful 1

Green Arrow: How Oliver Queen REALLY Got Off the Island


The Green Arrow may not have the most famous origin in the DC Universe, but Oliver Queen's history of being marooned on and escaping from a deserted island made up the backbone of the TV show Arrow. This series spread an expanded version of the character's origin story across five seasons, with the island itself also becoming a recurring setting in the present-day storylines.

Despite this narrative decompression in the adaptation, the Green Arrow of the comics made it off of the island in a far quicker capacity. While the events that transpired there still forged the spoiled Oliver Queen into the hero of Star City, they were also far different than what happened on the show. The basic story of Oliver Queen being marooned on an island and learning the skills to make himself Green Arrow before escaping was first introduced in Adventure Comics #256, by Jack Kirby and Ed Herron. Now, we're taking a closer look at Oliver's adventures on the island in both Post-Crisis continuity, as well as New 52/Rebirth continuity.
*  *  *
The first look at Green Arrow's Post-Crisis origin was a brief flashback in Mike Grell's landmark series Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters. Recounting his early days to longtime girlfriend Dinah, Oliver explains how he became the Emerald Archer. While on a boat one night with his hero, the real-life archer Howard Hill, a drunken Oliver is knocked overboard by a rogue wave. Swimming to a small island, he's forced to rely on his already impressive archery skills to hunt and survive. Though urban legend states that he fought off pirates on the island, Oliver only encountered two marijuana-growing smugglers. Already high off of their own supply, they confusedly refer to the green-trunked archer as "Green Arrow." Oliver easily captures them, before taking their boat, dropping them off at a coast guard station, and returning to civilization. This relatively low-key adventure was in line with Mike Grell's more grounded take on the character.
*  *  *
Andy Diggle and Jock would give the story a much greater emphasis in Green Arrow: Year One. Here, Oliver's marooning is part of a plot by George Hackett, Oliver's deceitful bodyguard who wanted him dead. Oliver found himself on Starfish Island for months, when he trained himself to become a deadly hunter. Unfortunately, he wasn't alone on the island, as the island's residents had been enslaved as part of queenpin China White's drug smuggling operation. Guilty over how he had treated others in his life, Oliver freed the captives and defeated White's gang. He downplayed the events of the incident to authorities to protect the island residents and keep history somewhat in line with Grell's version. Elements of this story would be used throughout Arrow, namely in Season 3's flashbacks. The villainous China White would appear several times in the first few seasons, and the character John Diggle was named after the book's writer.
*  *  *
Initially, the New 52 version of Green Arrow bore only the slightest of even cosmetic resemblances to the character that fans knew and loved. Green Arrow #0 by Judd Winnick and Freddie Williams III revealed that Oliver was sent to work at one of his father's oil rigs, which he subsequently turned into a party pad. Due to the number of high-profile celebrities there, it eventually came under fire by terrorists. The ensuing scuffle saw half of the rig destroyed in an explosion that saw Oliver knocked into the ocean. He would wash up on a mysterious island, and armed with only the bow that he had on him before the explosion, managed to hunt and survive.

In Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino's acclaimed run on Green Arrow, Oliver's washing up on the island with nothing but a bow was not a coincidence. It's revealed that the island was the location of the Arrow Totem, which belonged to the Arrow Clan. This was one of several weapons clan that made up  he Outsiders, with Oliver meant to be the next in charge of the Arrow Clan. Walter Emerson, the head of the board of directors for Oliver's company, planned for Oliver to be stuck on the island to prepare him to defeat Komodo, the current Arrow Clan leader. Robert Queen, Oliver's still-alive father, even tortured Oliver on the island, ensuring that his son would become the warrior necessary to defeat Komodo. Not much is known of how Oliver escaped, although it was shown that he spent approximately one year on the island. Beyond that, details such as the former origins' dealing with pirates and China White, are not mentioned and are likely completely out of continuity.

