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Season 3 Premiere : 2015.03.23

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So far I'm happy! At first I didn't like Sindy with an S, but the way she killed that Veto comp won me over. Her safe cracking skills really impressed!


OF COURSE they immediately go after the oldest player. If there was a more even spread of player ages, that wouldn't be a problem.


I don't like that Canada is voting someone out before having the feeds available.


I wonder if some of the men already made an alliance, or if that one guy was just assuming there would be. Or if, for him, in life it is always men vs women. He kept saying stuff like he was going to win the Veto for the boys?

I wonder if some of the men already made an alliance, or if that one guy was just assuming there would be. Or if, for him, in life it is always men vs women. He kept saying stuff like he was going to win the Veto for the boys?

I think that was Kevin that was all "gotta save the bros!"  He seems like a complete douche so guessing it's always bros before hos with him.

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Figures. I had Risha in the BBC pool at work....

So far I'm happy! At first I didn't like Sindy with an S, but the way she killed that Veto comp won me over. Her safe cracking skills really impressed!

I hear you. She struck me right off the bat as one of those self-centered airhead primadonna types that tend to propagate on shows like this, but then she crushed the puzzle challenges. Sindywithaness had definitely got more depth than I would've given her credit for. Remains to be seen if that can will out over her grating personality, though.

All the ways that I love Big Brother Canada, I do get annoyed with these way too busy first episodes. Why not start at fifteen people and give us a week to see the noms, veto, and eviction? And now Canada's voting somebody out without even the benefit of the live feeds. Oh, who's it going to be? The hot blonde cougar with a tragic lifestory who we're already seen cry on camera. Or the girl who's minute of screentime was about her annoying laugh?


I wish Sindy had targeted a guy. I'm so bored with male alliances. And even worse just going off of glance, most of these guys look seem to very similar personality-wise and it's going to be way easy for them to brigade-up. I'm already calling an alliance between Jordan, Kevin, Zach, and Bruno. Maybe Graig in there as well. If Sindy had put one of them up and they get bumped off by Canada, it might have made them rethink a boy's alliance. 

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With that outfit she was wearing during her entrance to the house, Risha really was trying WAY too hard to get noticed by the boys.

Risha reminds me of a song by the 'Beautiful South' -- "36D so what, D so what. Is that all that you've got".

I'm pretty sure her bra size is bigger than that though.


Pilar's laugh is really annoying -- and that's just based on her intro clip.


Willow is super cute, perky and super athletic.  Wowser !  Hope she gets more screen time soon.


Naeha wasn't even on the block, but she looked like someone took a dump in her cheerios.


I love the new look of the house -- the steampunk theme is really cool.  And despite being structurally exactly the same as last year the new decorations make it look substantially different -- the decorators did an awesome job this year.


Was there a sale on green laser lights somewhere this winter ?  The women's POV comp outfits were cheek-tacular.  I didn't like that once Kevin finished the puzzle the other contestants could look at how he completed it and copy it.


I like the irony in Risha's statement that she needs to bond with the other members of the house and show them that age is not a threat, but she says that post-POV ceremony after bolting for the bathroom to be by herself.  She's toast.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I liked the premiere even though predictably women got nommed and the guys seem to be aligned. 


I like both Risha and Pilar but I voted to evict Risha for two reasons: She has very little chance of making it far and Pilar nominated two men. But I agree with everyone that it's stupid and annoying that Canada is voting to evict. 


I'm so disappointed that pretty much no one tried to get the men nominated. This was the perfect opportunity to go after the big guys that everyone is always afraid to go at right away. Sigh.

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I used to get so annoyed with the ridiculous amount of twists that BB Canada throws into each season but now I've just accepted that there's going to be a twist almost every week.   And, really, if we're going to let the viewers mess with the actual voting, it might as well be week 1 when it won't really have a huge impact on alliances.  The voting for week one is usually pretty meaningless anyway since the 2 people on the block are usually only up there because the H0H just randomly picked 2 people.


I was SO annoyed that Cindy (fuck you and your S) won the POV. Between her intro where all she did was talk about how pretty she is (meh...is she?) and the constant telling people how her name is spelled, I was ready for her to be evicted 5 minutes into the episode.  And both her Twitter handle and website are "sindywithanS" so that isn't just some little gimmick she thought would be cute on BB, she *actually* talks like that in her real day-to-day life. UGH.

