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The Voice (UK)


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The opera singer on the Jan 10 show actually impressed the hell out of me (I posted the performance over in the "Video Clips" topic).  Usually you get barely passable Opera singers who simply get applause for big notes but who aren't actually all that good compared to actual working Opera singers.  I'm no expert, but this girl's singing sounded better than that to me.  


There's another performance I posted there with a girl who's mother apparently was some pop star, and the girl sucks.  You can tell why they had her on though--the girl is attractive and this left them with a nice "story" they could package up.  (I'm gonna post that annoying backstory clip here rather than the Video Clips topic, because I think it's more fodder for discussion than to be appreciated as music)


From the "Wrong reason to have someone who's a sh@@ singer on your singing show" Department:


Wow. Anyone remember Esmée Denters? Fairly huge on YouTube a few years back. Signed by Justin Timberlake to his label. Now shows up on the UK Voice as a contestant saying she works at a frozen yogurt shop in London. Wow.

Here's her performance.

I actually didn't even like her in this--sounded pitchy to me. But both Rita and Will actually recognize her (and Will recalls meeting her in 2008).

I did like her talking back to the judges. Often that backfires, but she was pretty quick.

I've been following along via youtube clips so I've only seen the first set of battles sans judges commentary, and I'm relying on commenters letting me know winners and steals. So take this w/ a grain or two of salt....


Stevie McCrorie defeated Tim Arnold. Felt bad for Tim, but if Stevie doesn't at least make the final, something horrible has happened because he is unbelieveable and really a ready-made front man for a band in the mold of a Chris Daughtry. When his voice shreds, he transcends a reality singing competition.


Will's battle of the two opera singers (Lucy and Karl) was expectedly epic, and that was an awesome song (Memory from the musical Cats) that they both immediately connected w/. Not surprised that Will went w/ Lucy and pleasantly surprised Tom stole Karl.


Only thought a couple people got completely hosed....Stephanie Weber beat Howard or at the very least was worthy of a steal and Roisin the country singer easily beat Sharon(?) IMO....so Tom Jones definitely had a couple of WTF choices.


Interested to see what Ricky does with his opera duo, the mirror twins. Cause they are going to have to go up against a more pop or rock singer, and that (plus the fact that there will be 3 on stage) could make it very awkward...


PhD- if you search by date you can find the whole episodes posted (unofficially) on YouTube complete with commentary, winners and steals.

Stevie's voice is phenomenal and he will be hard to beat. The female opera singer was great too.

Too many people were stolen last night who were just mediocre. Half the battles are left and there are only two steals left. I think the judges got caught up in the moment.

I've been following along via youtube clips so I've only seen the first set of battles sans judges commentary, and I'm relying on commenters letting me know winners and steals. So take this w/ a grain or two of salt....

Stevie McCrorie defeated Tim Arnold. Felt bad for Tim, but if Stevie doesn't at least make the final, something horrible has happened because he is unbelieveable and really a ready-made front man for a band in the mold of a Chris Daughtry. When his voice shreds, he transcends a reality singing competition.

Will's battle of the two opera singers (Lucy and Karl) was expectedly epic, and that was an awesome song (Memory from the musical Cats) that they both immediately connected w/. Not surprised that Will went w/ Lucy and pleasantly surprised Tom stole Karl.

Only thought a couple people got completely hosed....Stephanie Weber beat Howard or at the very least was worthy of a steal and Roisin the country singer easily beat Sharon(?) IMO....so Tom Jones definitely had a couple of WTF choices.

Interested to see what Ricky does with his opera duo, the mirror twins. Cause they are going to have to go up against a more pop or rock singer, and that (plus the fact that there will be 3 on stage) could make it very awkward...

Edited by Cramps

Cramps, thanks for the youtube information. I actually found a poster early on who managed to upload all of the individual blind audition footage w/ judges commentary....but it was generally 72 hours or so before it became viewable. I'll do some more investigating on the full episodes....


I'm with you, some of the steals were very strange (I take it each of the 4 coaches get 2 steals at this point). Along with Karl I was happy that Claudia was stolen even though I think Halo didn't really suit her voice, I'm still giving her residual credit for her initial audition which I really enjoyed and because I couldn't figure out why she went with Tom over Ricky in the first place...Ricky is so over the top obvious when he really wants somebody and that's how he was for her. But steals for Olivia, Joyful Noize (there was a lot of noize in that battle, not sure how joyful all of it really was though), Ryan (who I cannot stand) and somebody else I'm blanking on at the moment means more deserving battle losers are going to be left out in the next episode. 


