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LOL at poor man's Chris Pratt suspect you look 40 line to Espo. He probably dressed like that in college back in the 90s and maybe wearing a SUNY t-shirt so they're possibly not using Hudson? Also we can't really tell if Espo and Ryan know about the separation and if we are gonna a get a reaction from them and Lanie about it. So now I'm wondering if Beckett is pretending to act like every thing is normal in front of everyone at the 12th. It kinds of defeats the purpose to the public since the rings are still on.

Edited by turnitwayup

Ask Matt: Is The Good Wife Better Now? Plus, the Castle Breakup, CSI's Finale and More by Matt Roush 

Matt Roush: You're hardly alone in your discontent. Jenny wrote in to add that while she believes "Beckett loves Castle, I just think the writers have made her obsession ridiculous and it's gone on way too long, especially at the expense of the love story we all stuck around for from Day 1." Echoing Jake, Jenny ends her remarks by wondering, "Should we have faith?" And this is the crux of the current Castle dilemma.


From what I can tell, the fans truly want to keep enjoying this show, but the producers (or whoever) are making it way too difficult. Much like when Castle vanished on their first wedding day, these obstacles grow tiresome, and at this stage of the show's life, unnecessary. Longtime viewers are obviously torn about sticking with a show that has once again reneged on the payoff, the worst kind of deja view. In TV Guide Magazine's Returning Favorites issue, one of the producers promised, "The DNA of the show will always be the ongoing love story between Castle and Beckett. We still treat every episode as a romantic comedy. With murder." I don't doubt that we're meant to still believe Castle and Beckett are in love for the long haul, but putting them through this kind of emotional wringer again is neither compelling nor original. At this stage, would it be such a tragedy to let the show just be an escapist Hart to Hart-style romp? That's the show I'd prefer to see.


  • Love 2

Roush is a long time professional critic, so let's hope his words are heeded.


Castle's not the only show eschewing a lightweight escapist Hart to Hart style romp and instead opting for large scale conspiracies, all round melodrama and angst, and distorted charcterisations to service plots the longer the show goes on.  Don't watch Bones but looking at their also equally melodramatic article headings, aren't they doing much the same thing?  Maybe Castle writers see that that's kept that show chugging along for more season so they're taking a leaf from the same playbook.  No one seems to want to do hour long shows without conspiracies anymore.  Sigh.

Edited by madmaverick

Oh, I doubt we'll get a reaction from Lanie except maybe 10 episodes later.  She's the "best friend" but is always the last to know!


Heh, that suspect did burn Esposito and Ryan good.  


Nice bit of comedy by all the boys there.


Maybe we're supposed to feel the re-ignited UST between Caskett with them in an enclosed space all over again?  We'll see if any sparks can possibly make us forget the massive elephant in the room.  Can people enjoy banter when they really need to be having a dead serious conversation?

Edited by madmaverick

It appears showrunners are under the assumption that unless their audience is being "challenged" frequently by having the characters endure make up/break ups or big bad conspiracies with plenty of action and drama they'll soon lose interest and move on, may be that approach pays dividends for a while but Matt is right eventually if they take it too far fan fatigue sets in as the storytelling pattern becomes depressingly obvious and the characters become almost cartoonish. I don't watch Bones any more but it's often been pointed out that stories on there seem to eventually happen on Castle but then the basic premise is pretty much the same so I suppose that's not a surprise. 

Good Article and thanks for posting, too bad Alexi or Winters will never read much less head it.  What turned me was the fact that ALL the fans have invested the last 3 years while Alexi H was off doing his thing and getting Following Cancelled, we were right here, just waiting for the promise of this is really a love story.  Well that went out the window, when we see recycle Kate Rinse, Recycle, Reuse the same old ruse why she can't be with Castle.  After a while it becomes predictable and Angst manufactured at the expense of character assassination, particularly Beckett, just so Alexi can write what Marlowe would not let him 3 years ago is not only ignorant, it paints the show into the corner of if you can't believe the Wife Beckett, will you EVER be able to believe her, I think not,  Good Job Alexi you might manage to do to Castle in one season what took you 3 to do to other shows

Just to make sure that I am up to speed this is what I think is going on:


a) Beckett could have left the case alone & let SSM (step spy mommy) solve the case & everything could have stayed the same.


b) Beckett feels guilty because her two year old search (that's a pretty shitty search engine the AG uses) caused all of this.


c) Beckett thinks leaving Castle will protect him when LockSat inevitably finds out she is investigating.


d) Castle believes the case is solved & that Beckett just had some sort of meltdown & hauled ass.