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Risha needs to grab a BRAin Who comes into the BB house dressed like that?  Save it for date night or whatever.  With all of their other clothes locked away, she's lucky that BB didn't make her play for Veto in that top.


Any BRAin besides Kenny from last season.


So here's the nomination rundown:


  1. Ashleigh - Bruno, Risha
  2. Bobby - Bruno, Sarah
  3. Brittnee - Risha, Sindy
  4. Bruno - Bobby, Pilar
  5. Godfrey - Bobby, Pilar
  6. Graig - Pilar, Sindy
  7. Johnny - Naeha, Sindy
  8. Jordan - Risha, Sindy
  9. Kevin - Bruno, Risha
  10. Naeha - Godfrey, Sindy
  11. Pilar - Bruno, Zach
  12. Risha - Ashleigh, Sindy
  13. Sarah - Kevin, Zach
  14. Sindy - Pilar, Risha
  15. Willow - Sarah, Sindy
  16. Zach - Godfrey, Sindy


  • Eight (!) for Sindy
  • Five for Risha
  • Four for Bruno and Pilar
  • Two for Bobby, Godfrey, Sarah, and Zach
  • One for Ashleigh, Kevin, and Naeha
  • Zero for Brittnee, Graig, Johnny, Jordan, and Willow
Edited by Tyr
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Rob Cesternino spent the first fifteen minutes of his podcast discussing the terrible twist.

I don't think it's necessarily terrible - as he notes, it's worked as the regular format for fifteen years in the UK and in other parts of the world, and it's hardly unheard of to have two of the better housemates nominated in any given week - it's just that the producers didn't fully consider how it would apply to a show with the limited broadcast schedule the North American versions have, especially with it being in this shortened, streaming-free first week. Put it later in the season and it would have worked brilliantly.

I want Sindy to go because she thinks she's beautiful when she's at best average looking and because she thinks she's a master strategist for playing with the emotions of the two weakest players in the house.


It's a blessing that Risha is gone (for now) because she has the one of the worst social games I've ever seen from a grown, supposedly mature adult.  (You get put up for eviction and then you immediately sequester yourself from everyone while the other nominee is hugging everyone?)


It's not all her fault because in her defense they could have included a few fifty year olds that might have been influenced by her desperate topless jacuzzi act.  Don't get me wrong, she looks good for an older woman but that's not going to play with 20 year olds.  (She looks like late forties early fifties with a lot of work done)


Look forward to this season, I'm an American but it's nice to watch this while waiting for BB17 in the summer.  If you watch BBCAN it's like getting two seasons per year like Survivor or Amazing Race

I was just so depressed to see the voting based on instant, first impressions.  Voting tended to be against the women, and against the minority women (not completely but trending that way).  Basically, if you are white, attractive, and in your 20s (and male) you are safe based on first impressions. Almost everybody else has to worry.


It is something I really enjoy about BB- watching strangers interact.  And you can see that the majority wants to protect their tribe, the people they identify with (white, 20s male, attractive). But at times it is depressing (coming from a person who is not an attractive 20 something white person).


(and yes, I realize that there are exceptions like Britnee and Godfrey, but they are the exception. The top vote getters were the older woman, the asian woman, and, tied- the hispanic woman and the, relatively, older man.)

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I hope it is as good as season 2 but it is to soon to tell. I don't like Canada voting--especially not so early in the game since we haven't even learned much about the cast. I don't have any favorites or any that I hate but the plus sized model seems interesting but she could wimp out for all I know. I need to see if the live feeds are available in the USA and if they are free (lol). There is a website for the US feeds that is free (as of last year it just wanted donations) where it transcribes the live feeds for the American version---is there a similar version for the Canadian show?

This BBCAN thing with the popular vote is not really "new" or "awesome".  Every other BB (other than BBUS...except season 1) do viewer vote outs.  However, the viewers got NOTHING more than a few snippets to go off of. Come on, BBCAN, at least let them see some live feeds to see how these people really are before you make the viewers vote someone out!


