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S01.E12: Angels And Ministers Of Grace

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It was nice having all four characters in an episode.  Manny and Zed could make a nice friendship.


I liked that the scry map was incinerated, because it was getting a bit worn as a device.  I think the show has found its footing well enough to proceed without it.


I never realized how reflective Manny's eyes are.  The contacts really glowed when the actor was otherwise in shadow; usually, I think he is more illuminated.

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See, writers? You can have all three supporting cast in an episode and it be fast-paced, informative, exciting, funny, and touching.  And for all four characters!


Manny in the supply closet was gold! The "oh my!" look was cracking me up.


Poor Chas; at least he didn't have to die this episode. Still, it very much hurts, so it's not nothing. Poor Chas.


Zed? I cannot blame her for the look on her face in the chapel at the end. If an angel was cool enough to let me see him, and he was cool with me? I'd be a bit taken too. I am concerned about the tumor, though. It may not be the cause of her visions, so if it isn't? It could severely cut into her life! (And the saving others that she does with her talents!)


Man, John has to win the "Magic sucks, but my life is suckier" sweepstakes. He barely takes comfort that he has saved the people he has/ the planet. He is constantly excoriated by surviving friends over the ones he's lost/what he's brought into their lives/raking himself over the coals when he's not actively working to stop Evil. He wakes up and steels himself for losing every person that means something to him.  Damn.


Hey, Manny? Yeah, the map was a "crutch", but that didn't mean it wasn't useful in-and-of itself. Burn your own crap, dude!


Next week is the season finale. Man, I'm bummed, even with the previews promising an amazing episode! ::crosses fingers, hopes Manny can help pull out a renewal::

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Hey, that actress playing the nurse was on Torchwood: Miracle Day!  She was Ester.  Sorry, but I had recently Netflixed the series, so that was fresh in my mind.


Glad to see that the four regulars can be in the same episode.  Granted, they still sent Chas back to the house around the halfway point, but I'll take what I can get.  John "grounding" Manny was entertaining.  I kind of figured that he could reverse the spell the entire time, so that reveal cracked me up.  But, Manny did burn his map, so he kind of deserved some grief for that.


So, Zed might have a tumor due to her visions, but it going to suck it up and keep it.  At least she earned the respect of Manny to the point that he know will show himself to her as well.  Loved their final scene; a good mixture of seriousness and humor (due to John being just a wee bit jealous, I think.)  But, I thought Angelica Celaya and Harold Perrineau played off each other well, so I'm bummed that this show might be doomed, because I would have liked to see more Zed/Manny stuff.


Season or potentially series finale next week!  At least they're bringing back Papa Midnite, because he was the most remember-able opponent John had.

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I think I liked this episode the best of all.  There was some humor, which I need in order to really appreciate a dark show. 


Loved Manny trapped in the supply closet with the nurse!  Him feeling lust, carnal pleasure, and guilt over 'using two humans to satisfy his needs' was well done.  He got a better understanding that dealing with human emotions, sexual arousal and satisfaction, physical pain, and not having a direct line to God was a challenge for humans.  "How do you get anything done?"  Manny needed that opportunity to walk in another human man's shoes, he has been a little too arrogant.  Maybe watching over John rubbed off on him, because John is pretty arrogant too.  I do think though, that Manny will be able to use this experience to more fully realize that a lot of John's arrogance is John pissing in the wind.


I loved seeing Chaz, he's a yummy teddy bear who should always be nearby if he's not right on the front lines fighting with John.


What can I say about Zed?  I wasn't sure about her at first, but she's become more likeable and important with each episode.  Having visions that aren't always pleasant, maybe never pleasant, should be enough of a burdon for her to bear, so I'm not thrilled with the brain tumor stuff.  Is she going to have one vision and then spend the next two episodes recovering from them?  It's nice that her willingness to keep the tumor because she's afraid that she'll lose her power without it, but now that she's proved her willingness to do so and earned massive respect from Manny, she needs to get word that the tumor isn't the source of her power and should be removed post haste.


I'm sad to hear that Constantine wasn't picked up for another season as the show seems to be starting to hit it's stride.  Maybe TPTB will change their minds?  Manny, use that direct line to God and make it so.

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I had the same reaction as the author - can't believe they aired this at 8pm!


Considering that the original timeslot for the show was 9PM Central/10 Eastern, it  possibly would have been considered tame at that time of night. The season was probably written/shot as a later hour show. Then again, NBC had been airing a show about true crime/murders before moving Constantine to 8E/7C, so  I don't know.  I thought it was a funny scene; Harold Perrineau sold Manny's reactions!

The SyFy rumors are all coming from one source, Cinelinx ( http://www.cinelinx.com/tv/item/7098-here-s-how-nbc-is-trying-to-keep-constantine-going.html). Other places reporting it, have been traced to this source. There's a production crew member being coy on twitter, hinting at the move but the show runner, Daniel Cerone said he himself was not told anything about this. But maybe they are withholding information from him?

And no, Constantine has not been canceled... yet.

Edited by kwerkee
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A solid episode.


Could've done with a little more of Chas but I do like that Zed got some more needed focus and development as a character throughout this one.


I also liked the team up with John and Manny and the latter actually being better utilised during this one as well.


The serial killer/black diamond plot was done well enough too, 7/10

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