Is this right or am I missing something?

Don't watch Bones but looking at their also equally melodramatic article headings, aren't they doing much the same thing?


Seasons ago, yes. But this latest twist, unlike Castle, was by necessity: David Boreanaz had to miss filming for a while due to a bad allergic reaction to medication he was on, so

the writers had to scramble and put in a "Booth disappears on his family" arc to compensate for it.


Pelant in S8 was ridiculous, but B/B moved forward and aside from Booth's gambling relapse (he is a gambling addict), they have been solid 'til now.


The show is nowhere near perfect, but at this rate? I'd say that show at least isn't tone deaf to its fans (right now).

We'll see if any sparks can possibly make us forget the massive elephant in the room.  Can people enjoy banter when they really need to be having a dead serious conversation?


May be we can disguise the elephant by putting a hat on it and a fur stole like the one Susan was wearing.


But seriously I don't know how weird it's going to be watching them act all happy and cute together when only last week she walked out on the guy in floods of tears and he was saying "you're giving up on our marriage!". I really need a Men in Black "neuralizer" for this show now. Sigh  

Seasons ago, yes. But this latest twist, unlike Castle, was by necessity: David Boreanaz had to miss filming for a while due to a bad allergic reaction to medication he was on, so

the writers had to scramble and put in a "Booth disappears on his family" arc to compensate for it.


Pelant in S8 was ridiculous, but B/B moved forward and aside from Booth's gambling relapse (he is a gambling addict), they have been solid 'til now.


The show is nowhere near perfect, but at this rate? I'd say that show at least isn't tone deaf to its fans (right now).


Well, it was, but they finally got rid of the last of the original showrunners, who flat out hated their fans, as near as I can tell. 

  • Love 1

If Shondaland is the current entertainment goal, what her shows seem to offer is mainlining heightened emotion, but the problem with applying that (through the ever-popular hypodermic of the Grand Conspiracy), is that so little of it makes sense, even emotionally. Can I believe that Beckett is distraught at how much Death-n-Destruction her search engendered -- of course -- but by making the death count so high, it doesn't make sense that she wouldn't be utterly destroyed by guilt and rather than determined to Bring the Devil Down, so one can be distracted instead of drawn into the story.

It appears showrunners are under the assumption that unless their audience is being "challenged" frequently by having the characters endure make up/break ups or big bad conspiracies with plenty of action and drama they'll soon lose interest and move on, may be that approach pays dividends for a while but Matt is right eventually if they take it too far fan fatigue sets in as the storytelling pattern becomes depressingly obvious and the characters become almost cartoonish. I don't watch Bones any more but it's often been pointed out that stories on there seem to eventually happen on Castle but then the basic premise is pretty much the same so I suppose that's not a surprise. 


Word. Bones at least seems to balance it out somewhat. But other shows don't... they just keep on piling on the angst. People/fans will and can only put up with so much before they decide to not even bother to watch. Like what you said.

Well, it was, but they finally got rid of the last of the original showrunners, who flat out hated their fans, as near as I can tell. 


Which one? Haven't been keeping track of the revolving showrunner door.

I had another look he's in the loft and I'm guessing it must be Martha or may be Alexis, I'd rather it was Martha as I miss Susan.


I rewatched the promo too, and to me it doesn't sound like he's saying he wants to win his wife back, it sounds like he says he WANTS his wife back.


I hope he's talking to Martha too.  Somehow it seems more appropriate for him to talk to his mother about it, instead of his young adult daughter.  But at this point I wouldn't be surprised if they made Alexis a really good marriage counselor. 

Edited by KaveDweller

KaveDweller. I listened again and you're right he does say "I want my wife back" and yeah fingers crossed it's Martha, as for your last comment heh you know it's only a matter of time...sigh.


I still can't get my head around the so called logic in him deciding the best course of action is to start following her around on cases again and tying it in with how they first fell in love. She already IS in love with him and clearly stated that when she left so it's not a case of needing to remind Kate about her feelings as if that will suddenly make Beckett go "oh okay then I'll come back".

