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S14.E07: I'll be Missing You


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Zoë receives threatening texts from an unknown number about her fundraising activities. Worried about Miles, Tristan checks in on him and realizes that he has a vice that needs to be kicked. Alli is accepted to Cambridge and this scares Dallas.
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MIT was non-deferrable. The scholarship offer was based on a specific position available in a research group and she would have had to graduate a year early to accept it. She asked about deferring when she thought she might be pregnant and was told that was not an option. She did accept, but presumably she later changed her mind after the incident with the drugs she got from Dallas because she couldn't keep up with the workload to graduate early. I don't think they explicitly addressed that, but she wouldn't still be on the show this "school year" if she hadn't backed out of the MIT offer. Of course, that wouldn't stop her from being able to apply again this year, and I thought she was still hoping to go there during the whole Leo fiasco, so who knows.

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Exactly, I thought she was still planning on reapplying as she did mention it before Leo smacked her upside her head.


Honestly, I'm just glad we get Dallas in an episode.  Hopefully he'll be shirtless (and he is way too young for me, but I can watch).  :-D

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I'm annoyed that they were so inaccurate re the Cambridge offer. Oxford and Cambridge make their offers in late December or early January at the latest. While I lose track of where we are in the Degrassi calendar, Miles was swimming outside...

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So I guess A got tired of harassing the Pretty Little Liars and moved to Degrassi to harass Zoe. Or was I the only one who thought that when Zoe got that doll and she and the other girls got the anonymous texts?

Edited by paulvdb
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That's exactly what I thought. In the Christmas special A said they were off for the Holidays. I just didn't think it be to Toronto Canada. Side note A is also Gossip Girl. GG even wore the uniform of black hoody a few times. Dan Humphrey gets around a lot...

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Hi Jenna and Connor! Bye Jenna and Connor! That was a brief appearance...and I just realized Clare hasn't been in two episodes, Maya wasn't here as well, or Zig or Becky...stretch that actor pay budget show!


This whole episode was filler but enjoyable filler. Dallas/Alli, I still really like them together and there was nice continuity IRT Alli and sex. Shay was the standout; I know her PR profile was that she had high standards in men and Dallas being her crush was so cute. She really thinks she's grown, lol. I love her. The other niner girl isn't making an impression on me, I hope she'll get a plot soon.


Weed addiction? It can happen I guess if Miles is using it too frequently to deal with his issues. And Tristan continues to see what he wants to see and Miles's problem went under the radar. I still like that the writers are letting the character be the gayest gay who ever gayed though, now they just need to add more depth beyond his thirst.


Zoe and that doll...and the scene of her staring down the doll...this fucking show. Unless he's a red herring, it's obvious that it's Hunter trying to take down Power Cheer. Anyone else would be too random.

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Once again, I just get so irritated that a Canadian show, that's produced in Canada doesn't promote Canadian schools.  I get that Cambridge is Cambridge and MIT is MIT, but that doesn't (or shouldn't) exclude schools like McGill, Dalhousie, Queens University, University of Toronto and Simon Fraser as logical options for all of these bright and inspiring people in Degrassi-land to go to. At all

Why is Eli all about NYU when Ryerson University has a perfectly good media arts program. Why is Clare busting her behind to go to Columbia for journalism where there are countless of schools that are renowned for their journalism programs, which are just as prestigous and equally as 'hard to get into' as Columbia.  It just bumpuzzles me that none of these kids pick up the MacLeans University and College guide (my bible when i was in OAC (University Prep course, which is no longer around,), to make the best decision, which actually has these universities ranked nationally, and how they compare to American/International schools. So even for Alli to mention. "yeah, I thought about going to Simon Fraser , but Cambridge offered me a full scholarship or something." would make me understand, and accept it, vs. just cutting out the Canadiana out of the show. (especially when Degrassi 1.0 and the first wave of kids all went to Canadian universities., for the TNG kids most were all made up but they were in Canada). 

nice seeing you Jenna. And Conner. I wonder if they know about Clare's baby. 


Zoe being all "I know what you did with your boobies" by someone (Hunter?) meh. 


Wouldn't it be something if Miles is being all pot-head because it pyschs him up to be Tristian. (just on a storytelling aspect.) like what caused Miles to smoke pot religiously all of a sudden? (and how did Tristian not figure this out until now?). 

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Tristan - Even though this was mostly about Miles, I was happy this was from Tristan's POV. I've been neither here nor there with Tristan but this episode made me care about him (and want him to have more plots revolving around him [which probably won't happen anytime soon but I'll wait]). I was cringing during the presentation, and felt for him when he thought he was the reason why Miles was changing for the worse. Also, it was good to see Tristan and Winston interacting quite well after that blowup, especially without Miles there.


As for Miles... I can totally believe that one could rely too heavily on weed, and that there would be bad side effects of using it too much. Weed may be natural and not so bad for you but there's a downside to everything. @Daisy, I think he's overdoing the weed to (not) deal with his dad. I think the fact that his dad got physical with him really messed him up (hence why he's no longer trying to piss off his dad like he used to) and he's not telling anyone about it, so he's trying to dull the pain.


I'm not on the "Tristan's a Dope" train but now that he's interacting with the family (and I liked how Tristan tried to form a relationship with Mr. H), I wish he'd be... more observant. He knows things aren't great between Miles and Mr. H, he watched Miles shut down a perfectly decent conversation because he was upset with his dad, and now he's overdoing it with drugs... I don't blame Tristan for first wondering if it was about him but after that, why wouldn't he start putting two and two together? Maybe (hopefully) it'll come in the next few episodes because I don't want this to be like the Maya/Cam thing (which actually, in the end, made sense to have drag out).


