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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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I literally just assumed that Emily takes her friend and pays most of it. I mean she probably earns good money.

Yeah I'm there to. "Hey I'm an actor and make loads of money, I'm taking my besties with me." I've had friends take me on vacation with them because I'm awesome while broke and they don't make Emily Bett cash.

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I literally just assumed that Emily takes her friend and pays most of it. I mean she probably earns good money.


It would be worth it not to have to go alone. 

Greg Berlantis friend Kevin invited them. He was also part of the Greece trip with a lot of these guys.


His instagram


Good to know the right people too.  Lol. 

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I think DR actually looks younger with scruff... Really odd that that happens. I still want the ARROW writers to see the error of their ways and write DR's scruff into Dig's character at least for a few eps.

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Heads up!  It's time for the Television Critics Association (TCA) Winter 2016 Press Tour - can't wait to see what The CW has in store for us this year...

Press Tour Schedule Overview
Here is a working overview of the Winter 2016 schedule….




Tuesday, January 5 – CTAM

Wednesday January 6 – Cable

Thursday January 7 – Cable

Friday, January 8 – Cable

Saturday, January 9 – Hulu/ABC Disney

Sunday, January 10 – The CW/Golden Globes

Monday, January 11 – Amazon/WB

Tuesday, January 12 – CBS/Showtime

Wednesday, January 13 – NBC Universal

Thursday, January 14 – NBC Universal

Friday, January 15 – FOX

Saturday, January 16 – FX

Sunday, January 17 – Netflix

Monday, January 18 – PBS

Tuesday, January 19 – PBS



Why You Should Care About the TCAs

Edited by tv echo
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Curious about who is attending this one. Hopefully it's better thought out then last years. I'm expecting to read a lot of overanalyzing about who is there and who is not.


I think they're done with the heroes w/ masks stuff this year considering almost every person on Arrow wears a mask now.


I'm guessing the people who'll be in attendance will be:


  • Stephen
  • David
  • Emily
  • Katie
  • Neal
  • John


I'm not sure about Willa or Paul tbh but they're more than likely to go

Edited by wonderwall
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I wonder if whoever is dead will be there to make them more visible before they kick the bucket.  Not that they'd for certain know they are kicking the bucket.   


After last years sausage fest, maybe they'd bring out all the ladies. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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IIRC, we didn't see anything PR wise leading up to Roy's departure. No big signs saying focus on this character. All the hints were BTS. I'm expecting the same with this one.

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Not totally surprised. If they couldn't do all of them, I'm sure they would want to go with their top-rated and their new launch.


Still. Nothing to blow out of portion and overanalyze. Boring.

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Pretty sure Winter TCAs are primarily to promote new/mid-season shows. The whole Heroes and Villains thing last year was an abnormality, not the norm.

Which is another point to the fact that they used that whole panel to pimp LoT to the network.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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It is a very fairy-tale OUAT hair look. But I like it. I also like CRs outfit.


Winter TCAs will probably be heavy on LoT. I'd laugh if this year they invite all the non-masks & the LoT crew. Considering about half of the LoT are non-masks, it would be funny to see them giving a shout out to the non-mask heroes that make the supermasks possible.

Edited by kismet
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That is an interesting hairstyle and outfit for Felicity. Definitely looks like an engagement party. They both look REALLY pretty though :')



Another pic of someone sitting on EBR's lap?

Edited by BkWurm1
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Thats interesting. I love Felicity and Malcom interactions but I love it because of the actors. I'm not sure how a comic book with them would work.

If it is Malcolm and Felicity.

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It's interesting. If it's Malcolm Merlyn (which seems likely) then what's his comic role? DC Comics currently has Tommy Merlyn as the Dark Archer. I also can't imagine DC allowing Merlyn to be Ra's Al Ghul in the DC Universe.

I guess it could be set in the Flarrow Comics Universe, like the Arrow/Flash tie-ins books. That would worl without interfering in the main comics (E1, E2, E^n)

I'm confused where are people getting Malcom/Felicity from? I could see Merlyn/Thea, Merlyn/Nyssa/LOA, or Merlyn backstory with Ra's. Just can't see the jump to Merlyn/Felicity?

I didn't watch the whole video, so is there something suggesting that pair?

Edited by Morrigan2575
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In the video his partner makes a comment about a certain character from a television show and then plays with glasses and asks if she looks smart with them.

I actually saw that part and I'm thinking she was just tired and/or drunk and joking around.

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They're totes setting up Malcolm as the S5 Big Bad, aren't they?

Having just binged around half of Alias, he's seeming very Sloan-y to me. Utterly terrible human being played by an actor the producers want to keep around, so they write him as deciding to be "good," he does that for awhile, then in S5 it turns out he was bad all along (DERRRRRR). Ooh, with him helping Vandal Savage maybe he'll end S5 the same way Sloan did!

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Wondering how they are going to utilize Malcolm in the whole bringing/introducing Vandal Savage into LoT. I mean for someone who was suppose to be an "immortal" they let Team Flarrow reduce him to ashes. So Malcolm will have to play some part since they show him scooping up his ashes and saying he owes him at the end of the episode. I also think that took away something from him being "immortal" both of the Hawk characters were there when Vandal was defeated, and since they are time travelers couldn't they just zap themselves to whatever time period is required get the necessary items and turn Vandal to ashes again?


Oh well my dilemma!

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