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One is the Loneliest Number: Unpopular GG Opinions

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There is no way SF would have been as loved as LG had she become Lorelai - thank god that never happened! LGs likability and charm allowed most fans to overlook Lorelais failings.... ASP got lucky with that piece of apparent casting bad luck!!

Edited by BellyLaughter
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I felt, after watching the first few episodes, that Lorelei would not have been well liked in the real world. 


I am pretty sure that if I started watching this and the lead had been Sherilyn Fenn, I would have never made it past the first episode. 


Truthfully, I did not have a problem with the character Anna - up to a point. I can't remember what point in the story we were at, as I only watched the series once, but they took her character too far and she became not tolerable. I did not have a problem when she upset about April being left with Lorelei at the birthday party. It was after that. It probably how she handled Luke and his visits with April. Partly because April was a teenager and no one was asking her what she wanted. 

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Truthfully, I did not have a problem with the character Anna - up to a point. I can't remember what point in the story we were at, as I only watched the series once, but they took her character too far and she became not tolerable


With respect, you had no problem with Anna keeping Luke - a decent, responsible, hard-working man - from knowing he was a father? And for that matter, letting April think her mother really had no idea as to her paternal parent? I ask because these were issues that came to the fore when we first met April and Anna.


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With respect, you had no problem with Anna keeping Luke - a decent, responsible, hard-working man - from knowing he was a father?


He's also the same guy who thought nothing of physically attacking a teenage boy for *gasp* breaking up with Rory.  I'm not saying that excuses Anna's horrible actions, but I think it's fair to bring up if the only description of Luke being offered is that he's "decent, responsible and hard-working," when obviously there are times he has shown indecent and irresponsible behavior. 

Edited by txhorns79
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I wasn't invested in what Anna did in the past. It was the way she was portrayed on the actual TV screen. I didn't care that she didn't tell Luke.  The day April and her stupid helmet rolled into Luke's Diner, I knew what was going on and I was hoping I was wrong. I was more miffed that the story line even existed. 

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Boy that Anna must have been prescient, given that the business with Dean and Luke took place some years after April was born.


I don't recall Anna commenting on Luke having an abusive or violent nature when they were romantically involved or as the reason she ended their relationship. At the very least, I would have thought she would have mentioned it at  the  hearing  as a means of preventing Luke from getting any kind of custody.


So I stand by my earlier comments that when Anna was pregnant and then had April, she knew him to be a decent, responsible and hard-working man.


Of course, males with these qualities tended to be rather scarce in the Gilmore Girls universe, but that is a different topic.

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Boy that Anna must have been prescient, given that the business with Dean and Luke took place some years after April was born.


I don't think it was suggested that the event happened before April was born.  However, if you did believe that was what I was suggesting, I'm happy to correct your mistaken impression. 


I was actually just citing it as an example of behavior that didn't match your description of Luke, and in fact, seriously calls into question his overall character.  We don't know what Luke was like at the time Anna and he dated, much less how he acted with her.  After all, Anna decided that his not liking children was enough to not inform him about his kid.  Unless the argument is that she's a complete psycho (which may be legitimate given her later behavior), you have to figure her decision was coming from some behavior she had observed.          

Edited by txhorns79
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Did Anna even know for sure that Luke was the father?  If not, she must have kept the happy news from 3 different men of presumably different temperaments and character.  After all, she gave April 3 names.  


If she actually knew if was Luke, why would she play that silly charade?  Just tell April that her father was out of picture, period.  Certainly claiming it could be one of 3 men reflects rather badly on her since it gives the message that she has sex with 3 men all within a few days.  


Nice example there, mom.  Certainly gives you the right to question Luke's character.

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Nice example there, mom.  Certainly gives you the right to question Luke's character.


It's one of those plotlines that falls apart if you think too hard about it. 



Did Anna even know for sure that Luke was the father?  If not, she must have kept the happy news from 3 different men of presumably different temperaments and character.  After all, she gave April 3 names.


I didn't remember how it happened.  Did Anna give April names or did April go through her mom's diaries and find three names?  I felt like there was some point where Anna told Luke she hadn't been aware of what April was doing. 

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Did Anna give April names or did April go through her mom's diaries and find three names?  I felt like there was some point where Anna told Luke she hadn't been aware of what April was doing.


Either way, it makes Anna look pretty skeevy.  Hardly someone qualified to pass judgement on someone else that she probably barely knows.

