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Emmerdale - General Discussion

Meredith Quill

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We're supposed to see a more serious side of Dan and this will clash with Kerry, which is fine, but I hope it won't mean they're going to become dour like everyone who isn't in 'comedy character' mode becomes.


I still wonder how much longer Rachel will be around. But then I wonder the same about Megan and most of that story group. I guess I'll see how many of them die this summer.

The scenes with Cain talking about growing up with Shadrach's abuse were wonderfully written and acted. It's sad that we don't get this as often as we get explosions, assaults, affairs, random misery and shock value, etc. It was a great use of history, and an even better example of how Jeff Hordley manages to keep the darkness and edge of Cain even when he is in a calm place. We can still see his demons without needing him to get in punchups or climb on top of random women. And Mark Charnock was also good, as he often is when he allows himself to not go OTT. The scene where he said he would leave Laurel to try to make sure his children did not end up like Cain made me feel so many different things. 

That's it, Laurel's dead to me. It's not just killing Daisy and trying to bury her without telling Marlon, though that was awful, but going on about how "maybe this is a good thing," and about how maybe she needed to kill Marlon's dog in order for her to hit rock bottom and get better was so hideous. Much as Marlon generally annoys me, everything with him and Cain was great tonight.

That's it, Laurel's dead to me. It's not just killing Daisy and trying to bury her without telling Marlon, though that was awful, but going on about how "maybe this is a good thing," and about how maybe she needed to kill Marlon's dog in order for her to hit rock bottom and get better was so hideous. Much as Marlon generally annoys me, everything with him and Cain was great tonight.


That scene actually gave me a chill. The dead, yet crazed gleam in her eye was something that stayed in my head. She just was not there. I think Charlotte Bellamy's done a wonderful job of showing just how truly detached Laurel has become. Everything that matters to her is in a bottle.


I don't know if she can come back from this, and the show's attempts at "redeeming" other characters doesn't fill me with hope, but I hope they can find a way. Charlotte is one hell of an actress and she and Jeff Hordley (and then Mark Charnock as well) have produced some high quality material this week - what soap should be, rather than endless cliches about serial killers or affairs or crashes.

'Maybe it's for the best....I'll get you another one' Laurel was one step from launching into 'Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life'.


Poor Daisy. Run over by a lush then buried in a shallow grave.


I love Cain these days, when he is able to talk about his demons. Since the incident where Zak smashed his head in, he has seen commendable character growth.

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As much as I had no desire to see Lachlan feeling sorry for himself and seeing his nasty family praise him for feeling bad about being a serial rapist, I think the scenes yesterday of him apologizing to Alicia needed far more buildup. As strong as the acting was (Natalie Anderson just keeps breaking my heart, and Thomas Atkinson was also good), it didn't feel earned. 


But a least I can say it's more believable than Chrissie wobbling because a guy she barely knows told her he broke into her house and nearly killed her dad and take his word for it that Robert felt super super sad...

I saw Tom Lister in Calamity Jane there the other night and it got me reminiscing via youtube of the good old days when he and Chas were such a great couple. I loved them together and all the obstacles they went through between both their families, his ex wife, Chloe etc to be together. Although carls affair with Eve more or less ruined them I did hate what an evil caricature they turned him into before eventually killing him off to service the Camerons a murderer storyline.

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I've loved Roxy Shahidi's work as Leyla in the last week. We've seen her try to be a good sister, aunt, and friend, be good by staying away from vile Jai, yet she's still been punished, still lost everything she held dear. Seeing her succumb to weakness and self-hatred is disheartening, but makes sense. The show by and large feels plot-driven and slipshod at the moment, but this part of the plot works for me, even if I'm disgusted by it. 


Vanessa's story is completely nonsensical (if you sit down and look at Vanessa's history on the show, it's all like something off of the old sitcom SOAP), but Michelle Hardwick's commitment to the role staves off some of the worst. She makes me care even when the writing doesn't. And as wooden as the guy who plays Kirin is, I actually have started to like Kirin and Vanessa as a couple, in some strange way.

Ahhh, what a bummer about both of them! Especially as I love both the characters (and actresses) as well as their relationships. I don't want either of them killed off, but I also really, really don't want Alicia and David or Eric and Val to break up. Sort of seems like they might be building towards an Alicia/David breakup, though, with David splitting his time between Emmerdale and Portugal and getting caught up in Priya's drama.