Edited by verdana

Bit off topic and Hal answer this if you wish or tell me to buzz off,    I know your feelings of Actors being Douches, what is your take of Old Man Winter who seems to be getting railroaded by Alexi (The Following) H as Show Runner and going back to when he left the series after season 4.  Just curious about your input from someone closer to the situation but I see more problems with these two than I do anything else, I liked Winters till this year, the crap they turned out now just turned back hands for fans to S 3 IMO



  • Love 1

KaveDweller. I listened again and you're right he does say "I want my wife back" and yeah fingers crossed it's Martha, as for your last comment heh you know it's only a matter of time...sigh.


I still can't get my head around the so called logic in him deciding the best course of action is to start following her around on cases again and tying it in with how they first fell in love. She already IS in love with him and clearly stated that when she left so it's not a case of needing to remind Kate about her feelings as if that will suddenly make Beckett go "oh okay then I'll come back".


Sadly it is as logical as anything else that has happened so far. Besides it is bound to work because we all know that when a woman breaks up with a man the best thing he can do is start showing up where she works. Women just love that.

  • Love 1

I still can't get my head around the so called logic in him deciding the best course of action is to start following her around on cases again and tying it in with how they first fell in love. She already IS in love with him and clearly stated that when she left so it's not a case of needing to remind Kate about her feelings as if that will suddenly make Beckett go "oh okay then I'll come back".


Maybe it's supposed to be a guy being clueless about emotions thing? Except Castle is really good at figuring out what Beckett's thinking.  Maybe the pan is to remind her how well they work together so that she tells him what is going on.  Which is so stupid because she should already know that and did know that all of last season.  I hate when people act stupid for plot purposes.


Sadly it is as logical as anything else that has happened so far. Besides it is bound to work because we all know that when a woman breaks up with a man the best thing he can do is start showing up where she works. Women just love that.


True, but Beckett didn't like him following her around the first time, and that worked out pretty well for Castle.  I hope mentally unstable people don't watch the show and think stalking is romantic....

Edited by KaveDweller
True, but Beckett didn't like him following her around the first time, and that worked out pretty well for Castle.  I hope mentally unstable people don't watch the show and think stalking is romantic....

If the show handled the situation properly, Castle would be angry and wouldn't want to be around her at all. A realistic situation would require the next action coming from Beckett, which we know won't happen.


Of course if you treat both characters with respect, you cannot go back to the 'typical' Castle generic episode where it's lite and fun because there's no way to realistically explain why Castle and Beckett are near each other. That's why this whole concept is silly, because you're reducing Castle to a moron to put him in the same place as Beckett physically. Beckett looks bad because her character has (or should have) evolved from season 4, which this action suggests not much has changed. The end result is the relationship looks extremely unbalanced, and you have fans questioning why they are even together.


I just personally feel like Castle is going to come off much worse after all is said and done. I think it's very hard not to make Castle out to be this annoying/stalker'ish human being because the writers refuse to respect him as a man/character (or whatever) and make him chase after Beckett again. I cringe every time in an interview they spoke about returning back to normal, there should be no returning to anything. Beckett has destroyed that 'normal', things can't be normal right now, not if you're respecting both characters.

I've dropped Bones too because I found it boring but at least it doesn't suffer the same problem that Castle has, that being the two leads not wishing to work together for more than 2 days a week. I think the writers/show runners on Castle have their hands tied by BTS situations and are trying to make the best show they can with what they've got. Stana has been in Italy all week so she's already missed 4 days out of 8 for whatever episode they are shooting. I think they've both negotiated 2 days off out of 8 leaving only 4 when they might have to work together. It sucks but that's what happens when you give actors what they want. I saw a tweet on Tuesday that Marissa Roffman from GMMR retweeted. It said something along the lines of ruining characters and a story by giving actors too much power. Am pretty sure this person was referring to Castle.

  • Love 2

I agree there should be no going you go back to "normal" in the way they appear to be wanting to play it (based on that promo) it's laughable that they even suggest it because they must know if this was real life he wouldn't be happily chasing her around and risk looking like a semi stalker but I guess they're hoping the vast majority of fans don't spend too much time thinking about what's happening here and just embrace the Caskett feels!

The audience risk suffering emotional whiplash every week as they watch the writers attempt to juggle them bantering over fun cases just like the good old days when we're at the start of what should be a very serious and painfully emotional matter for this couple to work through. This isn't some minor spat, as far as Castle's concerned his wife has just up and left him due to seemingly severe emotional issues which she feels unable to share with him.
8.03 will give me a pretty good indication as to whether it can work or not because based on what Hawley recently said we're not going to find out much more of any significance until 8.07 so I expect all the episodes in the lead up to follow the same pattern, as one poster mentioned on the episode thread you can't go back and pretend it's new that's an insult to the audience's intelligence and shows no respect for your characters.