With DC Rebirth, Green Arrow has been one of the few characters to have his pre-Flashpoint history restored in some way, but his New 52 origin and the Lemire/Sorrentino run is still in seemingly in continuity. The history-altering events of Doomsday Clock may eventually be used to restore some Post-Crisis elements of Queen's origin, but for now, the character's official origin in the comics definitely wasn't a whole "five years in hell," as his TV counterpart did.

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I almost forgot - Felicity appeared in a story titled "Smoak Signals" in The Flash's S1 tie-in comic book titled The Flash: Season Zero (collection of issues #1-24 of the digital series that were released from Sep. 8, 2014 until Jul. 27, 2015). This story appears to take place during S1 of The Flash and S3 of Arrow...

Here's my transcription from that comic story:

The Flash: Season Zero, Book 2 (Smoak Signals) (Story by Andrew Kreisberg & Marc Guggenheim, script by Andrew Kreisberg, and art by Marcus To) – In Starling City, Barry Allen saves Felicity Smoak from a drone attack, and they discover that Felicity has an unknown nemesis:
(Felicity is at Palmer Tech, watching live video on her notebook of Barry Allen, as the Flash, fighting Hydro Hunter. She’s wearing her glasses, a pink shirt and dark pants, with her hair down. A caption reads: “FELICITY SMOAK Vice President of Computer Sciences at Palmer Technologies.”)
Ray Palmer (entering): “Felicity!”
Felicity: “Yes! What?”
Ray: “When someone says they want to meet with you at nine a.m. sharp, they only add the ‘sharp’ in case you thought they meant ‘nine-ish.’ Or even ‘nine-fifteen.’ Neither of which I meant. Otherwise, I would’ve said ‘nine a.m. soft’ or even ‘brunch-ish.’”
Felicity: “I’m really sorry, Ray. I just got... preoccupied.”
Ray: “What are you looking at?”
Felicity: “Nothing. Just one of my… cooking shows.”
Ray: “You missed a nine a.m. videoconference meeting with the prime minister of Japan to discuss upgrading their government software because you wanted to learn how to make fettucini alfredo?”
Felicity: “It’s long been a life goal of mine to learn how to make fettucini alfredo.”
Ray: “Life goals are important. Especially the ones involving pasta and cream-based sauces.”
Felicity: “I didn’t ruin things with Japan, did I?”
Ray: “Nah. I majored in handling prime ministers. That or particle physics. One of those. Call was rescheduled for tomorrow. Nine a.m… sharp.”
(Ray leaves.)
Reporter (on live video): “I don’t understand. What is the Flash doing?”
Felicity: “Barry Allen, if you die and I get fired… I will so P.O.-ed!”
*  *  *
Reporter (on live video): “Central City is safe… thanks to the Flash.”
Felicity: “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?! Why do all of your fights have to be televised?!”
(She is now sitting at her desk, still watching the live video news on her notebook.)
Felicity: “This is why Oliver and I do everything we do in the dark. And thank you, Lord, for my being alone when I said that out loud. I’m coming dangerously close to inventing the triple entendre.”
(Suddenly several flying, armored men crash through the windows of her office.)
Felicity: “Wha --?!”
One Armored Man: “Felicity Smoak.”
Reporter (on live video): “We are now getting unconfirmed reports of flying men in the skies over Starling City. Eyewitness accounts say the unknown aviators are heading straight for Palmer Technologies!”
One Armored Man (lifting Felicity up by her neck with one hand): “This is a 50-story building. Approximately 1500 feet. That should give you around twelve-and-a-half seconds… to reflect on your crimes!”