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Did Anna even know for sure that Luke was the father?  If not, she must have kept the happy news from 3 different men of presumably different temperaments and character.  After all, she gave April 3 names.  


If she actually knew if was Luke, why would she play that silly charade?  Just tell April that her father was out of picture, period.  Certainly claiming it could be one of 3 men reflects rather badly on her since it gives the message that she has sex with 3 men all within a few days.  


Nice example there, mom.  Certainly gives you the right to question Luke's character.


There was never any indication Anna didn't know who the father was, she just didn't feel April needed to know since Luke was no longer in her life when she found out she was pregnant.  April, wanting a cool science fair project, took it upon herself to look thru Anna's old letters to see if she could figure out some candidates.  There were three men that roughly fit the timeline and those were the three men whose DNA she tested.  (I call shenanigans on a public school letting a middle schooler do such an experiment in the first place, but that's another argument.)

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(I call shenanigans on a public school letting a middle schooler do such an experiment in the first place, but that's another argument.)


Yeah, I'd think there would have been a call to Anna pretty quickly once it became clear what April was doing. 

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Yeah, I'd think there would have been a call to Anna pretty quickly once it became clear what April was doing.

And that's what made the whole SL just incomprehensible from the word go...I get zaney GG world and all but having a 12 year old girl "DNA" test her multitude of father choices while no one bats an eyelid was just bad taste.

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I call shenanigans on a public school letting a middle schooler do such an experiment in the first place


I call shenanigans on there being that many male letter writers around sending missives to Anna in the early nineteen nineties that April was able to glean who her father might be. Especially since there was no evidence provided that these men were in the military or were working abroad. I could understand young, besotted swains sending letters to the demure, angelic Rory. But Anna? Not so much.


And why would Luke Danes who lived in nearby Stars Hollow - of all people - be writing to her?  We know he had never brought a woman flowers  until the opening of the Dragonfly. A quick phone call seemed more likely his style of communication  than a billet-doux ;)


I know that part of Connecticut was a tad twee, but really!

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I call shenanigans on there being that many male letter writers around sending missives to Anna in the early nineteen nineties that April was able to glean who her father might be. Especially since there was no evidence provided that these men were in the military or were working abroad. I could understand young, besotted swains sending letters to the demure, angelic Rory. But Anna? Not so much.


I took a look at the episode transcript for The Perfect Dress, and Anna just says that April went through her old letters and figured out who the possible men were.  She doesn't say that the men wrote her the letters that April had found.  For all we know, April just found letters where the men were mentioned.   Though maybe Luke writing a letter to Anna was referenced in a different episode that I don't remember.  I'm sure if that reference exists, someone will find it.   

Edited by txhorns79
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I am trying to envision these letters, if they were not from the beaux in question. Perhaps something like this -

Dear Anna,

Your date with Luke Danes of 123 Main Street, Stars Hollow sounds like it was just swell. Hiking and a picnic!

July is a lovely month for that. And he's an entrepreneur just about to open his own diner!


Do keep me posted. He sounds like a keeper. 


Your pal,


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I am trying to envision these letters, if they were not from the beaux in question.



It isn't clear if this is meant as a joke, or this is honest doubt that no one could possibly have written a letter to Anna that would have allowed April to identify potential fathers except for the possible sperm donors.  I'll just presume it is doubt, and say couldn't the letter just say something to the extent of: "How are things going with Luke Danes?"  Maybe it's an extremely common name, but it doesn't seem like it would have been hard for April to use the internet to look for people with that name near to where she and her mother lived, or simply ask her mother's friends for more information after she found the name.  I mean, she said she had an uncle helping her run the DNA analysis without her mother's knowledge, so it seems like she could have sought out other adults for assistance as well.        

Edited by txhorns79
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I mean, she said she had an uncle helping her run the DNA analysis without her mother's knowledge, so it seems like she could have sought out other adults for assistance as well.


To be fair, if my 12 year old niece came to me with the DNA of 3 possible fathers and it was none of them, I'd pick a random one for her because otherwise that's kind of traumatizing and also would put my sister in a horrible light. It didn't look like she tested her mom, so I'd really just put in an avuncular test and try to pass it off.

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There was never any indication Anna didn't know who the father was, she just didn't feel April needed to know since Luke was no longer in her life when she found out she was pregnant.  April, wanting a cool science fair project, took it upon herself to look thru Anna's old letters to see if she could figure out some candidates.  There were three men that roughly fit the timeline and those were the three men whose DNA she tested.  (I call shenanigans on a public school letting a middle schooler do such an experiment in the first place, but that's another argument.)

