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S01.E07: Your Sovereignty of Reason

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Was waiting for Jasper and Jaspenor all episode. I'm surprised Eleanor still wanted him around after she shut down his games last episode. I thought that was basically dismissing him.


Ophelia is terrible at evertything she does. Terrible dresser, terrible dancer and terrible actress. I do feel bad that cardboard, dry toast, dull as dishwater Liam is all she has.

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I don't know if E! Canada is the same as E! US, but it kinda ruined the episode when they ran a preview for next week's episodes during the first commercial break of the early viewing of this episode. Once I saw that, I knew how the episode would end so what was the point of sitting through the next 50 minutes? (Mr. Callaphera is a fan of the show, too, and wasn't home for the early viewing. I'll have to be sure to mute the commercial for him, now that he's turning in a savvy TV viewer. I'm so proud, it only took five years.)


But if I had checked out early, I wouldn't have gotten to see Ophelia's So You Think You Can Dance audition. I don't think she would get a call back. Does the actress have any dance experience? Because...yeah.


Ophelia and Liam are still as dull as dishwater. Eleanor is still the best part of the show for me, especially during the scene with the King. I'm kind of liking sober Eleanor. I surprisingly didn't miss Jasper this episode, although I did roll my eyes at his cuff link still being in the Queen's bed sheets. Come on. With as much staff as she has? This Queen would probably insist on brand new sheets every night. Cyrus... eh, whatever. The King gets two thumbs up for this one. I was surprised, yet not surprised that Prudence was let go. 

I expected more from Joan Collins. Her bits were good, but I wanted more. Great casting, though. 


I love a good soap-y whodunnit. I'm unspoiled, but I'm gonna put my money on Jasper doing the deed on behalf of the Queen. It would make an interesting use of his three days of compassionate leave (what?!). I like him as the villian.

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I just assumed the brother did it and Ophelia saw him sneaking out and her life will be in danger.  Could be red herring too.


Cyrus would never do it himself. He'd blackmail someone else (Prudence? But they fired her) into doing the actual dirty deed. But I think it's a red herring. That's too obvious. I hope. 


Also, Ophelia in danger? Zzzz.

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I was waiting for Japer, too, but it wasn't as bad as I thought since the king grew a backbone.

I predict Jasper becomes Ophelia's security detail.

I think either the queen or the maid had something to do with the stabbing. I suppose it could be a random mugging but the queen burned down that guy's distillery so she's shown she's stone cold and has nefarious connections.

Ophelia's "dancing" was laughably bad. Why did they even make her a dance major if she couldn't dance?

FML = eff my life

Edited by CarBe1
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But if I had checked out early, I wouldn't have gotten to see Ophelia's So You Think You Can Dance audition. I don't think she would get a call back. Does the actress have any dance experience? Because...yeah.

I had just assumed that the dancing was a way for the queen to get rid of Ophelia. The big audition is for something in New York. I assume her dad will be fired if the King got stabbed. I was mostly bored this episode too. I am starting to think Liam is dull as dishwater. 


It was odd that Jasper was no place to be found but I guess I would think that if Jasper did it, they king would be dead. Seems more like an amateur stabbing.

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I really REALLY hope that the king remains alive. He's probably my favorite character in the show. 


Joan Collins is wonderful, as always. Her snark is on point. 


Ophelia is boring as always. The only time she isn't boring is when she is with Eleanor and that only makes me think "Why couldn't they have gone that route?! That would've been far more fascinating!" with Liam being all up ons with someone else. 


Weirdo shipper in me kind of loved that the firing of Prudence was what made the king go off on Cyrus and Helena. Man that was so satisfying to see those two just ripped to shreds by the king. It was so well earned and well-done. Though I do disagree about him and Prudence not being romantic in nature....well at least intentionally and knowingly romantic. But once again, weirdo shipper in me talking.


All in all...I just really hope that the King doesn't die and that Prudence wasn't the one who did it.

