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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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Okay, so from the trailer for episode 602 with Brienne filling Sansa in on her encounter with Arya, I'm guessing that's going to be why Brienne is sent south later in the season.


I've thought that all along. I never bought the speculation that Sansa would order Brienne to bring her Jaime Lannister. That's not Sansa, but sending Brienne to find her missing sister is definitely something she would do. I'm also very happy that Brienne will actually share this important bit of info with Sansa. If Sansa ever reaches Castle Black, I hope she'll then share that info with her brother. Time for people to start communicating.


I didn't think Tyrion would visit the dragons so soon but apparently it's happening next week. Can't wait!

  • Love 5

Scenes from 6x02 trailer:


1. Bran gasping awake in the cave.

2. Confrontation between Cersei and Frankengregor and Lannister soldiers.

3. Brienne and Sansa talking about Arya.

4. Arya and the Waif stick fighting.

5. Ramsay proposes an attack on Castle Black to Roose.

6. Confrontation between Jaime and the High Sparrow over Myrcella's body in the Sept of Baelor.

7. Team Thorne banging on the door where Davos et al. are holed up (same scene shown in already-released clip).

8. Someone at Castle Black firing an arrow.

9. Tyrion vs. the dragons.


Interestingly, on rewatching the Season 6 trailers, it seemed like the "Wicked Game" trailer was largely made up of footage from 6x01 and 6x02, whereas the second long trailer has much less footage from those episodes. There are a few scenes that look like they'll be in 6x02 from the trailers: Tyrion vs. the dragons, Jaime vs. the High Sparrow, and Tyrion talking with Team Dany about the dragons.


We also know that the scene of Dany walking to Vaes Dothrak that was supposedly from 6x03 is from 6x02.


Storylines confirmed for 6x02 based on the trailer and other info, in no particular order:


1. Castle Black

2. Winterfell

3. Sansa

4. Meereen

5. Dany

6. King's Landing

7. Bran

8. Arya

9. Yara


Seems pretty packed.


I have a lot of questions about the Tyrion/dragons encounter. Why does Varys let him go down to the dragon pit in the first place, let alone get close to the dragons? Why is Tyrion getting so close to them, knowing full well how dangerous it is? Assuming that the shot of the dragon breathing fire is not a recycled one from the dragons vs. the masters last season, how does Tyrion escape without getting killed?

Edited by Eyes High

Conversely, I predict SanSan shipper rage next week if Brienne either mentions "killing" the Hound and Sansa has no reaction or else it's skipped over entirely.


They could easily skip it, but it might be a good opportunity to have a line there to set up the Hound's likely return, especially if Brienne ends up being the character who runs into him and Ian McShane. But whatever happens, I predict zero Sansa reaction; SanSan feels like a non-event on the show.

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I'm increasingly thinking that Jon's resurrection is going to be a big 604 event moment.


Perhaps it could lead to the Tower of Joy in 6x05: that timing could give the episode a "who is Jon?" theme as he tries to decide what to do next and Bran learns the truth about his parents. So... 6x02 the wildlings fight the NW, 6x03 something makes Melisandre realize that resurrection might be a possibility, 6x04 is Jon's big return?

Perhaps it could lead to the Tower of Joy in 6x05: that timing could give the episode a "who is Jon?" theme as he tries to decide what to do next and Bran learns the truth about his parents. So... 6x02 the wildlings fight the NW, 6x03 something makes Melisandre realize that resurrection might be a possibility, 6x04 is Jon's big return?

Yeah, that sounds about right.  If it takes that long, it seems like Sansa and Brienne will pretty much have to be there for it.

6x02 ep description:

Bran trains with the Three-Eyed Raven. In King’s Landing, Jaime advises Tommen. Tyrion demands good news, but has to make his own. At Castle Black, the Night’s Watch stands behind Thorne. Ramsay Bolton proposes a plan, and Balon Greyjoy entertains other proposals.

Dave Hill wrote this one.


6x03 ep description: 

Daenerys meets her future. Bran meets the past. Tommen confronts the High Sparrow. Arya trains to be No One. Varys finds an answer. Ramsay gets a gift.

D&D wrote this one.



Edited by Eyes High

6x03 ep description: 

Daenerys meets her future. 

I wonder if this means that James Hibberd was wrong about that Vaes Dothrak clip after all?  That certainly sounds like she's meeting the Dosh Khaleen there, and it would be cleaner if all that stuff occurred in the same episode.



