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The Most Memorable TV Weddings at TV Guide


1. After years of will-they-won't-they stalling, numerous near-death experiences and one failed trip down the aisle, the Castle and Beckett finally made it down the aisle. How did the Castle nuptials compare to others? Click ahead to see some of our favorite TV weddings of all time.


Quotes of the Week for Jan. 25, 2015 at TV Line.


I think you can guess the line from a saucy Kate Beckett to her PI hubby. 

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Dara Creasey @DaraCreasey  ·  Jan 22

#ICYMI #Castle fans, let's raise some money for a great cause and get TPW on Twitter! RT!




If the poor bastard has any sense he won't do it even if it's for a good cause. Amann's not on it either last time I checked. Smart guys. May be their lives are just fine and dandy without it? 

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The writers are possibly obligated to live tweet their episode anyway through the group account since the writers' live tweet gatherings seem to be a regular occurrence this season.  They're quite late to the game though.  Many other shows have tweets from writers' rooms a long time ago.  I think it has something to do with twitter mentions counting for more with the networks or ratings agency.  Writers should engage with twitter anyway if they want to seek feedback on their work, but I can understand not everyone wants to open themselves up to that, and even if writers tweet, they don't necessarily respond to criticism.  If the writers had live tweeted last season's finale, it would have been interesting to see how they responded to the feedback. ;)  It's a matter of taste as to how interesting writers' tweets are.  If Amann tweets like Marlowe, then I don't think his tweets would add to my experience of the show.  Rob Hanning and Dara Creasey can be witty, but I also am completely uninterested in their "twitter war".


Nathan Fillion and Scarlett Johanssen in Assassin Banana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jx-jnZXZo_8


That was actually quite entertaining to watch.  The gravestones made me laugh.  Interesting to see, or hear, rather, Nathan play a different kind of character even if it's just voicework.  

Edited by madmaverick
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I like Nathan's casual attire here, I presume it's not Castle's because I find it kind of hot. 

ѕərιoυѕly grəyѕ - Jan 22

The group shot when meeting @NathanFillion and @seamusdever!!!



It's a Jimmy Kimmel Live jacket apparently, a close up here of Nathan signing. 



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Live Tweeting by the writers seems like a big deal, some of their tweets can be informative even funny at times but there can be a fair bit of rather obsequious back slapping going on too. Tweeting helps promote the show but I hope the writers (or cast) don't feel bullied into participating, not everyone is going to be comfortable using that medium. I admit I don't find any of the writers that scintillating on Twitter from what little I've seen of their tweets but then it's hardly a great medium for communicating properly and conveying a real sense of personality.



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Edited post above.  Meant to say I was completely not interested in any pseudo twitter wars between the writers.  Honestly, I'm only interested in so far as they provide any interesting tidbits about the show/characters/actors.  Oh yeah, backslapping comes with twitter territory.  Less is definitely more in that regard for me.  Retweeting praise for self, especially the excessive kind, has always seemed a bit unseemly to me but it's the norm these days on twitter.


Nathan does look good in that hoodie.  Is there a rule that prevents Luke from putting Castle in one?  Castle's not an old man yet (although Luke dresses him like one)! ;)  And I don't think hoodies should be restricted to the young.  They're far too comfortable.

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I'm a little sad they didn't keep that guest star (is it still a spoiler when it's everywhere?) more of a secret. That could have been pretty awesome.


The 3XK involvement is not a spoiler it's been published all over the place and they've made no bones about his involvement, those ratings are dropping they'll want to generate as much excitement in the build up as they can I'm not surprised they've released spoilery pictures. 


Didn't they try and keep Michael Moseley's appearance a secret in Probable Cause but kind of ruined it by putting his name in the opening credits? Although admittedly how many people actually read them...I didn't and was genuinely surprised.


What leaps out in these is that it seems they've arrested them both and I wasn't expecting that (I knew Nieman was there due to tweets from the actress) but I'm sure they'll find some way of getting around that problem as evil serial killers do in order to pursue their plans.


It's so nice to see Castle with Beckett in an interview room again. I miss this. 


Everyone seems in super serious mode this episode understandably by the looks on their faces. 


Castle 7x14 Promotional Photos “Resurrection” ((HQ) slideshow/video by Becklebee.


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Didn't they try and keep Michael Moseley's appearance a secret in Probable Cause but kind of ruined it by putting his name in the opening credits? Although admittedly how many people actually read them...I didn't and was genuinely surprised.