We'll never REALLY know if the rumors are true, but if so, both SK and NF should have grown the hell up and did their jobs as befitting the concept of the show. They aren't the first pairing to dislike one another off screen (right, Bruce and Cybill? And Stephanie and Pierce [although the latter, from what I've read, have softened]?) and won't be the last. But if those other pairings could suck it up and do their jobs, these two spoiled brats (if the rumors are true) should suck it up and do the same.


It's why it's called ACTING.


And the average Joe and Jane surely work with people they dislike, but they do their jobs - because it is the professional thing to do.


All the money these actors get should be worth some discomfort, and I feel no sympathy for any of them.

  • Love 8

Shame Castle Fans are being made to suffer because if ABC's desperation. I doubt they would have been so accomodating to the rumoured demands of both actors if they had more shows find audiences in the past couple of seasons....makes me fear what might happen to the show come the end of this season! As bad as Castles numbers appear to be right now not a lot else is doing any better for ABC. I shudder when I think of what this show could be forced to turn into if they drag it kicking and screaming into another season. At this point I am praying for a merciful ending.

  • Love 2


True, but Beckett didn't like him following her around the first time, and that worked out pretty well for Castle.  I hope mentally unstable people don't watch the show and think stalking is romantic....


This is my point. If Beckett asks him to leave her alone & he ignores her it is a completely different dynamic now that they are having marriage problems. They have to be very careful with how they handle this or Castle will start to look like the estranged possessive husband that is unheathily obsessed with his wife. On the other hand if Beckett has no problem with him following her around it undermines the whole reason she left. Of course if she really wanted to protect him she could keep her ass in her office like every other Captain that has been on the show. Anyway the whole setup sounds like pure comedy gold.

Edited by oberon55
  • Love 1

I did enjoy Quantico.  Even though, naturally, there's another conspiracy on that show. ;)


But for all our complaints about here about Castle, I do have to ask, what relationship based show in its 8th season, or similarly long running at least, has stuck to writing a happy couple together and kept the audience happy?  Some people are happy with Bones, but what other shows?  And I'm talking more about recent shows post 2000.  I'm kind of coming up empty.

So Vikram's the new Tory?  I wish Hawley would quit using the word 'obsession', even if that is what it is.  It's a real turn off.



I just can't with this schtick.  When they introduce themselves as "shay jean"? Cringe.  And the sunglasses again.





"And when the disgraced Scotland Yard officer does resurface, it won’t be to again ally with Rick. “When she comes back, she’s actually working with Beckett,” Hawley shares."


Huh? Wasn't it the other way around just a months ago? Hayley working with Castle?

We'll never REALLY know if the rumors are true, but if so, both SK and NF should have grown the hell up and did their jobs as befitting the concept of the show. They aren't the first pairing to dislike one another off screen (right, Bruce and Cybill? And Stephanie and Pierce [although the latter, from what I've read, have softened]?) and won't be the last. But if those other pairings could suck it up and do their jobs, these two spoiled brats (if the rumors are true) should suck it up and do the same.


It's why it's called ACTING.


And the average Joe and Jane surely work with people they dislike, but they do their jobs - because it is the professional thing to do.


All the money these actors get should be worth some discomfort, and I feel no sympathy for any of them.


Word. Word. Word. So well said.


David and Gillian did it back in the day. There were some off days, sure, but you didn't see it all that often on screen. They were being professionals.


Same with other shows.

  • Love 2

No, I think they said that Hayley would be swanning in to work with different characters.  Going where the plot needs her brand of energy, so to speak. ;)


I will say that there's an element of unpredictability on the show right now, for better or for worse depending on your pov, and that's something that hasn't been there for the past few seasons of Marlowe.  No one really knows what the dynamic between Castle and Beckett will be like, yet, so maybe people will be intrigued enough to see what happens.


I don't rule out there being personal issues between the leads bts, but I'm really not seeing it translate on screen this season in a different way than the past few seasons, other than that they've both probably got more time off with their new contracts, which may well just be a perk of re-signing rather than any personal issues.

  • Love 1

No, I think they said that Hayley would be swanning in to work with different characters.  Going where the plot needs her brand of energy, so to speak. ;)


I will say that there's an element of unpredictability on the show right now, for better or for worse depending on your pov, and that's something that hasn't been there for the past few seasons of Marlowe.  No one really knows what the dynamic between Castle and Beckett will be like, yet, so maybe people will be intrigued enough to see what happens.