That's a distressingly plausible interpretation, though it seems a little early to be introducing that.  I figured Ramsay's early season would be mostly the buildup to killing Roose and Walda.

Edited by SeanC

That's a distressingly plausible interpretation, though it seems a little early to be introducing that.  I figured Ramsay's early season would be mostly the buildup to killing Roose and Walda.


Me, too. I thought that Ramsay offing Roose and Walda would have to happen early enough for Ramsay to send his "Winterfell is mine" message from the teaser, which probably means earlier than 6x05, since that seems to be the episode where people head out from Castle Black on their respective missions to rally support against the Boltons.


If Ramsay does get his hands on Rickon early on, I wonder if the show version of the Pink Letter will have Ramsay taunting Jon about having Rickon in his clutches.

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Sue the Fury over on WOTW indicated that the materials she received label the Vaes Dothrak stuff as being from episode 3, so it seems like Hibberd probably was mistaken for some reason.  If so, that frees up a little room in episode 2 (now a mere 8 storylines!).


Thinking on stray storylines, we don't have any indication of when we're going to see Littlefinger this season still.  He starts out in the Vale; with the amount of time he looks to have been offscreen, I'd wager we're going to see him already having been there and in the process of rallying troops.

Edited by SeanC

Sue the Fury over on WOTW indicated that the materials she received label the Vaes Dothrak stuff as being from episode 3, so it seems like Hibberd probably was mistaken for some reason.  If so, that frees up a little room in episode 2 (now a mere 8 storylines!).


Thinking on stray storylines, we don't have any indication of when we're going to see Littlefinger this season still.  He starts out in the Vale; with the amount of time he looks to have been offscreen, I'd wager we're going to see him already having been there and in the process of rallying troops.


"Only" eight storylines is still pretty packed, but it will feel luxurious compared to the usual jumping around.


Littlefinger's Vale scene(s) could find its/their way into one of the earlier episodes. It does look as if Littlefinger and Sansa won't have any scenes together until fairly late in the season. That scene of Littlefinger in the Winterfell godswood is probably from 6x10.


Death pool for 6x02? Too early for Balon to bite it? Thorne and his named supporters? RIP Walda?


I'm curious about what will happen in Dorne. The murders of Doran and Trystane seem almost like they should cap a season, not begin one. It's a bit of a mystery what will happen there. There were rumours about Conleth Hill being spotted in the area where the Dorne material was filmed in Spain, as well as Diana Rigg. If there's some version of the little birds scene at the end of the season, it makes sense that Varys would be present for that. Of course, Varys has to leave Meereen first before any Dorne scenes, and it looks like that happens no earlier than 6x03. 

Edited by Eyes High

Thorne and co. are toast, and I expect Balon will die too (perhaps at the end of the episode?).  For Walda, too early.


Even assuming that the BOTB set leaks are not to be trusted, it's pretty easy to sketch out a large number of the deaths this season based on other known information: Roose, Walda, Balon, Alliser, Olly, the other two conspirators whose names I don't remember, Ramsay, and the Waif. It seems a safe-ish bet that Kevan and Pycelle will also die, given that we're getting some version of the little birds scene, and that something bad will happen to Loras, given Finn Jones' casting in Iron Fist. Throw in Doran, Trystane and Areo, and that brings the death count to 15 already, three shy of the average of 18 named characters getting killed per season.


There was an interesting bit from Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams playing "two truths and a lie" about the upcoming season.



1. "Ramsay dies."

2. "Lady Stoneheart returns."

3. "Arya checks three people off her list."



1. "Arya goes to Westeros."

2. "Arya is in the trailer more times than people have realized, because they don't realize it's her."

3. "Arya doesn't cross any more names off her list."


We know enough from spoilers to guess that the first items on their lists are true: Ramsay does die and Arya does make it back to Westeros.


It also seems highly unlikely that LSH returns, meaning that Sophie Turner's truth is that Arya kills three people on her list, which means that Maisie's lie is about killing no people on her list.


If Arya returns to the Riverlands by the end of the season, then Beric (assuming he's still around), Thoros, and Walder Frey are possible targets. Melisandre as well, if she's in the vicinity; there are no filming spoilers, set photos or cast photos placing Melisandre near the BOTB.

