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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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21 minutes ago, SeanC said:

This doesn't bode overly well for his overall survival in the books, but it does seem like the writers are aggressively culling the cast this season to narrow the focus.

I agree with this assessment. A lot of named characters have died in the first few episodes, and mostly book characters, too (as opposed to show-only characters). Throw in the rumoured KL massacre at the end of Season 6 killing an  unprecedented number of named characters in a single scene (I think four is the record to beat), and the alleged leaks' death tolls for the BOTB and aftermath...


Rickon (arrows), Smalljon (Tormund), Wun Wun (another arrow), and Ramsay (Jon/Ramsay's dogs)

...and you have the makings of an enormous character cull. 

Edited by Eyes High

Thinking on next week's promo, Baelish has somehow heard about Sansa's escape (which, incidentally, I know some people had been predicting that he'd be going north without any clue of how badly things went awry at Winterfell, which doesn't seem to be the case) and is apparently trying to sell Robin on this as a rescue mission.  Based on that, it would seem like either he just arrived in the Vale (unusually slow traveling for him) or else he's been having a hard time convincing them to go North with him -- probably the former.

Weirdly, the Vale appears to be much more loyal to the memory of Ned Stark than the North.

The two places I really wanted to see, The Neck and it's people, and Skagos and it's people, and it looks like we are definitely being robbed of the latter, but who knows, we might see The Neck eventually.  Instead?  Pirates and Dorne.  Although the tiny bit of Dorne we've seen was pretty, and a relief from all the dark scenes. 

7 hours ago, SeanC said:

I'm really not clear what you mean.  All of those things point to the siblings meeting again, not Sansa dying beforehand; as to the idea of Arya killing Sansa, the mere fact that Sansa's going to Cersei wasn't in the show would indicate that's not the case.  If it was that crucial to the outcome of the story, they wouldn't have omitted it.

I was more or less spewing hypotheticals, as I said it comes off as sibling normal banter, to me all indicators are they friggin fall into each other's arms and Alyssa's Tears will flood all of Westeros.

So if the Three-eyed Raven has waited 1000 years, and he's a Targaryan, that mean he was around for the DOOM?

Ned heard Bran's voice, and didn't the "mad king" hear voices as well?  Maybe he really did, from the time traveling tree network?  So, perhaps, not so mad after all?  Well, mad of course, but the voices may have been real.

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15 hours ago, GrailKing said:

Yes she does, but she is

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overlooking the battle, seems her flanked by 2 Knights match the three people seen in the upper right in the distant during the battle scene, so she sees what's happening with Rickon and tries to save him and is killed in doing so, but Rickon lives.


Ramsey and LF get screwed in one shot,just another twist for thought.

I hope not. Sophie Turner is a very compelling and engaging actress. Rickon is good, but he's got no relationships with anyone--there's nothing really to follow.

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I still think we have to consider the possibility that D&D are merging Bran and Rickon's storylines on the show. 

If Bran were meant to become a tree in the books and Rickon were meant to inherit Winterfell, I can see why D&D would want to cut those two plots down to one, plus the entertainment value of watching Bran in the cave having visions and communicating through the weirnet would wear off pretty quickly.  So, they kill Rickon, with whom the audience has really not have a lot interaction, and get Bran out of the cave and in the Winterfell seat.

I think that unless we get some sort of confirmation from D&D and GRRM as to some of the choices made on the show being the same that will be made in the books, it's pretty hard to say for certain how things will turn out in the books.  One could speculate that whoever ends up in the IT and as head of house (for the major ones) on the show will end up there in the books, but in the case of the Starks, what difference does it make, for the show, if it's Bran or Rickon? Dramatically, the audience has spent more time with Bran, so, that makes more sense.

For the books, it could still be different.  As of the final book Davos was headed to Skagos, who's to say it isn't GRRM's plan to have a nice and long story catching up with Rickon so that book readers form an emotional attachment to the eventual heir of Winterfell? After all, he introduced Dorne and Quentyn and a bunch of other POVs in the 4th book, and I don't get the feeling he would not do the same just because it's book 6; he even hinted he might end at 8 books and not 7.  We just don't know what his plans are.