Selfishly, I'm obsessed with people who come from really out of the way places so I'm hoping Tom pairs up Lisa Ward (girl from the Shetland Islands) against either Cai or Kim Alvord. I think those are probably the only two on his team that she could beat. Her and Andrew didn't get the kindest edit either, it was like oh well the math says you two got extremely lucky and will be gifted spots on teams undeservedly. Maybe they weren't total standouts, but IMO at least Lisa more so than Andrew seemed like she could have gotten somebody to turn had her slot in the blind audition line up been somewhere other than next-to-last.


Also rooting for Hannah Wildes, Emmanuel, and Autumn...


I've found that I can usually find the full episode put up by someone by 1AM eastern time the night it was shown --although not always by the same person. (Sometimes it's not up until the middle of the next day). I usually search on YouTube via either the date it was shown or the episode And season numbers. Be careful though, lately I noticed people (seemingly in Asia) are putting up videos listed as the new episodes, but when you click on them, they say they aren't allowed to put up the actual videos on YouTube but give out links to follow to supposedly view it. I haven't clicked on them because they seem fishy. So I just keep searching YouTube until I find a real video.

And yes, each coach is getting two steals in this battles round.

I love watching Tom Jones on the show. It's amazing how great his voice still is and how cool he is still. They have a good combo of judges.

Edited by Cramps
  • Love 1

Well....now I'm confused at how the coaches are going to go from 8 down to 3 in the knockouts.


Not overly surprised at most of the choices in this episode. I knew Rita wasn't getting rid of Dtwinz, and once I saw that Karis was paired up w/ NK I was pretty sure that she was getting through too. Over the moon happy that she stole Hannah Wildes. That was an unbelievable battle w/ Autumn and if I had to pick my top 3 overall that I'd like to see make the finale, it'd be Stevie, Lucy and her.


Amazing song choice Ricky came up w/ for Classical Reflection and Emmanuel. Although much like Tom Jones and Sasha (*pours one out for Lisa the Shetland Islands girl)....they basically gave away who they wanted to win/put through in the mentoring sessions. At least Classical Reflection got to sound really good on their way out, not go down in flames trying to sing some Taylor Swift or Imagine Dragons song.


Will advanced two of his stronger contestants, and Esmee basically got the competition equivalent of a "bye" into the knockouts. She wasn't great by any stretch of the imagination...but basically as long as she didn't faint five seconds into the song, she was winning that pairing.

Ha! I think Esme actually could have fainted during her battle and would still have been put through over the Tina Turner impersonator. (And the coaches all overcompensated in their praise of telling him how good he was--as though he was a child).

Classical Reflection were very good but seem more like backing singers. The guy who beat them actually seemed flat quite a bit.

The guy Will chose as his steal instead of them- the one whose family didn't show up, did not do well. He seemed beaten down and resigned to losing before he even sung a note. Really surprised Will stole him. I was unimpressed with many of the steal choices in the Battle rounds.

Glad Tom kept the acoustic guitar playing brother over the ripped shirt rocker. He's very good.

Can we buy songs on Itunes? Would love Stevie's blind audition .

I understand that people were unhappy with Rita's picks and liked Will's picks but I thought both of them got it right.


The guy that did Outkast put a nice twist on that song... if they polish it up and put out the studio version I think people would buy it.

The guy that did well throughout auditions but blew the knockouts has a nice voice and I can see why she liked his potential.

Maybe Karis is unpolished and doesn't connect with the songs as she should but considering her age she had the most raw talent of the group.


The first two choices were obvious but props to Will for putting Vikesh through.  Not as epic as some people are saying but he really has a beautiful voice.


Pushing the button before they announce their knockout selections is one of the dumbest things I've seen on this show.

I understand that people were unhappy with Rita's picks and liked Will's picks but I thought both of them got it right.

Oh man.  Couldn't disagree more.  Rita had four good performances on that episode and NONE of the people she picked were those four. Of the ones she did pick, two were at least okay (if not nearly as good as the four she DIDN'T pick), but one was outright garbage.

Cramps and Kromm, where are we at now? The fast passes were Stevie (correct, Ricky), Sasha (WTF, Tom), Karis (even more WTF, Rita), and Lucy (I get it Will, but I though that wasn't up to the level of her best performances throughout the season).


Then the audience voted Sheena (A million percent yes, she was awesome and undeniable), Emmanuel (solid choice, he might actually be the most commercially viable male left his season), and Joe (Definitely pulling the teen heartthrob vote. Have we ever had an EDM ready artist come off of a reality singing show?). Technically he struggles at times, but I'm not sure anyone sings w/ conviction and their whole body quite like he does.


Then WTF w/ Vikesh? I thought Will I Am completely bused him with a totally strange song choice. He seriously was not good for the first half of that song, so call me confused that he made it through based on the audience vote. That performance made him go from a super strong vocal last week, to something akin to one of those jokey contestants that always seem to make the live shows on the X Factor UK this week.


