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The moderator asked her about becoming Black Canary. She talked about the fantastic writing of the arc and how she was so happy to play it and she's a fighter. The normal stuff. 


Because I'm not feeling very nice this morning, I will point out it probably didn't get much attention because it a) wasn't spoiler and b) got a very tepid response from the audience. He asked Thea about becoming Speedy right after and if you compare the reactions of the audience, it's not in Laurel's favor. 


ETA: No fan questions. SA got one and then I think it was a one or two generic ones for the actors. Q&A session was lame.

Edited by 10Eleven12
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I know she was probably asked a question by the Mod because everyone gets one of those. I meant did she get any fan questions?

Not that I recall, but there weren't many fan questions and at least one was addressed to everyone.

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LOL all this Laurel hate is making me love her more and more. Keep it up, guys :)



She doesn't fit anywhere. When the simple answer is send her packing to offscreenville.


She's too good for the show, anyway. She should go to the superior Flash. Felicity can go with her.

Edited by Geeni
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Is anyone else having trouble with the sound?

You have to unmute the volume (symbol at the bottom of the video) and then bring up the volume (slide bar).

Edited by tv echo
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Yes let Laurel go to the Flash. Why would Felicity go with her?

Yes, but what would she DO on Flash? Obviously, she can't be one of Barry's 25 different father figures, and I don't see her working out as a temporary love interest to ship stall Barry/Iris. The same goes for LoT; they already have a Canary, who's vastly superior at the actual Canary-ing, so what would her purpose be?


Nope, I'm afraid Arrow is stuck with her.

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FYI, did anyone notice that when the cast came out KC got the least applause? like it was full on shaking the hall when DR, EBR & SA came out (even when the GG and GB) but than it was so lite when KC came out.. like you could hear some people but it was obvious it was a small minority.


I think she got the same as Willa, and possibly David

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LOL all this Laurel hate is making me love her more and more. Keep it up, guys :)


She's too good for the show, anyway. She should go to the superior Flash. Felicity can go with her.


Good for you? Some people don't like her, some people do. To each their own. I do agree that Laurel would fare better on a different show because she doesn't fit into Arrow, but I think Felicity is still necessary in Arrow because she brings something different to the table.

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LOL all this Laurel hate is making me love her more and more. Keep it up, guys :)


We aim to please, and luckily for you, Laurel hate is a renewable resource here.


Is anyone else having trouble with the sound?


I am too. Piggybacking on the comments about the WM love and the interview with MG, I loved how ofter he deferred to her. I hope (and it appears) they have a good partnership and it will be good for the show. Already, I'm pleased that WM seems to care a lot about making sure the female characters are well-serviced.

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Wendi! Why do you have to be so cool? My poor expectations are setting themselves up for a beating. Talking about strong female characters and in particular focusing on Felicity this year. Talking about more then one episode this year. And more Diggle? No words, just noises. 


Actually a few words. Please don't remove SA from the main narrative. No more Oliver-less arcs. 


Are Willa and Emily sharing jewelry or matching their jewelry? They both had the same bracelet on Friday and I swear Emily has the same earring. 

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Forgot to mention, Willa is a delight. SA said that he was probably most excited/interested in Thea these first few episodes. I hope they don't drop the ball. I'm interested.

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I don't think it matters that KC got less applause or not. This was already a brutal SDCC for her... I feel really bad. What with everyone calling Caity BC and DR calling Laurel Canary and her name not being written on that infamous whiteboard and just her character getting zero interest... Idk it doesn't feel right to me to just pile another thing on. 


I'm feeling super nice today :p

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LOL all this Laurel hate is making me love her more and more. Keep it up, guys :)



That piling on is so noticeable.  It's quite....remarkable, I guess?  Is that the right word to use?  If anything, it just turns me off the show again because I end up linking the show with some of its more vocal fans, for lack of better words to use, and it's icky to me whenever a show (and its cast? is that what being presumed here?) seems to neglect one if its cast members.


I'm curious about the first episode or so and what spoilers come out because I care about all of the characters, not just a few, but I can't say I'm getting teases that I find interesting.  The costume change is different, and I hope for a lighter season, but I was so put off by season 3 that I don't know if I should bother.  The Flash actually sounds more interesting at this point, but I do think that the Arrow cast beats them in looking like they're having more fun with each other at least in the photos.  That's something that has been nice to see, even if it isn't enough for me to commit to the show this season.


ETA: I'm also glad to hear that Felicity might be getting a life outside of her relationship, and I personally hope to see more Thea and Laurel interaction since they're working together.  I would love to hear more about the women on the show and what they're up to this season, and I mean ALL of the female characters.

Edited by Betweenthisandthat
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What does it matter whose was louder? We all know her character has had her popularity issues, it's not exactly surprising that her reception would've been a little cooler than some of the others. 

I think people were paying attention to that because a lot of her fans were saying how she became a fanfavorite this year,how her's were the highest rated episodes and that most people hate Felicity now.

