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S06.E13: In the Line of Duty

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I think people have been asking if the actress who plays Nell is pregnant pretty much every week for the last two or three years. You'd think that the costume department hated her or something.

I mean... she could actually be pregnant this time. But they've been sticking her in big, baggy, lumpy, unflattering outfits for a long time now.

To be fair, it's also good to have a female character who is pretty but doesn't have to dress for attention. Maybe that's what they're going for. They just overdo it a bit, sometimes.

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One thing that really got me mad is the attack on the Customs service. Even with the new mostly automated passport controls, a person who was in Gitmo, even if they were totally innocent, wouldn't have been able to get through. Idiot plotting only works if there are idiots driving the plot. Especially if they have to fly from North Africa to California in 48 hours.

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Kensi and Deeks flirty banter was great and I continue to love this pair. 



I loved them in the 3D room - they were so comfortable with each other. And as he went down the steps to confront the baddies and asked if she had his back, her response, while clearly the obvious and expected answer, was very confident and assuring.

Is the actress who plays Nell pregnant?

I didn't realize it was her, but for me it seemed that her hair seemed especially long for whatever reason.

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Crabby Old Person Alert.  I really am getting old.  So many shows I follow now are writing stuff that wouldn't qualify as average fan fiction.  


Only the NCIS OSP or whatever their Very Special Designation is can infiltrate that consulate and run the magic scanner?  And the time it takes to get there and back is about the same time it takes Kensi & Deeks to interview a Navy Captain who for some bizarre reason has a desk in LA instead of the DC area?  The FBI runs their part of the investigation in LA, and schleps a pretty cool looking 3D printer to the super secret NCIS office that no outsiders are supposed to be able to locate, let alone be allowed to enter?  (If I could write fanfic, I'd write some kind of crackfic about someone locating that (frankly cool) building by figuring out where all those people park, and expanding the search from there).


The itinerary of the bad guys and the names they are using are known and they can't be stopped in Paris or Mexico City?  They know the names, put them on the No-Fly!


And then there's that great and glorious standard trope of the Good Guys can display Moral Indignation and Great Personal Umbrage because a Good Man Was Killed (I counted two bodies, but sheesh, Sam can't know everyone) and all the rules get suspended?  "Walter" was the most plausible person in that information exchange; he traded a useful pointer without painting a word picture, which in the better spy fiction I've watched is how it apparently Is Done.


Geographically inappropriate Navy Captain is the real person in danger, and the only available personnel to retrieve him are Denzie?


Ah, that other beloved trope: Briefing On The Way instead of at the initial muster point.


The thing is I'd tolerate all of this if the series was still charming.


And the real reason I wrote this rant:  Who the hell knew Julie Chen could act??!!!?!

Edited by kassygreene

Julie Chen did a good job as Ambassador Nancy Kelly. I liked the the 3D rendering of the crime scene. Deeks was funny with the glasses on talking about Mr. Magoo. Eric likened it to a Lego set. Kensi doesn't like the old cartoons. It was nice for FBI Agent Brad Reese to help the team. I always worry with the inter-agency team ups that the other person is either crooked or grabs all the glory.

The team using the ladders to get into the consulate was interesting. I thought there was something going on with Captain Alan Beck. Liked Sam and Callens meeting with CIA Agent Walter(Wally)/Otto/Steve. Sam and G's nick names were Huggie and Butch, respectively. I liked the banter in the consulate between Sam and G. "Your Welcome". Munir Al Zarzi was the baddie this time. Deeks 'Good Night JohnBoy" and Sam's replay, "Shut up Deeks", was funny.

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