(He drops her out of the window. She falls down, but is caught by The Flash.)
Barry: “I heard you might be in danger. I ran right over.”
Felicity: “I can’t hear you.”
Barry: “Tell you in a second.”
(They make it back to the floor of her crashed-in office, but are instantly surrounded by several of the armored men.)
Barry: “Better make that a minute.” 
(He picks up Felicity and continues to race down the exterior side of the building. They continue to talk.)
Barry: “So… how’ve you been?”
Felicity: “Oh, you know… the usual daily grind. Spreadsheets. Patent filings. Boring corporate stuff. You?”
Barry: “Same. Family. Work. Running. And how are things between you and Oliver?”
Felicity: “Don’t ask. What about you and Iris?”
Barry: “Don’t ask.”
(They make it to the street on the ground and Barry puts Felicity down.)
Barry: “Any idea what these guys want?”
Felicity: “I haven’t really had a lot of time to mull it over, what with the broken glass and the shooting... and the sprinting down fifty stories!”
Barry: “If anything comes to mind, give me a shout.”
Felicity: “Will do.”
(A blast suddenly explodes the sidewalk right by them.)
Barry: “Oops! Not that way!”
One Armored Man: “Initiate pursuit!”
(Barry picks up Felicity again and takes off running. They’re pursued by flying armored men. One armored man zeroes in on Felicity.)
One Armored Man: “Lock and target.”
(The flying armored men shoot at the fleeing Barry and Felicity.)
Barry: “Geez! These guys really want you dead. Where to now?”
Felicity: “Turn left… I have a plan.”
(They enter a large wind farm field with many tall wind turbine towers. Barry puts Felicity back on her feet.)
Barry: “This is such a bad plan. Like Han-taking-the-Falcon-into-the-asteroid-field bad…”
Felicity: “Except that turned out to be ‘good’ because they got away from those tie fighters.”
Barry: “For like five minutes! Until Boba Fett was all, ‘I’ll see your “hiding in the Imperial garbage and raise you—“’” 
(Large explosion sounds as several flying armored men appear.)
Felicity: “W-why are you doing this?”
One Armored Man: “Felicity Smoak must die!”
(Barry picks up Felicity again and starts running again.)
Barry: “Wind farm chase it is!”
(They are pursued by many flying armored men, who are shooting at them. Barry suddenly stops and looks up at the wind turbine towers.)
Barry: “I’ve got an idea.” (Puts Felicity down and takes off)
Felicity: “Barry! Wait!”
(Barry races up a wind turbine tower, leaps off and grabs a flying armored man.)
Barry: “Time… to get… on these guys’ level.”
(He uses the armored man he’s piggybacking to attack the other flying armored men.)
Barry: “Sorry for the backseat flying.”
(He then rips the cables out of the back of the armored man he’s piggybacking and crashes him to the ground.)
Felicity (running up to him): “Are you okay, Ba – I mean, Flash?”
Barry: “Yeah. Just eager to see who could possibly want to hurt you.”
Felicity: “Not half as much as I am! So, who the hell are – (Rips off mask from grounded armored man) – you?!”
(The face of the unmasked armored man is a robot face.)
Felicity: “It’s just a drone… which means there’s someone controlling it.
Voice (from Armored Man Drone): “Your fast friend can’t be everywhere at once. We will finish this.”
Felicity: “And who is ‘we’ exactly? It’d be nice to put a name with, you know… not your face.”
(Panel shows the back view of a woman sitting in a chair, watching the live monitor feed of Felicity and Barry. We can’t see her face.)
Unidentified Woman: “You’ll know me soon enough, Felicity Megan Smoak. You and I are just getting started.”
Barry: “Cool! You’ve got a nemesis.”
Felicity: “I deserve a nemesis.”