I don't rule out there being personal issues between the leads bts, but I'm really not seeing it translate on screen this season in a different way than the past few seasons, other than that they've both probably got more time off with their new contracts, which may well just be a perk of re-signing rather than any personal issues.


Tbh I'm not intrigued. It just seems like cheap writing.

  • Love 1
As for Vikram: “Ultimately he is tied to Beckett’s obsession, her search [for Bracken’s partner aka LOCKSAT],” Hawley notes, and to keep him within arm’s reach, “We bring him into the precinct [this Monday] to work as a sort of digital investigator for them. He’s working at the 12th, but he’s mainly there to help Beckett go down her road.”



How sad is it that we're back to talking about Beckett and her "obsession" this time with the stupid LOCKSAT. Meh


No, I think they said that Hayley would be swanning in to work with different characters.  Going where the plot needs her brand of energy, so to speak. ;)


Corrrect, it started off as Castle working with Hayley in early promotional stuff, that caused a big fuss and so later Toks and TPTB made it clear that she would be working with various people on the show - including Beckett. 

So Vikram's the new Tory?  I wish Hawley would quit using the word 'obsession', even if that is what it is.  It's a real turn off.



Where will Beckett be living during the separation? Sharing a cab with Vikram or reside in the precinct sleep room? So many ways to go with the separation, but Castle and Beckett working other cases together and LOCKSAT never discussed while at the precinct? At least five other people beside Kate and Vikram know about the code.  Ryan and Espo know as much as Beckett now about what happened in DC, but not in danger? Will the assistant AG murder in NYC be resolved as part of Kate's investigation?  Castle has an digital image of the redacted memo in his PI office.  Hawley giving TVLine weekly updates to explain the story in order to keep viewers watching? What a tangled web to weave in order to keep Caskett apart and avoid any home life.

Edited by VinceW
  • Love 1

I would try my best to negotiate to my advantage regarding my personal and professional life. Especially if I had a professional aide to do it all for me. Day off, more money, new challenge, character input, sounds good :-) And I don’t know, but I just can’t imagine either lead has the ultimate power to hold the other party at gunpoint.  Like, OMG, we can’t lose Castle, we have to give in to their shenanigans or it’s going to ruin us and make our billion dollar parent company very angry.


As for BTS issues destroyed the show/ Caskett lovestory: That probably requires emotional unstable, egocentric actors, no leadership qualities from the showrunner and a studio/ network (?) that doesn’t care or is too weak to interfere. Personally I think there is plenty of room for minor to major dissatisfaction about a lot of minor to major things. I don’t feel the need to pick the WCS as both actors seem pretty decent.

  • Love 2

I am just thrilled to have you all, because the reason I've even stayed with Castle is because of you.  I think I've said this many times.  And now, still haven't watched x2, probably won't.  But I'm hanging out and reading you'all yall's (--> credit Juliette character from Nashville) interesting take on things.  The fandom has made this show what it is (it has for me).  The last thing PTB wants to do is sacrifice the relationship with the fandom.  I suspect it's better to end the show sooner rather than after being tarred and feathered. Better, even for the actors.


Dear PTB, especially the actors:  You need to buck up for your own good, or establish that maybe it's time to let go.  Don't hang out in this nasty "marriage" of show cast until things fester and rot.  Work on it, fix it to make it right for the fans, or leave.  You do not want to be attached to a show that developed a Moonlighting-curse-like reputation.  The "Castle-curse".....doesn't really sound that good.  People with think it's YOU. 


The wheel-spinning has to stop.

  • Love 4


If the show handled the situation properly, Castle would be angry and wouldn't want to be around her at all. A realistic situation would require the next action coming from Beckett, which we know won't happen.


Not all men would act that way, though. I wouldn't. If it were me, and I can say this from experience, I wouldn't be angry, I'd do my absolute best to win her back. In my case, I actually did win her back and we are married. So I don't think that the situation has to necesarily be handled properly by Castle being angry, and in fact, I think the character of Castle would try to win her back because he does love her.

  • Love 5


I do have to ask, what relationship based show in its 8th season, or similarly long running at least, has stuck to writing a happy couple together and kept the audience happy?  Some people are happy with Bones, but what other shows?  And I'm talking more about recent shows post 2000.  I'm kind of coming up empty.

