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I have no idea if this is unpopular or not, and I know it's random, but I loved Cristian Vega. Like, seriously loved him, consistently, for years. And I think David Fumero got kind of a bad rap, acting-wise. No, he's no heavyweight thespian, nowhere near the level of Timothy D. Stickney or Jerry Ver Dorn or even Roger Howarth, but his low-key style just really worked. And I thought his last scene with Erin Torpey was very cute, but in my head he and Layla have reunited and are being fabulous and very, very pretty in Europe, with their awesome careers and maybe a gorgeous baby or two.

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David Fumero was not a master thespian but he had a likability that really matters a lot in daytime. He was a solid B/C-story actor and his affability came through in his romances, I thought. And his familial relationships as well as his friendships. I found him believable as a guy people liked.

My unpopular opinions? I loathed Roxy and Marty. I could never quite get over what Roxy came onto the show as and then becoming the silly comedic character. And Marty? Was nothing more than a victim. In rewatching some of the '94 episodes I recall how disgusting I found her and Andrew's affair... no, they didn't have sex but they made out a LOT. Hypocrite of the highest order. No love from me. 

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Likability is the perfect word for it, yeah.

And, aw, I liked Roxy. I thought Ilene Kristen sold the character. Although I do think they backed off a little too much on how truly awful she was to Natalie growing up and when she first appeared. I still remember Natalie telling Mitch (posing as Michael Lazarus) about Roxy beating her, in addition to the drunken neglect and skeevy "uncles." She said something like, "you should have seen the bruises!" Terrible. But there were times when the Balsams were my favorite family unit on the show. And I always wanted Roxy and Max to get a fair shot at a real relationship.

Speaking of Max, I wanted Frankie Holden to be Starr's first love. Or, hell, Leslie, even. Bonus, no Cole!

I'm with you on Cole's mother, however. Marty always left me cold, even when I intellectually realized she was in the right. And the less said about her and Patrick and that wretched poem, the better.

Edited by Melgaypet
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And I thought his last scene with Erin Torpey was very cute, but in my head he and Layla have reunited and are being fabulous and very, very pretty in Europe, with their awesome careers and maybe a gorgeous baby or two.

Hear hear!  In light of the cancellation, I understand why they brought in Erin Torpey for a wink-wink meet-cute.  But I loved his relationship with Layla and haaaated how they wrote their break-up.  So yeah, on #showinmyhead, they're definitely back together.

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My UO?  I actually didn't mind AT.  I think he got better as time went on and was not bad on PP.  I think a lot of the problem was (from things I've read) that they had him as mini-Blair as a kid then rapidly made him Todd Jr.  Which may not have worked.  But opposite KdP and RH, he was tolerable.


I am with you all on Marty.  She worked short term, for that one story, but to continually try to bring her back and make her be in relationships with the Todds (not quite going there with RH but rapemance with TSJ) was just wrong.  And Cole?  Yeah, can't say I was sorry to see him go over the cliff in PC.  Hope it was wrong to kill, but Cole should have never been,

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I'm with you on Cole's mother, however. Marty always left me cold, even when I intellectually realized she was in the right. And the less said about her and Patrick and that wretched poem, the better.


I sympathized deeply with her during the Spring Fling... how could you not? But I despised her before, I hated that she was brought in as Megan was dying and clearly being set up as the New It Girl. I loved Megan. I wept copious tears as she was dying and everyone was saying good-bye and Jake finally made it back and it was all so beautiful!!

And then I wound up stuck with this shitty, stank attitude 'poor little rich girl' with her stupid peasant skirts. Ugh. And she was surrounded by Malone's Dickensian urchins that he fucking populated young Llanview with at the time. And I sure as hell didn't like Todd when he first showed up. A jock douche with longish hair and polo shirts? Really? It was all a war of who I disliked more... Todd and his cronies hated Jason Webb (one of the few things that crew did right) so I was on their side there... but then they were pretty much horrible anyway so there was that.

After the Spring Fling, well after, was when I started actually feeling sympathy for Todd. And it's pretty huge to start sympathizing with a rapist over his rape victim... knowing she has every right to feel the way she does. Was that the strength of Howarth at the time? That had to have a lot to do with it. Haskell's strength, to me, was playing fear laced with bravado and being shrill. There really wasn't much about her portrayal of Marty that I found compelling. Ever.

And the never-ending 'connection' between Marty and Todd was one of the grossest things ever. Huge unpopular opinion? I remain pleased as all get out that Marty and Todd didn't get any scenes upon Howarth's return. The idea that a rape victim somehow has special insight into a rapist's soul is repellent so I didn't need a revisit on that mess.