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  • Love 2

Felicity, along with Oliver and the Suicide Squad, also appeared in another story (titled "King Shark") in The Flash: Season Zero comic book - here's my transcription from that story...

The Flash: Season Zero, Book 3 (King Shark) (Story by Andrew Kreisberg, script by Kai Yu Wu & Lauren Certo, pencils by Phil Hester, and inks by Eric Gapstur) – Barry seeks information about the Suicide Squad from Felicity and Oliver in Starling City; and Felicity helps Barry escape from an A.R.G.U.S. facility:
(Team Flash discovers that the victim, Dr. Gavin DeMarco, lead researcher at Brighton Medical Facility, was killed by a shark. Cisco attempts to hack into the Brighton database.)
Cisco: “Wow, their security system is better than I thought. Even I can’t hack in there.”
Caitlin: “Maybe I should call Felicity for her help.”
Cisco: “Excuse me. I can do it myself. (Makes phone call) Hey, Felicity! Quick question… Ahh, so that’s how you decode it. Thank you! (Ends call) … Voila!”
*  *  *
(Team Flash discover that the shark is a meta-animal and that there were five people who experimented on sharks at Brighton. They try to protect the remaining four researchers. Barry is injured in a fight with the shark man. The Suicide Squad, composed of Deadshot, Cupid and Captain Boomerang, capture the shark man, but have a run-in with Joe West and Barry Allen as the Flash. Cisco names the shark man “King Shark.” Barry runs to Starling City to get some answers about the Suicide Squad.)
Barry: “I’m baaack! And I need some help, Oliver.”
Oliver (dressed as Green Arrow, on a rooftop): “Not right now. I’m in the middle of a stakeout.”
Barry: “Who are you staking out? This will take two seconds.”
Oliver: “You know you could have just called.”
Barry: “I enjoy my exercise. What happened to that vigilante you took down that used the heart-shaped arrowheads? I think she’s back in town.”
Oliver: “Not possible.”
Felicity (over comms): “Oliver? Is that Barry?”
Oliver: “It’s no one.”
Felicity (over comms): “Oliver, don’t lie to me. I can hear that it’s Barry. Tell him I say ‘hi.’ And I’m free Thursday for that Carl Sagan retro.”
Oliver: “I’m not doing that.”
Barry: “Cisco?”
Felicity (over comms): “No, it’s Felicity! I hacked into your frequency since Oliver won’t say hello to you for me. What are you doing in Starling City?”
Barry: “I’m trying to get information about a female archer that uses heart-shaped arrows.”
Felicity (over comms): “Oh, Cupid! Yeah, she’s obsessed with Oliver. Tried to kidnap him for herself.”
Barry: “Felicity… This Cupid woman is now working with a team that’s called the Suicide Squad.”
Oliver: “Listen, whatever they’re doing – leave them alone... My guy’s here. Hold on. (Shoots arrow at the ground next to two thieves and then rides his bow along a grappling rope toward the ground.)
Barry: “I can top this.” (Runs down the side of the building toward the ground)
(Oliver and Barry capture the two thieves.)
Barry: “Whoahhhh!!! I got him.”
Oliver: “Like I’ve said before… speed isn’t everything.”
Barry: “Hey, it isn’t always pretty, but I got the job done.”
*  *  *
Barry: “Felicity! Just thought I’d pop over and say ‘hey’!”
Felicity: “Barry! Where’s Oliver?”
Barry: “Couldn’t keep up. What do you know about the Suicide Squad?”
Felicity: “I wish I didn’t know anything. Remember that boomerang I needed your help tracking? Well, he now works for A.R.G.U.S. with a crazy group of ex-criminals. Figuratively and literally.”
Oliver (entering through the window): “I told you to leave the Suicide Squad alone.”
Barry: “The Squad took someone and I need to get him back. Please, Oliver. I’m guessing you know what it’s like to be forced to do things you don’t want to do.”
Oliver: “So you want to break someone out of A.R.G.U.S.? A.R.G.U.S. is extremely powerful and dangerous.”
*  *  *
(Barry and Team Flash plan to break into an A.R.G.U.S. facility to rescue Shay Lamden AKA King Shark.)
Barry: “Oliver said A.R.G.U.S. is under heavy surveillance at all hours.”
Cisco: “Lucky for us, I managed to get a hold of the blueprints for A.R.G.U.S. and schematics for their entire security system… Okay, I may have had help from Felicity but the important thing is that we got it.”
*  *  *
(With Team Flash in a mobile van, Barry breaks into the A.R.G.U.S. facility. Instead of finding King Shark, he is confronted by Amanda Waller, who tells him that she’s made King Shark part of the Suicide Squad and that the Squad is on a mission in Coast City. She then leaves Barry trapped in a barred cell.)
Barry (over comms): “Any luck, Cisco?”
(The bars to his cell suddenly rise up.)
Barry (over comms): “I knew you could do it, man!”
Felicity (over comms): “Actually it’s ma’am… Oliver’s going to kill me.”
Barry (over comms): “Well if he doesn’t… I owe you one, Felicity!”
(Barry escapes and tracks down the Suicide Squad, where they’re using King Shark to intimidate their target. Barry frees the target and then apologizes when Waller tells him that the target was a dangerous terrorist who’s planning to destroy thousands of innocent lives. Team Flash then teams up with the Suicide Squad to track down and capture this terrorist. After the mission is over, Barry offers to help King Shark, but King Shark decides to stay with the Suicide Squad.)