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Ophelia's "dancing" was laughably bad. I can't help thinking that Amanda Schull (Centerstage, 12 Monkeys) would have been perfect for this part. Even worse, Ophelia is just so damn boring and I don't feel like anything in Liam and Ophelia's relationship has been earned. Everything is so easy; none of the obstacles seem truly believable or compelling (of course nothing about the relationship is believable or compelling). Plus, it's unbelievable that Marcus would have stayed behind with her and not gone with Prince Liam-- I'm pretty sure Kate only got PPOs after she and William were engaged. I am actually hoping that Liam becoming "acting King" or whatever incorrect term they are using next week puts on a damper on the relationship-- he begins to realize it's not that easy. At least Ophelia seems slightly hesitant after all the tabloid/paparazzi stuff this week. Totally agree that Eleanor and Ophelia have more chemistry than Liam and Ophelia.


Joan Collins was a hoot-- she brought some much needed camp. I hope this wasn't her only appearance.


Cyrus stabbing Simon would be too obvious, so I can't make up my mind over whether it's a just a fortunate coincident (for Helena/Cyrus), or if one of them is behind it. I suspect one of them must be behind it because SOAP OPERA! I suspect with Simon incapacitated the referendum will be off the table for awhile. I did like Simon telling them off, though-- that was awesome. I hope he doesn't die.


I missed Jasper/Eleanor this week, but I am definitely liking new, sober Eleanor.

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. Everything is so easy; none of the obstacles seem truly believable or compelling (of course nothing about the relationship is believable or compelling). Plus, it's unbelievable that Marcus would have stayed behind with her and not gone with Prince Liam-- I'm pretty sure Kate only got PPOs after she and William were engaged. .

One thing I saw this week that I can't tell was meant to be or not... did anyone get a vibe that Marcus is starting to like Ophelia he decked the photographer not exactly a neutral thing.  I thought that could be a source of conflict. But I can't tell if that is a storyline they meant to pursue.

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Also, Ophelia doesn't have a dancer's body. That she'd be offered a tryout in such a prestigious well established outfit is beyond unbelieveable.


I loved the King telling off his wife and creepy brother. Best scene of the series so far.

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Also, Ophelia doesn't have a dancer's body.


I was thinking the same thing but I didn't want to say it. She's way too chunky to be a dancer. Didn't they say she was studying Art History as well? They should've gone down that route instead of the dancing.


Also like Helena's mom mentioning all she's done and Helena mentioning all she's sacrificed for the throne. It seemed like shade towards Kate Middleton and Carole which I loved.

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The King finally grows a pair. I really wanted him to strip the Queen & Cyrus of all their titles, they all deserved it, they're a completely useless family. I can only hope this means that Gemma is permanently gone. 

I had just assumed that the dancing was a way for the queen to get rid of Ophelia. The big audition is for something in New York.


That's what I thought too, it was a setup to get rid of her.

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Ophelia as a woman and a character looks fine. Ophelia as a dancer? No. Wrong body shape and way too old to be starting on audition rounds. I know professional dancers who were apprenticed to a company at 15 and went through the motions of remote high school. Professional dancers are finishing their careers at 25, not starting them at 21. Should have made her a singer and sent her to Broadway. That would have worked.

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If I didn't already heart King Simon, I do now. He not only came into his own in this episode, he stomped into it! Simon's speech about abolishing the Monarchy and his reasons behind it was beautiful. He took responsibility for his actions and his mistakes, unlike Helena and Cyrus, who've done much more damage to the Monarchy than Simon ever has or will, most of which Simon doesn't even know about. Cyrus' jealousy of Simon isn't just obvious, it's downright lethal, as he proved in the first episode when he took a shot at Simon. If Cyrus was behind the assassination attempt, I wouldn't be surprised. Given Cyrus' willingness to figuratively stab Simon in the back, literally stabbing him in the front isn't a stretch.