They're really not even trying to make Pete look even a semi decent match for Debbie anymore. He's such a bore now and has taken a complete backseat in his relationship with Debbie as well as the show in general. His sole purpose seems to be as the object keeping Debbie/Ross apart. His annoying smugness to Ross is so unlikeable as well.

This is speculation only but I really think that when the big Emmerdale stunt that's been traded to death finally happens, whatever it is will result in his death.

Vanessa/Kirin - im really rooting for those two..

Can I just say I think Laura Norton, who plays Kerry, is a fantastic comedic actress.  She literally makes me laugh out loud.  I intensely disliked the character when she first appeared, thought she was a complete waste of space and terrible mother to Amy, but pairing her with Dan and making her a funny character has completely turned my opinion of Kerry around.

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Can I just say I think Laura Norton, who plays Kerry, is a fantastic comedic actress.  She literally makes me laugh out loud.  I intensely disliked the character when she first appeared, thought she was a complete waste of space and terrible mother to Amy, but pairing her with Dan and making her a funny character has completely turned my opinion of Kerry around.


Agreed. Of course, that succubus Amy brought down everyone around her. One of my most hated soap characters ever.

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Ross is definetly not dead.

I can't believe that Pete had not only killed his brother (in his eyes) but is actually going to take Debbie back. How pathetic.

Ross is a great character so I'm glad he's probably not dead but man, the character is absolutely wasted on Debbie. She's so miserable and really not worth all the damage shes caused. I'm not looking forward to Ross coming back So that he and Pete can continue having the same fight over and over.

Loving Chrissie right now and the random alliance with Chas.

I thought the lodge episodes with Aaron/Robert were really good. Danny and Ryan acted the hell out of them. Aaron/Robert are a toxic mess but they are riveting to watch. At least in episodes like that where they aren't playing the same scenes over and over for months. The actors play off each other really well and with their popular fanbase no doubt they will go back to this pairing in the future.


The reveal of the affair was really good, even though I didnt want Aaron to be the one to reveal it because he has done it more than once, but he deserved it after the hell Robert put him through at the lodge. But the aftermath of the affair was pretty bad. Pretty much no reaction from Vic/Andy/Diane that it was Aaron Robert was with. Aaron pretty much disappeared off screen, which isnt surprising, sadly, since he has no scenes with people that aren't Robert, Chas or Paddy for months. Adam didnt really have a reaction to the affair either only about the money. How has Chrissie not made a bigger deal out of Aaron being not only her husbands mistress but one of the robbers. Its like they forgot that plot point.


Not to mention there has been no aftermath of the lodge eps. Like Aaron was hit over the head with a bottle, held hostage and held at gunpoint by someone he loved and he is just walking around all smiles and laughs like he is perfectly fine. I know its a soap but he would not be okay. It also doesnt help that Paddy is just blaming him/guilting him. When it was his letter that set off the chain reactions. He has just really annoyed me lately. But I blame that on the shotty writing in the lead up to the lodge episodes.


I find this Chas/Chrissie new found friendship to be really forced. 


I'm trying to like Chrissie but the actress doesn't help things. 


The disaster was good but I dont care about Ross/Debbie/Pete so the majority of it was meh. I like Ross but not with Debbie. She brings him down plus they have no chemistry. Not to mention their so called love story was rushed. I will miss Val. No way is Ross dead. He will come back eventually.


Good for Chrissie for doing the right thing and confessing right away. I thought they would drag it out. 

I find this Chas/Chrissie new found friendship to be really forced.


I did like, at the hen party, how Belle and I think Victoria were like, "They're friends?  Isn't that fucking weird?".  Because it's what we're all thinking, even though I do think Chas can kinda relate given what happened with Carl and Eve.


I also liked Chrissie's comment after Moira slugged her for the Cain kiss.  "There's only one person in my marriage sleeping with another man and it's not me!"  Heh.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Yeah, I was glad people commented how weird it was they were friends. IDK Id rather Chas have scenes with her son than Chrissie. I know she doesnt know about what happened with Robert/Paddy but I don't know her palling around with Chrissie just rubs me the wrong way.


