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Continued Adventures: The Fanfic Thread

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It kinda depends. I was deeply disappointed by a BtVS story that got orphaned 20+ chapters in. The author had at least one finished story to her credit already, and the story in progress seemed to be going well. Other times, I lose track. I doff my (metaphorical) hat to writers who can go the distance. Karmacanary is one of my favorites right now.

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Just cleaned out my bookmarks section on AO3 and I need some recommendations. Anyone read any Captain Swan recently that is completed or updates regularly and is less than 50K? I had to toss a few stories for either not being updated in the past six months or being 150K. I'm starting to lose patience with writers who just keep yammering on and on with no point.

I know what you mean about fics that seem needlessly drawn out!


Man, this thread has been silent for far too long...


Hazards of Love is LD. It's not complete, and updates are erratic.  Love this fic! 

You're Going to Want to Remember This Captain Swan, Canon Divergence. Complete.

Three lovely modern CS AU one-shots.

With Affection, and it's companion, Give Me Love. Both modern CS AUs.


Hope you enjoy! 

Is it hard for any of you out there to stick with a long fic? I'm calling long 25+ chapters. I suppose it depends on overall chapter length as well.

It depends on what's happening in all those words. If the story doesn't seem to be developing, then I might as well have stuck to reading random snapshot vignettes.


I find that word count is still a more helpful measure than chapters or page numbers, especially because that's what AO3 helpfully provides in the story profile. If the writer can wrap it up in 15,000 words (upper limit of short story length before it becomes a novella at 17,501 words I think it is) then that's a decent mind-meal. 8,000 words is a hearty snack.


That said, one of my favorite Buffy fanfics pushes 90,000 words when the minimum word count for a novel-length work is half that. I hardly noticed the length because there was always something about to happen next. (That's Phoenix Burning by Yahtzee, by the way. A Stitch in Time by the same author and a cowriter actually feels like two novels because of the fake-out in the middle, and that's about the same length.)


I'm intimidated by The Lightbearers even though I love steampunk and Captain Swan. It's the length of four novels. I think most fics that I read and like are about 35,000 words.

Edited by Faemonic

Thanks for all the recommendations! I've actually read some of them already so I know you guys have good taste. :)


For me, it's definitely more about the word limit than the chapters. There's one fic right now that updates somewhat regularly, but it's now at 100K and I don't feel like it's going anywhere anymore. I really liked it at the beginning but had to give it up. And I'm too intimidated by the Lightbearers. It sounds like it could be good, but I haven't even started it yet and I have so many things on my to-be-read list.

I lost the link to a Captain Swan fanfic I liked, that diverges from the canon when Pan's Curse sorta maybe kind of succeeds. It leaves everybody trapped in a loop of Thursdays, only Emma knows it, and Regina starts to fall ill as Pan's Curse continues that clues Henry into how they are all actually cursed and Emma needs to TLK Hook so that it's Friday.


Can anyone help me find the title/author and link?

I lost the link to a Captain Swan fanfic I liked, that diverges from the canon when Pan's Curse sorta maybe kind of succeeds. It leaves everybody trapped in a loop of Thursdays, only Emma knows it, and Regina starts to fall ill as Pan's Curse continues that clues Henry into how they are all actually cursed and Emma needs to TLK Hook so that it's Friday.


Can anyone help me find the title/author and link?


It sounds like I Almost Do by ihearttvsnark


Emma and Henry say goodbye to their friends and family and escape Storybrooke as Regina's magic defeats Pan's curse and sends everyone back to the Enchanted Forest. Or at least that was what was supposed to happen, but when Emma wakes up the next morning, she discovers that something went very wrong with the plan.



ETA: nevermind! Wrong fic, still looking.




 It's Wednesday by madj.


She knew it was Wednesday, because it had been Wednesday every morning for the last four days, and she was the only one who seemed to notice. AU for the end of 3.11; Regina stops the curse, but there are consequences. Captain Swan.
Edited by snarkastic
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I lost the link to a Captain Swan fanfic I liked, that diverges from the canon when Pan's Curse sorta maybe kind of succeeds. It leaves everybody trapped in a loop of Thursdays, only Emma knows it, and Regina starts to fall ill as Pan's Curse continues that clues Henry into how they are all actually cursed and Emma needs to TLK Hook so that it's Friday.


