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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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I didn't bother watching it, but this is for those of you who are interested: 


Katie Cassidy at the Arrow Panel at Wizard World Chicago Comic Con 2014


You know watching the clip I can't help but wonder if Katie has ADD or something with similar symptoms. she sounds very scattered and having a hard time pin pointing her thought than creating a link and finally articulating her thoughts.

having ADD that's been a big struggle for me my entire life. so i wonder if maybe that's the problem with why her answers are always... you know her answers.


and now i'm making excuse for bad acting. feel free to toss the rotten tomatoes my way.


ETA: yea so i laughed a bit at her answer to the second question.

Edited by foreverevolving

I think it was about needing to be passionate about the character when she's reading scripts and looking for diversity and a tie to really strong female characters.  She did keep losing track of what she was saying on both questions.  It didn't feel like ADD scattered, more like not really being there. Maybe she should eat something.


She also said that she feels like there are multiple personalities in everyone because you're different in different situations (demonstrating that she doesn't really know what multiple personality disorder is).  I'm beginning to think that whoever said her panels shouldn't be taped was right.

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KC sounds like the kid in class who was given an idea of what the assignment was about and chose to wing it when answering the question. It also seemed like she was hoping someone would say "good answer" and get her to stop.

I would compare it to Felicity's rambling except in Felicity's mind it is cohesive and KC had no direction.

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Oh yeah, I forgot about that...lol that's 3 victims


So Emily injured two fellow actors in season 2 and one in season 3, I guess the insurance rates of working with EBR just went up. But I would pay good money to see Manu Bennett get knocked down by teeny tiny Emily. That should be pure gold.

I think Berlanti's level of involvement in story breaking differs from show to show, but he's gonna be listed as Exec Producer in every single property coming out of his company because that's the title Hollywood uses for the person who owns the business. It's the same with everything coming out of Bad Robot having JJ Abrams' name attached even he didn't have much to do with the shows.

Berlanti is doing something smart in keeping the writers rooms of Arrow, Flash and Mysteries of Laura in the same building, though, so he can physically be near everyone. Same with Kreisberg pulling double duty in Arrow and Flash.

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Don't know if this is the right thread but one of the Olicity tumblrs I check got an advance copy of Arrow S2. It sounds like there are some great bloopers and quite a few deleted scenes. Most of the the deleted scenes are Laurel, Roy, Thea and Quentin if I remember correctly. Also one with Felicity, Sara and Quentin. The bloopers she pointed out as her favorites: one with Emily and David, Stephen and Grant and Stephen and Emily.

The bloopers she pointed out as her favorites: one with Emily and David, Stephen and Grant and Stephen and Emily.


Did the blog detail why those were favorites? I.E what happened in them?


the cut Olicity kiss is not one of the deleted scenes which I find interesting, mostly because that was one of the reasons I wanted the set.


What cut kiss?

They have never said for sure. Some of the cuts in the scene and some of the cast (stephen and colton I believe) seem to imply it was filmed. But nothing for sure..


There was a entertainment blog that said it was, I think it was E!. idk

Edited by 10Eleven12

sorayaesrtela: a lot of rumors that a #Olicity kiss was cut from season finale. Could you find the truth?

We can confirm that there was in fact a kiss filmed between Oliver and Felicity for Arrow's season two finale that ultimately hit the cutting room floor. But it was pre-reveal that Ollie's "I love you" was just a ploy (But was it really?!) to trick Slade, so that doesn't really count, right? Right?!


Guggenheim was asked on Sept 8th on Twitter if the cut kiss scene would be included in the extras his response was "Sorry, no. But someday."   https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/509181390932697088


I clearly missed this. Bummer. I needed to see that scene. For science.

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Stephen Amell said at the upfronts about a week after the episode aired that what we saw wasn't what they filmed but that the scene worked out better, tighter,  this way.




Guggenheim was asked on Sept 8th on Twitter if the cut kiss scene would be included in the extras his response was "Sorry, no. But someday."   https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/509181390932697088


Why not include the scene on the DVDs now?  It's not like they're going to be putting in on the s3 or 4 cut scenes.

I think they didn't add it because it would sort of ruin the effect of Oliver and Felicity's first real kiss. I guess it'd ruin the anticipation from fans. I think it was the right move to not put it in the DVD set, but I do hope that it'll be there in the box set of the complete series! :') 

A write up of Q&A with Stephen Amell at Montreal Comic con: (mildly spoilery):




Stephen Amell was in Montreal this weekend for another ComicCon. Stephen mentioned that this was the first time that he’s been back in Montreal since 2009. He loved the signs that they had up for the panel.

» — >  Mild Spoiler Warning  » — >

- Stephen misses being the Hood vs the Arrow. He wants to be Green Arrow the most. We will see the Hood again in S3.

- John Barrowman is the funniest on set. Stephen goes to him for advice a lot.

- Stephen’s favourite flashback - In Season 2 when we go back to Oliver finding out the girl lost the baby.

- S3 Starts with Oliver, Roy and Diggle all kicking butt.

- Laurel will be more in danger because she now knows about Oliver’s secret.

- Stephen would love to play either Batman or Ironman if he had a chance to play another superhero. He really wants to work with his cousin Robbie who plays Firestorm on The Flash.

- Stephen didn’t answer which villain Oliver would be teaming up with because he thought it was too spoilerish. He did mention that Ra’s shows up in Episode 4.

- Tip of aspiring actors - Don’t hire agents who want money right away. It is a really bad thing.

- Coolest Stunt - Doing the parkour scene in the pilot where he had to jump on the roof while chasing the suspect.

- Stephen doesn’t do wire stunts on Arrow. He’s hoping though that he will get to do some in S3.

- Stephen says it usually takes 8 days to film one episode of Arrow. They don’t even stop for weekends.

- Stephen doesn’t understand what he is saying when he speaks Russian on the show.

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Thank you for compiling all the info! :) My reaction respectively:


  • Am I missing something? Is there a difference between the hood vs the arrow? Is it just that the hood was a murderer? 
  • Not surprised! JB sounds like a hilarious guy! I mean, have you seen his laugh?
  • That was actually one of his best scenes! The little nuances in that scene was just on par and it really made me choke up
  • ... I mean I'm not surprised? I think this time though, Laurel will get herself out of the sticky situations she puts herself in. Because lets be real, she will forcibly put herself in sticky situations. I can't take anymore DiD Laurel. It's not in her job description to be a vigilante... Not yet at least smh
  • I actually would like to see a firestorm/arrow scene! I bet it would be hilarious :p 
  • I'm pretty sure he'll be teaming up with Malcolm? Maybe?
  • God dammit he's such a stand up guy...........

So the first time a fan asks about Laurel, they want to know if she dies? Ouch


They are going to put Laurel in danger so that she can show off her new super moves and now save herself.


If Oliver does kill again, I don't think it will just be because of Felicity.

He looked drugged in that promo.

 My guess is its a combination.


I want a Malcolm team up. That would be the best.


I looked at photos from the event. Poor guy looks so tired. I heard the con was more sedated then previous ones; though I don't know if they mean the crowd or SA.

Edited by 10Eleven12

The questions were all pre-screened so that could have taken some of the energy out of the room. Granted it saves people from the truly stupid questions, can you take your shirt off? Can I kiss/hug you? Etc

Sorry I always get annoyed when people ask those questions...

Edited by Morrigan2575
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