The same school system that let a man in his mid 30s be the male lead in a children's version of Fiddler on the Roof because he was dating one of the stage managers. The same school system that did not make any phone calls to the legal guardian of a student that was failing school by skipping. The same school system that let a korean women yell at a band teacher because her daughter wasn't getting the right set up during concerts and wasn't Christian enough? No, I don't see why they would let a pre-teen girl do a DNA science experiment to find out who her father was. From three men who would not be writing letters in the mid 90s or parents and April's "friends" not going: "Are you crazy?"

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The same school system that let a man in his mid 30s be the male lead in a children's version of Fiddler on the Roof because he was dating one of the stage managers. The same school system that did not make any phone calls to the legal guardian of a student that was failing school by skipping. The same school system that let a korean women yell at a band teacher because her daughter wasn't getting the right set up during concerts and wasn't Christian enough? No, I don't see why they would let a pre-teen girl do a DNA science experiment to find out who her father was. From three men who would not be writing letters in the mid 90s or parents and April's "friends" not going: "Are you crazy?"

Didn't April live in another town? Within biking distance, but I'd assume different school districts.

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To be fair, if my 12 year old niece came to me with the DNA of 3 possible fathers and it was none of them, I'd pick a random one for her because otherwise that's kind of traumatizing and also would put my sister in a horrible light. It didn't look like she tested her mom, so I'd really just put in an avuncular test and try to pass it off.


I'd think that would be very risky.  What would happen if she then confronted the guy with the results you gave her, he didn't like what he heard and the whole situation blows up because he demands a test that shows he isn't the father?  Then, despite your good intentions, you've put your niece and sister through hell. 

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Didn't April live in another town? Within biking distance, but I'd assume different school districts.

Yes, but you see my point. In the AS-P universe, the schools remain the same and don't get me started on Chilton.

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I'd think that would be very risky.  What would happen if she then confronted the guy with the results you gave her, he didn't like what he heard and the whole situation blows up because he demands a test that shows he isn't the father?  Then, despite your good intentions, you've put your niece and sister through hell. 

Which is why I assume Emily and Richard had asked if Luke got a test of his own. Because every normal person in the world would. Why would he have unyielding faith in the woman who hid his daughter from him in the first place?


Also, it wouldn't really be putting your sister through hell since she'd be able to nip it in the butt very early on. Assuming she knows who the father is of course. So the only person that would be put through hell would be the niece (who would be put through hell if all the results were negative) and the guy (who no one cared about anyways). I'd also think that a normal guy would call Anna pretty soon after seeing the results and be more upset than Luke was.


Yes, but you see my point. In the AS-P universe, the schools remain the same and don't get me started on Chilton.


Sorry, I didn't see what you were saying previously. I totally agree. The schools there were just weird.

Edited by solotrek
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I'd also think that a normal guy would call Anna pretty soon after seeing the results and be more upset than Luke was.


I'd think a normal guy would call his sister before he ran any tests.   Though why would he be upset if the results didn't match? 

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Which is why I assume Emily and Richard had asked if Luke got a test of his own. Because every normal person in the world would. Why would he have unyielding faith in the woman who hid his daughter from him in the first place?


Also, it wouldn't really be putting your sister through hell since she'd be able to nip it in the butt very early on. Assuming she knows who the father is of course. So the only person that would be put through hell would be the niece (who would be put through hell if all the results were negative) and the guy (who no one cared about anyways). I'd also think that a normal guy would call Anna pretty soon after seeing the results and be more upset than Luke was.

Oh I know. I remember first season on Parenthood when the sister asked Crosby about Jabar being his son without a paternity test and not just take the word of someone. They had her get all in a humph until she explained why she did and they still got the test. Its a TV troupe these days or going off of Murry: "You're not the father!" Then again, the reason why April was brought in was to throw a wrench in Luke and Lorelai's relationship. AS-P has admitted it, her husband has, even Scott Patterson remembers getting the script  and saying: "Really, he gets a daughter so his relationship with Lorelai doesn't work out?" 

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I'd also think that a normal guy would call Anna pretty soon after seeing the results and be more upset than Luke was.

I'd think a normal guy would call his sister before he ran any tests.   Though why would he be upset if the results didn't match?

I think at this point in the original post, "a normal guy" now refers to April's bio dad, not her uncle.

