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Spoilers With Speculation

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

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So, I will retract my assessment of Jensen re his interviews. I think he is excited about demon!Dean for story and acting reasons.  Bleh :)

I think he is excited to have some time to just plain have some fun.  Last season with all the heavy emotional season, it was draining and this season it sounds a lot more light.  I wouldn't  be surprised at all if they use some comedy to show some of this.  Fans reactions will figure into it.  Of course the fact we can't seem to agree on a lot will make it interesting to see what switches they come up with if it isn't working. 


I still think they won't take him too far but will the push the boundaries, oh you bet.  Hopefully it will be fun to watch.


I do hope that Sam gets to be a strong hunter this season, I'm am so sick of Limp Sam.  I wonder do the writers love Limp Sam fanfiction?  They have done it too death and it is time for a change.  Hoping that Jared's interviews hold up when the season begins.





I'm going to guess the first pic I had from yesterday was immediately after resurrection and this pic is in his "on-steroids" mode.

Two layers still but at least they went BLACK.  Somehow "flannel" just didn't feel right.  Still, they REALLY missed out on black leather pants. 


Whut?!?!  I watch for the plot.



This next bit is really poor quality. It's essentially a teen who filmed (poorly) on his iPhone. We definitely see Sam in the FBI suit but I don't know what he's talking about when he said he saw Jensen.  There's no actual plot point here (except Sam in the FBI garb at some gas station in the first episode).


Why I bothered to post the link:

- I find it adorable how excited this TEEN is.  Were these kids in Kindergarten when this series started?  He's got braces!  I just think it's kinda neat that the show lasted this long that there's literally a next generation finding the show while it's still on the air.

- D'awww Jared is such a nice guy to fans.


Warning: this is "Bitten" bumpy on steroids.  There's about 15 sec (at the 6min-ish mark of "info" on a nearly 8 min clip.  Recommended only for those who simply want to smile at a super-exited fan.


PS: This dude is SO using this opportunity to gather a crowd of friends. 

Edited by SueB

Another Jensen TCA interview from Give Me My Remote (GMMR):



It's clearly after Danielle's because he's re-using some answers he discovered in her interview.  But there are some new bits:

- Dean's too much for Crowley to handle (Yay)

- I like how he's developing the heroin addict analogy (kinda interesting to see him 'work it out' in front of the camera).  It makes sense to me.  Dean is FREE.  And it's a party for him -- not so much to anyone in his blast zone.


A couple of observation:

1) It's possible I'm missing them but I'm seeing a lot fewer Jared interviews.  I think he might have had a different "duty" that day.  Perhaps his interviews will come out closer to September or something. 

2) Someone wondered why they've been so free with spoilers this year and speculated it was damage control for the #AskSupernatural debacle.   I didn't watch that unfold in realtime but apparently the CW put out a query for people to ask questions prior to Comic Con and a fair amount of feedback was about misogyny and homophobia etc...  So the CW then took down the question - which caused some to decide it had been a debacle.  My take: maybe.  Certainly overpowering negative buzz with positive buzz is a good ploy. Maybe it's just 'let's get some buzz for S10 because hey... it's S10'. I really don't know the answer but I do agree there are more spoilers (I think) than last year.  I also know the CW head actually LIKES the freaking show (thank goodness) so that's a really nice change. 

Personally, I don't care -- I'm getting data and I'm happy about it. 

Edited by SueB

They could have gone with some wild colors but I know many Texas boys that are resistant to colors other than blues and greens but I agree they needed to get him out of his standard clothes. 


I just wish they would allow Cass to have other clothes to wear other than the trench coat.  Sigh.


I agree it is nice to get some hints.  Not every fan wants Dean to become bi.  But I wouldn't mind if the show allowed some women to have a bit longer life-spans and to even show some happy couple every once in awhile.  But then again, TV no longer shows Happy Couples as a norm as it is boring.


Interesting...are there more spoilers coming out this year? It seems like the norm to me. Last season they were tight-lipped about Ezekiel/Gadreel, but other than that they've seemed about the same. They're still not telling what Sam's doing to find Dean nor are they really telling us much more than what most people had speculated on. Hum, maybe I'm just not paying attention in the same way anymore.


