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S06.E22: Field of Fire

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The team looks for an expert sniper when his connection to an extremist group is revealed.


"The field of fire of a weapon (or group of weapons) is the area around it that can easily and effectively be reached by gunfire. The term field of fire is mostly used in reference to machine guns."


But then there is fun with Google!: 

A Major Battle from GoT,

An Australian tv show,

A Corey Hart cd,

A board game,

A paintball experience

Or an episode from Deep Space 9?


I kind of wish it was a corey hard cd, because the idea of Sam, Callen, Hetty and Granger trying to sing an angst filled 80s cd with a straight face could be more than hilarious.


What would you choose?

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What in the world does CBS have against scopolamine?! Between last week's Criminal Minds and this episode you'd think it should be a banned substance or something. People use scopolamine for motion sickness! (Albeit at lower doses)

They seem to be following up on Deeks' comment from last week about kids. I wonder if a pregnancy storyline is coming up. I hope not.

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Solid episode but seems oddly placed. Given the names of the next 2 eps, it looks like they'll be diving back into the storyline from last week (Arkady and his oil tanker) to finish the season. I'm wondering how the IA investigation that is supposed to be causing such headaches is going to fit in or if it will be dropped for next season.


Love Sam giving all of them grief about kids and what it is really like. For someone who seems to adore his kids so much, he's got a somewhat cynical outlook though!


I have to wonder though if we're being set for some unplanned parenthood though. There have been just enough jokes and comments about kids recently that it is starting to feel like foreshadowing. Either that or it's an in-joke regarding the fact that between the four agent actors they have about 10 kids in real life.

Edited by anna0852
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What's with two white supremacist themed episodes so close together?  I mean, I'm not arguing with the emphasis, because hate groups need to be vilified and exposed for what they are as often as possible so as to raise awareness of how horrible their beliefs are, but since we'd just had that other episode, I was kind of surprised they went to that same well.  It is a deep well, and a shameful well, and it is part of today's reality, but usually unless there's a clear story arc, shows usually shy away from similar plots being broadcast so closely together.


Loved Sam in this one.  Loved him admitting to PTSD to the homeless guy, and Callen's sharp look up at that confession.  I kind of half expected the episode to end with Sam finding the homeless guy an apartment and a job, but maybe that sort of ending would be too "Pollyanna" for the tone of the episode.


I really, really like how Daniela/Kensi played the twitchy PTSD patient, which instantly drew out the sympathy and need to help from the other patient who fed her the information she needed.  If she hadn't done that, his natural paranoia would have kicked in when the questions started, and she'd be nowhere.  That was also one awesome banister hop and takedown by our Det. Deeks.

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I kind of half expected the episode to end with Sam finding the homeless guy an apartment and a job, but maybe that sort of ending would be too "Pollyanna" for the tone of the episode.


I didn't think that far ahead but I really had expected that Sam would see the homeless guy checking in to the hospital.  I would have liked that.

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I thought the reason he responded to Sam was that Sam spoke to him as if he was a soldier and an equal. I don't know if he would have taken it well if Sam had tried to treat him as a charity case.


I was a little surprised he didn't give the guy his card, though.

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Solid episode but seems oddly placed.

I agree with Anna that the episode seems oddly placed.  And i agree with HurricaneVal that it is too close to the other white supremacist episode.  And it didn't mention Arkady once or the IA stuff.  It was a stand episode and could be placed almost anywhere in the season.


As far as the children thing  I say that Kensi is the one character who has not expressed an interest in children.  In fact when Deeks said he wanted kids she gave him a look and walked away.  She didn't think the 2 kids bickering was cute at all.  I think if it is foreshadowing then it will be a big problem in their relationship because he wants kids and she does not.  I certainly hope I am wrong.



thought about that, too, and wondered if DR has decided to cut back on acting in order to spend more time with her family. If Kensi was pregnant, that could do it.


And I would not fault any person who wants to step back and spend more time with their kids but I think a better storyline could be created to make it happen.


But it was a solid episode.

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Re: the Kensi pregnancy/kid talk thing, I have thought that, since Daniela Ruah has an adorable toddler in real life, it is not outside the realm of possibility that she might want another kid in the not-so-distant future.  So maybe the producers are setting up a little insurance backstory so that if she does decide to have another baby, they can write it into the story and not have to invent another Afghanistan arc (which, don't get me wrong, I thought was very well done but must have been a LOT of work).


I liked this episode just fine as a solid stand-alone, but I was also a little disappointed that it was not in any way part of an arc including Arkady, his mysterious Russian oil-smugglers, or Deaks' IA investigation.  I don't know why I bother to hunt down spoilers, since they are total BS 50% of the time :)  Still, given the names of the last two episodes, and the fact that they are the last two episodes, I have great hope that some of our unanswered questions will be addressed then.

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Re: the Kensi pregnancy/kid talk thing, I have thought that, since Daniela Ruah has an adorable toddler in real life, it is not outside the realm of possibility that she might want another kid in the not-so-distant future.  So maybe the producers are setting up a little insurance backstory so that if she does decide to have another baby, they can write it into the story and not have to invent another Afghanistan arc (which, don't get me wrong, I thought was very well done but must have been a LOT of work).


I liked this episode just fine as a solid stand-alone, but I was also a little disappointed that it was not in any way part of an arc including Arkady, his mysterious Russian oil-smugglers, or Deaks' IA investigation.  I don't know why I bother to hunt down spoilers, since they are total BS 50% of the time :)  Still, given the names of the last two episodes, and the fact that they are the last two episodes, I have great hope that some of our unanswered questions will be addressed then.

That is what I was thinking. I've noticed there seems to be a general trend in TV shows that an actresses pregnancy is usually hidden the first time around but gets written in the second. I think it's because by the time the second pregnancy comes up the characters are more well known, the show is on more solid footing and the writers have a better idea of how to work in the impending arrival.  Not to mention, it's hard to be pregnant and continue to act as though you aren't. Anna Belknap (Lindsey from CSI:NY) said in an interview once that it was exhausting hiding her first pregnancy and she really pushed hard for her second to be included.


Again, this is all just speculation on my part. I could totally be reading way too much into what the writers consider throw-away jokes.

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I realize it's probably because they're in laws, but I'm really enjoying that the Kensi-Deeks relationship is actually portraying a workplace couple as clearly together, but keeping it out of the workplace.

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