That said, I think that from now on we'll see a George much more reluctant to confirm/deny book vs. TV show alignment because he still wants to sell his upcoming books.

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3 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Originally when this promotional photo was released, many thought that Bran sees these WW in a vision/flashback. 

Now since we know Bran is not becoming a tree and leaving the cave soon, I wonder if he actually comes across the WWs. 

He's standing in that shot, so that's a vision.

12 minutes ago, WearyTraveler said:

I still think we have to consider the possibility that D&D are merging Bran and Rickon's storylines on the show. 

The writers have said a lot that people will have the same endings, at least for major characters.  If Bran wasn't going to inherit Winterfell in the books, he wouldn't in the show (and frankly, I'm skeptical that, if the writers were departing from the books on this score, Bran would be the person they'd choose to give it to, since they've never seemed especially interested in him to me).

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6 minutes ago, SeanC said:

The writers have said a lot that people will have the same endings, at least for major characters.  If Bran wasn't going to inherit Winterfell in the books, he wouldn't in the show (and frankly, I'm skeptical that, if the writers were departing from the books on this score, Bran would be the person they'd choose to give it to, since they've never seemed especially interested in him to me).

If Sansa is meant to end somewhere else (as Queen or ruling the Vale, which seems highly plausible given where she is and what she's doing in the books), and Arya is meant to become a FM, and Jon is meant to die or take the IT, who will they give Winterfell to? You're left with Bran or Rickon.  If they don't care about Bran, they care even less about Rickon, so, there's the choice.

6 minutes ago, WearyTraveler said:

If Sansa is meant to end somewhere else (as Queen or ruling the Vale, which seems highly plausible given where she is and what she's doing in the books), and Arya is meant to become a FM, and Jon is meant to die or take the IT, who will they give Winterfell to? You're left with Bran or Rickon.  If they don't care about Bran, they care even less about Rickon, so, there's the choice.

Arya isn't becoming a Faceless Man (the whole point of that story is that she's unsuited for it), and I don't see how Sansa would end up ruling the Vale, which she has no claim to (her appreciation for Winterfell and her Stark heritage is one of the main themes of her story).

If Sansa marries Harry the Heir and sweet Robin, sickly as he is, happens to die, then Sansa would partially rule The Vale, wouldn't she?

I agree that Arya is not really a FM and that she'll probably be Arya again at some point and start exacting her revenge, but I think as much as her FM storyline proves she's not cut for it, it also proves she can't be seat of the House, she's much too "wild" for it.  Her destiny is actually one I'm very curious about, actually.  Maybe she'll be the first ever female Lord Commander of the Night's Watch (I'm only half kidding).


He generally posts on Friday, so a few more days, assuming he's going to keep doing it (I still don't get how HBO is having his videos taken down when they don't contain any copyrighted material).

EDIT:  New episode titles.  Episode 6 is "Blood Of My Blood" (I imagine this will be Drogon's Dothraki BBQ) and Episode 7 is "The Broken Man" (get hype!).

Edited by SeanC
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4 hours ago, SeanC said:

He generally posts on Friday, so a few more days, assuming he's going to keep doing it (I still don't get how HBO is having his videos taken down when they don't contain any copyrighted material).

EDIT:  New episode titles.  Episode 6 is "Blood Of My Blood" (I imagine this will be Drogon's Dothraki BBQ) and Episode 7 is "The Broken Man" (get hype!).

Pretty sure the Dothraki BBQ is from episode 6x04. The weirdly accurate nudity spoiler site implied that Dany has a big nude scene in 6x04, so a rehash of 1x10 where she emerges naked and unscathed from the ashes of the temple sounds about right. I agree that 6x06 sounds like another big Dothraki episode, though.

