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Rogues, Metahumans, and Other Minor Characters


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I like that this show is able to recycle villains though. Some people will just keep coming back, like Hartley and Captain Cold, despite not being the main villain (Reverse Flash). How many people are actually still in their supervillain jail? Prism, Peekaboo, and the Mist, I think? All of who, I feel have powers that will allow them to bust out eventually.

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They've already started to "borrow" villains from other heroes, so I don't think there's any worries about running out. 


Plastique and Multiplex, for example, are Firestorm villains. We've also seen Clock King, who I think originally was a Batman or Green Arrow villain. (And please let there be a team-up with Captain Cold and Heat Wave so that the Prison Break crossover expands).


Since General Eiling exists in this universe, I wouldn't be surprised if some Captain Atom enemies start showing up as well. 


Besides, we've still got full-blown appearances yet to go from several of the classic Rogues: Mirror Master hasn't been mentioned at all. Nor has the Top.


Finally, I think that recurring appearances from some of these characters will still have legs.

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I've pre-cast most of the Prison Break alums in my mind as members of the Rogues. :)


Unfortunately, Golden Glider has already been chosen, but maybe she can be recast as Sarah Wayne Callies. 


I could see Mirror Master as Aumary "Sucre" Nolasco.


The Top could be Silas Weir "Haywire" Mitchell.

Either William "Mahone" Fichtner or Paul "Kellerman" Edelstein could make a decent Dr. Alchemy.

Rockmond "C-Note" Dunbar could be Abra Kadabra.


Peter "Abruzzi" Stomare already has a role in the Arrow/Flashverse as Count Vertigo. So we could make him an honorary Rogue.

I'm actually very excited to see Grodd - he's such a master manipulator - it could be incredibly good if done right... and in that video, the "facial" expression was just so quintessentially Grodd... I love it.

I have no idea how they'd make that work - but man - the moment he talks I think I might lose it. So will everyone else.

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I feel that Clarissa got the shaft in the Firestorm episodes because she was 1) on older woman, 2) who is not a metahuman with 3) spin-off potential 4) on The CW.


She could be the mediator that Caitlin was seeming to be; keeping Ronnie and Martin from doing/saying stupid things to each other. Besides being Martin's sweet baboo, she could be a sympathetic shoulder for Ronnie when it comes to leaving Caitlin and/or other family behind. Clarissa could be Martin's Truth-bomber and keep his snobby-snotty attitude in check. Seeing as both men are scientists (?), taking science on from different angles could be interesting. Once in a while, maybe Caitlin could drop in for an episode and the ladies get to show how awesome they are.  Clarissa wasn't given a career or a job, but I just can't see her hanging around the house unless she is retired, and not so much even then, but that's me. Hanging around waiting for your missing husband is different.


I mean, I know some characters are just going to get the short straw, but if we are to believe that Clarissa is Martin's Caitlin? Show us more than "Have You Seen My Husband?" fliers! We know Caitlin is awesome because we've been told and shown. I think Martin and Clarissa deserved some of the same.

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I was seeing folks comment in the 1.15 episode thread that Captain Singh, if left without use of his legs, will be seen less.  I live in a state with a governor that's wheelchair-bound. Captain Singh can surely captain in a chair just as well as with his legs.  Whether the captain gets his legs restored due to Reset or not, I think we'll see him about as much as we have to date. Only his cute fiancé will be worse about his diet, probably.

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A reclusive billionaire, with a huge empire to run which he still does, is last seen six months ago in some city he was giving an award to something something  Script. Another billionaire is the last known person to see him. That Stagg Industries hasn't had their own team of ninjas shadowing Wells is hard to believe. Or that they haven't tried to stake out STARLabs. If something happened to Donald Trump, folks would not just let the last known contact go on their merry way.  Right or wrong, Wells should have  to be inconvenienced some, be it an irritated line or a glowering MIB or something. (Like the lack of protesters not still hassling Wells to tear down the unwanted, dangerous collider. Where did they go?)


Also, for six months, not only has Joe kept Barry's personal secret, but has now kept the existence of metahumans a secret from his captain and his fellow cops on the force! The guys and gals who end up hurt/injured/worse when they first meet a criminal meta. How is this in anyway protection? How can Eddie keep Joe's secret about this, especially after Captain Singh's injury?  If the cops in the room knew that shooting conventional ammo was pointless- and that could hurt themselves with the richocets or the wind's deflections- then protecting Singh and Joe would have been a priority.   I kinda want Joe to be busted to patrol cop, at least for a while. What Joe is keeping from the PD is life-saving information! Less folks needlessly engaging with metahuman criminals would mean more cops coming back to stop said criminals. Those surviving encounters could add helpful suggestions for other patrol cops to use. We don't have to see this part on-screen. Some meta criminal rolls up, starts with some attack and if the first patrol car doesn't stop the attack, then their back-up does. Flash zooms in for pick-up and cut to credits. 


While I don't care about all the Nameless cops as characters I'm invested in, I feel that the cops should have all the intel possible so that they don't keep having groups of cops killed needlessly by villains. Seeing the cops discern whether the villain has a gadget for the whatever attack or if it's a power they possess would be nice, especially after having gadget-based Captain Cold and Heat Wave.