Correct me if I need correcting....

No huge surprises in the semi finals - except perhaps that the UK appreciated a stunning opera singer.

Rita will see her lack of representation in the finals as being part of her being the new coach. I see it as her picking poor choices. Teenage mom was better this week than previous weeks, but she was hardly the star of Rita's team.

Scotland may not have gotten independence this past year, but I predict this final Voice vote will go more in their favor. I'm going to stick with my prediction from the blinds. Stevie for the win.

Edited by Cramps
  • Love 1

Well it feels like a battle between Stevie and Lucy....which is pretty much the way it felt way back in the blinds. Have to say I'm a little surprised that the teen and tween hearththrob vote didn't carry Joe to the finale, and I'm a more than a little surprised that the 4th spot ended up going to Sasha.


Emmanuel's performances are all starting to mirror themselves. Especially when he goes up for the crazy falsetto at the very end that doesn't feel all that connected to the rest of song.


I do think Rita whiffed on two of her choices going into the live shows. I definitely would have taken Joe, but I would have replaced Karis with Hannah Wildes and she could have replaced Craig with Liss, or even Mitch who had a pretty good knockout performance

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15

Rita will see her lack of representation in the finals as being part of her being the new coach. I see it as her picking poor choices. Teenage mom was better this week than previous weeks, but she was hardly the star of Rita's team..

Bad choices, and also whatever vocal tips and presentation tips they've gotten haven't helped much, if at all.  Both of her performers were dreadful this past episode (although that's not really a big change from them in previous episodes).


No surprise that Stevie won. Although I must say, that I was curious to see what each of the top four would do in the finale, as I liked them all. Which almost never happens on reality shows.

Ricky's duet choice for him and Stevie was terrible - and then he hogged most of the song.

This was the first time my husband watched the show. He thought Stevie was the weakest of the top four.

The Italian opera version of Lost Stars was really cool--I couldn't place what it was at first, and then when it dawned on me was somewhat in awe.

Edited by Cramps

Just saw the first episode.

Boy George is shockingly bad at this game, and Paloma Faith surprisingly good at it.

George just seems to have no idea what to say other than "I've been in the business a long time", and otherwise sound like a real bell-end. A few good cracks at his own sexuality, but really otherwise he's got nothing to say or do other than look shocked when other coaches besides him kept getting picked by all of the contestants.

Paloma is getting that kind of play that Jessie J did. The too-cool-for-this (in a good way) approach.

Will is still Will and Ricky is still Ricky, and they both work doing just that.

I'd almost say the new additions both work... if George were okay with coming off like a fool. I bet he's not.

Also, they (the producers) totally gave in to Will's inability to say "series" instead of "season" and let him go on a total tear--saying it like twenty times in one 2 minute intro. Was amusing just because of that.

Edited by Kromm

I bet George only does this one season because his ego is so hurt by all the turn downs. Tom Jones your phone may be riniging again!

The heavy metal guy they semi-montaged, who no one turned around for, was a finalist on The Voice Ireland. He's really spectacular--and a much better singer than many of the ones they did turn for. It's a pit that he didn't go through.

I bet George only does this one season because his ego is so hurt by all the turn downs. Tom Jones your phone may be riniging again!

If George leaves that certainly could be part of it, but just as large a part is that the show is going to be moving from the BBC to it's (future) UK rights holders to the franchise (seemingly ITV).  And people seem to suspect that ITV may clean house and totally redo all of the judges.

That would likely mean no Tom either. They'll want to reinvent the franchise and not seem like they're just doing whatever the BBC did.

I'm just getting caught up via online clips, and one thing that jumps out is the number of novelty contestants (and yes I'd consider any auditioner over 50 automatically in the category). Even a couple who've been picked like the girl with fiddle and the beatboxer seem like they were picked more for that reason.

I liked Lydia Lucy a lot (definitely a Cher Lloyd type with more range), and was irrationally disappointed that one of the novelty acts, the deep voiced Indian guy didn't get at least one chair to turn. He was good...

I read somewhere that Will complained about the number of novelty acts this year. I can see why.

This group is really narrow in what they'll turn around for. No country, opera, metal, a dislike of show tunes, very little rock. It's a narrow collection. Which hurts the show.

Ricky's "faux humbleness" and flirting is now annoying me. It's the same thing every time. George is fantastic with contestants who no one turns for, but awful at pitching for ones he wants. Paloma and George seem to need each other's approval to turn. Somehow, wacky Will has now become the elder statesman!

ITV should get Roger Daltry.

The first battles was the best episode of this season. And my fave battles episode I've ever seen. Covers of songs by The Jam, Joy Division, Kate Bush and Sinead/Prince. It was really wonderful. The coaches are doing a good job coaching so far.