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  • Love 1

Eileen Gonzalez May 28, 2020


... With every reboot, there are winners and losers. Some characters come out of it stronger (or at least alive-er) than ever, while others end up de-powered, dead, or—perhaps cruelest of all—with a much shorter holiday shopping list than before.

So what do you do if you find yourself childless and/or single after the most recent multi-universal dust-up? You have lots of options! Scroll with me.
*  *  *

Oliver Queen may be famous as Green Arrow, but his family life is famous for very different reasons. He slapped his first sidekick, Roy Harper, for being a drug addict. He abandoned his first biological son, Connor Hawke, at birth. His second biological son, Robert Queen, was the product of an assassin raping Ollie. Major yikes all around.

After the 2011 New 52 reboot, the whole twisted family tree was chopped down. Ollie was no longer Connor’s father, and he never even met his second sidekick, Mia Dearden. Robert didn’t exist. But don’t worry. Ollie still managed to treat Roy like yesterday’s trash. That’s staying true to your roots, GA!


Poor, poor Roy Harper. He lost his arm and his daughter Lian in Cry for Justice, and then went on a cat-swinging rampage in Rise of Arsenal. It was almost a relief when the New 52 erased Lian from continuity altogether. She wasn’t just dead anymore; she’d never existed at all.

The newly angst-free, child-free, dual-armed Roy celebrated his rebirth by buying himself a stupid, stupid hat and going on a road trip with his fellow uninhibited redheads Starfire and Red Hood in Red Hood and the Outlaws. I doubt it says in the comic that they had a threesome, but we know. We know.


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Comic Book Preview – Birds of Prey #1


Originally slated to debut as the first of an ongoing series back in October of last year, DC’s oft-delayed one-shot Birds of Prey is finally out this coming Wednesday, and you can check out a preview here…
*  *  *
Black Canary’s life has spiraled out of control: her personal life is going through the ringer and her band is in crisis when an old flame resurfaces only to flicker out and set her on an all-new mission against an all-new opponent. The only thing she has to be grateful for is the fact that she’s not alone, as Huntress finds herself on a collision course with Black Canary’s quarry at Detective Montoya’s urging. Meanwhile, Harley Quinn has resurfaced outside of Gotham City and out of the Suicide Squad, with a new lease on life that is sure to make everyone else’s life more complicated. And that’s only the first five pages of this high-octane, graphic novel-length one-shot that pushes the Birds of Prey far beyond their limits and puts them up against the most brutal crime syndicate to ever sweep into Gotham City! Hardboiled superstar writer Brian Azzarello and the bombshell art team of Emanuela Lupacchino and Ray McCarthy take the Birds into the no-holds-barred world of Black Label, and none of them will ever be the same!






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Alexandra Monir To Write First YA Novel About DC Superhero Black Canary
Dino-Ray Ramos   June 8, 2020


