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S14.E16: Top 12 Girls Perform

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But TBH, I thought the guys as a whole sucked. Meanwhile, I was impressed with Adanna, Jax, Joey, Tyanna and Sarina and think Katherine was pretty good and will improve with time.

Ouch. I just can't with Adanna. Because there was so much crap on this episode I can't say she was the worst, but... IMO it was pretty bad. The opening was really quivery, and it just had these weird discordant runs in the middle of the song for no good reason. then near the end a kind of shouty aspect that was just plain odd with that song.

Katherine was a problem for me too. Like Adanna it seemed to be another performer just tossing in bizarre random discordant stuff into what should have been a very straightforward song. To give her credit, in the middle of the song, when she hit her sweet spot I could see her potential a lot more. But the beginning was SO bad it was hard to look past that.

Agree on the others though. Tyanna, for example, was a bit overpraised, but she was safely in the middle of the pack IMO. Jax was annoying in the sense that a few people have commented on, but at the same time used her voice really well, so she just needs to dial back the quirky personality a bit. Sarina was just a home run, and Joey was like Tyanna a bit overpraised, but unlike Jax HER oddball stuff comes off as very real, and I liked that quality in her.

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Another non-performing moment I liked: Shi's "Oh man, that sucks!" (Because sometimes, what else can you say?)

And Keith's reaction to Shi saying it was funny, too!


I disagree with Harry that Umbrella is a good song we all like.  Barf.  Ella... ella... ella.  The only thing worse than a song rhyming a word with itself is just random repeating of syllables.  See also Maroon 5's "Animals" (mals).


I find Shannon very watchable and the Pink song started out lovely but went off the rails.  She and Katherine looked really nervous.


Joey looked very comfortable but I don't love the clown act.  Bright colored hair, hats, accordion, crazy lipstick, wacky dress, flats.  


Alexis also looked comfortable and I think a Latina country act is kind of genius but I didn't love the song, maybe because I don't love country.  The vocal itself seemed sort of forgettable, too.  


I didn't FF Sarina-Joi but I also didn't really watch.  I think she's competent but lacks that x factor.  

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I don't have much to say about the girls.  I absolutely loved Sarina, and that was about it.  Shannon is the kind of contestant I actually like for American Idol.  My favorite thing is to see someone very green, unpolished, rough around the edges, and see how much they grow during the competition.  I don't need everyone to spring forth fully formed.

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I had to come here to see if everyone else noticed Joey's teeth, too- and I see I'm not alone!  I almost need to look away when she's on stage, I'm embarrassed on her behalf!  I agree, hopefully not too many more episodes until the styling team has her teeth bleached!


My 5 yo watches with me and I agree with most of her comments!  Maddie looks like Tinkerbell.  I was greatly disappointed that she didn't get the red ends of her hair cut off before the big debut.  Hopefully not too many more shows until the team convinces her to ditch that look as well! And her eyelashes!!!  WTH?  They are all sticking out like little spider legs around her eyes, or like a little kid draws a sunshine.  


I was disappointed that Katherine was soooooo boring.  I have liked her so far, but based on last night I would want to see her gone.


Sarina Joi was far and away the best, most in tune, and commanding, professional performance.  I haven't been a fan of hers but no denying she was a distant first place among the women.  Also don't like her name spelling; it reminds me of farina, the cream of wheat-like hot cereal.

Jax- cannot stand.  From the first moment I saw her it's like nails on a chalkboard.  The fake tan, bleached hair, stupid face tattoo, one-name, totally affected breathy baby voice, bleh.  She does have skill at performing, but I'd love to hear what she actually does sound like without the "act".  And she does a weird thing with her mouth as she sings, making her look like the Joker.   

Tyanna- Love her!!!  One of my early picks.  I love how "raw" and unpolished she seems.  Just a diamond in the rough.  I hope she can keep her style as the show goes on. And, she seems genuinely thrilled and thankful to be there.  


The others were forgettable and I won't notice one way or another if they are voted out.



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Please cut Joey some slack regarding her teeth.  I have discolored teeth due to medication given to me as a child for chronic bronchitis.  My parents found out much later that yellowing of the permanent teeth was a side effect.  It is something I have been self-conscious of all my life.  I have never smoked, I brush regularly, have my teeth cleaned, used whitening strips and even had my teeth professionally bleached to no avail.  There is nothing I can do short of veneers or implants.  My husband tells me that people just don't notice it that much but reading these comments makes me think otherwise.  You don't have to be homeless, bulimic or a smoker to have discolored teeth.  Lighten up (pun intended)!