I thought they kept the name out of the credits and everyone was really impressed they did that and kept it a surprise (even though lots of people thought 3XK was involved).  But I could be mixing things up with another show.

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It's so nice to see Castle with Beckett in an interview room again. I miss this. 


Agreed. That was the first thing to jump out at me. I can't remember the last time we had this, even when Castle hadn't been banned from the 12th. A welcome sight for sure. 

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I thought they kept the name out of the credits and everyone was really impressed they did that and kept it a surprise (even though lots of people thought 3XK was involved).  But I could be mixing things up with another show.


No, I'm pretty sure his name was in the credits. It caused a big hullabaloo over at TWOP ... which was kind of stupid, because if I recall correctly, a lot of people missed it even though it was there. The opening credits are things I don't even notice anymore, honestly.

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“Resurrection” – When clues in a murder implicate Castle and Beckett’s nemesis, Dr. Kelly Nieman (guest star Annie Wersching), Castle is called in to consult on the case. But as the team delves deeper into the investigation, they uncover connections to notorious serial killer Jerry Tyson (guest star Michael Mosley), on Part 1 of “Castle,” MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9 (10:01-11:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

Source: ABC Medianet.



I thought they kept the name out of the credits and everyone was really impressed they did that and kept it a surprise (even though lots of people thought 3XK was involved).  But I could be mixing things up with another show.


May be it's me confusing the issue and someone else can chip in. I thought in the build up to PC they managed to keep the 3XK business under wraps but perhaps many fans did guess he was always going to turn up. I was certainly taken aback though, they did a good job keeping a lid on it. Don't they put special guest stars appearing at the start on most TV shows? I'm not sure if there's rules about this kind of thing when it comes to listing cast, crew etc. 


And thanks to that press release I see it's Mosley not Moseley, I must try and get this guy's name right and it's Nieman I've seen quite a few variants around of that one and I keep wanting to spell it all sorts of ways. 

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OK, I just popped my season 5 disc to watch Probable Cause and Michael Mosley is the first guest star listed in the credits. So they must not have wanted to hide it that much back then. I also remember the credits listing the actor who played Vulcan Simmons and Jack Coleman in both ITBOTB and Veritas. I wonder if they don't realize how much fans scrutinize the credits. lol 

Edited by S55
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I also remember the credits listing the actor who played Vulcan Simmons and Jack Coleman in both ITBOTB and Veritas. I wonder if they don't realize how much fans scrutinize the credits. lol I also remember the credits listing the actor who played Vulcan Simmons and Jack Coleman in both ITBOTB and Veritas. I wonder if they don't realize how much fans scrutinize the credits. lol


Eh... maybe not much. I didn't notice Mosley's name in the credits for Probable Cause, nor did I notice Jonathan Adams' name in the credits for ITBOTB so they were both surprises. I think Veritas was different because it was promoted as being part of Beckett's mom's case, so an appearance from Jack Coleman was almost expected.


I think the opening credits are so slow (sometimes they take up a good three or four minutes after the title card) and they always start the same (Nathan Fillion ... Stana Katic ... Susan Sullivan ... Molly Quinn ... and everyone else that always gets billed in an episode) that by the time they make it to guest stars I've completely disregarded them. I wouldn't say that simply having a name in the opening credits is an automatic surprise killer. I'd guess that I'm not alone in that.


But they've let the cat out of the bag on the return of Tyson in this 2-parter. I kind of hate that (no surprise OMG! moment), but I kind of like it too, because we know now that they're not going for a giant "save the world" 2-parter and I think people will appreciate that.

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I didn't notice Mosley's name in the credits for Probable Cause, nor did I notice Jonathan Adams' name in the credits for ITBOTB so they were both surprises. I think Veritas was different because it was promoted as being part of Beckett's mom's case, so an appearance from Jack Coleman was almost expected.


I don't think I noticed in Probable Cause, because I didn't know Mosley's name then.  Jack Coleman I always recognize because I know the actor from Heroes.  But this is always a problem on shows that have ongoing characters like this.  The other angle is that they think making it known will bring in viewers, although I don't exactly know any one who's specifically a 3XK fan.


Maybe there's still a surprise other than 3XK appearing, like relating it to Castle's missing time. Or actually catching him. I still think that's what will get Castle back into the precinct.

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I'm actually kind of shocked that the press release photos are of both Nieman and Tyson in interrogation. (That is Tyson, right?) kinda gives sooo much away. Is the chase not going to be part of the plot? I guess it will be about them not being able to pin anything on them?