I think the way Frikidoctor explained it is that when someone files a DMCA copyright infringement notice with Youtube, they presumptively take down the video without assessing the correctness of doing so. Then, if the person who posted the video challenges the takedown, Youtube has to put it up again after two weeks unless the party who filed the infringement notice sues the poster. So for HBO's purposes, all they have to do is claim infringement and Youtube has to take it down. Given that the videos were only posted about 48 hours before the episodes aired, by the time Frikidoctor gets the videos restored, it will be too late to spoil the episode.

I'm pretty impressed that Frikidoctor's source had the balls to leak detailed spoilers for 6x03 and that Frikidoctor had the balls to post the 6x03 video after HBO brought the hammer down on Frikidoctor and got Youtube to take down the first two spoiler videos.

I don't know anything about intellectual property law, so I wonder whether posting an extremely detailed spoiler summary of something before it's released can be considered copyright infringement, if it's just a description of the copyrighted material. It doesn't seem like it, to me, but again, I'm not an intellectual property lawyer.

Edited by Eyes High
6 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

I don't know anything about intellectual property law, so I wonder whether posting an extremely detailed spoiler summary of something before it's released can be considered copyright infringement, if it's just a description of the copyrighted material. It doesn't seem like it, to me, but again, I'm not an intellectual property lawyer.

As somebody who has studied copyright law, no, it wouldn't be.

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8 minutes ago, SeanC said:

As somebody who has studied copyright law, no, it wouldn't be.

I found an article about this, and it looks like the experts disagree with you:



"If he's giving away detailed plot information, he definitely faces the possibility of being liable for criminal copyright infringement, no question," says Deborah Gerhardt, a professor at the University of North Carolina School of Law.

Copyright law criminalizes infringement for "commercial advantage or private financial gain;" distributing or reproducing copies of copyrighted works that "have a total retail value of more than $1,000;" and the knowing "distribution of a work being prepared for commercial distribution" via computer network, with potential prison sentences of up to 10 years per offense.

Tyler Ochoa, a professor at the Santa Clara University School of Law, says he agrees that the man "is pretty clearly an infringer," but says he could have some room to argue he's innocent of a crime.

That's because the criminal statute criminalizing distribution of a "work being prepared for commercial distribution" defines that as – when applied to motion pictures – one that is "made available for viewing in a motion picture exhibition facility" but not yet "made available in copies for sale to the general public in the United States." (...)

"This guy's trying to be sneaky by saying, 'Hey I'm not copying anything, I'm only predicting what will happen and then describing the plot in exquisite detail,'" Ochoa says. "But that's clearly not right under U.S. copyright law."

Trotter Hardy, a copyright expert and emeritus professor of law at the College of William and Mary, says he believes plot-leaking can be a crime, though he stresses he hasn't viewed the spoilers and based his analysis on the reported accuracy of the videos.

"A lot depends on how much he's revealing," he says. "But the fact that he isn't posting actual video from the show doesn't matter; the issue would be whether he's reproducing enough plot detail, because a detailed plot is certainly copyrightable as such."

In addition to the apparent violation of criminal law from the preemptive release of a copyrighted work, Hardy says another of the three-pronged statute's provisions could hook the Spaniard.

The law's criminalizing of reproducing or distributing protected works with a value greater than $1,000, he says, also seems to apply.


14 minutes ago, SeanC said:

US copyright law evidently stricter than Canadian law on this point, or at least that's the impression from my studies.

Could be.

So Docmantistobogan on Reddit.com--one of the alleged leaks for information about the BOTB--is commenting on and clarifying previous information. Summarized below the spoiler cut and some of these are big, so be warned:



1. There's no great northern conspiracy in the show: the Umbers and Karstarks genuinely support Ramsay. Shaggydog's head was the real deal.

3. Rickon dies for sure, but he's still alive by the time the battle rolls around. He is not one of the bodies on the crosses. Ramsay tells him something about a game before telling him to run. 