Demon Dean sounds more and more like Soulless Sam to me, except we might actually see more of the ruthlessness this time--maybe (still not sure how far this show is willing to or can actually go).  Soulless Sam was just Sam uninhibited and he didn't think there was anything wrong with him, but Dean immediately knew there was something wrong with him and knew it was a problem. The main difference may come down to how much they show us and that their is no mystery about what's wrong with Dean. We didn't meet up with Sam in S6 until he was already trying to pretend to be like regular recipe Sam--meaning we never really saw him fully uninhibited.


I can't believe I'm chiming in on wardrobe--I rarely pay much attention to those things, but with the Guess That Episode Game and my re-watch, I've been noticing it more. I thought is was pretty typical Dean wardrobe, to me. Yeah, they do a lot of plaids the last couple of seasons, but he used to wear just a plain dark or black T-shirt covered by a dark plain work shirt fairly regularity. Maybe it's a sign they are trying to capture a simpler time in Supernatural history. Here's some examples...


S1: Dead In The Water



S2: Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things



S3: Dream A Little Dream Of Me



S6: Two And A Half Men


Edited by DittyDotDot

I don't mind a wardrobe change for Dean at all.  Dean has always worn black shirts in the past which he looks great. My problem is that it seems like such a cliche to have demon!Dean wear black as though it's a marker of his demonity. He might end up wearing his typical layers but I doubt it because if the layers were there to protect him and to represent his sense of vulnerability then it's likely demon!Dean will not feel vulnerable.


I think it would have been more interesting to have him continue to wear the colors he's been wearing in s8 and s9 and be a demon. It also bothers me because it ties his wardrobe colors to Dean's younger days when he was actually seemingly a little lighter of spirit and smiled and you know..wasn't a demon :(. Dean was pretty dark and depressed throughout s8 and s9  and he still wore more colors.


Speaking of wardrobe, Jared said that Dean  would be naked this season.  Now that's a wardrobe change I can get behind :).

I don`t think they even give the earlier Seasons much thought. Least of all wardrobe-wise. Darkish colours and especially black are just easily associated with "evolness". It used to be a running joke on such shows as Merlin or even Smallville - everytime Clark was on Red K and therefore "evil", he was out of the primary colours and in dark ones.


For me, it`s still better than white which I find even lamer. Lucifer used to be a big ole drama queen and this horrific suit with the penny loafers still gives me the creeps. It was atrocious. I hope Demon!Dean wouldn`t be caught dead in such a thing. So to speak.    

Demon Dean sounds more and more like Soulless Sam to me, except we might actually see more of the ruthlessness this time--maybe (still not sure how far this show is willing to or can actually go).  Soulless Sam was just Sam uninhibited and he didn't think there was anything wrong with him, but Dean immediately knew there was something wrong with him and knew it was a problem. The main difference may come down to how much they show us and that their is no mystery about what's wrong with Dean. We didn't meet up with Sam in S6 until he was already trying to pretend to be like regular recipe Sam--meaning we never really saw him fully uninhibited.


Disclaimer: The following contains my opinion only, and this applies to the entire post.


We didn't see it in real time, but a few of the flashbacks showed maybe a little more than Sam "uninhibited." Now soulless Sam letting Dean be turned into a vampire could be seen as Sam's curiosity and affinity for research let loose and uninhibited, so the real time stuff I agree was more Sam uninhibited. I didn't feel quite the same way about some of the flashbacks though. Sleeping with the women I could see as that easily, but even "uninhibited", I can't really see Sam beating a policeman beyond what would be necessary to knock him out or shooting a woman (basically murdering her) just because she was in the way. I guess I am drawing a distinction - though likely a fine one - between "uninhibited" and "lack of empathy." Uninhibited for me means that Sam might do something - like sleep with whatever woman he has the chance to - because he's free of the hangups his conscience might give him. Ditto on letting Dean get turned for the "pursuit of research." However, beating the policeman almost to death and shooting the bartender for me more fall into the area of completely lacking empathy and the ability to sympathize which for me is a little more than uninhibited. The fact that Soulless Sam had no real affection for Dean and didn't really care about him much would also tend to fall into the "lack of empathy" category.


