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It's like she's ticking off all of our boxes. Change Twitter picture:check. Cancelling cons: check. 


This might be the biggest trolling of the decade... And if it is true that she's trolling, I will be impressed and have to tip my hat off to her. 

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I'm not ready to believe it's her yet, but frankly, there's been a lot of suspect behavior surrounding KC recently.  She posted that quote about things falling into place right after someone probably got canned, her mother had a twitter freakout, KC changed her twitter banner and picture from Arrow/BC to city lights/random photo, she stopped posting much Arrow stuff, and she cancelled a con appearance.  Yes, she has definitely moved up on my deathwatch list.

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Seems early but (like you said) who knows?


Would 18 air in April (guessing that's the 6 month date since Felicity mentioned the board meeting being moved)? There's a break after 4x15, right? Seems like the kind of thing they'd save for sweeps to me, but (again) who knows. Maybe Malcolm and Laurel just have some random, non-death-related scenes together that they're shooting this weekend.

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Ep 18 is a lot earlier than I expected the death, but after Stephen's tweet about reading the script at 4:30 in the morning and not being able to go back to sleep afterward, and his FB response that it was a "No way" moment that he did not enjoy at all, I couldn't think of what else could cause that kind of reaction.

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I still think the "him" is DD but if it's Malcolm killing Laurel, I'd be impressed.


When did WM and MG go to Vancouver?  The cast would have had the script two weeks ago and I have the impression that their trip was not that long ago.

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I still think the "him" is DD but if it's Malcolm killing Laurel, I'd be impressed.


When did WM and MG go to Vancouver?  The cast would have had the script two weeks ago and I have the impression that their trip was not that long ago.


WM and MG were in Vancouver two weekends ago (1/30ish?), I believe, and Stephen's tweet about the script was on Wednesday, Feb 3, after their trip.

Edited by Carrie Ann
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That's the second year in a row KC has cancelled on Dallas Con last minute. I think she used the "filming commitments" reason last year too, but then was revealed to have been in Dallas that weekend. 


Yeah, I'm not going to put any meaning on the cancelation other than KC still can't seem to fulfill commitments. I'm actually wondering if she's not ditching Dallas to go to New York Fashion Week, which started on Wednesday.

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Seems early but (like you said) who knows?

ETA: Could CR be posting an old pic? The shirt is from 406, CR filmed 406 and i want to say I've seen that nostril pic before

Unless CR is in 4x18, then I would think it would have to be an old pic. I know they have posted nostril pics before. Is that a thing? I don't get it.


Well, they started filming 4x18 today, so if MG posts the script with a blacked out title, maybe this is the deathisode. Seems early to me, but who knows. 

I'm more interested in the writers. If they are killing off a major character, I would think one of the EPs would want a hand in writing it.

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It actually seems like perfect timing for the deathisode. They need it to be "special & big", and this allows for a week for us to all mull over the death & grieve it. Plus, it doesn't really matter who is in the grave for the plot or the sweepiness of the story. It's all about the aftermath. So why bother to put the actual death in sweeps.


Then it sets up the final part of the season. Especially since I think this death will not have anything to do directly with OQ. LL will die as a result of her own actions & choices. She might have been teflon for most of the seasons, but even teflon in the end is considered a carcinogenic and comes back to bite you. Eventually time & death will catch up with LL.


I also see the writers believing themselves to be creative by switching up the deathisodes timing.

Edited by kismet
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Is it a little early for the death to be in 4.18 if notice to the actor was given around Jan 30?  I thought someone had mentioned elsewhere in the thread that notice is generally given 6-8 weeks prior to filming, but filming for 4.18 started today - only 2 weeks-ish notice.

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Also they having Keto, the only one who actually seems to write favorably for LL co write with Marc.



You guys are being way too optimistic. There's still no way they kill off BC especially after going through all of the trouble of transitioning Laurel to BC over 3 seasons, but if it passes the time, go for it.

Can i hold you to that?

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You guys are being way too optimistic. There's still no way they kill off BC especially after going through all of the trouble of transitioning Laurel to BC over 3 seasons, but if it passes the time, go for it.


If they killed her off, it would legit surprise me. Like, probably the most surprising thing they've ever done, topping Roy really being alive, and Malcolm having two devices, haha. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Can i hold you to that?

Sure. I have no problem with being wrong, so go for it. I honestly don't really care either way since Laurel is such a nonentity to the show to me, but I do find much humor in you guys holding onto any scrap thrown in the "dead" column. It makes me smile.

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Sure. I have no problem with being wrong, so go for it. I honestly don't really care either way since Laurel is such a nonentity to the show to me, but I do find much humor in you guys holding onto any scrap thrown in the "dead" column. It makes me smile.

I just hate that everybody hides behind the they cant kill her off excuse because she is BC. Some things are going on around the scenes. And i think those will soon be clear.

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I honestly did not imagine laurel in the grave, then I know that sounds weird lately KC on social networks, or she was a little sick, lol, I really do not think BC can leave now, they have the opportunity to do much more with her

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I'm with @NumberCruncher. They're not killing Laurel. This is Arrow. We're not that lucky. Haha.


Sorry @wonderwall, I broke my promise not to rain on your parade. Forgive me? ;P

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Dallas Comic Con guest list. http://dallascomiccon.com/guests/


I thought Paul and Willa normally go to these events. Maybe they have special Valentine's Day plans - but maybe they've been cutting back on them. 

you are all sure that Laurel is in the grave, lol, wait for confirmation

I think most are just cautiously hopeful.