Edited by Eyes High
  • Love 3

I hope the 6x03 gift is a pun about something to do with Roose/Walda, who should be out of the way before Ramsay sends the letter (read by Jon in 6x05, I'd guess), but of course it's sadly likely that the oathbreaking Umbers give Rickon to the Boltons. The plot may force the showrunners to kill their beloved "badass" but they can still make Ramsay as triumphant as possible by letting him rape Sansa for weeks and then torture Rickon/Osha/Shaggydog for weeks before the final LOL of killing Rickon when Jon/Sansa can watch him die. Six episodes of Rickon as a Bolton captive, followed by his siblings failing to save a little child's life, would drive home the point that the Starks are so pathetic that even their "victory" only means getting to live with daily reminders of the rapes and murders Ramsay made them endure in Winterfell, turning their own home into the site of Bolton triumphs that nothing can undo.


Previous information seemed to place Arya's return in the last episodes of the season, if not the very last, so it seems odd that she'd manage to find and kill three people on her list even though that seems like the only possible option in the game Sophie and Maisie played. Maybe a Frey son might count as a kill even if the list didn't include his name, only Walder's?


At the moment I'd guess that we'll see Littlefinger in the Vale around 6x05-ish, around the time Sansa's focus changes from reuniting with Jon to looking for allies in the North.

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Nothing like the site going offline for a day or so to drive home how much time I've grown accustomed to spending on here.

Looking back over the credits for 601, I noted that Jonathan Pryce is now a regular, as seemed to be indicated by promos.  Sophie Turner now gets individual billing (tenth overall, after Indira Varma), so I guess she has a better agent than Maisie Williams, who's still stuck with joint billing (with Conleth Hill, in this case).

1 hour ago, SeanC said:

Looking back over the credits for 601, I noted that Jonathan Pryce is now a regular, as seemed to be indicated by promos.  Sophie Turner now gets individual billing (tenth overall, after Indira Varma), so I guess she has a better agent than Maisie Williams, who's still stuck with joint billing (with Conleth Hill, in this case).

Good agent (with a bit of X-Men hype) must be the explanation since it was reported that Sophie and Maisie were in the same tier for money per episode. And while this must be about contracts, for sentimental reasons it would be nice if Sansa, Arya and Bran all got individual billing in the final season. Next episode should have Bran and Tormund in the credits.

9 minutes ago, Edith said:

Guys I think Jon is coming back in episode 3...

  Reveal hidden contents

part 1 of TOJ?

Could they have split the Tower of Joy in two? First the fight outside, then a couple of episodes later the reveal inside with Lyanna and baby Jon.

All indications are that the TOJ scene has been moved to 6x03. There was a 6x03 still of a standing Bran looking up at something that's almost certainly the Tower. Luke Roberts, who filmed something in the TOJ scene (not sure whether he or Eddie Eyre is playing Arthur Dayne), said to check out Episode 3 when asked about when he would be appearing in GOT.

The common assumption had been that the TOJ scene would appear in 6x05 or 6x06, as those were the episodes filmed by Jack Bender, but 1) Dan Sackheim was in the area as well when TOJ was filmed and 2) D&D might have chosen to move the sequence to a different episode.


Do we find out the leader of the harpies in episode 3 :O

Possibly. We know that Varys leaves Meereen at some point during the season. I think it was rumoured to be as the result of a disagreement between Tyrion and himself. If Tyrion and Varys disagree on using the Red Priestesses to spread propaganda, or on Tyrion's desire to release the dragons, I could see them parting ways. I doubt Varys will be enmeshed in sussing out the identity of the Harpy for the whole season.

Also, if the Harpy is one single person, there's no dramatic reveal at this point that would 1) make sense and 2) pack a dramatic punch, except for maybe Hizdahr (assuming he faked his death). 

If they're doing the Tower of Joy that early (and the evidence is certainly accumulating), it would be interesting to know what they have in store for the rest of Bran's season.  I figured they'd be building up to that big revelation for a bit.  There's a bit of a risk that anything more the character does all season would seem underwhelming by comparison.

34 minutes ago, SeanC said:

If they're doing the Tower of Joy that early (and the evidence is certainly accumulating), it would be interesting to know what they have in store for the rest of Bran's season.  I figured they'd be building up to that big revelation for a bit.  There's a bit of a risk that anything more the character does all season would seem underwhelming by comparison.