4. Smalljon dies during the battle, killed by Tormund. 

5. Vale knights crest a nearby hill, deus ex machina style.

6. Ramsay is taken captive at Winterfell, not on the battlefield. DMT isn't sure whether or not Jon feeds Ramsay to his hounds. Jon does wind up on top of Ramsay at Winterfell, though, pummeling him (sadly, neither of them are shirtless for this). He only stops because he doesn't want to beat Ramsay to death in front of Sansa (DMT seems to think that's because Jon doesn't want Sansa to experience any more brutality than she already has?). Jon does make sure Ramsay dies, though.

7. The BOTB is a full-on army vs. another full-on army. This is on a much bigger scale than Hardhome: 400+ extras, 150 horsemen, stuntment, visual effects, about 700 people working on set. DMT has never seen anything like it before. Choreography is great, set pieces are great, extras were trained in sword, shield and pike use for weeks. Lots of blood, dismemberments, heads crushed in, etc.

8. DMT never saw Melisandre or Osha at the battle, did see Davos.


Edited by Eyes High
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1 minute ago, Eyes High said:


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He only stops because he doesn't want to beat Ramsay to death in front of Sansa (because Jon doesn't want Sansa to experience any more brutality than she already has).


The show will obviously do whatever it wants to get a given scene (we know that by now), but why the hell is Sansa in the middle of Winterfell when there's still active fighting going on?  That's going to be a real stretch for me.

4 minutes ago, SeanC said:
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The show will obviously do whatever it wants to get a given scene (we know that by now), but why the hell is Sansa in the middle of Winterfell when there's still active fighting going on?  That's going to be a real stretch for me.

Is she though? we have a picture of her flanked by 2 knights, in another picture we are seeing 3 people overlooking the battle, that could be them


Becoming Brienne or Joan of Arc isn't her.

Elizabeth on the other hand; maybe.

2 minutes ago, GrailKing said:


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Is she though? we have a picture of her flanked by 2 knights, in another picture we are seeing 3 people overlooking the battle, that could be them



The spoiler claims that Jon only stops beating the crap out of Ramsay in their final fight because Sansa's there, which would seem to indicate that she rode into the castle while Jon and his men are still in the process of taking it.

1 minute ago, SeanC said:
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The spoiler claims that Jon only stops beating the crap out of Ramsay in their final fight because Sansa's there, which would seem to indicate that she rode into the castle while Jon and his men are still in the process of taking it.

No, it could also mean they

were engaged 1 on 1, not a formal battle, that could ended outside and Ramsey ran inside.

There is also a picture

of a parley between LF,Ramsey.Sansa and Jon

and didn't

Jon feeds him to his dogs?

Just put the whole thing under spoiler tags rather than awkwardly breaking it up like that.


That the scene with Jon, Sansa, LF and Ramsay was a parley was purely speculative.  Going off these spoilers, it appears that it's just the final battle sequence, and LF and Sansa ride into the fight for whatever reason.  I'm not sure what difference you think there is if they "were engaged 1 on 1, not a formal battle, that could ended outside and Ramsey ran inside."  That means Sansa is in the middle of an active combat zone (and Littlefinger too, for that matter; also a non-combatant).

11 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Just put the whole thing under spoiler tags rather than awkwardly breaking it up like that.

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That the scene with Jon, Sansa, LF and Ramsay was a parley was purely speculative.  Going off these spoilers, it appears that it's just the final battle sequence, and LF and Sansa ride into the fight for whatever reason.  I'm not sure what difference you think there is if they "were engaged 1 on 1, not a formal battle, that could ended outside and Ramsey ran inside."  That means Sansa is in the middle of an active combat zone (and Littlefinger too, for that matter; also a non-combatant).


Putting the WOTW spoilers and the DMT alleged spoilers together, along with the alleged spoilers from that TheBuffaloHoove guy, this is what we have:

1. Ramsay retreats to Winterfell after his forces are crushed. Jon, Sansa, and LF pursue him, along with some soldiers (which is how TBH was there, since he seems to have played an extra). There will be some sort of archer battle.