Edited bc: Post had incorrect information about Paul and Willa attending the NY/NJ Comic Con.

Edited by Ann Mack
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The thing about it is... I would rather speculate and make the BTS/Social media pieces work that it could be LL rather than thinking of an alternative. There is no other regular character that I want to part with, because for me they all have a role in OQ's life. LL is just there. The pieces are also starting to piece together nicely. I honestly think I would prefer that they not kill off people every season, but it's ARROW, so what can you do?  They are the ones that are forcing the death not me.


If I'm wrong and it's someone else, honestly I wouldn't be surprised or disappointed at this point, because it's right up the writers ally to overhype & underdeliver. It's just like them to kill a random non-regular cast member after promising a big death. It's also like them to kill the most predictable candidate which in this case would be QL. So as much as I think all the pieces match up to LL, I'm not really that invested in it being her. I'm just invested in it not being someone important like Dig or someone interesting like MamaSmoak.

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Laurel dies trying to kill Malcolm.


You know....I'd honestly love to see her do that. It might be a slight redeeming factor if she tries. Because nobody has tried killing Malcolm in so long. I mean, Nyssa half-tried but she basically relegated Oliver to do it (I will give props for Nyssa for at least bringing up the idea and she managed to start to do something, but why she didn't try to kill him much earlier is beyond me). Ra's just plain sucks, and nobody on Team Arrow has really tried since it was discovered Thea is his daughter. So if Laurel actually makes a legit move to try to kill him, then that might actually do it for me. She'd die a hero's death, at least. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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I think it would be too early for BC to leave, even we have not had another episode birds on of prey on arrow with Helena, BC and Felicity

They had an episode called Birds of Prey with Helena, Sara and Laurel.


I don't think they're interested in a 3 female team-up any more. With Supergirl and Legends of Tommorrow, not to mention The Flash, they've got access to way bigger comic book characters and stories.

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They had an episode called Birds of Prey with Helena, Sara and Laurel.


I don't think they're interested in a 3 female team-up any more. With Supergirl and Legends of Tommorrow, not to mention The Flash, they've got access to way bigger comic book characters and stories.

I know, but GM said he was interested in doing was to provide episode, especially now that Laurel is black canary and with Felicity, but Jessica De Gouw is not available this year, he is the same that he said

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I was reviewing what Marc and Wendy said regarding the character who will die. I actually did throw up a few times in my mouth from reading these 2 idiots words. I really just want to bitch slap Marc and put Wendy in a damn time-out. Oh well the interview is listed below. Source: http://www.etonline.com/tv/173462_arrow_season_4_premiere_who_is_dying/


“It’s not a fake-out. That’s not how we roll,” executive producer Marc Guggenheim says of the season opener’s dramatic reveal.


“They will stay dead,” executive producer Wendy Mericle confirms, adding that the glimpse ahead is a way “to bring stakes back to the show.”


Even so, Guggenheim assures that the death will be handled with care.


It’ll feel organic and very earned,” he promises. “It’s actually very elegant.”


If Guggenheim and Mericle know which Arrow character will eventually find themselves buried six feet under, they aren’t letting on.


“We don’t necessarily know who it is right now,” Mericle claims. “We’re still figuring the plan out for the season, but we want it, obviously, to have resonance. If it doesn’t mean something to the characters, it won’t mean anything to the audience either.”


Fortunately, there will be time for the characters and audiences to grieve, though Guggenheim was mum on when in the season the death will occur – only to say that “there will be time afterwards” to deal with the aftermath

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The thing about it is... I would rather speculate and make the BTS/Social media pieces work that it could be LL rather than thinking of an alternative. There is no other regular character that I want to part with, because for me they all have a role in OQ's life. LL is just there. The pieces are also starting to piece together nicely. I honestly think I would prefer that they not kill off people every season, but it's ARROW, so what can you do?  They are the ones that are forcing the death not me.


If I'm wrong and it's someone else, honestly I wouldn't be surprised or disappointed at this point, because it's right up the writers ally to overhype & underdeliver. It's just like them to kill a random non-regular cast member after promising a big death. It's also like them to kill the most predictable candidate which in this case would be QL. So as much as I think all the pieces match up to LL, I'm not really that invested in it being her. I'm just invested in it not being someone important like Dig or someone interesting like MamaSmoak.


For me I'm invested in it being LL  as well as invested in it not being someone important like Digg or interesting like Mama Smoak who we are JUST getting to know (when she just put down that cutesy mask in that last episode? I was shocked, but pleased to see a different side of her).


So basically all I'm saying is, I'm doubly invested :p I wouldn't be crushed if it wasn't her because I know the 'because comics' argument can be strong...


I actually don't mind LL right now, she's just a background character, but based on my history with the character, and the fact that she IS a non-entity, I want it to be her. I'd much rather the show focus on more interesting characters like Digg/Thea/Felicity/Oliver... Laurel just takes up screen time and adds zero value to the show and I thoroughly believe that her character is the reason we aren't seeing other characters interact. There's a barrier between Thea/the team, Felicity/the team, Diggle/the team, Thea/Oliver... and I think it's because the show is trying too hard to incorporate LL. I want to see that barrier (LL) taken away.

Edited by wonderwall
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