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I'm sure they will have them playing their psychological games in the interrogation room.


I hope they take the opportunity to have a deeper exploration of any feelings of anger with Castle after what they did to him in PC (same with Lanie and Esposito, even Ryan from further back) and feelings of guilt as Castle's been characterised as having re Tyson in the past for not stopping him before.  Beckett might also feel a bit guilty for not believing Castle when he said Tyson wasn't dead.  I wonder if we'll get another glimpse of Castle's dark side since my guess is Beckett will be the one in peril this time.  Anyway, hopefully they'll do some nice work with characterisation in the 2 parter and not just have it all be superficial shock and awe, or creep and awe, rather.

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Even though they've given the game away about 3XK and Nieman well in advance, the latest photo's only increase my anticipation for what's to come. I want them to get serious, I want the season to feel like it's finally kicked up a gear. I want them to give me some genuine emotionally driven moments that last more than the blink of an eye not only between Castle and Beckett but everyone. I don't want Martha and Alexis ignored when they should be around providing Castle with support if Beckett is likely to be in great danger.  


I've got lots of questions but no answers and I hope it stays that way in the build up. Will they kill off 3XK and/or Nieman or let them live to fight another day? Will Castle get a change to be the hero and rescue his wife and what kind of reunion am I  going to get? How are they going to incorporate the mythology as promised into this case? Is Bowman going to give me his usual moody (dark) lighting in the precinct and just about everywhere else?


madmaverick is right they need to explore Castle's feelings about 3XK, here's an opportunity to make good on the promise they gave at the start of the season - explore Castle the man -  showcase his determined, serious and strongly hinted at dark side and kick the bumbling clownish Castle into touch, it's a great opportunity for Nathan to prove he can do more than play the goof ball sidekick. I don't care about Bowman and the writers trying to prove their action credentials I'm watching for the characters interactions not flashy set pieces and superficial gimmicky shocks. 


So far this year I've been good and not watched a single sneak peek and I hope I can withstand the pressure and not check out any for 7.14/7.15. It's going to be tough I hope they're not too spoilery. 

Edited by verdana
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I'm actually kind of shocked that the press release photos are of both Nieman and Tyson in interrogation. (That is Tyson, right?) kinda gives sooo much away. Is the chase not going to be part of the plot? I guess it will be about them not being able to pin anything on them?


 Something that also needs to be taken care of is that these are two very evil and planning people. I don't want them to then magically get away with people going: "They were here a second ago." No, these two should be on constant guard, guns drawn and ready to fire if they even so much as look like they are planning something. They have evidence to hold them and to be truthful this would be a great reason to get the DA to allow Castle back on the force. Proving that like anyone else, when someone wants to get you, they will go through any barriers to get to you. Doesn't matter if you are in the building or working cases or not. Let's face it, if this happened with any professional police officer or related consultant in the Justice System. There would be no one Serving and Protecting. Instead of going: "He knows known gangsters, he is a liability." 3XK and his followers are getting look alikes, brainwashing people to just walk into police stations, grab and destroy evidence like they were running to Staples. What does that say about your security and how you are running a station?

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Biermann @biermann  ·  19h 19 hours ago

Very cool sets for the #Castle episode being shot now. #AllThatCanBeSaid


I'm intrigued as to what these "cool" sets are for 7.16 which they're still filming now based on Terri's latest tweet.  That's the space episode so....

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I guess it will be about them not being able to pin anything on them?


How can they not have something to pin on him? Didn't they get evidence he was 3XK and just couldn't catch him? And if not, he held Castle (and Ryan?) hostage and stole Ryan's gun.  He tried to shoot Castle and Beckett on that bridge in probable cause. Just the testimony from the police on those things should be enough to keep Tyson locked up for a little while.  Neimen maybe not.


Of course, that doesn't mean the show will remember that.

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There's another possibility in the picture of the supposed 3XK — given Niemann's expertise, it may not actually be 3XK, but another of her "creations".


That would be kinda ... fun ... actually, except for the fact that for whatever reason I like the idea that Tyson is the one behind it all and Niemann is just helping him. But Tyson's mentioned before  (in 3XK maybe, when he gets away) that it's easy for him to change appearance, to disappear, and start over. So the fact that he's been working with a plastic surgeon - or even would play mind games with Beckett and the gang by making and then killing doppelgangers - actually is founded in his history.