Speaking of Moira hitting Chrissie I cant believe Chrissie didn't slap either Robert or Aaron. I was looking forward to some good Chrissie/Aaron scenes but besides that one small scene of her berating Aaron for going after her husband, and Aaron brilliantly telling her it was Robert going after him, there has been no interaction with the 2. Aaron has been pretty non existent in the aftermath of his own affair.

Was surprised Emmerdale is on previously - Robron brought me here. It is so frustrating following their storyline (which I friggin love) as it goes on hiatus so often. I do appreciate Europeans actually get vacations, so they can't be on the screen five days a week, but it is very frustrating.


However, the summer 'fate' (ouch) was the storyline that made me get the rest of the soap. Cain and Moira are one of the best star-crossed soap couples anywhere. The two sisters in the mirror maze were great actresses. Even the cheesy special effects were well done in a soapy kind of way. 

Got caught up on Emmerdale.  I actually liked the Rewind episode, Innovative idea for a soap. 

I like that we saw the seeds sown for a couple of upcoming storylines (Ashley's dementia and Paddy's cheating). 

The only disappointment for me is that the killer was...Ross!!!  I don't mind the actor but Ross is quickly becoming overused and over exposed.  Let some of the other actors have some screen time.


BTW, I hope these lingering looks and loaded conversations  between Bob and Harriet aren't leading to an affair.

I can already tell that the Ashley's dementia storyline is gonna have me in tears at the end.  Well written storyline thus far, and the actor is doing a great job.


Gabby? I liked the old one, even though her face wasn't very expressive.  Just thought it a little strange that they introduced the new actress so soon after the previous actress was on screen.  Usually there is a break in seeing the character for a few weeks at least to "explain" the change in actor.

Yesterday again underscored the difference between telling a story for "issues" or to get praise from the media, and telling it because you believe in it.


The writing for Aaron's abuse story has been consistently clumsy and poor, as has all the writing for Aaron and Chas since his affair with Robert began. Characters react in brain-dead ways to amp up the melodrama, without any seeming awareness that this type of writing severely undercuts any dramatic power. Robert believes, after one conversation with Gordon, that Aaron is making up being raped throughout his childhood, but hey, who cares, because they got a "hook" out of it (Is Aaron making up his abuse? Tune in tomorrow...) and Robert said sorry. Why should I believe that Robert cares so much when it took about 2 minutes for him to assume Aaron has completely deluded himself about years of rape?


Chas, who has always loved her son even when she hurt him and behaved selfishly, repeatedly takes cheap digs at him and freezes him out when he's clearly, clearly suffering...all because her dream prince (a man she left and a man who recently confessed to her that he brutally beat Aaron) left her? Who cares, because this just means it will be more powerful when she learns the truth. Well, not really - it just makes me not feel anything other than anger at the hack writing, because if she is so petty now, when any idiot could see that he needs a lot of help (only last week he was about to keel over while talking to her, flinching in pain when she got near, and he then vanishes for days - and her only reaction is to think he's having some type of ribald sexathon with Robert?), am I supposed to feel for her when it takes learning that her son was raped by her latest love of her life for her to give a damn? Chas would never treat her son like this. She would never be such a petty, passive-aggressive child.


I've heard people say that Danny Miller isn't talented enough to carry the story, or that Aaron has had too many tragedies for viewers to care, and I can understand why people feel this way, but he is actually the ONLY part of this story so far that has helped make it less ridiculous and offensive for me.


On the other hand, while I do not like the idea of Laurel being pregnant on top of Ashley's dementia, and while some of the writing has felt rushed, the show has still taken pains to show a variety of utterly believable reactions, has taken pains to ground the melodrama, and most of all, to try to write those involved in character.


The contrast between these stories as they air in the same episodes this week has been somewhat striking. That one scene of Nicola and Laurel talking about abortion, or Doug making Ashley see his selfishness, had more impact than anything with Aaron's abuse story so far.


Why is Kate Oates so oddly cavalier and sensationalistic about sexual abuse? Why does she consistently do such a poor job with sexual abuse stories? If she treats them so cavalierly, why does ITV keep letting her do them?


Given that Corrie had a terribly done, offensive rape story only a few years ago with Carla, I shudder to think of what is on the way with Oates at the helm.


And I know they don't have the budget to have a ton of people around outside but did no one in the village even notice or care that pigs were roaming the streets, tearing up lawns and destroying property?

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