Also, please.  There is NO WAY, that Risha is going back in when one of the first five could get voted back in.  We don't know anything about Risha, but by the time the 5th person is voted out, we'll know a LOT about them!


Stupid.  It's BBUS kind of stupid, really.

Edited by KayElektra

Also, please.  There is NO WAY, that Risha is going back in when one of the first five could get voted back in.  We don't know anything about Risha, but by the time the 5th person is voted out, we'll know a LOT about them!


Arissa said there'd be a competition to get back in so I assume it'll be like when the US version brought back Brendan and Nicole and there will not be a viewer vote. But Risha still doesn't have much of a chance.


Vicky8675309, do you have Chrome? If so I can PM you about the feeds.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Are we going to keep discussing the show in a single thread or in episode threads? I don't believe that there's enough interest to make episode threads.


Anyway, Graig gives me the creeps. His doughy white body, his oddly wrinkly forehead, his horrible fashion sense -- he's the total package of grossness. And don't even get me started about the way he held that conversation while he was sitting on the toilet. I have a feeling that he's going to make the final two because there's always someone in the final two who makes me wonder why I've wasted so much of my life watching this show.

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Anyway, Graig gives me the creeps. His doughy white body, his oddly wrinkly forehead, his horrible fashion sense -- he's the total package of grossness. And don't even get me started about the way he held that conversation while he was sitting on the toilet. I have a feeling that he's going to make the final two because there's always someone in the final two who makes me wonder why I've wasted so much of my life watching this show.


Graig was so unpleasant in this ep. He is just creepy as hell and yea him having that convo while pooping is just not something I ever needed to see. Also, LOL and word to the last sentence.

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Between Graig having the convo while taking a shit, and Bobby shoving his tongue down Ashley's throat, I can't decide who's more repulsive. 

Although if i think about it, it's always going to be Graig.  Holy hell, that HAIR alone could win YUCK awards.


I'm surprisingly liking Kevin.  Even though I know someone who knows him and says he's a complete d-bag.  He's playing the game rather well so far.


Will not be sad to see Scindy leave.  She's the female equivalent of Bobby's tongue action.


Arissa said there'd be a competition to get back in so I assumearrow-10x10.png it'll be like when the US version brought back Brendan and Nicolearrow-10x10.png and there will not be a viewerarrow-10x10.png vote. But Risha still doesn't havearrow-10x10.png much of a chancearrow-10x10.png.


Vicky8675309, do you have Chrome? If so I can PM you about the feeds.


Thank you!

I think I can installarrow-10x10.png Chrome on my MAC. IIRC it's a search engine like Firefoxarrow-10x10.png, Safari, etc… I'll try to installarrow-10x10.png it tomorrow after work and would love to be able to see the live feeds. I really like the site that transcribes the US feeds--that part is free whereas to watch them you have to payarrow-10x10.png. I should of googled to see if there was something similar for BBCanada but it would be great to have the actual feeds!


I think I like BBCanada more than BBUSA which has gone down hill but is still entertaining and much better, imo, than BBUK or BBAustralia where the housemates are so fakearrow-10x10.png playing up to the cameraarrow-10x10.png for a publicarrow-10x10.png vote each week. I like the scheming and gameplay in the US and Canadian versions;-) So far, the Canadian version always seems to have more likable* housemates (compare it to the last 2 years of BBUSA or every year of BBUK--I keep saying I am going to quit BBUK).


I look forward to the PM with info on Chrome and the live feeds! Thanks again!


*edit: more likable characters except for Graig and Bobby but they still aren't as bad as some of the ones on last years US version

Edited by Vicky8675309

Vicky: FYI, you are either:


  1. copy and pasting in HTML (which is fine on face value) but you are including loads of text ad links and external links from the original site in doing so.
  2. (Most likely, 99% sure) You have adware/malware on your system inserting these at a system level (hence the links in the quote that wasn't from you).


The issue is that it looks like ads from US. We don't do those type of ads and we do not want people to think we do. Hopefully you can clean your system and/or paste in plain text. Otherwise we will have to limit your posting ability if it continues. Thanks.


I usually handle this stuff over PM but I wanted people to know what the deal is with the post above and let Vicki see what I am referring to.

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