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That would be kinda ... fun ... actually, except for the fact that for whatever reason I like the idea that Tyson is the one behind it all and Niemann is just helping him.


Most serial killers are actually men, so it would be interesting to see them portray a woman in that role.  Because feminism means women can be equally as horrible as men.


It would be more interesting to bring back Tyson though, because of the history and the baggage between them.  Another doppelganger is just another random bad guy.

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It would be more interesting to bring back Tyson though, because of the history and the baggage between them.  Another doppelganger is just another random bad guy.


Not necessarily, if it's Tyson that's still behind the whole thing. I mean, that's how his story got started (for Castle and Beckett) - he was using a doppelganger to pin it on someone else. I don't think it's completely out of left field for Tyson to create a doppelganger of himself to sacrifice to Beckett so he can keep going.


That said, I think it would be in the show's best interest for it to actually be Tyson and not a doppelganger (and honestly, it's probably Tyson and NOT a doppelganger), but we'll see.

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Having some doppelganger there instead of the real Tyson...meh. A confrontation between fake Tyson and the team would lose intensity and drama and leave me feeling short changed if they pulled that stunt. I do hope that picture of Tyson is the real deal because the conversation between them should be crackling with energy and tension, it's going to be interesting to say the least - lots of history there as KaveDweller points out.


However, I wouldn't put it past these writers as it gets them around various problems having extra Tyson's hanging around but then surely the cops given what they know already of 3xK and Nieman's abilities would ensure that the man they've captured is in fact Jerry Tyson and not just another of his seemingly endless willing helpers. 

Edited by verdana
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Having some doppelganger there instead of the real Tyson...meh. A confrontation between fake Tyson and the team would lose intensity and drama and leave me feeling short changed if they pulled that stunt. I do hope that picture of Tyson is the real deal because the conversation between them should be crackling with energy and tension, it's going to be interesting to say the least - lots of history there as KaveDweller points out.


However, I wouldn't put it past these writers as it gets them around various problems having extra Tyson's hanging around but then surely the cops given what they know already of 3xK and Nieman's abilities would ensure that the man they've captured is in fact Jerry Tyson and not just another of his seemingly endless willing helpers. 

I agree, no matter what most of Tyson's helpers end up dead and the rest are like way to "cult following". "I use to be a doctor but you made me realize, I love killing more. HEHE!" Or: "Yeah, I use to have a good job and stuff but hey throw me money and give me plastic surgery to look like a police detective/worker and I won't at any time question this?" "Opps... I'm dead." 

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I agree, no matter what most of Tyson's helpers end up dead and the rest are like way to "cult following". "I use to be a doctor but you made me realize, I love killing more. HEHE!" Or: "Yeah, I use to have a good job and stuff but hey throw me money and give me plastic surgery to look like a police detective/worker and I won't at any time question this?" "Opps... I'm dead." 

Yeah that's another reason I don't go mad for the idea these doppelgangers.  I can't even remember how the "Espo" and "Lanie" ones came about in Disciple but serial killers powers of persuasion are limitless of course they tell people to do things and it happens and you get your user friendly Doppelganger to do what you can't.


Nieman was good in her outing but I'm not that interested in his many adoring helpers that get used as cannon fodder so he can achieve his aims. 

Edited by verdana
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However, I wouldn't put it past these writers as it gets them around various problems having extra Tyson's hanging around but then surely the cops given what they know already of 3xK and Nieman's abilities would ensure that the man they've captured is in fact Jerry Tyson and not just another of his seemingly endless willing helpers. 

That is if they have someway of proving this. Fake Esposito probably stole all fingerprint & DNA evidence (as ridiculous as that was). It is canon that Beckett had a file with Tyson's picture on it in Driven. I'm sure it will turn out to have been an empty file folder with just his picture clipped to it. But then again it was enough that Beckett could eliminate Tyson as a suspect in Castle's disappearance (I would still like to know how the hell she did it) so they have to have some sort of evidence available.

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I agree, no matter what most of Tyson's helpers end up dead and the rest are like way to "cult following". "I use to be a doctor but you made me realize, I love killing more. HEHE!" Or: "Yeah, I use to have a good job and stuff but hey throw me money and give me plastic surgery to look like a police detective/worker and I won't at any time question this?" "Opps... I'm dead."


Ugh, that is way too much like The Following.  A bunch of people willing to become murderers because some random guy tells them too.