That being said, I think Dean being a demon should in some ways look more like Soulless Sam in real time - i.e. the uninhibited aspect - BUT (and as my capitals would suggest, it's a big but) if the show follows canon, I think that there should be some major differences. Demon Dean likely doesn't have much of a conscience, but he should - at least according to Meg - have feelings of loyalty, love, and other deeper emotions that Soulless Sam obviously lacked. This of course may include hatred, so unlike Soulless Sam who sometimes killed because he lacked empathy and because people were basically just in the way (he was pretty much a sociopath), Dean may kill those he feels deserve it, including other demons and monsters, because he gets some emotional satisfaction out of it.


So giving a comparison, I guess the distinction might be this:


Soulless Sam might ruthlessly torture a demon for information, but his ultimate goal would be to get the information and that would be the extent of "satisfaction" of it. Unless he might feel a little bit of superiority and/or a rush of power because of it. But that would likely be it.

Demon Dean might ruthlessly torture a demon for information, but he might actually enjoy it some, especially if he thought the demon deserved it and/or the demon crossed him or caused harm to someone Dean was loyal to like Sam or Castiel. In contrast, soulless Sam wouldn't care if the demon had caused someone else (like Dean or Castiel) harm, because that would just be beside the point and wouldn't register with him as important.


It might be a small difference, but I think a relevant one if the show follows the canon that it has set down.


So in other words, Demon Dean could (and/or should) be both not as bad in some ways and worse in other ways than Soulless Sam. In my opinion anyway.

We didn't see it in real time, but a few of the flashbacks showed maybe a little more than Sam "uninhibited."


Oh, I know we saw some flashbacks, but even those were after he hooked up with the Campbell Gang Of Ridiculousness, so I think he still was trying to temper that ruthlessness.  I'm not saying that Soulless Sam wasn't ruthless, but I think if we had been shown that period of time when he just "woke up" and was uninhibited, it might have been far more ruthless. Imagine waking up alone and having no soul to weigh you down. I imagine he figured out something was different fairly quickly and started to temper it so as to not tip other people off. That's what I think will be the difference here, we're going to see Demon Dean before he or someone else tries to temper him a bit.

I imagine he figured out something was different fairly quickly and started to temper it so as to not tip other people off. That's what I think will be the difference here, we're going to see Demon Dean before he or someone else tries to temper him a bit.


Hmm. Interesting, but for me I don't think the reigning in would actually make as much difference as the difference of emotions In Dean's case. I really don't think Soulless Sam was capable of the depth of emotions to be truly creative in the "evil" department. He was basically a sociopath, I agree - like many serial killers are - but in some ways he was almost too goal-orientated to really kill out of pleasure like some sociopaths do. And again I could be wrong about that, but that was the feeling that Soulless Sam gave me. From the flashbacks, he seemed to enjoy his sexual liaisons, but the killing was just sort of something he did to achieve another goal.


Now for Demon Dean, I think there will be more emotion and some of that might be twisted, so he very well could enjoy killing someone who gets on his bad side or does something he disapproves of just for the sake of doing it. Crowley seems to be more like a Soulless Sam version of a demon - detached from his killing - but based on Dean as a person and how loyal and emotional he is, I'm not picturing that Demon Dean is going to be that way. I'm thinking he might be more Meg-like.. as when Meg possessed Sam: that was for revenge and done to make Sam and Dean suffer. If Demon Dean gets it in his head that someone deserves to die messily, I don't think anyone trying to reign him in is going to change his mind. I think he'd be more likely to just not advertise it, but if Sam found out, he might then exert his "I'm in charge here, and I don't care what you have to say" card like he did with Sam near the end of season 9. Sam likely won't have much leverage here to do anything if Dean does do this - it's not like he can "exorcise" Dean (Dean is the demon) -  so I can see Dean taking advantage (and liking having that advantage too.)


As for Souless Sam - I'm not sure that I could imagine anything too much more ruthless than his killing that bartender just because she was in the way (that they would show or imply on this show anyway - see below) - that was pretty ruthless. And as I said, Sam seemed more goal-orientated with his killing to me. I could probably imagine Soulless Sam might be a bit more ruthless in the sexual department (since that would be a means to an end *), but I don't expect that the show would go there with either Soulless Sam or Demon Dean.


* Though I could also imagine just as well that Soulless Sam would gain some satisfaction out of seducing the women he had conquests over - I think that would work for Soulless Sam's arrogant nature - and might consider forcing them to be a cop out. So I could believe either possibility.