Edited by 4leafclover
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I thought Tyanna's style Wednesday night was atrocious and made her look like Gary Coleman in his Different Strokes days. This is the first time I've seen her, so I did an image search and discovered that she doesn't always look like that. But when you have a face that scrunches up like that, adding super-quirky hair and a bow tie is just really unflattering.

Based on Wednesday's performances, I think Sarina-Joi should definitely be the last girl standing. And she should start spelling her name like this "SARiNA-JOi" and go for an Apple endorsement.

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Please cut Joey some slack regarding her teeth.  I have discolored teeth due to medication given to me as a child for chronic bronchitis.  My parents found out much later that yellowing of the permanent teeth was a side effect.  It is something I have been self-conscious of all my life.  I have never smoked, I brush regularly, have my teeth cleaned, used whitening strips and even had my teeth professionally bleached to no avail.  There is nothing I can do short of veneers or implants.  My husband tells me that people just don't notice it that much but reading these comments makes me think otherwise.  You don't have to be homeless, bulimic or a smoker to have discolored teeth.  Lighten up (pun intended)!


I agree with you- I also suffer from this issue, except my teeth just naturally yellow more than others (though not as bad as Joey). Some people's teeth just yellow naturally, more than other peoples' do. She's not necessarily a smoker or did anything to make her teeth yellow, and like you said, sometimes whitening and bleaching do not work on everyone or work miracles. I'm still in the process of trying to whiten my teeth. I'm sure she's aware she's got a problem, but it won't be fixed overnight. Unfortunately for singers, the problem is even more noticeable when everyone is looking at your mouth. Joey is not the first and won't be the last contestant to have viewers pointing out issues with her teeth (Crystal from S9?) I do hope for Joey's sake that the stylists do help her fix the problem though. Although I do have to wonder if maybe she does smoke. Her voice has a raspy tone, which could be just natural or not. 

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My teeth aren't blinding white either but if I was on a prime time, high definition SINGING competition show, I would do all I could for them first, including not wearing the worst lipstick and hair colors that highlight their color.  I would say people in most of our daily lives aren't comparing our chompers to Ryan's and Jen's and other people they see on tv and on world stages.  

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I agree it would draw less attention to her teeth if she didn't wear dark lipstick and she does have a great big smile she likes to use which is great but we do notice more as a result.  For me it isn't just the color but her teeth are crooked if recall correctly.  I have a feeling that dental care was maybe an expense her family couldn't afford but let's see if they get fixed!  Would love to see that!   

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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One more teeth-whitening fact:  if you have a crown, it will not respond to bleach so it's better to go with a mouthful of teeth that are the same color than to whiten them and be left with one or two that look all the yellower by comparison.


And I know it's the nature of the business but it hurts my heart to witness these musicians being judged upon their natural appearance.  Jewel, Barbara Streisand, Chrissie Hynde, Cyndi Lauper, Janis Joplin, Cass Elliott... they wouldn't have had a shot in hell in this era.

Edited by Qoass
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I think the women mentioned above are all somewhere between lovely and stunning.  And that there are extremely successful pop singers without extreme beauty.  


I think if you look like Rihanna, it's a plus for a career.  But if you sing like Adele or Kelly Clarkson or Pink, you don't have to look like Rihanna or Britney and your career will probably be longer and more distinguished.  

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Chiming in on the teeth issue--I'm an old lady of 55 and my teeth are darker than I'd like, but the sad fact is that when you get older and the inner part of your teeth darken, there's nothing you can do.  No treatments can reach it.  That's why you see older people with yellow or dark teeth.  I kind of wish the whole teeth-bleaching phenomena   hadn't even happened; so many people walking around with blindingly white teeth makes what used to be considered "normal" look so much worse....  20 years ago, no one would have even noticed Joey's teeth.   /oldpersonrant

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I hadn't noticed Joey's [yellowing] teeth, perhaps because she's so colorful otherwise and I'm watching on an older, not so giant tv.

Being a good person means more to me than mere looks, though in our image-conscious sliver of the world I feel I'm walking against the crowd. (Being in the L.A. entertainment industry in my early 20s was quite the experience in looksism back in the day.)

Edited by KR Vermont
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Oh, I know this show is not about finding the best voice (even The Voice doesn't do that despite their claims to the contrary).  It's about finding an entertainer which starts with talent but also includes appearance, style, back-story and that ineffable X-factor.  Still, it's awful to see people being seen as somehow lesser due to something as petty as the color of their teeth.


That said, I really really hate Quentin's septum piercing.

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I don't see Joey as lesser for having yellow teeth but the field she wants to be in does have a visual component and her combined choices are going to make many reality tv audiences scratch their heads, and sites like this are for publicly doing so.  