2. Jon, Sansa, LF and Ramsay are there when Wun Wun busts through the gates.

3. Jon smiles and looks up at Wun Wun only to see him plugged through the eye with one of Ramsay's arrows, killing him.

4. Jon beats the shit of Ramsay and only holds off on killing him because he doesn't want Sansa to see it, for whatever reason.

5. Jon kills Ramsay, although the method of execution is not clear. May or may not feed him to the hounds (and that's looking more likely given what Ramsay did with Myranda's body and what he did to Walda and her baby).

More info from DMT just posted:

DMT remembers Miguel Sapochnik talking about how Davos would enter the WF gates (after the archer battle/Jon vs. Ramsay) "carrying Rickon's body." Neither Sansa nor LF were carrying Rickon, which leaves in DMT's mind either Davos or Tormund, both of whom survive the battle, I guess.

Edited by Eyes High
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DMT has stated that TBH's summary of the BOTB is 99% accurate, which, if true, means that 6x09 has been more or less spoiled (assuming that the battle takes up the vast bulk of the episode, even if it's not a Blackwater or 4x09 situation). I guess we'll see when the 6x09 summary and promo pics are released if there's anything else in the episode besides the BOTB. I seem to recall that the Mesa Roldan scene with Dany, Grey Worm and Missandei was supposed to be from 6x09.

Edited by Eyes High
1 hour ago, Eyes High said:
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Putting the WOTW spoilers and the DMT alleged spoilers together, along with the alleged spoilers from that TheBuffaloHoove guy, this is what we have:

1. Ramsay retreats to Winterfell after his forces are crushed. Jon, Sansa, and LF pursue him, along with some soldiers (which is how TBH was there, since he seems to have played an extra). There will be some sort of archer battle.

2. Jon, Sansa, LF and Ramsay are there when Wun Wun busts through the gates.

3. Jon smiles and looks up at Wun Wun only to see him plugged through the eye with one of Ramsay's arrows, killing him.

4. Jon beats the shit of Ramsay and only holds off on killing him because he doesn't want Sansa to see it, for whatever reason.

5. Jon kills Ramsay, although the method of execution is not clear. May or may not feed him to the hounds (and that's looking more likely given what Ramsay did with Myranda's body and what he did to Walda and her baby).

More info from DMT just posted:

DMT remembers Miguel Sapochnik talking about how Davos would enter the WF gates (after the archer battle/Jon vs. Ramsay) "carrying Rickon's body." Neither Sansa nor LF were carrying Rickon, which leaves in DMT's mind either Davos or Tormund, both of whom survive the battle, I guess.


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For the curious, a screenshot of the infamous TBH BOTB summary that DMT claims is mostly accurate is here.

I will say that assuming these spoilers are true...


I'm getting really sick of the whole "things look grim until there's a last-minute save from a third party." To be fair, the books have a lot of this, but the GOT writers do this every fucking time! They even did it earlier this season with Davos and the Jon loyalists vs. the conspirators! Ugh.

1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

DMT has stated that TBH's summary of the BOTB is 99% accurate, which, if true, means that 6x09 has been more or less spoiled (assuming that the battle takes up the vast bulk of the episode, even if it's not a Blackwater or 4x09 situation). I guess we'll see when the 6x09 summary and promo pics are released if there's anything else in the episode besides the BOTB. I seem to recall that the Mesa Roldan scene with Dany, Grey Worm and Missandei was supposed to be from 6x09.

I now think <<------ why I look sad <<-----, changing my Avatar soon.

2 hours ago, GrailKing said:

There is also a picture

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of a parley between LF,Ramsey.Sansa and Jon



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Jon feeds him to his dogs?

Wait, where is there a picture of that scene? 

2 hours ago, Eyes High said:
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Putting the WOTW spoilers and the DMT alleged spoilers together, along with the alleged spoilers from that TheBuffaloHoove guy, this is what we have:

1. Ramsay retreats to Winterfell after his forces are crushed. Jon, Sansa, and LF pursue him, along with some soldiers (which is how TBH was there, since he seems to have played an extra). There will be some sort of archer battle.