BTS issues aside, is that because it's assumed that writing a happy couple together can't work, or that no one bothers to try because happiness is supposedly either less interesting or less fashionable (somehow it always seems that entertainment that pursues happiness is somehow more declassé than misery-fests? 

Given that Rita is kind of a Chekhovian "gun-on-the-wall" (and kudos to the show for an actual Chekhovian gun action!), who is likely to learn about her existence first, Castle or Martha? Will that likely complicate the relationship between Beckett and Martha? I suppose I have to include Alexis as a possible person in the first-to-know stakes (especially since she's been positioned as this investigative wunderkind, but I'm far less interested in her reaction.

I do have to ask, what relationship based show in its 8th season, or similarly long running at least, has stuck to writing a happy couple together and kept the audience happy?  Some people are happy with Bones


What's odd in all of the Castle/Bones comparisons is as of this season, both shows have new show runners. But where the former reset, the latter, from an interview, had the actors telling the new folks to watch S1 not to reset but to see what the show was about and how it shaped the show. And personally, even with unavoidable BTS curve balls where David Boreanaz's health was concerned, I think - based on the premiere - they did so.


Now it is way too early to tell how Bones will hold up, but I do admire that, right now, it seems to want to work with the pairing but try to get back to basics while they work through their issues together.


So, there, I will say that maybe Castle should have the new show runners not RESET to S1-3 as they did, but use the early framework to make the couple stronger.

  • Love 1

I did enjoy Quantico.  Even though, naturally, there's another conspiracy on that show. ;)


But for all our complaints about here about Castle, I do have to ask, what relationship based show in its 8th season, or similarly long running at least, has stuck to writing a happy couple together and kept the audience happy?  Some people are happy with Bones, but what other shows?  And I'm talking more about recent shows post 2000.  I'm kind of coming up empty.


Friends had Monica and Chandler stay together for much of the shows run, so did other sitcoms.  That's not really the same thing though. I think Grey's Anatomy had Meredith and Derek happy together 8 seasons in, but they definitely have had a lot of rough patches before/after that. But I can't really think of any other relationship based shows that lasted 8 seasons.  Most of them are large ensembles with revolving casts.


I guess I should be relieved??

I haven't read about any of their new shows setting the world on fire yet?? Even just a little bit....


Not setting the world on fire, just doing better than Castle (so far).


No, I think they said that Hayley would be swanning in to work with different characters.  Going where the plot needs her brand of energy, so to speak. ;)


I will say that there's an element of unpredictability on the show right now, for better or for worse depending on your pov, and that's something that hasn't been there for the past few seasons of Marlowe.  No one really knows what the dynamic between Castle and Beckett will be like, yet, so maybe people will be intrigued enough to see what happens.


I don't rule out there being personal issues between the leads bts, but I'm really not seeing it translate on screen this season in a different way than the past few seasons, other than that they've both probably got more time off with their new contracts, which may well just be a perk of re-signing rather than any personal issues.

Yeah, I haven't seen any on screen evidence of these BTS issues either.  There's just a lot more speculation about it. It seems like they will be interacting more in the next few episodes, so we'll see how that goes. But if the writers do have to limit the actors time working together they could have easily done that without writing the break up storyline.  So I still blame them for this.


I am actually curious how ratings will be impacted.  I talked to my mom, who is a much more casual viewer than me.  Her reaction to this episode was "She left him, but they're going to be working together? That's so stupid, they just want it to be like the beginning.  I'm not watching anymore."  I don't know if that will be typical of the average viewer or not.


Ryan and Espo know as much as Beckett now about what happened in DC, but not in danger? Will the assistant AG murder in NYC be resolved as part of Kate's investigation?  Castle has an digital image of the redacted memo in his PI office.  Hawley giving TVLine weekly updates to explain the story in order to keep viewers watching? What a tangled web to weave in order to keep Caskett apart and avoid any home life.

From what I understand the Assistant AG was framed for being Locksat (even though she seems kind of young for that).  Castle, Ryan, Espo and almost everyone else think she killed herself because people found out her secret.  Since they think that, they have no interest in searching for the real Locksat. Therfefore, he/she won't go after them.  Kate and Rita know the truth and are planning to keep digging.  So, if Locksat finds out, they're in danger. I don't know why anyone believes AG lady was the real Locksat and not working with anyone else, but that's what they have written.

Edited by KaveDweller
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