Fake Esposito probably stole all fingerprint & DNA evidence (as ridiculous as that was). It is canon that Beckett had a file with Tyson's picture on it in Driven.

I'm sure it will turn out to have been an empty file folder with just his picture clipped to it.


I really hope that the NYPD keeps back ups of their files, especially on escaped serial killers.  Weren't other government units involved in 3XKs case?  But if not, I'm sure Beckett or someone could have recreated a file on Tyson that had only some of the original information, so the picture in Driven isn't totally out there.

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OK, having a complete brain freeze on the issue, but how did Tyson and Nieman cross paths again?  Can't be bothered to watch Disciple again.  I just remember thinking it ridiculous that they could have removed ALL the evidence boxes and whatnot.  Actually, Tyson's history has become a bit of a blur for me.  Too many disciples by now for me to keep track. 

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OK, having a complete brain freeze on the issue, but how did Tyson and Nieman cross paths again?  Can't be bothered to watch Disciple again.  I just remember thinking it ridiculous that they could have removed ALL the evidence boxes and whatnot.  Actually, Tyson's history has become a bit of a blur for me.  Too many disciples by now for me to keep track. 

I haven't watched Disciple in about a year but I think it was when he was in jail - Nieman was working at the same jail. But that is going off the top of my head.

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Nadine is spot on, good memory! 

Guys, I think I found something in those prison records that got sent over. (he raises a file) Do you remember right before he was released from prison Tyson got beat up by some inmates?

Yeah, that’s why we pulled him out of there. We thought his life was in danger, but it turns out he just staged the whole thing.

Right, but the beat down was real. He got sent to the infirmary. (he opens the file) Look who was attending him.

Dr. Kelly Nieman?

She volunteered as a prison doc. More importantly she started there the week Tyson arrived and she quit the day he got released.

She knew him from before. (RYAN nods) She took that job to be close to him. She’s gotta be Tyson’s girlfriend.



Source Series Monitor

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Thanks. Thought it was but as I said I hadn't watched it since just after it aired so wasn't 100% sure. Might have to do a 3XK episodes rewatch before the two-parter I think to freshen up the memory again. I wouldn't be surprised when they do the investigation if they do a mini recap (like what they did in Probable Cause / Disciple, etc).

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Someone has finally asked Jon the question.

Jon Huertas @Jon_Huertas  ·  12h 12 hours ago
“@smeffletop: @Jon_Huertas There’s a rumor going round fandom that Espo doesn’t like Castle anymore. Is that true?”

I don’t think so.


Jon may be unaware of anything untoward but it doesn't change the way Espo's attitude is being perceived by some as being overly negative towards Castle. 



Jon Huertas @Jon_Huertas  ·  14 hrs 14 hours ago
“@jonhuertasfan: RT @alwayscasketts: Best Bromance ”

Pic reminds what a gr8 prtnr/friend @seamusdever is. #grateful



I liked this tweet and the picture, cute.

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Can anyone actually think of the last nice thing Esposito said to Castle?


Maybe the writers and the actors enjoy playing the whole hazing dynamic but it's really worn out its welcome with me.  I hope Esposito isn't a douchebag towards Castle in the 2 parter if what we think happen happens.  I thought his crack about Castle basically not being very competent to go off to Paris last time Alexis was kidnapped wasn't very nice. 

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I actually enjoyed it.  But I'm a Hitchcock fan.  


Thankful he climbed the gate because I was thinking, "Climb the gate!"  Heh.  


Also thinking he should call Beckett asap... oops too late.   I wonder if she put a tracker app on him.  Looks like being a PI is even more hazardous to his health than when he was at the precinct.


ETA: Critical question: Is Castle driving a new car? :P  Would be a little odd if he drove up in his Ferrari here, but at the same time, why not? When else is that car going to get a little action (not from the boys)? ;)

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Lol Jon has been trying to do damage control over the Espo hates Castle tweets to him. But yeah I can't remember the last nice thing Espo said/did to Castle when he didn't want something back in return.

Jon_Huertas: “@smeffletop: @Jon_Huertas There’s a rumor going round fandom that Espo doesn’t like Castle anymore. Is that true?”
I don’t think so.

Jon_Huertas: “@thirdnline: @Jon_Huertas Expo has to still have questions. He doesn’t like missing months.”
Yes I think that what it is.
Jon_Huertas: “@LuvSarahBrown: @Sunshine5412 @thirdnline I’ve been saying all along those fans were wrong! Espo loves his boy #Castle.”

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