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The moderator asked her about becoming Black Canary. She talked about the fantastic writing of the arc and how she was so happy to play it and she's a fighter. The normal stuff.

KC also mentioned that her transition to BC was done so well that it felt "legitimate" and earned. I know a lot of us aren't fans of the character and heartily disagree, but I think KC's head canon goes something like this:

LL is devastated by SL's death and inspired to honor her sister by taking up her mission. She goes it alone, only to be beaten down. She starts training with a former vigilante. She has her detractors (initially Nyssa and then Oliver, Team Arrow, and her dad), but she eventually gains their support and respect (except her dad?). She also has support from the beginning or near beginning from TG and Nyssa. She has a few stumbles, but soon proves herself in the field. She assumes responsibility for saving the city when OQ is dead. She is entrusted with BIG missions against the LoA with the rest of the team. The alpha hero eventually acknowledges her hero status.

On paper, her journey is very similar to other origin stories. I think its failure to convince was a combination of the execution and fan perception, but I don't begrudge KC's pride in her story.

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The thing with DR wouldn't have been a thing I don't think, if she hadn't corrected him. That made it awkward, and then it seems like he was annoyed "I didn't think I had to say Black" and then JB all awkwardly trying to break the tension "haha look how we all give each other a hard time." I've often wondered if KC and DR don't get along so well since his infamous joke about her face not moving.

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At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. That is just what fans do on forums during hiatus; overanalyzing to fit into a preconceived bias to mold a vision you want to see come to a television near you.

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Yeah, I could unmute it but the bar never appears. oh well. works on my phone.

I'm using a mouse so I don't know if this will work for you, but... there's a horizontal line to the left of the volume symbol.  Click on the left side of that line and a thin bar appears.  Then drag that bar to the right to increase the volume.


From Saturday SDCC panel "Anything Goes with John Barrowman", JB 'sings' the Doctor Who theme song with a fan:


Edited by tv echo
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I think people were paying attention to that because a lot of her fans were saying how she became a fanfavorite this year,how her's were the highest rated episodes and that most people hate Felicity now.


IDK, maybe. Just seems kind of petty to me. 

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The thing with DR wouldn't have been a thing I don't think, if she hadn't corrected him. That made it awkward, and then it seems like he was annoyed "I didn't think I had to say Black" and then JB all awkwardly trying to break the tension "haha look how we all give each other a hard time." I've often wondered if KC and DR don't get along so well since his infamous joke about her face not moving.

That's why the Canary v Black Canary naming thing was so stupid. Canary is basically a nickname. He wasn't trying to shade her. But the whole thing with bringing Sara back and the promotion for LOT and the focus on CL, it's probably making KC very protective of the Black Canary moniker to the point it can maybe create some awkwardness. 

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Forgot to mention, Willa is a delight. SA said that he was probably most excited/interested in Thea these first few episodes. I hope they don't drop the ball. I'm interested.



I really like WH so I'm looking forward to Thea's storyline. I hope we do see some follow up of her taking a dip in the pit. I know there was probably no time to cover it in the last few episodes of s3 but it was strange that there were no repercussions there. But if SA is interested then that looks hopeful. 

Edited by Guest
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I liked Willa Holland's clear happiness that Thea managed to come out of all of the hell she had gone through as a leather clad fighter. Fingers crossed that she really is getting a cool storyline this season - she's connected to Oliver and Malcolm, and she's been fighting on Team Not-Arrow, so maybe this isn't all just hype.

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KC and Willa got basically the exact same question in the panel. Willa legit brought tears to my eyes talking about the significance for her of playing a "strong female character" in the right sense of the godawful term.


KC was there, I guess.

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Regarding the EW interview, I was so entertained by David saying that Diggle would be living with Oliver and Felicity, and Emily responding, "We just can't get him out!", that the whole Canary/Black Canary interplay mostly passed me by (until I read about it here and went and rewatched).  I think Emily's comment distracted him and made him laugh, which is why he wasn't really concentrating on what he was saying.

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Loved Willa's answer.She was in tough spot in season 1 and 2 when Thea was just lied to and out of the main story.But she always did a great job and elevated the writing she was given so I'm really glad for her getting better storylines this season.

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Wow! KC has guns! Her arms look fantastic in that video--her upper body looks really strong.

Willa's response during the panel really touched me, too. She articulated her character's journey so well. I'm very grateful for the emphasis on strong female characters we're hearing in these SDCC videos, and it seems like they're defining strength as much more than physical. I feel like they're finally allowing the ladies to be grounded, emotionally healthy, and assertive about what they need for their lives.

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Classy Stephen.


I have no clue about that, but I really don't care. That's the kind of stuff you don't post.



KCs interview


One of the better interviews I have seen from her. Nothing new. Looks like they have heard some fan complaints though. She acknowledges Diggle's been doing it the longest and he is team leader, then added Laurel is always wiling to learn from others….. I talk it back, that is new information.

