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  1. I hope this was just an intro episode for Joan Collins character and that she will be featured more later on because she really brought nothing to this episode. The whole "Ophelia as a dancer" not only doesn't fit, it seems forced and like a last minute thought. I guess since the real Kate did some modeling they had to create something artistic for Ophelia to do but they should have made her an actress or singer like it was suggested upthread. I still like her though, but the writing is becoming so predictable with this couple. I knew going topless on that balcony would come back to haunt her. While I did enjoy "The King's Speech" (pun intended), we know all of the ending of monarchy talk is just that, otherwise there would be no tv show. But I did love him "reading" The Queen and Cyrus. I loved that whole part. And Liam's bodyguard? More of him please. :)
  2. Yeah, Kathryn is all about Thomas' money and lifestyle which is partly why I chuckle and laugh during her meltdowns or when Thomas is frustrated with her. Their relationship is amusing in the saddest way possible. Classic case of "be careful of what you wish for..." on both parts. Smh. Glad to hear Ellie was adopted, but I doubt Cam was really going to adopt either pet. As someone pointed out earlier, this just seem like "for show". I loved the over the shoulder "now what?" look that second dog gave the cameraman. Too funny.
  3. I'm still liking the Liam and Ophelia storyline but at this point you can already tell the way these storylines are going to go. I so wish they would bring in another love interest from a different ethnic bckground for Liam though. It would make his storyline be more interesting. And make her just as "nice" as Ophelia. I'm already over Gemma. She's written to be rooted against, which is too easy of a cop out. I already got the impression during the first episode that The King and the maid are being set up for an affair. I like Liam's camaraderie with his security guard. I enjoy their scenes together. Beck is probably also a Crown Prince and his wife is probably someone who also comes from a royal family...a legit Princess, which is probably why he was so adament that he couldn't divorce her and why Elenor seem to get "why" even-though she was adament she knew his wife couldn't love him more than her. Just a guess though. I hope they eventually show Ophelia having her own friends outside of Liam's circle. But I'm okay with them being how they are portrayed so far. I have a feeling that Ophelia's little topless show for Liam on that balcony is gonna come back to haunt her. Simil as r to Kate's topless pics at that French chateau a few years back.
  4. Oh, I'm with you on this show, Ms. Blue. I like the show as well. Sure it can be picked a part to death, but it's fun to just watch it for what it is. I'm also pretty excited that it has already been renewed. I'm interested in seeing how these characters develope. Right now they are all pretty much predictable, but I have a feeling that is going to change and I'm here for it. I'm glad The King called out The Queen on this hatred she has going on for her daughter. It makes me not like that character. I'm still liking Liam, Gemma and Ophelia. Looks like the writer(s) are going to make them be...dare I say it..."friends"? Hmm...
  5. Hmm, this Liam and Gemma intro should be interesting. Always good to have a bad girl against the sweet girl. I just hope they don't turn it into the commoner Kate Middleton v/s the high society aristocrat girl.
  6. I'm all in for this show. It's only the first show and those are usually the slowest due to introducing the characters and their storyline. I'll give it a chance. It has potential. Glad to hear it's already been picked up for a second season.
  7. Prince Liam is played by the eldest son in those Narnia/The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe movies.
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