txhorns79 January 25, 2015 Share January 25, 2015 Of course, "mundane and boring to watch" could have been this season's catch-phrase, so what do I know? My point wasn't that we should have seen Amber shopping for baby related paraphernalia. It was just that I would have liked to see some indication she was more on top of things. I didn't think the show did a particularly good job with that topic, and Sarah kind of brushed it off when Amber brought it up during the episode. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/21008-s06e12-we-made-it-through-the-night/page/3/#findComment-757487
SuzE January 25, 2015 Share January 25, 2015 I agree watching Amber shop would be boring, but I think that one of the times when someone walked into her unlocked apartment, she should have been reading a baby care book, or figuring out where to store the baby things, or something. Given the passive way she lives her life, I'm assuming she's not ready for anything and is waiting for someone to rescue her. Just like her mother. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/21008-s06e12-we-made-it-through-the-night/page/3/#findComment-757762
bingham55 January 25, 2015 Share January 25, 2015 I get that the family is all about being there for each other but Adam and Kristina and Crosby and Jasmine all showed up for Amber's not birth/gas pains. Who is watching their kids? Not Camille, Amber or Haddie I presume and hopefully not Max. Do they have sitters on call? Who watches Nora while Kristina beams at her snowflakes? I would love to have a TV kid because you can just leave them home alone and go do whatever you want! 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/21008-s06e12-we-made-it-through-the-night/page/3/#findComment-757794
DarkRaichu January 26, 2015 Share January 26, 2015 I get that the family is all about being there for each other but Adam and Kristina and Crosby and Jasmine all showed up for Amber's not birth/gas pains. Who is watching their kids? Not Camille, Amber or Haddie I presume and hopefully not Max. Do they have sitters on call? Who watches Nora while Kristina beams at her snowflakes? I would love to have a TV kid because you can just leave them home alone and go do whatever you want! Didn't we already conclude the dog took care of Nora on the daily basis? Non parents adult humans were only needed when they had to drive the kids somewhere. Not that the dog could not drive, but the sight would have been too distracting for the other drivers. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/21008-s06e12-we-made-it-through-the-night/page/3/#findComment-760316
3 is enough January 26, 2015 Share January 26, 2015 Did anyone else notice that Camille was huffing and puffing more than Zeek when they were hiking up the hill? It is bad enough that the writers think it is believable to show a man with a serious heart condition doing that sort of activity, but his breathing was fine. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/21008-s06e12-we-made-it-through-the-night/page/3/#findComment-761103
starkey2 January 27, 2015 Share January 27, 2015 I think Kristina had a some valid points about the luncheonette, but not towards Jasmine. She and Adam should have discussed the decision thoroughly. He decided to delve back into a failing business while: 1. eldest child is in a very expensive school 2. middle child has special needs 3. another child floating around somewhere 4. they are in debt because of failed mayoral campaign I am sure that Kristina is making some money as principal, but probably not enough considering how they are living. She needs to be part of the decision to risk her family's financial solvency for the business. But that is a discussion she should be having with Adam, not Jasmine. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/21008-s06e12-we-made-it-through-the-night/page/3/#findComment-761704
Shermie January 27, 2015 Share January 27, 2015 (edited) Given the discussion, I'm surprised and yes, disappointed that they didn't have a big old Braverman baby shower for Amber. In real life we always wait until the baby is born, but on TV it's practically in their bible to have one for the pregnant character. I always enjoyed the big group dynamic on Parenthood that showed common large family events - the dinners, the outdoor patio parties, the birthdays - and a baby shower would have fit right into that. And it would have been a great way to show some multi generational interaction and advance some plot points - Jasmine and Kristina could have hiss-argued about the Luncheonette, Sydney could have announced that daddy stayed over, Julia could have talked to Sarah about her marriage, maybe Haddie could have shown up, and maybe Hank's sullen daughter (Amber's future step sister, after all) could have sulked through it with a pep talk from Camille. And it would have shown the viewers that Amber has more than a bare mattress in a screw-missing crib for her baby. Edited January 27, 2015 by Shermie Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/21008-s06e12-we-made-it-through-the-night/page/3/#findComment-762024
