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Green Arrow In Comics

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Rich people have all sorts of consultants and advisers to help them through their day.  (Even middle-class people like me have a financial adviser so we have enough money to retire.)  Oliver still had money, three or four million according to SA, given his lack of business qualifications he needs a financial adviser to help him decide what funds to put the bulk in because he wouldn't have spent it all on Arrow stuff at once.  Felicity was his former EA, it would have made sense for him to hire her to help him as he was doing the work to get back QC.  Maybe the IRS would have looked at it askance if he had hired her as a media consultant (and he really should have hired one to get QC back since he had the money) or personal shopper but as an assistant and for general IT work, why not hire Felicity, just as he probably kept Diggle on salary as his bodyguard.


The comics make it seem like all Oliver has that's worth anything is what's left of Moira's life insurance money - that would be actual cash, not stocks and other investments that would require a financial advisor. Yes, a billionaire should have had other assets, but it seems like all Oliver had was that insurance policy and the now worthless (at the time of the comics) QC stock. He wouldn't be spending that money all at once, but I doubt he'd be investing it - he'd want that money in a place where it would be easily accessible and he wouldn't be penalized for cashing it in. We don't know how much a "sizable insurance policy is," but we can assume was a lot, and if he's gone through so much of it he only has $4-ish million left, I'd say he's probably not in the greatest shape to be handing out salaries for fake jobs.


But the point is that a) he probably would've wanted to keep all of what he had available for Arrowing reasons, and b) the Felicity we know most likely wouldn't have taken his money if he offered it, because she would also want it available for Arrowing reasons. She'd put the mission above having to take a pain-in-the-ass retail job for sure.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Good issue this month, the Hal/Oliver stuff was fun, they're quite the entertaining odd couple. The addition of Katana to the mix was fun as well. She has no time for idiot boys. Nice Felicity/Diggle scene but Zahara continues to be a waste of space as a character, she's barely a concept at this point, I know and care more about Mia at this point.

So either Zahara ends up evil and seeking revenge on Oliver for whatever King does to her or she's so emotionally broken from the events that she leaves town/Oliver. The first requires much more attention and dedication then the writers are giving the character, the second just confirms she's a throw away character, designed to cause Ollie manpain.

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The Hal/Oliver as well as Hal/Oliver/Katana stuff was fun. I also enjoyed the Diggle/Felicity moment.

I didn't like the Hal/Felicity stuff, I felt it was unnecessary. Would have worked better if they did a call back to her crush on Cyborg. Had Hal flirt with her or think she's flirting with him meanwhile she just wants to meet Cyborg.

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Yes you do Felicity.


I loved that ending. 


And there was some discussion as to when this takes place in the Flash-verse - this is definitely post "Going Rogue." And this is another issue with these comics, because how would no one ever mention Felicity getting kidnapped by flying drones and, you know, HAVING SOMEONE SENDING ROBOTS AFTER HER TO KILL HER? Since this is part 2 of 2 of "Smoak Signals," does that mean that we're not going to find out who's after her in the comics? Is whoever that woman is behind it all going to be revealed on the show? And will it be Arrow or Flash? 



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So even the Flash comics have more focus on Felicity than Arrow the show she's starring in. Is Felicity going to get all her character development on the Flash? 


She was in a two-part arc that ended today. No clue what they're going to do with it. I guess they're going to continue it on the show since the Arrow season 2.5 comics take place in a different time period than Flash Season 0. If I had to guess, they'll probably finish this arc out on Arrow, since it took place at Palmer Industries and involves OMACs. 

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So. Ok. Felicity gets a nemesis but we don't find out who that is? So does that mean it happens on the show? Omg what is wrong with these people. I want to see this stuff. 

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So. Ok. Felicity gets a nemesis but we don't find out who that is? So does that mean it happens on the show? Omg what is wrong with these people. I want to see this stuff. 


I think if we're going to see who it is, we're going to see it on the show. 

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I think if we're going to see who it is, we're going to see it on the show. 


Yeah because I thought this was the final part of the 'Smoak Signals' arc, which means it's left open ended. They must introduce the idea of it in the comic and then it will happen eventually on the show. I hope. I'm not holding out for anything though. 

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Was it just me or was the woman in the chair red-headed with glasses?

I wonder if she has any relations to cooper and brother eye... Probably someone from her MIT years.

My biggest fear- that they'll tie her to Felicity father by making her a long lost sister... Because apparently my brain operates on a soap opera mode today.