I'm hopeful that Bran has visions other than the ones that we know about--young Ned at Winterfell, TOJ, etc.--that could provide a lot of information about the WW. Those promo shots of Bran in a vision looking at something in horror (it looked like an ice-covered tree and some stones?) could point the way to still other revelations.

In addition to that, there was a "top-secret scene" filmed in the cave with a revelation that will be "heartbreaking" for fans. (The revelation was said to be heartbreaking for fans, so I'm guessing it will be new information for the audience as opposed to Bran learning something heartbreaking that the audience already knew about.) That could very well be a big deal. 

In addition to new information, there is some evidence that the WW launch a large attack on Bran's cave (namely the prosthetics video, showing wights writhing in the cave's roots, as well as Meera looking up at something). That's the sort of showy setpiece that could certainly outshine the TOJ revelation.

Also, there is that picture released a while back of Bran in furs on horseback. According to the Farfaraway image gallery, this image is from 6x10. It seems to be the real deal as opposed to a vision, suggesting that Bran leaves the cave after the WW attack. It also suggests that Bran gains another ally (Benjen Benjen Benjen please be Benjen), because how else is he going to get his hands on a horse?

Just as with some of the other characters, I think we have enough information to sketch out what happens to Bran this season:

-Bran has visions of the past (Winterfell, TOJ)

-Bran gets some disturbing information from Bloodraven (I suspect about something that has yet to happen), thus the "heartbreaking" cave scene

-Bran is warned by Bloodraven about using the visions to try to find out more about the WW but doesn't listen (thus IHW's comments about Bran's "hubris")

-the NK "sees" Bran in a vision (thus the arm grab) and is able to suss out his location

-the WW attack the cave! Bran escapes, but I'm guessing Bloodraven (who isn't going anywhere anytime soon) isn't so lucky

-Bran is on the run with Meera and Hodor in the woods outside the cave and things are looking grim until they're saved by a mysterious hooded figure on horseback

-mysterious hooded figure turns out to be an ally

-Bran ends the season determined to convey what he has learned to his surviving family (...or something, who knows)

Edited by Eyes High
37 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

In addition to that, there was a "top-secret scene" filmed in the cave with a revelation that will be "heartbreaking" for fans. (The revelation was said to be heartbreaking for fans, so I'm guessing it will be new information for the audience as opposed to Bran learning something heartbreaking that the audience already knew about.) That could very well be a big deal.

I have a theory on that... Bloodraven reveals to Bran that Jon must be resurrected in order to prevent Armageddon, but to raise him and save the world requires Bran to sacrifice someone else ("Only death can pay for life") and his only two choices are Hodor and Meera. This will be why we'll be shown a scene that supposedly includes how Hodor recieved his brain injury... Bloodraven is trying to convince Bran that Hodor's life isn't much more than that of a loyal animal and, while tragic, it is also necessary.

I'd love to be wrong, but are there any reports of Hodor later in the season?

Edited by Chris24601

New photos of 6x02 have been released by HBO. Featured: Alliser, Edd, Varys, Missandei, Bran, Meera, Yara, and Balon. 

A few fans have been scrutinizing the 6x05 picture of Melisandre on horseback outside Castle Black. In addition to what is now in all likelihood the hem of Sansa's dress, a few have noticed that there is a figure on horseback in the background wearing gloves, with the pommel of Longclaw visible at the rider's belt. (The rider's head is out of the shot.)

Intriguing new interview with IHW at EW.com. Some interesting quotes:


After a two-year absence, Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead-Wright) returns to HBO’s Game of Thrones this Sunday with the most intriguing storyline for his character yet: Having studied under the Three-Eyed Raven (Max von Sydow), Bran begins using his powers to explore the past, present and future of Westeros and Essos.



Now he’s realized he’s been having his dreams because he’s got to save Westeros. (...) Previously he’s seen tiny glimpses of future or past but he’s never has he been very much in control of the situation. Now we’re given looks into very important events in the past, present and future of this world and Bran is beginning to piece them together like a detective, almost as if he’s watching the show. Equally, he’s now discovering how crucial he could be in the Great War. It’s quite Inception-y. His power is not just in telling us about the history, but also might have a serious impact on the future.

"And future"...? Does that mean that we're getting visions of the future, too? Could the vision that horrified Bran in the trailer be a vision of the future?


Now he’s starting to make use of the visions and starting to discover he can interact with the past – he’s like Doctor Who. It’s Doctor Bran!