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I guess my most unpopular opinion would be that I liked Stacy Morasco.  And I liked the whole blood-switching storyline in that "so bad, it's good" kind of way. (And probably also because it involved several of my other favorite characters.)

I think, because I only started watching again once most of the bag o' blood stuff was done and she was partnered up with Kim, I didn't hate Stacy as much as many did.  Certainly not with the same consuming rage with which I hated Ford and his ilk later on.

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Crystal Hunt was never a very good actress (on OLTL, I've never seen her in anything else), but she was notably less...cartoonish? with certain actors than others. Scott Evans, Amanda Setton, and Scott Clifton all brought out what might be charitably called her "best." In scenes with them, I could believe Stacy was a person. A terrible person, yes, but a recognizable human. Opposite Jean-Paul Lavoisier and/or Farah Fath, however? Like I said, a cartoon.

But no, I didn't hate her nearly as much as the Fords, either. But then, the show never tried to sell Stacy -a vile, rapey, sociopath - as the most wonderful person ever and best parent in history.

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I loved Gigi. 

Aw, me too.  Is that an unpopular opinion?

I tend to forget about the Fords.  I didn't like James or Nate, but I didn't mind Robert.  I actually liked him better when he was just serving as egotistical eye candy than when they started giving him storylines.  I didn't like him with Langston and I almost liked him with Tess (which makes me feel bad about myself), but I always felt like the writers didn't know exactly what to do with him.

Edited by ElleryAnne
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Crystal Hunt was never a very good actress (on OLTL, I've never seen her in anything else), but she was notably less...cartoonish? with certain actors than others. Scott Evans, Amanda Setton, and Scott Clifton all brought out what might be charitably called her "best." In scenes with them, I could believe Stacy was a person. A terrible person, yes, but a recognizable human. Opposite Jean-Paul Lavoisier and/or Farah Fath, however? Like I said, a cartoon.

But no, I didn't hate her nearly as much as the Fords, either. But then, the show never tried to sell Stacy -a vile, rapey, sociopath - as the most wonderful person ever and best parent in history.

Agreed.  There was a certain comedic chemistry with Amanda Setton that usually made the Stacy/Kim scenes fun.  And of course, she was part of Hos vs. Mos, for which she will always have a special place in my heart.  But then we'd get a scene of her with JPL or FF and....cringe.  I remember when Gigi found out that Stacy was pregnant with Rex's baby (back when she really was).  All three were TERRIBLE in what was supposed to be a big dramatic moment.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Re: Gigi

I went back and forth on good ol' Geeg. I liked her at first, then I hated for for a good while there, but in retrospect, she wasn't as bad as I thought. Farah Fath is not the world's strongest actress, but in sarcastic best friend or fiesty single mom mode, she had a lot of charm. She and Scott Clifton had chemistry. When they tried to write Gigi as the tortured heroine in a dramatic frontburner stories, however, Fath's limitations really showed.

Also, there was a hair issue. Call me shallow, but I found Gigi a lot more likable when her hair was dark and cute, not bleached to hell and cut super-short.

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* I honestly believe that Dorian and Joey should of been each other's endgame because:

Dorian/David and Kelly/Joey dropped in quality after the 90's.

Kelly should be with Kevin.

Joey should be with Dorian.

David Vickers Buchanan could of stayed in Clint's Turkish Prison.

* Natalie/Jared, Natalie/Christian >>>>>>>>>>>>> Natalie/McBain. McBain should of been with Evangeline.

* Evangeline would of been great with Victor-Todd as well. Renee Goldsberry and Trevor St. John had chemistry.

Edited by VictoriousNY2
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I loved Gigi. 

I liked Rex, Gigi, and Shane, the 3 actors had a really nice family vibe together.

I dont think twisting the timeline to make Rex, Echo and Clint's son was necessary, Rex was already an honorary Buchanan due to his relationship to Bo. It's strange, to me because not only did it damage his relationship with Roxy, Rex and Natalie lost something when they became biologically related.

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I dont think twisting the timeline to make Rex, Echo and Clint's son was necessary, Rex was already an honorary Buchanan due to his relationship to Bo. It's strange, to me because not only did it damage his relationship with Roxy, Rex and Natalie lost something when they became biologically related.

Definitely agree with this.  Rex's relationships with Natalie and particularly with Bo were much more interesting when they weren't biologically related.  Not everyone has to be related to each other to form strong, loving relationships (see: Kyle and Roxy).

I just never understood the need to cram Rex into a core family.  The character had been on the show for years, had fans, I don't understand what the point was.  I certainly didn't like Rex any better just because he was Clint's.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I wanted Rex to refuse to give him Fake Gigi's heart and for him to die. I think that might be unpopular lol.