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Speaking of characters thrown away to make room for the characters of Anna, April and Ugh... Liz. My UPO is that I really enjoyed Rory and Paris's freshman roommates, Tana and Janet. They had their quirks and what I really enjoyed is how they had different views on Paris and even Lane. It was very refreshing change of pace including the smack down Janet gave Paris when she broke up with Jaime and was hiding her relationship with her professor. I also enjoyed has Paris told Janet having her boyfriend act like he lived there wasn't professional or anything. They both had valid arguments. Ditching them the next season and then bringing in Lucy and Olivia just never made sense to me. Especially when Olivia Hack and Katie Walder weren't doing any other projects and Olivia Hack even said in an interview. She wasn't told she wasn't coming back until about a month before they they started filming the new season. Yet we had to have Jared, Milo, Wayne Wilcox shoe horned in every time they had nothing else going on because 1. AS-P loved them so much she used them even if it never made sense. 2. Because they needed a paycheck.  

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My UPO is that I really enjoyed Rory and Paris's freshman roommates, Tana and Janet.


Table for two, please! I absolutely LOVE Tana. And while I get the argument that she's too exaggerated and bizarre, I would counter that 1) that's true of about 97% of this show's characters and 2) I'd actually have loved to see a few MORE brilliant, sweet and endearingly socially awkward people like Tana floating around Yale...and a few less of the insufferable Life and Death Brigade or obnoxiously pretentious Lucy/Olivia types, please :) I just really liked the facets of Rory's character that her interactions with Tana brought out.


As for Janet, I wasn't crazy about her as an individual character, but you make an excellent point in your post about how she realistically (and often amusingly) clashed with Paris, and Paris really needed someone so unafraid of calling her out on her...Paris-ness. Janet finding Paris an insufferable roommate was one of the more realistic developments of this show, because even as someone who adores Paris as a fictional character, I shudder to think of what it must have been like to actually live with her. Not even my own life coach and crafts corner could have helped me survive it :) 

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From what I have read here, I think this is a UO: I don't like Lane. I love her in theory, but in execution she is just so...lame! She spouts encyclopedic "rock and roll" knowledge, apparently instantly mastered the drums without lessons or practicing, and broke free from her repressed upbringing, but I just don't buy it. I mean, I buy her love of music, but it all just seems so superficial. The hair, the get-ups when performing...it all seems so fake.

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Speaking of characters thrown away to make room for the characters of Anna, April and Ugh... Liz. My UPO is that I really enjoyed Rory and Paris's freshman roommates, Tana and Janet. They had their quirks and what I really enjoyed is how they had different views on Paris and even Lane. It was very refreshing change of pace including the smack down Janet gave Paris when she broke up with Jaime and was hiding her relationship with her professor. I also enjoyed has Paris told Janet having her boyfriend act like he lived there wasn't professional or anything. They both had valid arguments. Ditching them the next season and then bringing in Lucy and Olivia just never made sense to me. Especially when Olivia Hack and Katie Walder weren't doing any other projects and Olivia Hack even said in an interview. She wasn't told she wasn't coming back until about a month before they they started filming the new season. Yet we had to have Jared, Milo, Wayne Wilcox shoe horned in every time they had nothing else going on because 1. AS-P loved them so much she used them even if it never made sense. 2. Because they needed a paycheck.  


I loved Tana and Janet, way more than Lucy and Olivia. The Janet v. Paris wars were awesome. Although, I'm not sure that specifically that Jared, Milo, and Wayne were kept on because ASP loved the actors so much as because they're part of the stable of boys who constantly demonstrated Rory's fairy princess value by never getting over her.


Frankly, I also don't think there was enough Milo/Jess for the story's needs. In a perfect casting world, I think he'd be a little more part of Luke's life around S5-7 instead of largely unmentioned besides The Real Paul Anka. (It wasn't great of Rory to not reach out to Jess and thank him for waking her the fuck up to her misspent life instead of just waiting to reach out to him when it was partly about secret passive-aggressive revenge at Logan- but I think that's pivotal to her plot in The Real Paul Anka.)


In fact, I don't think there was enough Jared/Dean relative to how YOOOOGE the affair storyline was. It's small town- you'd think Rory would have difficult and awkward encounters with him. In S1-4, Dean turned up at lots of town events, clearly painted as someone involved in town events who worked at Dozeys Market and took part in the big projects from constructions to all of the sports teams. Dean conveniently exited the entire stage after he broke up with Rory except for The Worst Curtain Call Appearance Ever (Don't Applaud Dean On His Way Out, Throw Tomatoes at Him PLEASE)!