Edited by Eyes High
8 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

A few fans have been scrutinizing the 6x05 picture of Melisandre on horseback outside Castle Black. In addition to what is now in all likelihood the hem of Sansa's dress, a few have noticed that there is a figure on horseback in the background wearing gloves, with the pommel of Longclaw visible at the rider's belt. (The rider's head is out of the shot.)

I'm a believer in the Sansa hem theory and while I'm not as familiar with the swords as I am with the ladies' outfits, it would make sense for that to be Jon.

The flashbacks are the past, but as big as the Tower of Joy will be, I'm really interested in how Bran will be connected to the present and the future. Will he manage to communicate with another living Stark? Saying that Bran is like a detective also sounds good.

I have been wondering: if the rumors that Rickon dies are true, would Shaggydog become Sansa's direwolf? I have always felt that the fact that Sansa had no wolf was partly to blame for her misfortunes, if she were to get a replacement direwolf, maybe that could be a turning point for her in term of starting to get some victories.


5 minutes ago, ElizaD said:

I doubt Ramsay will let Shaggydog live so I'm afraid there's going to be at least one dead doggie this season, I just hope that Jon's resurrection won't involve Ghost being sacrificed.

Maybe the wolf escapes.  Nymeria managed to escape Joffrey's wrath, after all.  I just don't want any more wolf killing.  I know it's terrible but I have more of an emotional attachment to the direwolves than to their owners, except perhaps for Jon, but I've always felt that Jon isn't going to die for real until perhaps the very end of the series.

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18 hours ago, ElizaD said:

I'm a believer in the Sansa hem theory and while I'm not as familiar with the swords as I am with the ladies' outfits, it would make sense for that to be Jon.

The flashbacks are the past, but as big as the Tower of Joy will be, I'm really interested in how Bran will be connected to the present and the future. Will he manage to communicate with another living Stark? Saying that Bran is like a detective also sounds good.

I love Bran as a detective or "watching the show," as IHW put, like the rest of the audience, and trying to piece things together. Bran will be like the fandom, heh.

18 hours ago, ElizaD said:

I doubt Ramsay will let Shaggydog live so I'm afraid there's going to be at least one dead doggie this season, I just hope that Jon's resurrection won't involve Ghost being sacrificed.

I guess there's a chance that Rickon is able to run Shaggydog off the way Arya ran Nymeria off, but I doubt chucking rocks at a full-grown direwolf would be as effective a tactic as it was on a much smaller Nymeria. With that said, all other things being equal I think the Umbers would turn over Rickon to the Boltons over Osha and Shaggydog's dead bodies.

17 hours ago, ElizaD said:

HBO Asia has the title of 6x04: Book of the Stranger. Maybe it's a reference to Jon's return or something the High Sparrow says about the Faith?

It seems to be a reference to the High Sparrow. Maybe the Book of the Stranger is a book out of the Faith's equivalent of the Bible, like the Book of Luke.

We know there's a big, splashy scene where Margaery walks out from the Sept of Baelor in 6x06, but there's no sign of Loras in that scene. Does that mean that Loras is already dead, or that he's still imprisoned?

20 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

I have a theory on that... Bloodraven reveals to Bran that Jon must be resurrected in order to prevent Armageddon, but to raise him and save the world requires Bran to sacrifice someone else ("Only death can pay for life") and his only two choices are Hodor and Meera. This will be why we'll be shown a scene that supposedly includes how Hodor recieved his brain injury... Bloodraven is trying to convince Bran that Hodor's life isn't much more than that of a loyal animal and, while tragic, it is also necessary.

I'd love to be wrong, but are there any reports of Hodor later in the season?

One of the few new moments in the SFX video they released at the premiere looks to be Bran, Hodor, Meera and a CotF running somewhere and/or away from something. I assume it was they have to escape the cave.

19 minutes ago, Lady S. said:

One of the few new moments in the SFX video they released at the premiere looks to be Bran, Hodor, Meera and a CotF running somewhere and/or away from something. I assume it was they have to escape the cave.

That's my sense. It seems that the only person who dies initially in the assault on the cave is Bloodraven.

In one of the recent IHW interviews published--either the IGN or the EW--IHW suggested that Bran's arc in Season 6 would provide some "big answers." I think we can safely say at this point that R+L=J will be confirmed, but I'm hopeful there will be some more big answers, either confirmations of things hardcore fans have suspected all along or brand-new information that was meant to have been revealed in TWOW and ADOS.