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For those who haven't read the Arrow Season 2.5 digital comics (like myself), here are some reviews of those comics.  Frankly, I just kept reading about comic scenes that I would've liked to have seen on the TV show...


Arrow: Season 2.5 - Volumes 1 & 2 - Review
Posted by Lisa Macklem at Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Arrow: Season 2.5 - Volume 3 - Review
Posted by Lisa Macklem at Tuesday, January 13, 2015

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Now that the new version of Felicity Smoak is in the Green Arrow comics...


I wonder if, ten years from now, Felicity will be viewed as the comic book canon girlfriend of Green Arrow - like Lois for Superman or Mary Jane for Spiderman.  (And then Black Canary will just be Green Arrow's former love.)  And we'll have been here at the beginning.

Edited by tv echo
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In the New 52 version Black Canary and Green Arrow don't even know each other exist. So it seems the erased the past lovers part already anyway. I'm fine with that I'd rather BC be her own character (or hook up with Babs but that seems less likely to happen). Decades from now it could be Felicity and Green Arrow up there with Lois and Superman and the rest. 


However it is a different Felicity in the comics then the show. Comic Felicity is an assassin and hacker. Which made me think they kind of put Sara and Felicity's characters from Arrow into one person. Or they wanted comic Felicity to have some kicking ass skills. 

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I just read Superman/Wonder Woman Vol 1, Power Couple out of curiosity, and it made me start to wonder if in ten years we're going to have to remind people that Lois and Clark were canon once.


I mean, I doubt it, but if nothing else, that collection showed that DC is willing to put a lot of effort into that relationship, which breaks decades of comic canon for both characters. 

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Breaking up Oliver and Dinah in the comics I get. Adding Felicity to Green Arrow lore I get. Supes/WW escapes my understanding. I honestly have NO IDEA what DC is going for there. They're genderbended versions of each other, how much narrative conflict can you get there? I have all the power! Me too! My morals are good and inflexible! Mine too! I am the beacon of hope! Same! I'm a stranger in a stranger's land! So I am! Forever puzzled.

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There's a bit in that volume where Bruce Wayne tries to explain how really, really different Superman and Wonder Woman are, because Superman grew up on a Kansas farm and is therefore definitely absolutely deep down inside a normal guy who just happens to have powers, while Wonder Woman in contrast was raised to be an absolute goddess and accepts that, so, you know, Bruce Wayne and Wonder Woman are all not normal and Superman is all normal.   Speaking as a former five year old who once wanted to be Superman, not Batman, because Superman could fly and Batman had to hold on to a rope, I wasn't convinced by this, but I did read it.


There's also a bit in there where Diana is all worried about getting Clark a Christmas present since Christmas matters so much to him but it's really not her thing so she doesn't get it.  So you know, very different!


But it seemed clear from that volume that DC is taking that relationship very seriously, at least for now. They have relationship talks and everything. Also Christmas presents.

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I refuse to give DC money for this book, but now I'm tempted to find ~alternative means of reading it solely for that Bruce hilarity. Because if there's ONE person whose take on relationships I trust is Bruce. TOTALLY. /not

I tend to think Dan Didio is so completely scared shitless of what Diana represents, that the only way he can deal with her is by having her in the single possible relationship she can have that won't emasculate [from his POV] the poor sucker. Hence Clark.

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Supes/WW escapes my understanding. I honestly have NO IDEA what DC is going for there. They're genderbended versions of each other, how much narrative conflict can you get there? I have all the power! Me too! My morals are good and inflexible! Mine too! I am the beacon of hope! Same! I'm a stranger in a stranger's land! So I am! Forever puzzled.

I actually got it a long time ago: first in Mark Miller's The Dark Knight Strikes Again, where they have a daughter. And it seems they have become a couple after Lois died. There is also some talk how "mortals are fragile".


Then there was Kindgom Come and a similar setup: a dead Lois, a grieving Clark. 1+1 = ...

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This is an interesting article.  Arrow is only mentioned in connection with the writer's concluding question: "So what are your thoughts? Do you think we will eventually see a return of Superheroes to children's animation, or will Superheroes hereafter be targeted only towards adults?"


Top 10 Superhero Cartoons of this Century and Looking To The Future
Aderyn  Yesterday 1:29pm

Edited by tv echo
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Whoa... that DR pic!

Arrow: Season 2.5 (2014-) #11
The Suicide Squad takes center stage as Diggle joins forces with the likes of Deadshot, Bronze Tiger and new member Ravan to take down a maniacal warlord! Don't miss part one of our special "Crisis in Kahndaq" conclusion, drawn by guest artist Szymon Kudranski. 