I agree that Marty was brought back in S7 just to pine after Rory, no valuable story to be had there.

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I don't mind Lane as a character. (I'm actually kind of indifferent to her, I think? Like I'm fine with her generally and enjoy some of her interactions with Rory and her mom, but I'd also be fine if she had been off the show the last few seasons---and especially before she started dating Zack!) I do, however, totally agree that the whole 'duuuude, we're so hard core rock 'n roll!' stuff with Lane and the rest of Hep Alien could be incredibly lame, and I only enjoy those scenes when I convince myself that the show was going for a Spinal Tap vibe---a poseur-y band who takes themselves all too seriously even as we the audience can hear how terrible they are :) The show's take on music in general kind of annoyed me---nearly all the characters who we were supposed to like had this self-superior, 'I like super cool music, which in turn makes me way more awesome than those who don't' attitude, most notably Lorelai and Rory themselves. It always irked me how Lindsay mentioning she liked (gasp!) a couple of mainstream bands like Matchbox 20 was presented as evidence of how lame she was.   

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I loved Tana and Janet, way more than Lucy and Olivia. The Janet v. Paris wars were awesome. Although, I'm not sure that specifically that Jared, Milo, and Wayne were kept on because ASP loved the actors so much as because they're part of the stable of boys who constantly demonstrated Rory's fairy princess value by never getting over her.


I don't remember Janet being a particularly well developed character.  I feel like her main attributes were that she exercised a lot, and had a boyfriend Paris didn't like.  I wouldn't have minded her sticking around as I did like that she stood up to Paris, but I don't remember being wowed by the character.     

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I wasn't "wowed" either. I just really liked that she stood up to Paris. I also enjoyed that she was smart and quick-witted even though she looked like Barbie and was an athlete. It was refreshing for GG since they do like their stereotypes, especially the "There are no other girls who are pretty, smart, and *normal* all at the same time" besides Rory (and arguably verrrrry beta Lane). On that basis, I loved Janet just for being a first after Lindsey, Paris, Madeline, Louise, Francine, Shane, Tana, and a million of Rory's other girl-peers all had something very wrong with them. For most shows, that wouldn't be such a revelation but it was on GG. 


I also think that scene in Say Something where Paris gets Janet and her friend to play Love Advisers to her and Rory is profoundly underrated. One of my favorite just plain college-social scenes- no romance. "Rory, come on. We're sitting in a sea of expertise in this field. The college campus. There's no end of knock-headed bimbos with tons of dross to dispense. There's two now." Or for Jane specific material:


PARIS: Okay, so I've got a guy.

JANET: Blind?


But you know, Janet held on her entirely justifiable dislike of Paris...but still played Love Doctor for her. Pretty classy- although I kind of think Janet mainly enjoyed having a gossipy love puzzle to figure out rather than any desire to help Paris and the actress accordingly played it that way. 

Edited by Melancholy
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Lane was unique as a fictional character, and I found her fun and intriguing -- when she was a high school sophomore. Her character, however, needed, as she grew older, to develop interests beyond having hipper-than-thou musical tastes. Give her something more going on in her life than being in a go-nowhere band, a go-nowhere marriage, and too-young motherhood.

Edited by clack
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My UPO is that I really enjoyed Rory and Paris's freshman roommates, Tana and Janet. They had their quirks and what I really enjoyed is how they had different views on Paris and even Lane. It was very refreshing change of pace including the smack down Janet gave Paris when she broke up with Jaime and was hiding her relationship with her professor. I also enjoyed has Paris told Janet having her boyfriend act like he lived there wasn't professional or anything. They both had valid arguments. Ditching them the next season and then bringing in Lucy and Olivia just never made sense to me. 


Table for 4! I can't say that I loved them but I did think that they're characters were pleasant and showed other sides to the main characters. But I really really HATED Lucy and Olivia! I thought the way they were written was too forced... trying too hard to make them seem oh so cool. Ugh! 

I also found it strange when Paris called Janet over to their table to ask her advice when she wasn't sure what was the deal with her and Doyle & Rory and Logan. I never got the impression that Janet knew the world about men, just because she had a boyfriend? yeah, ok...


From what I have read here, I think this is a UO: I don't like Lane. I love her in theory, but in execution she is just so...lame! She spouts encyclopedic "rock and roll" knowledge, apparently instantly mastered the drums without lessons or practicing, and broke free from her repressed upbringing, but I just don't buy it. I mean, I buy her love of music, but it all just seems so superficial. The hair, the get-ups when performing...it all seems so fake.