The disappointing thing about being a hardcore fan is that some of GOT's most earthshattering revelations are things that have been pretty much accepted as fandom gospel for years: R+L=J, the Hound being alive (well, it hasn't happened yet, but it's coming), even Shireen being sacrificed. I'm hoping Bran and Bloodraven can provide something this season which is genuinely shocking.

Edited by Eyes High
32 minutes ago, Lady S. said:

WotW has more pics added now.

We get our first glimpse in costume of Paul Rattray as Harald Karstark (described in the casting call as "frightening," "ruthless" and "calculating," so not a good guy). He is the guy with Ramsay as he's trying to sell Roose on a plan to attack Castle Black. Also new: another picture of Yara looking upset (I guess Balon chews her out for getting her ass handed to her by Ramsay), Pycelle with Tommen, Tyrion, Arya whirling her stick, and Bloodraven.

I'm wondering what the last shot of 6x02 will be. Jon opening his eyes? Rhaegal or Viserion breathing fire at Tyrion?

I thought I remembered something about the show parceling out their big setpieces and big moments throughout the season as opposed to building to one big climax. Based on what we know, they seem to be parceling things out a fair bit this year as well:

Dorne: Doran/Trystane murders in 6x01

KL: Confrontation at the Sept in 6x06, there's a rumoured mass murder in 6x10

Wall: All the good stuff (NW fight, Jon resurrection) will come no later than 6x04, unless the WW bring down the Wall

Dany: Big Drogon rescue happens in 6x03 or 6x04, possible Dothraki assault on Meereen at end of season

Arya: Waif parkour chase in 6x06, fights and kills the Waif at some point between 6x06 and 6x09

North: 6x09 BOTB

Riverlands: Riverrun siege 6x07 and/or 6x08. BWB likely comes back into play when Brienne and Pod are back in the Riverlands, so no earlier than 6x06.

Meereen: Seems like there's a Dothraki attack involving Meereen in 6x09 or 6x10.

Bran: TOJ in 6x03, WW attack on cave later in season.

Ironborn: Balon dies early on, Kingsmoot rumoured for 6x05.

Sam: It's not clear that there's any big action this year in Bran's storyline. Dinner with the family is in 6x06, I think?

Overall, looks pretty balanced.

Edited by Eyes High

Thank the Gods the forums are back. It's been terrible being unable to discuss GoT these last few days.

Anyway, FrikiDoctor (the Spaniard who, a few months ago, said that he asked for & received the same spoilers WOTW & L7R got) posted a video claiming to know the opening scene of episode 2. Knowing what we know now, I think his previous spoilers were false, but his latest video sounds plausible. It's nothing we haven't already guessed and pieced together anyway but I'll put it under the spoiler tag just in case.


The episode opens with Bran having his WF vision. Young Ned and young Benjen are sparring when young Lyanna shows up and asks Ben who will he spar with once Ned heads off to the Vale, presumably to be fostered by Jon Arryn. Ben spots young Hodor (whose real name is Willis?) and says he'll spar with him but Lyanna says he can't because Ben is noble and Hodor is a commoner. The kids talk a bit more and then Bran is called back from his vision by the 3ER. Bran gets upset by this and tells the 3ER he was "home". Meera is hanging out outside the cave but Bran calls her in because the 3ER says it's dangerous outside because soon there will be war. A CotF also tells Meera to get back inside because she has to help Bran but Meera's doubtful since she can't help him with any visions. Sounds like Meera isn't doing too well with her current situation. Bran also tells Hodor that he saw him as a child and knows he could talk and asks him what happened to him. "Hodor" is the response.

Here's the link if any Spanish speakers want to watch the video

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On 4/25/2016 at 11:46 PM, SeanC said:

Conversely, I predict SanSan shipper rage next week if Brienne either mentions "killing" the Hound and Sansa has no reaction or else it's skipped over entirely.

On the other hand, if Sansa look sad or something like that, some Sansan fans will interpret it like "proof" of Sansan in the show, even if maybe it is not the case, and it only means she remembers him as an ally/friend.

Edited by OhOkayWhat
7 hours ago, SeanC said:

I saw this linked by a commenter on WOTW, taking one of the shots of Sansa from the trailer and cranking up the brightness:


It looks like him! do we have some idea which episode it could be?

Edited by OhOkayWhat
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