"Joey ought to try some White Strips" doesn't also mean "I think yellow-toothed people are disgusting and unworthy of employment."  

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20 years ago, no one would have even noticed Joey's teeth.


It's true, watch 70s movies and on women you see yellow teeth, wide hips and  boob-less female chests! Its jarring, compared to the norm we have today.  THAT SAID:  Even if I were not appearing in high def every Thursday night in America's living rooms, if I had an obvious detriment like the VERY yellow teeth Joey has, I would do something at least prophylactic like not wear dark red and fuchsia lipstick.  The porkpie hats don't help either. 

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I don't see Joey as lesser for having yellow teeth but the field she wants to be in does have a visual component and her combined choices are going to make many reality tv audiences scratch their heads, and sites like this are for publicly doing so.  


"Joey ought to try some White Strips" doesn't also mean "I think yellow-toothed people are disgusting and unworthy of employment."  

This.  I mentioned that Joey should try Crest strips.  But in the same post, I also mentioned she was in my top four.

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I don't see Joey as lesser for having yellow teeth but the field she wants to be in does have a visual component and her combined choices are going to make many reality tv audiences scratch their heads, and sites like this are for publicly doing so.  


"Joey ought to try some White Strips" doesn't also mean "I think yellow-toothed people are disgusting and unworthy of employment."  

With respect to the people who took up on her account, I think this is important to remember.  Not every physical criticism is cruel or inappropriate.  This is the Internet, so some snark is to be expected, but even so this kind of line isn't necessarily snarky.  


There certainly are conditions where the bleaching won't work, or others (like sensitive teeth) where you couldn't even apply the bleach.  I suppose if she still has the same teeth in a few weeks, people will just have to accept there's likely a reason for it (since it's unlikely one of Ryan's little Q&A sessions with the contestants will talk about it).

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My teeth aren't blinding white either but if I was on a prime time, high definition SINGING competition show, I would do all I could for them first, including not wearing the worst lipstick and hair colors that highlight their color.  I would say people in most of our daily lives aren't comparing our chompers to Ryan's and Jen's and other people they see on tv and on world stages.  

I think there's something to this as well.


Lets say she can't help her tooth color or for some reason (ph of her mouth, sensitive teeth, etc.) can't fix it.  Accepted.  But there's no denying that bright red lipstick and green hair highlight the teeth as yellow.  And in contrast to the tooth color, those are things that are 100% under Joey's control.



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I have sensitive teeth and bleach them occasionally.  You just have to use a gentler level strip and build up to using them more often. 


I just paid almost $6k for my teen to get orthodontia, not to have a career in the spotlight, just to have decent looking teeth for normal life.  Most people can spend money on their appearance, it's just a matter of priorities.  If someone spent $6k on a car, no one bats an eye.  Or $36k.  I don't know how much veneers cost but a lot of acting hopefuls get them.  They have to compete with the other auditioners.  


Joey's a smoker, too.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  She probably embraces the 'counterculture' look of her teeth, or figures with her gummy smile she's never going to have the perfect face so why bother bleaching.  I think Crystal liked that home grown look.  


It is a lot like the nostril ring.  To some it's cool and hip, to others it looks vaguely dirty.  

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Joey's a smoker, too.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  She probably embraces the 'counterculture' look of her teeth, or figures with her gummy smile she's never going to have the perfect face so why bother bleaching.  I think Crystal liked that home grown look.  

Crystal had what was arguably ratty hair (messy dreads), but that's probably indeed more of a matter of personal taste vs. smoker's teeth.  I seem to recall she also had a gap in her teeth, but again that's totally different than tobacco stained teeth (and although it's more difficult to correct, a quick google search shows Crystal did indeed fix it--and clearly did a little whitening too, although hers weren't nearly as discolored as Joey's are).

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I so disagree!  

Well, clearly it's bad for her health and I assume contributes to her dingey teeth.  But I didn't want people to think I was implying further that she's some disgusting human who deserves misfortune in life.  I don't think that.  To each her own.  


I like the cleaner teeth look.  I like it better on Crystal.  Good for her.  She was one of the few contestants to turn down the makeover the show offers.  I think Philip did, too.  Wasn't Crystal a young mom?  Maybe she's paying for braces now and has a new outlook on aesthetics.  Heh.  

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I love the new format, one hour for each of the top 12, the judges make quick, short critiques, and we get on with the show.  All that crap filler is gone, at least for now.


I'm curious as to how we find out who got cut, right at the beginning of the next show?  Does that mean all the girls/guys prepare a song and they only find out last minute which 8 get to perform?  Seems kindof harsh, but the cuts were pretty fast and furious all through the Hollywood week episodes too.

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