If anyone's looking for something to do for the next hour, Laura Prudom is live tweeting the SDCC Supernatural panel here:  http://variety.com/2014/tv/news/comic-con-live-blog-the-walking-dead-1201268530/

(ignore the bit about the walking dead -- it's legit!)


Perfect reading material for my morning cuppa joe!


(Edited because the link didn't show up the first time -- sorry!)

Edited by fourteenwords

Recap of the SDCC panel


ETA  Some really interesting bits that should keep us talking for a couple of days.  For example:


10.19am – Mark says no one will ever believe Crowley “didn’t know what was going to happen” and we’ll “have to see whether Crowley has any control at all or whether he’s in charge.


Is he implying that Crowley did not know that Dean would become a demon?

Edited by Demented Daisy
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I thought he did know, or suspected it would happen. I think he's implying that he not only knew, but orchestrated it all. I don't know about that, but it could be interesting if Crowley's been running a long con since they first met him in S5...nah, I don't think the show can reasonably pull this one out of their asses now...or could they? ;)


I think he suspected, but did not know with absolute surety.  Hoping, actually.  But he didn't know because Cain had one disadvantage that Dean didn't: a deal with Lucifer.  That will definitely make one a demon, but since no one else had the Mark and Blade, it would be hard to say what, exactly, made Cain a demon.


Just my interpretation, mileage varies.  :-)


ETA  @Morrigan2575, do you mean the season 10 trailer?  No, but they showed some outtakes from season 9.

Edited by Demented Daisy
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Crowley isn't stupid. He's devious and vengeful and has a goal to everything he does. It wasn't a happy accident or an experiment. He confessed in First Born that he was setting up Dean to kill the demons so Cain would see Dean was a killer and would be worthy of the MoC. I think he absolutely knew this COULD happen and IMO his intention all along was this end-game of turning Dean into a demon as revenge for the boys trying to cure him of his demonity and the months of being "Zero Dark Thirty'd"  He wouldn't have wasted his time otherwise IMO.

Well, his intention was twofold:  killing Abbadon and potentially making Dean a demon.  He couldn't kill Abbadon and (I suspect) he knew Cain wouldn't do it.  He also probably figured that Cain wouldn't give him the Mark to kill Abbadon, so he had to come up with another plan, i.e. Sam or Dean.


Of the two, Dean was more likely to take the Mark.  In his speech to dead Dean, he said:


When I suggested you take on the Mark of Cain, I didn't know this was going to happen. Not really. I mean, I might not have told you the entire truth. But I never lied. I never lied, Dean. That's important. It's fundamental. But...there is one story about Cain that I might have... forgotten to tell you. Apparently, he, too, was willing to accept death, rather than becoming the killer the Mark wanted him to be. So he took his own life with the Blade. He died. Except, as rumor has it, the Mark never quite let go. You can understand why I never spoke of this. Why set hearts aflutter at mere speculation? It wasn't until you summoned me... No, it wasn't truly until you left that cheeseburger uneaten...that I began to let myself believe. Maybe miracles do come true.



Bolded part my emphasis -- perhaps a bit of meta commentary.  


Is he lying?  Always a possibility.  But the writers have been known to make commentary through their characters.  I believe that making Dean a demon was a germ of an idea when they introduced Cain, but they hadn't made a decision yet.  So they kept it all intentionally ambiguous.  Crowley didn't know because the writers didn't know.


But I understand that others have differing opinions.  I'm just explaining why I believe the way I do.

  • Love 1

HO.LEEE. SHIT.  Oh my gods.  That is Sex and Violence on steroids.  Godsdammit I knew Jensen would rock it and he is super scary and I love and hate it. And it's really upsetting to see Dean with demon eyes still. AUGHHHH I am so confused and conflicted.  I see they wrote Jared's bad shoulder into the script.


I reiterate.  HO.LEEEE. SHIT.

Edited by catrox14
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This is definitely more anger than Soulless!Sam had.


Thanks for the info @SueB. And thanks for the confirmation. Yeah I expected that Dean would be too emotional to be more like Soulless Sam. And now being somewhat uninhibited, all that emotion Dean likes to shove deep down is going to instead explode all over the place.


I don't have a tumbler account, so the video won't play for me. (I don't have twitter either - I am somewhat technologically unhip). But from @catrox14's reaction, it sounds awesome and scary/concerning at the same time. If someone lets me know when it makes it to YouTube, I would be grateful.