2. Jon, Sansa, LF and Ramsay are there when Wun Wun busts through the gates.

3. Jon smiles and looks up at Wun Wun only to see him plugged through the eye with one of Ramsay's arrows, killing him.

4. Jon beats the shit of Ramsay and only holds off on killing him because he doesn't want Sansa to see it, for whatever reason.

5. Jon kills Ramsay, although the method of execution is not clear. May or may not feed him to the hounds (and that's looking more likely given what Ramsay did with Myranda's body and what he did to Walda and her baby).

More info from DMT just posted:

DMT remembers Miguel Sapochnik talking about how Davos would enter the WF gates (after the archer battle/Jon vs. Ramsay) "carrying Rickon's body." Neither Sansa nor LF were carrying Rickon, which leaves in DMT's mind either Davos or Tormund, both of whom survive the battle, I guess.

 Oh God, the new piece of Rickon information is pretty damning and awful. Poor Rickon. Poor Jon & Sansa. At least it looks like both Davos & Tormund survive the battle.

On 9/5/2016 at 8:13 PM, Umbelina said:

Question, since this is the spoiler thread, why is everything being spoiler tagged?


I for one am really, really grateful to eveyone who's hiding these massive spoilers. I mean, I like reading speculations on small-ish spoilers, but entire summaries on upcoming episodes? That would spoil it too much for me. So thank you everybody for this kindness.

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20 minutes ago, bunnyblue said:

Wait, where is there a picture of that scene? 


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 Oh God, the new piece of Rickon information is pretty damning and awful. Poor Rickon. Poor Jon & Sansa. At least it looks like both Davos & Tormund survive the battle.

One of my oldest fears was that GRRM would be he kill off all the Starks to save this wasteland called Westeros.

Damn looks like everyone wants to accommodate him.


I think when we get major, pretty much confirmed detailed summaries of upcoming episodes, spoiler tags are warranted even in a spoiler thread. 

As for a picture of [redacted for spoilers], I'm pretty up on the spoilers and I haven't seen anything like that. Happy to be proven wrong, of course.

The ep title for 6x06 is "Blood of My Blood." Could this episode be Jorah's swan song? He doesn't seem to be present at the Dany/Grey Worm/Missandei/Tyrion pow wow filmed at Mesa Roldan. There's another shot of him looking at the spreading greyscale infection in one of the Season 6 trailers with a sort of sandy rock background (different from the shot in 6x01).

Assuming DMT is the real spoiler deal, for whatever it's worth DMT's choices for the r/freefolk deadpool were as follows (I think they had to pick 10):


Rickon Stark, Smalljon Umber, Roose Bolton, Tommen Baratheon, Loras Tyrell, Margaery Tyrell, Mace Tyrell, Wun Wun, Olly, Alliser Thorne.

I was going back to Edith's earlier post with the highlights of Javi's March L7R spoiler podcast and saw this:


- A main character will die and that it is completely unexpected.

Speculation coupled with more spoilers:



I'm wondering who this is. I would assume Doran, Areo, or Trystane, except they're not lead characters. Is this a reference to Rickon? Rickon's death wouldn't be unexpected if he were in Ramsay's clutches, though, and Rickon's hardly a main character. Jon's likely safe, as well as Sansa, Davos and Tormund, since they survive the BOTB. Jorah, Tommen, and, heck, Margaery are on borrowed time, so their deaths won't be unexpected. The three eyed raven will likely die at the hands of the WW, but again he's not a main character.

I consider the real "main" characters to be the core Starks plus Dany and Tyrion, but I can't see any of them dying this season. I did see a rumour on Reddit that Arya dies this season, but that can't be possible, can it? Especially not with Rickon supposedly dying in 6x09.


Edited by Eyes High
19 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

I think when we get major, pretty much confirmed detailed summaries of upcoming episodes, spoiler tags are warranted even in a spoiler thread. 