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I'm starting to wish I hadn't bothered buying the 2.5 comics because they keep writing things I want to see onscreen. It's just annoying me now because the show isn't giving me what I want when clearly they are capable. WTF. It was the suicide squad this week and even though I prefer OG3 stuff, it was pretty cool. The story is building nicely now. Diggle actually looked like DR too and I could totally picture Deadshot saying everything the way he does on the show.

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I thought it would be interesting to know how the Green Arrow comics are doing from a commercial stand point, so I have been scouting the internet for some recent sales figures. Unfortunately, it looks like the hiring of AK and BS to write the New 52 Green Arrow comics has backfired a bit because sales numbers have been on a relatively consistent decline since they were given creative control over the series:


Green Arrow #30  23.577

Green Arrow #31  23.475

Green Arrow #32  23.602

Green Arrow #33  23.452

Green Arrow #34  22.927


Green Arrow #35  23,346

Green Arrow #36  21,842

Green Arrow #37  20,904


I also thought it would be interesting to see the sales figures for the Arrow Season 2.5 comics:


October  17,364

November  11,121

December  9,862


By comparison, here are the sales numbers for Flash Season Zero:


October  23,501

November  14,287

December  12,247

Edited by strikera0
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I'm liking Arrow 2.5 way more than Arrow season 3 tbqh




Me, too! Even the detour with the Suicide Squad was a lot of fun. At the same time, I'm pissed because this is stuff I would have loved to have seen on screen. Oliver coming down the foundry stairs, tearing his clothes off in a hurry to get to his suit to rescue Felicity?!?! *fans self* C'mon!

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I thought it would be interesting to know how the Green Arrow comics are doing from a commercial stand point, so I have been scouting the internet for some recent sales figures. Unfortunately, it looks like the hiring of AK and BS to write the New 52 Green Arrow comics has backfired a bit because sales numbers have been on a relatively consistent decline since they were given creative control over the series:



Thanks; that's really interesting. No wonder they aren't worried about sticking with comics canon.


I've seen those figures. Those are print figures, right? From what I understand they don't release the digital information, so it's hard to tell if the overall numbers show a decline. I started digitally subscribing to 2.5 this season and have started buying the GA comics since Felicity's introduction. Even bought Flash Zero for "Smoak Signals." And I know a bunch of people who've done the same thing.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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I thought it would be interesting to know how the Green Arrow comics are doing from a commercial stand point, so I have been scouting the internet for some recent sales figures. Unfortunately, it looks like the hiring of AK and BS to write the New 52 Green Arrow comics has backfired a bit because sales numbers have been on a relatively consistent decline since they were given creative control over the series:

I also thought it would be interesting to see the sales figures for the Arrow Season 2.5 comics:

By comparison, here are the sales numbers for Flash Season Zero:

Just for fun, the relaunch in September 2011 #1 sold about 55k issues (JT Krull as writer). Krull's last issue appears to be #3 (?) which was at 42k.

Keith Giffen took over with #4 which sold 33k units (guess that's why they dumped Krull). His last title was #6 at 27k units.

Ann Nocenti took over with #7 (again, WTF?) at 26k units, her run lasted until #16 which ended at 19.8k units in January 2013.

Lemiere took over in February 2013 #17 and based on his reputation the title shot back up to 36k. His fantastic run ended with #34 (excluding the Futures End Tie In) at 22.9k units.

If anything, I think the more accurate argument is that bringing in AJK didn't save the title, like DC (probably) hoped it would not, that it backfired and is driving fans away. Of course we have no idea what the digital sales figures look like, those could be good or bad.

Also, given AJK's repuas writing one of the worst GA titles (GA/BC) I can't say i'm surprised, most complaints about the new creative team centered around his history with the character.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Lol I just realized we'll probably be getting the start of Olicity growing a little closer in the 2.5 comics just as it all goes to hell between them on the show. Oh the timing. They did that shit on purpose.

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News about Arrow Season 2.5 #12 (article has more pics than the one I posted)...


Suicide Squad Story Wraps Up In Arrow Season 2.5
Posted February 1, 2015 by by Dan Wickline

In “Crisis in Kahndaq Special,” Diggle has joined forces with Deadshot, Bronze Tiger and Ravan to take on Khem-Adam. Make sure to check out chapter 12 as one of the team members won’t make it out of Kahndaq alive!


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Well, now we know why

Ben Turner/Bronze Tiger

won't be in the upcoming suicide squad episode. 


EDIT: Spoiler, just in case. 

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