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S05.E01: The Wars To Come

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Well I think it's odd that Stannis daughter could have a book detailing dragons and dragon riders from 300 years ago and noone thinks to look for any books about dragons out in Mereen. It doesn't have to be Valerian family members but it's like Sam knowing about random arcane lore from reading lots of books. I'd imagine something got passed down during the generations. Valeria may have had some Maesters that weren't Targareans that might have been saved from the royal purge.


It's just odd that noone ever mentions even attempting to find a way of how the dragons were controlled in the past. It's like having a giant catapult and only getting it to work erratically because the builder is dead and you don't even bother looking for a new one.


Maybe Dany should look for one of those people who can control animals with their minds... Whatever they were called...

The only other person I can think of who is particularly well-read is Tyrion. It would be interesting if he showed up as Dany's new advisor and happened to have an idea about how to train the dragons. 


I now have a wish to see Tyrion riding a dragon. It's my dream, don't take it from me.

Edited by Jaded Sapphire
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I went from totally uninitiated to sitting in front of the tv for 10+ straight hours each of the past four Sundays, glued to Game of Thrones.  My eyes got scratchy and I risked deep vein thrombosis from sitting in one spot for too long.  How am I supposed to muddle by with one tiny crumb per week?!  Throne crack--it's a thing.


In spite of all the horrors to humans--including the nameless Ironborn whose surrender shot faded into flayed and eye-gouged--I was most worried that those adolescent dragons had slowly strangled as they grew inside their iron collars.  Whew.


I miss Jorah Mormont.  Dany's new advisor is too much the rock star to suit my tastes.  Jorah made his more-than-fair-share of mistakes but I believe that he grew to respect (and love) Dany and gave her the best advice.  What do we really know about Dario?

That Dario 1.0 was hotter.


My odd contribution is that I miss Joffrey.  Every second he was onscreen, I felt tense and distressed and mentally pleaded for someone to control him.  Psychopath sadist Ramsay, blue-eyed baby-snatching supernatural skeletors, whackadoo Melissandre--insufficient substitutes for the kid with his crown tipped too far forward.

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I went from totally uninitiated to sitting in front of the tv for 10+ straight hours each of the past four Sundays, glued to Game of Thrones.  My eyes got scratchy and I risked deep vein thrombosis from sitting in one spot for too long.  How am I supposed to muddle by with one tiny crumb per week?!  Throne crack--it's a thing.


whew and I thought I was bad catching up with just season 1 and season 2 LOL. That is the one down side of so many seasons now - it's very hard to convince any uninitiated friends into spending 40 hours "catching up" on something, and it's not something you can exactly promise to do together..!?!

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whew and I thought I was bad catching up with just season 1 and season 2 LOL. That is the one down side of so many seasons now - it's very hard to convince any uninitiated friends into spending 40 hours "catching up" on something, and it's not something you can exactly promise to do together..!?!

Just strongarm them into watching the first episode of Season One.  That's all it took for me.  [Note to self:  Stay away from actual crack.]

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I second the idea of Tyrion as Dany's campaign manager. He is definitley well-suited for the job and if anyone can find a way to enlist a Warg for those dragons it's probably him. I like Dany well enough but she's so bloody naive. 'I'm  not a politician, I'm a Queen' had me audibly groaning at the tv. What does she think a Queen does? Freeing slaves and acting morally superior does not a good leader make. 

On the other hand, Jon Snow might be a more deserving contender for the throne. He clearly has the compassion Varys was talking about. He has the family name, and he fits the stronger than Tommy (or whatever his name is) and gentler than Stannis description as well. Tyrion would support him, I think, given how badly he felt about how Sansa was treated throughout her stay in King's Landing. 

Even now, after everything that's happened, Tyrion is still stuck on the idea of family



I don't know if in the Game of Thrones universe it's enough to be considered family but Tyrion is Jon Snow's brother-in-law, so perhaps that would count for something?

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whew and I thought I was bad catching up with just season 1 and season 2 LOL. That is the one down side of so many seasons now - it's very hard to convince any uninitiated friends into spending 40 hours "catching up" on something, and it's not something you can exactly promise to do together..!?!


I have convinced a number of friends to catch up and they have and are also now hooked. :)

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This is the NO BOOK TALK topic, so book walkers (you know who you are) please do not post your spec in here, there are plenty of Book Talk topics for you to discuss that in. Any further similar posts in any No Book Talk topic will be deleted without warning.

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Wow did those dragons got really big.  That is no way to treat your children Dany!   No wonder they turned on her.


To bad they don't have tv - Dany could watch - "How to Train Your Dragon" for some helpful tips.

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On the other hand, Jon Snow might be a more deserving contender for the throne. He clearly has the compassion Varys was talking about. He has the family name, and he fits the stronger than Tommy (or whatever his name is) and gentler than Stannis description as well.


Well, he's Jon Snow, he doesn't have a family name at all, let alone the right one... Spoiler for those who haven't seen episode two yet:

Even if he had taken Stannis' offer, whether he'd be truly accepted as a Stark by the (relevant) people would be an entirely different matter - one had to acknowledge Stannis' authority as king first (since he'd only have the power to legitimize him as king), which most simply don't and you had to ignore that NW vow that Jon took (his reason for denying in the first place).

Of course, there's yet another family name he could potentially take if a certain theory is correct, so if you're referring to that one, maybe. I agree with your point that he could be a deserving contender. I just don't think, from a meta perspective, that Jon is being set up to be the guy sitting on the throne when it's all said and done. He clearly has a huge role to play, quite possibly the biggest of them all, but overall the point of the whole story seems to be that whoever's sitting on that godforsaken throne is pretty irrelevant after all, so being the One True King would probably be too mundane for his story.

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I had a question about Cersei's prophecy - the woman said Cersei would have 3 children, but didn't she also have a dark-haired boy that died?  Isn't that the story she told Cat when she was watching over Bran?  I remember because it wasn't clear to me whether Cersei had killed the child because it was Robert's, or he really died of illness.

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I had a question about Cersei's prophecy - the woman said Cersei would have 3 children, but didn't she also have a dark-haired boy that died?  Isn't that the story she told Cat when she was watching over Bran?  I remember because it wasn't clear to me whether Cersei had killed the child because it was Robert's, or he really died of illness.

Yup in the show she definitely had a son who died because she mentions him to Robert too. I've seen people trying to square this up and try to get some consitency and the best explantion I saw was in the comment field of watchers on the wall where someone said that really back in the day when one said how many children they had one did not count those who died at infancy because it was so common. I think that's an ok explanation for it. No other children dying at infancy is ever mentioned on the show, though Selyse does talk about her miscarriages and has those creepy fetus jars. Child deaths should be quiet common considering how bad birthing care they have with so many women are dying in child birth. So based on this one could say that the prophecy was only referring to the number of children who society would actually count.

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What's weird too is that Cersei specifically asks if she and the King will have children. Maggy should have said that she and the King would have one child together. 


It's hard to work Cersei & Robert's son into the rest of the prophecy about gold being their crowns and gold being their shrouds.


If golden crown means blond hair, it doesn't fit because this baby had brown or black hair.

If golden crown means an actual crown, the baby died before he was ever crowned.

If gold is meant to be a reference to being a Lannister, once again, the baby doesn't fit because brown\black hair indicates that the baby was Robert's.

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