Can anyone help me find the title/author and link?


I think you might be looking for Wednesday by Madj. It's a cute fic.


I love "I Almost Do" as well.

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I've lost track of a fic from a few years ago. It was a fairly lengthy, at least 40K+, Charming family focused fic set at the end of Season 1. I don't remember much else about it, but the one defining detail I do have is that Snowing had called a meeting of their council at Granny's. Snow was asking Gepetto whether he had found Pinocchio yet and the truth about the wardrobe comes out. Snow absolutely loses it at Gepetto, Blue, and Archie, and Emma is watching all this happen. Please tell me someone recognizes this! I tried to find it on ff.net but my internet skills have failed me.

Life Unexpected. Precocious child alert. But at least she doesn't call him Killy. lol

This is one of my favorite ones I'm currently reading.  I love Ellie, and that's saying something because I usually find oc little kids annoying as all heck.  And I like the mystery that's brewing with Will Scarlett working for Killian's company while Emma's beginning to uncover sketchy things about him on the PI/bail bonds side.  


I'll echo the props to BK for "Coach."  Probably my most favorite CS au ever.  I wish her success with it going forward, but I'll miss it like hell.  It just won't be the same if it's not Emma and Killian, ya know?  I missed out on the hugely popular "Marionettes" au that was turned into an original story.  I'm so glad I've gotten to experience PMIC every step of the way. 

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Prairie Lullaby. This is such a unique story! Historical Western. 


I second this one too. I'm also reading one of Ooshka's other fics that just got completed called Kind Hearts and Cat Flaps which I am enjoying. There's a cat named Mr. Smee! He's adorable!


And speaking of BK, she wrote a Killian-in-the-underworld one-shot that is really good - I Ain't Done Much Healing. If you need some more angst (with a dash of hope) post episode.

And what did that Marionettes AU turn into? I hadn't even heard of it until now.


The Daring and the Devious turned into Risking the Rogues


The sequel, Of Mirrors And Marionettes, by ForPony39, is still up WHAT NO WHERE DID IT GO?!?!?! Guessing it will be released soon?

Edited by snarkastic
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Ah, the most wonderful time of the year. Secret Santa season! I posted my secret santa gift a bit early so thought I would share. One Way to Win on Christmas on FF or AO3.


Also, can anyone recommend Christmas Captain Swan fics? And can you guys post links here to more good Secret Santa gifts? As it gets closer to Christmas and more stuff gets posted, I feel like sometimes I miss good stuff because there's so much of it.

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Thanks, Sharky! Will check it out!

Here are a couple of CS Christmas fics I read: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5465996


I'm not liking Life Unexpected all that much now. Killian and Emma seem incompatible and OOC. I liked One Time Thing and other Untruths a lot better. It had a similar concept.

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If you like "Warm Nights and Firelight", that author put up a little multi chapter CS Christmas au called "Merry Not Christmas."  


Here's some shorts I've enjoyed too: It's For You, Haircut, All I Want For Christmas Is...  Did anyone else read a short on Tumblr about Killian and Emma working for Regina's party company, and they have to go dressed as a Mr./Mrs. Claus to all these parties for the whole holiday season?  I thought that was a great one too, but I can't find it anywhere, nor do I remember the author *headdesk*.

Edited by Lieutenant
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Did anyone else read a short on Tumblr about Killian and Emma working for Regina's party company, and they have to go dressed as a Mr./Mrs. Claus to all these parties for the whole holiday season?  I thought that was a great one too, but I can't find it anywhere, nor do I remember the author *headdesk*.


Career Opportunities (In The Christmas Season)

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This one by ohmyjones has just started and it looks so promising..childhood Lieutenant Duckling set when Brennan has literally just deserted the boys. Very atmospheric.


and i loved this Christmas fic (and unlike Killian i am NOT taking it back!)


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