Thanks, @catrox14, it's not that I don't feel free to do so, I just don't want to rain on the parade...just yet. I will say, I'm sure Jensen directed the hell out of it, but this is basically what I expected to see--which doesn't inspire me too much--I would have rather been surprised. I'll just leave it at that.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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but this is basically what I expected to see--which doesn't inspire me too much--I would have rather been surprised.

Demented Daisy -- that's a REAL spoiler IMO so what at your own risk and my comments below are uninhibited .... hey, does that make me Demon!Sue?



No worries about harshing my squee (at least).  I so didn't expect him to attempt to kill Sam. Like...not in 1000 years.  I figured Sam would be the one human to get a pass.  But he looks pretty damn serious about it.  Of course it could be a plea for help "Do it".  And if I was Dean and going to take out my biggest threat, I'd start with Sam (because underestimating the Winchesters is the biggest mistakes the bad guys make in this universe). 


So... plea for help or is Dean trying to kill Sam?  Opinions?


ETA:  Also, what does "it's all you." mean?

Edited by SueB

Fair enough, @DittyDotDot. 


It was better than I expected mostly because I couldn't fathom how Demon!Dean would be and I don't know why I was so worried. Jensen has gotten very little wrong with Dean. I was actually shocked that Dean was really trying to kill Sam. He wasn't screwing around with the trying to end the little game.   


I was also really surprised at how great Jared was in the clip. He found a great balance of feeling like he has to get rid of this demon but how can he if it's his brother. 


Plus I'm a sucker for those stalk down the hallway scenes :)

@SueB, I could see that maybe Dean is wanting Sam to kill him so he can be done with it.  Maybe. I dunno. Tough call. 

Edited by catrox14

Sam vs Demon!Dean (EP3 sizzle reel)


@Awesome4000. This is definitely more anger than Soulless!Sam had. Anyone else expect him to say " Here's Johnny!"?

Thanks SueB that's what I was looking for but couldn't remember what it was called. ..sizzle reel.

Yeah I fully expected a here's Johnny crack...but I guess that's the difference between Dean and Demon Dean.

Thank you, thank you @catrox14. That link worked for me. Couldn't quite make out the last thing that Dean said, but the rest was fine.


Hmm, so Dean finds out rather quickly what Sam does in order to find Dean. Now I wonder once he's restored how much Dean is going to remember about being a demon. From what Carver seems to be saying, he'll remember it, but now I'm wondering. I guess it will depend on what they have to do to un-demonize Dean. With Dean knowing about what Sam did, it might be very tempting for Sam to have Castiel (if Cas has the juice) make Dean forget. (And that coincidentally would fit into @DittyDotDot's bizarro theory - in other words, Dean's version of the "wall" with Dean wondering what he did while a demon and being haunted by not knowing.)

Thank you, thank you @catrox14. That link worked for me. Couldn't quite make out the last thing that Dean said, but the rest was fine.


Hmm, so Dean finds out rather quickly what Sam does in order to find Dean. Now I wonder once he's restored how much Dean is going to remember about being a demon. From what Carver seems to be saying, he'll remember it, but now I'm wondering. I guess it will depend on what they have to do to un-demonize Dean. With Dean knowing about what Sam did, it might be very tempting for Sam to have Castiel (if Cas has the juice) make Dean forget. (And that coincidentally would fit into @DittyDotDot's bizarro theory - in other words, Dean's version of the "wall" with Dean wondering what he did while a demon and being haunted by not knowing.)

The very last line says "Do it! It's all you."  is that the part you didn't get?


I like what I see so far and I'm not sure I agree completely with @DittyDotDot's bizarro theory but I can see them doing some of it.  I do hope that what Sam did isn't really something they keep bringing up.  I felt that Demon Dean would feel ZERO remorse, so I'm interested but they could do like they've done so much in the past where they just drop the ball and leave it totally unsatisfying. 


I see Carver as really retreading Season 3 with Dean goes to hell and comes back as a Demon and how would normal Sam handle it.  I DO want it to be normal Sam not Sam drinking demon blood. 


I see they have worked in Jared's real life injury and I wonder how long he will have to wear the brace.  One interesting question from the Nerd Interview -  that I'll put here because some might consider it spoiler-ish, Jared saying he sees only going a few more years.  So I think they would like to get to at least 11, so they beat Tom and Smallville but it's been awhile since Jared's acted like he would like to see the end of Supernatural.  Jensen also seemed to be on the same wave length, now it's my interpretation and I know a lot will be decided on fan reaction this season. 