Well then I guess my unpopular opinion would be that Rex and Echo should both have been arrested and prosecuted for forging legal documents and giving themselves the power over the donation of organs that they were in no way legally entitled to.

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To say nothing of it being illegal to sell or trade organs, even if you have the power to donate them. Once Clint had Stacy's heart beating in his chest, he should have demanded BE, his house, and all his stuff back from Asshole Rex, since it was obtained under duress and through criminal means. But then, I was firmly #TeamClint when it came to Rex.

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I laughed when Rex was going to actually smother Clint with the pillow.

I actually kinda sympathized with Todd during times I wasn't supposed to. I attest that to good writing and good acting. Roger Howarth could terrify you and then make you love him and then make you cry or laugh, in one or two episodes.

I want to hate Marty, but those super star arms still make me giggle.

Todd and Rebecca were so awesome and I wish the Todd/Powell/Rebecca triangle would have been explored more. And I say that as a T&B fan.

Gasp! *clutches pearls*


Kidding. I have an unpopular opinion, too - I like that David turned out to be Bo's son.


I don't know how popular or not this is, but my favorite Kelly was Heather Tom. She had dynamite chemistry with Dan Gauthier and I think she best portrayed who Kelly was at her core - a nasty, selfish, crazy mess with just a sliver of humanity underneath. She was compelling. The writers took it too far, you know, with that...thing that happened with Duke (this was during the reign of terror of Dena "Unpalatable" Highley, I believe), but when Tom was in the role was the only time I was ever interested in Kelly for herself, not just for how she affected other characters.

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No, Heather was also my favorite. She was fantastic. And she understood Kelly - Gina came close to that honesty a couple times when she returned, but was mostly mired in a series of lame, unpopular stories and desperate to find something that worked with the audience. Bringing back Joey and not Kevin did nothing for that character.

Edited by jsbt
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I was glad they never made Rex Bo's, too, since part of the appeal of that relationship was that they chose to be "family" to one another, but I couldn't get into Rex being Clint's son at all. By that point, I was just freaking OVER Rex in general and his Paternity Merry-Go-Round in particular. They should have just stuck to him being Roxy and Mitch's kid. They could have made Schuyler his twin if they wanted to keep that part of the story. Not that it was really necessary, since poor Sky was shuffled off the show ten minutes after finding out about his parentage.

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I didn't mind the Bo/David relationship (though they often leaned too much on the "PA!" jokey, schticky aspect of it, there was also a handful of very nice scenes between them), but I still don't get what the point was.  David had been a popular character for years, he was cemented to the canvas even outside his relationship with Dorian.  Why did he need to be a Buchanan?

I refuse to acknowledge that Rex is a Buchanan. Refuse. It is completely unacceptable to me as well as absolutely unnecessary.


The love affair with Rex never made sense to me anyway. I quite enjoyed him as a B-level character but I did not think that JPL came through as an A-level at all. His tics were so histrionic they always took me right out of the scene and his constant whining made me downright apoplectic. I also resented how the Cramer women were basically turned into his bitches, either having to suck up to him, bow and scrape to him, or pay him loads of money to do minimal detective work.


Rex Balsom became a blight on Llanview. I'm thrilled he didn't show up in PP's version.

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I love Max & Gabrielle more than any other couple the show ever had. And Lunatic Moodswing was the daughter of Satan. "Oh MA GODDESS"--Blech, shut up.


Whatever good Michael Malone and Josh Griffith did for the show is colored for me by the fact that they killed both Al and Gabrielle off, and took Max away from me! *cries*


James DePaiva was the hottest actor the show ever had. And a damn underrated one, too. 

Edited by UYI

I love Max & Gabrielle more than any other couple the show ever had. And Lunatic Moodswing was the daughter of Satan. "Oh MA GODDESS"--Blech, shut up.


Whatever good Michael Malone and Josh Griffith did for the show is colored for me by the fact that they killed both Al and Gabrielle off, and took Max away from me! *cries*


James DePaiva was the hottest actor the show ever had. And a damn underrated one, too. 


Hi UYI!  I dunno if I would call any of these opinions unpopular lol (I dunno about hating Luna, I wasn't watching during her heyday).


I hated BWS Jess and all her romances. She always came off as a smug batch with a contempt for anyone who didnt see things her way which was not who Jess was . I wanted a story where Jamie Vegas came back to town hating her for humiliating her at the adoption trial and decided to destroy her. Backed by her always awesome grandpa RJ. My other unpopular opinion is that RJ was never given enough respect by the shows powers. I still love his speech to St.Van about betrayal begetting anger.

Edited by hcs
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