I don't like rock-n-roll Lane. The band stuff was just stupid. She sits at a drum kit and all of a sudden she's a rock star? I understand the relationship with her mother and even her relationship with Rory, as much as it bugs me that it's not one of those "even" friendships, but more about Rory than Lane, I get it. But I'm always tempted to fast-forward through anything Hep Alien related. What makes it worse is that I don't like Zack and I don't think they belonged together so that made the band scenes even less tolerable for me.

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Table for 4! I can't say that I loved them but I did think that they're characters were pleasant and showed other sides to the main characters. But I really really HATED Lucy and Olivia! I thought the way they were written was too forced... trying too hard to make them seem oh so cool. Ugh! 

I also found it strange when Paris called Janet over to their table to ask her advice when she wasn't sure what was the deal with her and Doyle & Rory and Logan. I never got the impression that Janet knew the world about men, just because she had a boyfriend? yeah, ok...



I don't like rock-n-roll Lane. The band stuff was just stupid. She sits at a drum kit and all of a sudden she's a rock star? I understand the relationship with her mother and even her relationship with Rory, as much as it bugs me that it's not one of those "even" friendships, but more about Rory than Lane, I get it. But I'm always tempted to fast-forward through anything Hep Alien related. What makes it worse is that I don't like Zack and I don't think they belonged together so that made the band scenes even less tolerable for me.

Truth be told, I hated everything about Hepp Alien when they were around. I was never a fan of Zach, even though I liked Gil, but really. She was a TV troupe of: "I have to have a band to get out of this small town where I can't be who I want to be." Yet, the only person who didn't know her was Mama Kim since she hid her entire life from her. Another thing, Lane's choice in music really was just stupid, not rebellious, not edgy, it was just... music that wasn't Christian and at the disapproval of her mother. I do hope when the Netflix series comes about and I know we will see Zach and the twins, I hope that Hepp Alien broke up, Lane and Zach became music teachers in fact, Lane as a band teacher would be perfect. 

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I never understood why she liked Zach in the first place. Or why he liked her. He was a musician with a girl on both arms. He gave up the multiple loose girls for one sexually repressed girl. I don't know what Lane saw in him. He was kind of stupid. 


I was wondering if these two would even still be married in the reunion shows. 

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I also think that scene in Say Something where Paris gets Janet and her friend to play Love Advisers to her and Rory is profoundly underrated. One of my favorite just plain college-social scenes- no romance. "Rory, come on. We're sitting in a sea of expertise in this field. The college campus. There's no end of knock-headed bimbos with tons of dross to dispense. There's two now." Or for Jane specific material:


PARIS: Okay, so I've got a guy.

JANET: Blind?




HA!  That was great.


Janet got on my nerves, but in a good way if that makes any sense.  The kind of way that doesn't mind seeing her onscreen, rather than makes you want to poke your eyeballs out like Lucy and Olivia do.  (Is anyone else going to find it REALLY strange to watch those episodes again after seeing KR in such a dark role as Jessica Jones?)

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If the show had to pair up Lane with someone post-Dave, I'll never quite forgive them for making it obnoxious, dumb, annoying, posuer-y Zack instead of kind, thoughtful, smarter-but-then-again-who-isn't Brian :) 

Edited by amensisterfriend
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What makes it worse is that I don't like Zack and I don't think they belonged together so that made the band scenes even less tolerable for me.


Yeah, there was an underlying "process of elimination" feel to the Lane and Zach relationship.  It isn't like she regularly interacted with anyone else excepting Brian who was even remotely close to her age. 

Edited by txhorns79
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Yeah, there was an underlying "process of elimination" feel to the Lane and Zach relationship.  It isn't like she regularly interacted with anyone else excepting Brian who was even remotely close to her age. 

That's what made Lane and Zach just seem... odd as a couple. Then one who had such a bad honeymoon and then get twins after one bad night of sex. I mean, that was too much. Plus, what the hell were they supporting their twin boys on? I never really understood the money that Hepp Alien was taking in and what Lane and Zach were doing to pay the rent. 

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what the hell were they supporting their twin boys on? I never really understood the money that Hepp Alien was taking in and what Lane and Zach were doing to pay the rent


Yes, that was a puzzle. I doubt working at Luke's  would have paid that much - unless he had raised his staff's wages a goodly amount from the time Jess was working there. How many Hep Alien gigs did they have on average each month. Frankly, I can't remember their living accommodation. Some kind of potting shed perhaps ;)

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