As for a picture of [redacted for spoilers], I'm pretty up on the spoilers and I haven't seen anything like that. Happy to be proven wrong, of course.

The ep title for 6x06 is "Blood of My Blood." Could this episode be Jorah's swan song? He doesn't seem to be present at the Dany/Grey Worm/Missandei/Tyrion pow wow filmed at Mesa Roldan. There's another shot of him looking at the spreading greyscale infection in the trailer with a sort of sandy rock background (different from the shot in 6x01).

The picture isn’t in this article, but it showed up  later so may have been removed but I saw it, and I think it's post battle.

38 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

I think when we get major, pretty much confirmed detailed summaries of upcoming episodes, spoiler tags are warranted even in a spoiler thread. 

As for a picture of [redacted for spoilers], I'm pretty up on the spoilers and I haven't seen anything like that. Happy to be proven wrong, of course.

The ep title for 6x06 is "Blood of My Blood." Could this episode be Jorah's swan song? He doesn't seem to be present at the Dany/Grey Worm/Missandei/Tyrion pow wow filmed at Mesa Roldan. There's another shot of him looking at the spreading greyscale infection in one of the Season 6 trailers with a sort of sandy rock background (different from the shot in 6x01).

Assuming DMT is the real spoiler deal, for whatever it's worth DMT's choices for the r/freefolk deadpool were as follows (I think they had to pick 10):

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Rickon Stark, Smalljon Umber, Roose Bolton, Tommen Baratheon, Loras Tyrell, Margaery Tyrell, Mace Tyrell, Wun Wun, Olly, Alliser Thorne.

I was going back to Edith's earlier post with the highlights of Javi's March L7R spoiler podcast and saw this:

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- A main character will die and that it is completely unexpected.

Speculation coupled with more spoilers:

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I'm wondering who this is. I would assume Doran, Areo, or Trystane, except they're not lead characters. Is this a reference to Rickon? Rickon's death wouldn't be unexpected if he were in Ramsay's clutches, though, and Rickon's hardly a main character. Jon's likely safe, as well as Sansa, Davos and Tormund, since they survive the BOTB. Jorah, Tommen, and, heck, Margaery are on borrowed time, so their deaths won't be unexpected. The three eyed raven will likely die at the hands of the WW, but again he's not a main character.

I consider the real "main" characters to be the core Starks plus Dany and Tyrion, but I can't see any of them dying this season. I did see a rumour on Reddit that Arya dies this season, but that can't be possible, can it? Especially not with Rickon supposedly dying in 6x09.


I wouldn't be surprised if they meant Margaery, if she does die.

11 hours ago, SeanC said:

He's standing in that shot, so that's a vision.

The writers have said a lot that people will have the same endings, at least for major characters.  If Bran wasn't going to inherit Winterfell in the books, he wouldn't in the show (and frankly, I'm skeptical that, if the writers were departing from the books on this score, Bran would be the person they'd choose to give it to, since they've never seemed especially interested in him to me).

The other possibility I see is that White Walkers could see/talk to Bran while he is in his vision state.  They are magical too, so...  Is that too convoluted?  In other words, while Ned or others might hear his distant voice, a white walker could actually see and interact with him. 

11 hours ago, WearyTraveler said:

If Sansa marries Harry the Heir and sweet Robin, sickly as he is, happens to die, then Sansa would partially rule The Vale, wouldn't she?

I agree that Arya is not really a FM and that she'll probably be Arya again at some point and start exacting her revenge, but I think as much as her FM storyline proves she's not cut for it, it also proves she can't be seat of the House, she's much too "wild" for it.  Her destiny is actually one I'm very curious about, actually.  Maybe she'll be the first ever female Lord Commander of the Night's Watch (I'm only half kidding).

I think the thing with Arya could go several ways.  She could actually become a Faceless Man, but keep the "face" of Arya, for whatever reasons, appearing as the old Arya when needed, but inside, a completely and forever changed girl, without Arya's emotional connections, even if she fakes them for FM reasons.  I mean, it would be sweeter if she drops it all and becomes herself while still somehow retaining all of her training, but maybe that isn't it?