  As for Helena, she, like Cyrus, is an example of what happens when too much money and power falls into the wrong hands. Helena's having Prudence fired despite her own indiscretion with Jasper reeks of hypocrisy. Simon and Prudence's relationship is innocent for now (unspoiled spec) and if it's not, then so what? At least Simon & Prudence's feelings for each other are genuine and there's no abuse of power involved. Simon's not using Prudence to get his rocks off like Cyrus nor to hurt one of the children, like Helena's doing Jasper to punish Eleanor. Helena's being behind the assassination attempt wouldn't surprise me, either. If she's willing to resort to arson to get her way, then attempted murder's not far behind. 


  Simon's putting Helena and Cyrus on blast was the best part of the episode. Helena & Cyrus mistook Simon's kindness for weakness and stupidity and it backfired on them big-time, as it should have.


  Calling it now: I think that Simon's not Liam's bio dad-Alistair, Helena's main lover, is.

Edited by DollEyes
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I hope this was just an intro episode for Joan Collins character and that she will be featured more later on because she really brought nothing to this episode.

The whole "Ophelia as a dancer" not only doesn't fit, it seems forced and like a last minute thought. I guess since the real Kate did some modeling they had to create something artistic for Ophelia to do but they should have made her an actress or singer like it was suggested upthread. I still like her though, but the writing is becoming so predictable with this couple. I knew going topless on that balcony would come back to haunt her.

While I did enjoy "The King's Speech" (pun intended), we know all of the ending of monarchy talk is just that, otherwise there would be no tv show. But I did love him "reading" The Queen and Cyrus. I loved that whole part.

And Liam's bodyguard? More of him please. :)

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I hope this was just an intro episode for Joan Collins character and that she will be featured more later on because she really brought nothing to this episode.

The whole "Ophelia as a dancer" not only doesn't fit, it seems forced and like a last minute thought. I guess since the real Kate did some modeling they had to create something artistic for Ophelia to do but they should have made her an actress or singer like it was suggested upthread. I still like her though, but the writing is becoming so predictable with this couple. I knew going topless on that balcony would come back to haunt her.

While I did enjoy "The King's Speech" (pun intended), we know all of the ending of monarchy talk is just that, otherwise there would be no tv show. But I did love him "reading" The Queen and Cyrus. I loved that whole part.

And Liam's bodyguard? More of him please. :)

I wonder if the dance thing isn't a nod to Prince Harry's ex Cressida Bonas? 

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I shouldn't like this stupid show but I do.

I suppose we're going the Hamlet route, though, and Dad is dead.

No idea what's going on with the Ophelia character, dancing thing seemed totally out of left field, although I FF through most of her scenes. She and the prince are extremely bland.

I think I'm mostly in this for Eleanor and the various security people at this point.

I seriously cannot believe some of the dialogue these actors manage to deliver somewhat gracefully. A lot of it gets right past me, and I usually have a good ear for terrible dialogue. The Gemma actress pulls off some real clunkers with panache. Liz Hurley isn't doing quite as well with the "pleasuring your queen" stuff. Eleanor steals every scene she's in.

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The whole "Ophelia as a dancer" not only doesn't fit, it seems forced and like a last minute thought. I guess since the real Kate did some modeling they had to create something artistic for Ophelia to do but they should have made her an actress or singer like it was suggested upthread. 


They needed to give Ophelia a passion that would take her away to the US. Singing could be recorded anywhere, and acting is less interesting to watch than dance. Unfortunately, Ophelia’s dancing is awful. (Maybe TPTB were hoping it'd come off as campy fun?)


Ophelia was reading All Creatures Great and Small?!


Best line goes to the Grand Duchess of Oxford: “Eleanor, you’re much too thin. Don’t you know men like a little meat on the tail before they shuck the lobster?” I also loved the tabloid headlines: “Monarchy Tits Up! Could Royal Romp Mean End of Pomp?”and “Liam’s New Breast Friend.”


What's the big sacrifice Alexandra kept referring to?

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