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I'm glad Capt. Singh showed up in the latest episode because I kinda missed him.


I had the same thought too! I always found him to be a hoot.

I like Jay also but I can't help but think where does he go during times like these. I would think Caitlin would be able to call him up after the Zoom battle unless he returned to Earth-2 somehow.

Edited by nerdyduck
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I hope this is the right spot to discuss this-- it actually involves the actors for some of the characters. I was watching a show called "Eli Stone" and I started to recognize some of the faces-- Victor Garber (Dr. Stein) is a bigwig at a lawfirm at which the title character works. Matt Letscher (Eobard Thawne) plays a doctor who is the brother of the lead character. Tom Cavanagh plays the late father of the Stone brothers (he's seen in flashbacks). I kind of find it funny that Matt plays a guy on Flash who kills the character played by the guy playing his father in another series-- ah, the whole 6 degrees in TV/movies thing.

The show had the same producers as The Flash, so I'm wondering if we will end up seeing more of the cast members from that show. This is probably old news, but its new to me.

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What is it about this character that appeals to anyone on any level? He's given no motive, other than Zoom says kill, so me go home (weak as that motive is, it only gets more stupid when he still stalks the Flash after the breeches are destroyed and he's stuck on earth one anyway).

His dialogue is trash, "you might be fast, but you're not as fast as I am in water!" So...you're gonna kill him or race him?

He's a shark with legs. Wow. It's literally as though the guy who made this character turned to his five year old for help a half hour after Power Rangers.

Ooh! Ooh! He's canon though! -_- whoop-dee-do! Let's give him a movie!

I guess what Im really asking is what is it in people that makes them gravitate towards this kind of Sharknado-style stupidity? Do some people's tastes not change much after their sixth birthday? Is it masochism? A non addictive way of murdering brain cells? What is it?

Personally, I find the King Shark thing to be hilarious. Although, having the shark teeth and stuff and opposable thumbs makes him very dangerous. I agree that his motivation was dumb-- but so was the motivation of a lot of villains. Eobard Thawne's motivation was incredibly stupid.


At least King Shark is more threatening than Condiment King-- who literally squirted ketchup and mustard at people. And Killer Moth was a lame villain until he got turned into Charaxes and was very creepy.


Keep in mind that the comics were primarily written for children at first and later on for adolescents. So a lot of the villains are cheesy. They are popular because of nostalgia.

Edited by zannej

With Sendhil Ramamurthy joining the cast as Bloodwork/Ramsey Rosso, the show has its first main villain/big bad that is non-white.

He's also the first where we are going to see his evolution into a villain; we meet him before he is already all bad. No flashbacks to explain his origin this season!

Edited by Trini

From this interview with Katee Sackhoff, she explains Amunet's accent:


io9: Switching gears, let’s talk about your role as Amunet Black on The Flash. How much fun did you have playing such an oversized villain, and what inspired your portrayal of her, including her accent?

Sackhoff: Hands-down, it’s the most fun job I’ve ever had in my career. When the role first came around, I had a serious talk with the showrunner at the time. I was like, “Listen, I don’t want to just come in there and play Katee. That’s not fun for me.” We were really trying to squeeze it into some time that I had available, but I was also very busy in my private life. So it was sort of, “What can we do to make this character so desirable that it works for what I want to do?” I had literally just put myself on tape for the producers of a movie and I had to do a British accent. But like, a real British accent. [Laughs.] I had so much fun doing it that I thought to myself, “You know, it would be really fun to be able to do that. I don’t know where I’m ever gonna be able to do that again.”

We see a lot of British people play Americans, but we never really see Americans go the other direction. They do, occasionally, but not a lot. And there’s also—so many American actors know that when a British person is doing an American accent, you can still tell they’re British, because they pick an accent that’s so generic. And so [laughs], this is sort of me making fun of that, that like I had no idea what the accent was. She’s not from anyplace specific. The accent’s not supposed to be real. It’s supposed to be so over the top and campy that you know she’s coming even if you don’t see her face, and that’s who I wanted her to be.

That was how I sort of pitched it to them: I want her voice to be so recognizable that even if you hate her, you know it’s her. There was no one like that on The Flash, and so they really just let me run with it. It was so much fun. Someone was like, “So why did you want to play an accent that has no actual region?” Like, you can’t really place it. And I said, “Because she’s from Clearwater, Florida. She’s not British! She’s crazy!”

That’s the whole point; it’s not supposed to be a real accent. It’s her pretending to be British because she was made a supervillain, and she went, “Hmm, who do I want to be today? You know what, I’ll be British! That sounds fun! That’s pretty arch! Let’s do that.” They really let me lean into that, and I love it when people say they hate the accent. I think it’s hysterical because they’re supposed to. They’re supposed to love it or hate it. It doesn’t matter, because she is a good time and I think that’s all she was ever supposed to be.

io9: Bitch Pudding aside, we’re used to seeing you in more heroic roles, so it must have been refreshing to get to tackle a villain like that.

Sackhoff: I think so. I do like to play reluctant heroes. I don’t think that playing the hero is really fun, because I like for people to have a bit more substance and texture to them. And I think that villains are always just more fun to play. They don’t have to fit into a box of what people think a hero is. They’re allowed to play more.


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