10 hours ago, SeanC said:

Unrelatedly, from their scene in episode 3 it sounds like Sam is taking Gilly to Horn Hill first (somehow).  I still have no idea what exactly the larger plot purpose of Sam's journey to Oldtown is; casting sheds no light on this point.

I'm stealing this post from Reddit, because it says it better than I can.  I'm fascinated by Sam in the books, and think he is VERY important.  So thank you brashendeavors whoever you are!  Also, it gets Sam away from the wall, and if the wall really falls, that keeps Sam safe to do all of this.  Honestly, it's one of my favorite parts of the books, but most seem to hate his story.  IDGI?



Sam's journey to Oldtown accomplished at least two things:

He got the mysterious broken horn Jon found (buried in a cloak with obsidian chips), to Oldtown. It's one of the few possessions Sam kept the entire trip. That horn is hardly NOT important.

He alerted Marwyn, Sand snake Sarella/Alleras, Faceless Pigboy Pate, and Leo Tyrell of the famous Tyrells, to Aemon's insistance that Dany was the true Azor Ahai. That involves a number of different groups who may not be as united as they seem. Or, conversely, more united than they seem.

Even more likely is that Sam will discover unique information at Oldtown, that he can pair with unique information he learned at the Nights Watch.

You'll recall he said he found books at the Wall that existed no place else in the world, well likely the same is true of Oldtown's library.

Sam is in a position now to put 2+2 together in a way not possible before for any other character. It may involve a way to fight the Others, or it may involve a truth about who the Others really are, but I think it is intended for Sam to learn information no other character is in a position to know.


10 hours ago, CofCinci said:

These Spanish spoilers have ruined me. I keep coming into this thread hoping that spoilers have been posted. ?

I love any and all spoilers. 

5 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Could be.

So Docmantistobogan on Reddit.com--one of the alleged leaks for information about the BOTB--is commenting on and clarifying previous information. Summarized below the spoiler cut and some of these are big, so be warned:

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1. There's no great northern conspiracy in the show: the Umbers and Karstarks genuinely support Ramsay. Shaggydog's head was the real deal.

3. Rickon dies for sure, but he's still alive by the time the battle rolls around. He is not one of the bodies on the crosses. Ramsay tells him something about a game before telling him to run. 

4. Smalljon dies during the battle, killed by Tormund. 

5. Vale knights crest a nearby hill, deus ex machina style.

6. Ramsay is taken captive at Winterfell, not on the battlefield. DMT isn't sure whether or not Jon feeds Ramsay to his hounds. Jon does wind up on top of Ramsay at Winterfell, though, pummeling him (sadly, neither of them are shirtless for this). He only stops because he doesn't want to beat Ramsay to death in front of Sansa (DMT seems to think that's because Jon doesn't want Sansa to experience any more brutality than she already has?). Jon does make sure Ramsay dies, though.

7. The BOTB is a full-on army vs. another full-on army. This is on a much bigger scale than Hardhome: 400+ extras, 150 horsemen, stuntment, visual effects, about 700 people working on set. DMT has never seen anything like it before. Choreography is great, set pieces are great, extras were trained in sword, shield and pike use for weeks. Lots of blood, dismemberments, heads crushed in, etc.

8. DMT never saw Melisandre or Osha at the battle, did see Davos.


Thank you so much for these!  It sounds like quite a bit of story advancement that will probably take another full book to even get to. 

That's a shame. I love spoilers and was really glad to read those summaries before the episodes: some people prefer suspense, but I feel that knowing the rough outline of a movie/episode plot frees me to enjoy what's happening right now without needing to worry that I'll focus on the wrong things and miss something that'll turn out to be crucial to making sense of the big picture. Written summaries, or even screencaps, can't really capture the best things about seeing something staged, shot and acted, so spoilers don't really spoil the things that are important to me.

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