I'm hoping that they dare explore new territory and not keep retreading the same stories.  How much Carver has really been planning ahead, I'm not sure.  But I do think it will be interesting to see Sam have to Deal with a Dean that doesn't care what Sam think and tries to use his past against him for his own purpose.  I want Sam to be able to outsmart Demon Dean and realize he's being played.  Also to get that sometimes you can't undo what someone says even if you try to rationalize it in your head.


@DittyDotDot - how you feel is how you feel and go ahead and share it.  There will be fans that share your views and maybe aren't willing to voice it.  I also don't know that I totally trust Carver not to mess this up, but so far I'm hopeful.  Not everyone is excited about Demon Dean looking at the responses on you-tube.

  • Love 1

I think the "It's all you " is Dean telling Sam the ball is in his court now and that it's not possessed Sam or anyone else in there that would be killing Dean...it's all OriginalRecipeSam at this point.


All I know is that Demon!Dean is freaking me out and I knew he would. 



I rather hate the idea that Carver is trying to make up for Dean not becoming a demon in Hell in s3. Dean survived, was the Righteous Man and was saved from Perdition. I just want this to not be related to that time for Dean. That's why I hate demon!Dean at all because it's just fucking cruel.

Edited by catrox14

@DittyDotDot - how you feel is how you feel and go ahead and share it.  There will be fans that share your views and maybe aren't willing to voice it.  I also don't know that I totally trust Carver not to mess this up, but so far I'm hopeful.  Not everyone is excited about Demon Dean looking at the responses on you-tube.


Like I said, I don't feel like I'm not free to voice my thoughts, just that everyone was pretty gleeful and I didn't want to be the one person bringing down the room. But if you really want to know what I think, it looks like more of the same to me. Which I know sounds kinda nonsensical because DemonDean is definitely not the same. But they are chasing each other around the LoL taunting each other and yelling insults...so more of the same-ish. Watching it gave me Appointment In Sumatra deja vu--you know where SoullessSam chases Bobby around his house trying to kill him.


It might be more that it looks like that episode is going to be a bottle episode set in the Lair O Letters and, as most of you know, I haven't been too fond of the Lair O Letters--plus I generally dislike bottle episodes. They're generally set up to save money, but have little story value in the long run.  Are we really to believe that Sam has any chance against a demonized Dean, with the Mark of Cain to boot? Are we to really believe that either Sam or Dean is going to actually kill Dean or Sam? It's such bullshit, if you ask me. (Heh, which you did, for once. ;)


I guess we have to wait and see, but I'm imagining those were the highlights of the episode--meaning the best bits--so, it doesn't inspire me. It's not about whether Dean is a demon or whatnot, but it just looks like more of the same to me, meh.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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It seems very likely to me that Sam is going to be drinking demon blood, if you listen to what Dean says that in that preview:


"I got a hell of a lot more running through me than just demon juice."

"There ain't much difference from what I turned into from what you already are."

"I know what you did when you went looking for me. And I know how far you went."



Are we to really believe that either Sam or Dean is going to actually kill Dean or Sam? It's such bullshit, if you ask me. (Heh, which you did, for once. ;)


I'm actually fully prepared for this to happen. I don't know if they will end with s10 but I think if they are really committed to the Cain and Abel arc, then one brother will kill the other one.  If it's the end of the series then I could see maybe one brother kills the other and then kills himself. Then we see both of them Heaven,  because hopefully one brother killing the other is an act of mercy and and the other brother is sacrificing himself but both die to save mankind. To me that would be an appropriate/acceptable ending. 


If they decide to do a s11, then I think maybe the line dropped by Sam about "change one thing, everything changes" will get reexamined to reboot for s11. They track down Gavin, kill him and then it sets the universe back on track and both brothers are alive. Maybe Dean will have never become a demon.  But one thing I really hope happens is that Cain makes an appearance again. :)


One thing I've noticed is that Jared has really been doing most of the talking during these panels and he's been talking about going on for years. Jensen, AFAIK, has not really been doing that.  And as odd as it seems, I could actually see Jensen leaving for other, hopefully greener pastures and Jared sticking with the show because he seems like he really wants to do more.

Edited by catrox14
Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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