Sandman January 27, 2015 Share January 27, 2015 I think it was fair enough for Jasmine to approach Adam and to ask him to reconsider; she wasn't forcing him to do anything. But she can't have been very confident that she was truly doing the right thing; otherwise, why ask Adam to keep it a secret from Crosby? I think the whole thing started to unravel from there. (Of course, it didn't help that Crosby, the big baby, decided that he hated the idea of accepting his brother's help so much that he had to quit on the spot. I had to retrieve my eyeballs from under the couch at that point, my eyes rolled so much.) You'd think people who spent that much time in each others' company might have developed a few communication strategies over the years. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/21008-s06e12-we-made-it-through-the-night/page/3/#findComment-762905
ShadowFacts January 27, 2015 Share January 27, 2015 I think the baby shower was supposed to happen the day/evening Zeek first ended up in the hospital, and they ended up having an abbreviated version in the hospital cafeteria. In my part of the midwest, it is very common to have a baby shower a couple months before the due date. Maybe a baptism/christening party sometime afterward. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/21008-s06e12-we-made-it-through-the-night/page/3/#findComment-763547
alexa January 29, 2015 Share January 29, 2015 So Zeke doesn't want life saving surgery, why? Because he's afraid? He isn't afraid of dying at a relatively young age and missing out on so much? If he gets the surgery now that Zeke Jr. is here, I guess his message is that a loving wife, four nice kids, a pack of mostly pleasant grandkids and the potential of travel aren't enough to live for. But a vanity descendant is. Okay then. If I remember right, the doctor had told him there was a good chance he wouldn't survive the surgery or recovery period. I would honestly say this isn't a case where Zeke is being selfish, so much as there are no good solutions here. Oh yes, it is definitely because he very well might not survive the surgery. The doctor did mention that, and in real life that is true as well. Zeke has a weak heart and it can only handle so many interventions, esp when it comes to surgery. My own father had a situation where he survived a very difficult surgery, but as he took the path of a weaker heart, years later when he needed a similar surgery they would not do it because they knew his body couldn't handle it. They did think they could do a stent procedure, and unfortunately he passed away during the procedure. So, I am basically saying that even the "simpler" procedures can be hard on the body if it has been determined that the heart has become much weaker. I can completely understand why Zeke doesn't want the surgery given the information he has been given by his doctor. Yes, it could potentially prolong his life, but he also could die on the operating table and not have any life left. Tough choice. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/21008-s06e12-we-made-it-through-the-night/page/3/#findComment-769590
mythoughtis July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 (edited) This family is supposedly one for all and all for one. jasmine was upholding that by telling Adam just how much Crosby was hurt. She just asked him to reconsider. How many of us haven’t reached out to someone that has unwittingly hurt our spouse or other family member? Kristina and Adam have blindly insulted, antagonized and generally made life miserable for anyone that has refused Max even the slightest wish. Especially family members such as Amber and Sarah. They’ve bullied them over it and tried to explain away Max the stalker as Dylan’s fault. That’s what makes me so annoyed at Kristina going after Jasmine. Then she has the nerve to expect Jasmine to teach ballet at Career Day. Joel said he hadn’t slept with ‘ people’. He specifically did not say he hadn’t slept with anyone. Truthfully, the day he told Julia he didnt want to work on their marriage after he’d already moved out, his right to complain about Julia’s love life ceased. Julia slept with two people- the teacher once and Chris. The night she got the divorce papers, she invited Chris inside the house. He made a comment about it and she said ‘no reason no to now’ ... implying she’d never let him inside before. She didn’t sleep with him that night in her home either. Edited July 26, 2018 by mythoughtis Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/21008-s06e12-we-made-it-through-the-night/page/3/#findComment-4525354
mythoughtis July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 I’ve been thinking about the Joel- Julia thing. The conversation they have ( finally) about Joel leaving indicates that he left because Julia needed him and he couldn’t deal. So he says he failed her. She asks him how he’s going to deal the next time she needs him. Several commenters have said that Julia’s strength of will and need for control was too emasculating for Joel. This conversation is the opposite of that. He didn’t want to step up. I’m disappointed in the character. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/21008-s06e12-we-made-it-through-the-night/page/3/#findComment-4537553
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