EXCLUSIVE: One of DC’s first female superheroes is getting the YA book treatment. Author Alexandra Monir is set to write the first-ever novel about the popular superheroine Black Canary in Black Canary: Breaking Silence. Random House Books will publish the book on December 29.
*  *  *
The upcoming Black Canary story is set in a near-future Gotham City where the patriarchal Court of Owls rules and where women are denied the right to work, learn and make music. They have been stripped of everything. At 7 years old, Dinah Lance hears the sound of a girl singing — something she was never meant to hear. Fast-forward 10 years later and Dinah discovers the power of her voice — becoming the legendary Black Canary along the way.  Fighting to balance her father’s desire to keep her safe, a blossoming romance with mysterious new student Oliver Queen, and her own need to help other women and girls rise up, Dinah wonders if her song will finally be heard. The book will include original song lyrics written by Monir, who has an extensive musical background.
*  *  *
DC Comics first introduced Black Canary in 1947 and appeared alongside The Flash, Green Arrow and teamed up with the Justice League. In TV and film, Black Canary appeared in the short-lived series Birds of Prey where she was portrayed by Rachel Skarsten and in Smallville she was played by Alaina Huffman. Black Canary appeared in Arrow and officially entered the Arrowverse via the characters Dinah Laurel Lance, Sara Lance, and Dinah Drake who were portrayed by Katie Cassidy, Caity Lotz and Juliana Harkavy respectively. On the big screen, Jurnee Smollett-Bell sang her way to the Dinah Lance iteration of Black Canary in the Warner Bros. team-up superhero pic anchored by Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn.


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Batman Secret Files #3 was released on June 9...

Green Arrow Proves He's Way Smarter Than Batman - No, Seriously


Come Batman Secret Files #3, however, we discover that there's one familiar and unlikely face who proves he is indeed smarter than the Dark Knight: Oliver Queen/Green Arrow.

Ollie is known for his rash vigilante ways, constant jokes and a knack for not being the sharpest tool in the shed. The League has ribbed him for it from time and time, albeit when he's with Black Canary in the field, he wises up. Still, even though he has his lair and a quiver filled with trick arrows, Green Arrow is pretty much just a sharpshooter with nowhere near the intelligence of Batman. That changes in the short-story "Hunters" when the dark archer known as Merlyn comes hunting.

Batman partners with Green Arrow and scours Gotham's rooftops as Green Arrow explains Merlyn was trained by Ra's al Ghul and is looking at Batman as prey. As they take shots at each other, the Bat jokes about Ollie's arrows while the hero reveals the cape's drag isn't helpful in the field, turning levity into a moment where Green Arrow seems smarter than he really acts. It comes to a head when the Gotham Children's Museum is set on fire and the duo realize there's a kid inside tied to a chair.
*  *  *
Ollie wants to strategize, as he knows this is part of Merlyn's plan, but Batman rushes in headfirst, knowing the predator is lurking. This frustrates Green Arrow, who knows the hunter so well.  He gets blocked from entering to help, since this was indeed part of Merlyn's perfect trap. Batman's arrogance has him thinking he can outwit the archer, but as he rescues the girl and tries to find a way out, he's shot up a few times. Bruce admits he should have listened to Green Arrow and knows he's placed the child in grave danger with his ego.

Merlyn has rigged the entire building to keep them in a fiery box, but just when it seems the Dark Knight might be losing the brawl, Ollie's electric arrow puts the villain down. Green Arrow broke in to save his comrade, and while he doesn't gloat too much, you can tell he wishes Batman had listened to him. Bruce is repentant, but he just couldn't waste time. Still, Green Arrow just wanted a few more seconds to make a game plan rather than rashly rush in. Ultimately, Batman uses his cape to wrap the girl up before the medics arrive, but he admits his faults in this case. Ollie knew Merlyn to a tee, and Bruce have listened. All Ollie needed was for Batman to play the sidekick for once. The two end up getting lucky, though, and Bruce clearly has a lot more respect for Ollie now.



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  • Useful 1

MBTI®: 10 DC Superheroes Who Are ESTPs


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) defines ESTPs as "extroverted, observant, thinking, and prospecting. They are known as the "Entrepreneurs" in a figurative sense, always one to crack jokes as they cycle from person to person at a party. It's time to bring these characters to their favorite place as the center of attention and highlight some of DC's haughtiest heroes.
*  *  *
6/10 Green Arrow
Despite the widespread success of Arrow which depicts Oliver Queen as a brooding, angst riddled vigilante who might only be distinguished from Batman by his body count, most iterations of the Green Arrow see him in much more amiable spirits.

Oliver behaves similarly in and out of costume, making him a reliable and charming acquaintance to the many powerful people he meets. His demeanor is contrasted by the Black Canary's, who is less austere than her CW iteration though notably more serious than he usually is.

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