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That's why the Canary v Black Canary naming thing was so stupid.

I've always thought it was immensely stupid. Everyone (and I'm talking out-of-show, not in-show) called Sara Black Canary in season two, but then suddenly in season three it was all "oh no she's not the Black Canary, she's just Canary." Dinah Laurel Lance was the second Black Canary in the comics - why was it suddenly such a big deal that she was the one and only true Black Canary now? Why the push to de-legitimize Sara just to make Laurel seem legitimate? If Dinah Laurel Lance was the second Black Canary in the comics after her mother, wouldn't it be more true to the comics to have her be the second Black Canary after her sister? I thought that was the point. So I never understood why the sudden push of "Sara is Canary, Laurel is Black Canary." It's made everyone so touchy about an adjective.

Wow! KC has guns! Her arms look fantastic in that video--her upper body looks really strong.

I was noticing that myself. Her arms look good - it's obvious she's been training.

I haven't gotten to watch the panel yet - just a few of the interviews.

Oh Stephen. *facepalm*

Edited by Starfish35
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Lol yep. Laurel willing to learn from others is new information. I hope they do make her into a team player but I hope they do it realistically considering laurel never wanted to be a part of team arrow

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So….did anyone catch David flipping Stephen off in the EW interview? LOL


It was when he said Diggle was living with Felicity and Oliver and Emily said they just can't get him out. He laughs and as he is talking about the Canary/Speedy team up he flips off Stephen. 

Edited by 10Eleven12
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I've always thought it was immensely stupid. Everyone (and I'm talking out-of-show, not in-show) called Sara Black Canary in season two, but then suddenly in season three it was all "oh no she's not the Black Canary, she's just Canary." Dinah Laurel Lance was the second Black Canary in the comics - why was it suddenly such a big deal that she was the one and only true Black Canary now? Why the push to de-legitimize Sara just to make Laurel seem legitimate? If Dinah Laurel Lance was the second Black Canary in the comics after her mother, wouldn't it be more true to the comics to have her be the second Black Canary after her sister? I thought that was the point. So I never understood why the sudden push of "Sara is Canary, Laurel is Black Canary." It's made everyone so touchy about an adjective.


Which is why they should have just named Sara "Dinah." If they had done that simple thing, all of this would be pretty straightened out and more or less aligned with the basic comics history enough that fans could see what it is was they were doing.

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That piling on is so noticeable.  It's quite....remarkable, I guess?  Is that the right word to use?  If anything, it just turns me off the show again because I end up linking the show with some of its more vocal fans, for lack of better words to use, and it's icky to me whenever a show (and its cast? is that what being presumed here?) seems to neglect one if its cast members.


I'm curious about the first episode or so and what spoilers come out because I care about all of the characters, not just a few, but I can't say I'm getting teases that I find interesting.  The costume change is different, and I hope for a lighter season, but I was so put off by season 3 that I don't know if I should bother.  The Flash actually sounds more interesting at this point, but I do think that the Arrow cast beats them in looking like they're having more fun with each other at least in the photos.  That's something that has been nice to see, even if it isn't enough for me to commit to the show this season.


ETA: I'm also glad to hear that Felicity might be getting a life outside of her relationship, and I personally hope to see more Thea and Laurel interaction since they're working together.  I would love to hear more about the women on the show and what they're up to this season, and I mean ALL of the female characters.

If you think this place is "piling on" Laurel, I suggest you check out, well, every other forum where all I see are comments suggesting that Felicity is going to/should die and Laurel take her rightful place.


I didn't think there was that much new news about anyone that came out of Comic Con but I think that's because they haven't started filming yet and I'm sure there are things kept under wraps for now, like they did with Laurel last year. And I think in one of the KC interviews, she mentioned that Laurel and Thea will be spending more time together, so there's that.

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But wasn't that because those cities wanted to go back to there cultural roots?


It's one thing to rename a city of like I dunno 30000 like a suburb like La Mesa, CA but quite another to rename a city of ostensibly 2 million people or more. And I don't think that happens too often in the United States. To me renaming Starling City is like renaming Chicago or San Francisco. You just don't do it.

In the episode on which they try to convince Moira to run for mayor, she says something like 600,000 people. Not sure if that's voters or total, but I think it's supposed to be a bit smaller than 2M. However, totally agree that it's weird and silly to change the name of even a not-huge US city.

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So….did anyone catch David flipping Stephen off in the EW interview? LOL


It was when he said Diggle was living with Felicity and Oliver and Emily said they just can't get him out. He laughs and as he is talking about the Canary/Speedy team up he flips off Stephen. 

You mean this? :)


source (x)

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Some more interviews.  The Katie one has the line discussed earlier where she says she "plays a big part in creating Legends".  Also, she's said in 2 different interviews now that she's been working with Diggle and Felicity - do you think she's just meaning to say Thea, or do you think it's an unintentional slip because Felicity has been helping the team even while she's been away?

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