Wow. That's' so much better than the US music selection. The Jam?! I'm off to find this online!

Coach casting news is in for the first ITV season of the show.  Let's just say there's both continuity (Will), nostalgia (hiring Tom back), a slightly left field choice (Gavin Rossdale, from Bush--who's also Voice US' coach Gwen Stefani's ex-husband) and a genuinely surprising choice (Jennifer Hudson). Emma Willis will continue to host the show, presumably with whatever random co-presenter they stick her with (it rarely seems to matter who it is). No exact dates yet (as I post this) but it can't be that long before they start auditions, because the airdate is said to be "early 2017". 

I think I now prefer them not turning for acts which don't get any chairs.

Sure, it's heartbreaking. But it's also more honest. The other way it's all hemming and hawing and fibbing.

Tom is as entertaining as ever. Will as nuts. Gavin actually a bit annoying. JHud... I am still undecided on. She had genuinely good singing advice from what we saw in Ep1, but I'm not sure I really enjoyed her otherwise. 

I prefer them not turning, also. They should do that on US version. Not that I think I'll watch this season, with Gwen coming back. Actually, I've kind of lost interest in US version in general.

I've been binge watching the old seasons because I never watched this before and I love Sir Tom.

I don't mind this panel. I think the belters can learn a lot from Jennifer. And whether you like Gavin or not, he's pretty to look at. Also, not being inside the marriage that he and Gwen had, I can't just blame him completely until I know the whole story. Don't get me wrong: cheating is never okay, and I really hate when men blame their wives for them cheating on said wives, but I think there were stories about him before they married, so I find it hard to believe she really thought he would change. Either way, bravo to her for moving on, even if it is with Blake Shelton, who I find one of the least sincere people I've ever had the pleasure to "come to know" via television. Also, didn't he cheat on his first wife and on Miranda before they married? Which is why the wedding was called off once or even a couple times, I think. So good luck, Gwen. Maybe find a nice doctor to settle down with??

Edited by PepperMonkey

I'm with you on the whole cheating thing Pepper.

Is there any place to watch full episodes? I can only see what they put up on YouTube.

Gavin seems very laid back with out any airs, tad bit British when we are use to the antics of Blake etc. I was never really a No Doubt or Bush fan, so can't really comment on their music.

I did enjoy Will's reaction when Gavin mentioned he signed a deal with Roc Nation.

I think I'm finally caught up on all of the youtube videos I can view.

The two duos stuck out (not the Wicked Game duo). Capital B was like Sister Act the Movie coming to life on the Voice, and Into the Ark seemed ready made for indy-emo success. Were they brothers or friends?

I liked the girl that did Latch partly in Spanish, and the Pillowtalk guy who messed w/ their minds a little bit.

I wonder if the judges got together and mutually agreed not to turn for any of the classical singers. Usually 1 or 2 make it on a team...

On 4/3/2017 at 7:00 AM, Occasional Hope said:

All over now.  Did you like the way it played out?

Spoiler for the benefit of anyone who might be watching via delayed means, but

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I kind of expected the pretty boy who danced and had a competent but  anonymous voice to win.

I'm glad he didn't win. Out of the 3 finalists, he is the only one who doesn't really have a unique identity. Into The Ark has their own thing going on and seem to know themselves well as artists and Mo has a distinctive voice. Jamie is talented, though.

Enjoyed this much more than the US version. (Except William's LOOK AT ME antics can get on the nerves.) Loved Gavin's super understated approach. I guess he's not coming back next time, wonder if that was by choice. I do miss Boy George, apparently he will be a judge on the Austrailian Voice so I will catch him on that. 

I did agree with the winner here. I think pretty much everyone did, and I enjoyed what seemed to be a lot of genuine comradery among the coaches and contestants. 

Edited by TVbitch

I just started watching the blinds, and oh boy - will.I.am is getting old fast. Have previously only seen Seasons 1&2 of the UK version, but I may have forgotten how silly his shtick is. 

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Gavin is probably the most bland and boring personality that I've seen on any version of the Voice. I don't need divas and spotlight hogs, but some charisma and charm would be nice. I find him to be very "blah", and feel like he doesn't even want to be there.
I enjoy coaches who are excited about new talent, and show energy and signs of life. Gavin is barely present.

But also - it's a bit annoying and distracting that they all just turn at the very last second. And so many great singers only get one-chair turns! Actually, there are very few 4 or even 3 chair turns, especially compared with the US version.

And I kind of hated that they made the poor rejects stand awkwardly on stage after they finish, without any direction of where to go or what to do. You could tell some were genuinely bewildered and didn't know if they should wait for a cue, or just walk off.

I inexplicably love Tom Jones though. I just want to buy him presents and pat his fluffy white hair.

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