Zoe - I don't even watch Pretty Little Liars and I was like, "are they referencing that show right now?" Man, this is creepy for Degrassi, lol! I think Hunter's the obvious choice (for the harassment and for the upcoming fire) but I don't think it's him. I thought the doll voice sounded like Winston. I could see Frankie crumbling and telling at least one person about the Degrassi Nudes thing. I don't exactly see Winston being big enough to handle it for her but it's possible.


I'm glad Zoe's starting to see that this team isn't just redemption but about gaining a family as well. And hopefully, especially with the nudes scheme shut down, she'll start treating her teammates as friends, not stupid little peons. For some reason they were sweet enough to surprise her with a cupcake and a gift despite her nasty attitude, so I hope she gets her act together before they finally get a clue and tell her where to stick it.


Dallas - I don't particularly care for Alli/Dallas so I expected not to care about this plot... but I really appreciated it. Alli's finally grown up and isn't letting boys and sex dictate her life, which has messed things up for her far too many times. I'm glad they were able to sort things out and that he's also planning for his future (with hockey/coaching). I wonder what this means for Double D Party Planning though... guess Drew's gotta find another career, heh.


@Daisy, I was also thinking about how disappointing it is not to feature Canadian colleges. At this point, everyone knows that this is a Canadian show about Canadian kids, so we can handle some domestic school choices for these people. Not everyone ditches the country, lol!


I liked seeing interactions between the grades... Shay was pretty strong on her own, with the two "veterans". Wasn't good of her to help Dallas with his girlfriend only to try to kiss him, though. As for Jenna and Connor, well... they don't really mean anything any more so I don't care that they've been MIA. All I really want is for Jenna and Clare to talk babies because that's the glaring oversight right now.

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well both. I mean. some Colleges here are even joined up with Universities so you can get your diploma  (and get practical work) + University degree in say 5 years instead of the 4. 


It actually irritated me enough, that I had to tweet at Stefan Brogren, the show handle, and the writers, that they really need to start bringing 'Canada' back to this show. Poutine snacking isn't enough.  


@omgsowicked ohoo that's an idea. (that hes doing it to dull the Daddy Pain).  either way, it will be interesting to see why he actually started, and why he's abusing it. (and i'm actually glad that it's Marijuana, and nothing uber hardcore). 

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I'm American. Forgive my stupidity.


not stupid. :)

I know in America for the most part  college isn't on the same level as University for the most part (this is what my friend said). up here, there are some college programs that are on part (or can fast track you through a year or two of university), they're very much 'on par' so to speak, and i know a lot of people (myself included) that has done University/College duo combo. 


and it's stuff like that  that should be on the show. 

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Well, even if the school offers bachelors and masters degrees, or if the school is called, "Yadda Yadda University", it's all college to me and everyone I know, lol. But yes, it does seem to be very different in Canada and it would be very interesting to learn what it's all about... and perhaps learn why it's important to differentiate between Canadian university and college, lmfao.

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In Canada, degree granting institutions are called universities.   Colleges grant diplomas and certificates. Kids talk about going to university, your parents harp on you about going to university....  Not college.  A Canadian tv show should know that, just like they should know we say Grade 9, Grade 10, etc rather than Freshman, Sophomore...


I like the British practice of calling it "Uni". 

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Have any producers of this show even smoked weed, or did they just do their research from old "Just Say No" pamphlets?


Look, I know they're not going to come out and say that it's okay to smoke pot, but do they have to be that ridiculous with what its use looks like?

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Have any producers of this show even smoked weed, or did they just do their research from old "Just Say No" pamphlets?

Look, I know they're not going to come out and say that it's okay to smoke pot, but do they have to be that ridiculous with what its use looks like?

SERIOUSLY. I don't know why a show that tackles so many subjects so gracefully, sucks quite so badly on this subject. It's ridiculous and insulting. Even in the '80s when we were being pumped full of anti-weed propaganda, I feel like "Degrassi" wasn't even this ridiculous about it. Tristan's "weed addiction" line was sheer parody.  

Edited by Judi Sunshine
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The thing about the "weed addiction" is that I think we're going to find out that weed is actually not Miles' problem. It's just something he used to get away, but his behavioral changes and issues seem to pre-date the introduction of marijuana. I have to give Miles credit though -- he knows how to skip school. The scene of Tristan arguing with Miles as he floated around in his pool smoking a joint was my favorite scene of the episode.


I agree that this episode was filler, but it was good filler. Except the "Degrassi Nudes" storyline. I am so over it. But I think Hunter is behind it -- he seems like the only one savvy enough to hack into it and we know he hates the cheerleaders.

Edited by Falafel
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It actually irritated me enough, that I had to tweet at Stefan Brogren, the show handle, and the writers, that they really need to start bringing 'Canada' back to this show.


Did anyone respond?


I've wondered before if to some degree they neutralize the show so as to not marginalize American viewers. That said, as I've written before, there seem to be a plethora of Canadianisms - change room, marks (vs. grades), kilos, washroom, grade _, and of course "sore-y" and "aboot".     

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Did anyone respond?


I've wondered before if to some degree they neutralize the show so as to not marginalize American viewers. That said, as I've written before, there seem to be a plethora of Canadianisms - change room, marks (vs. grades), kilos, washroom, grade _, and of course "sore-y" and "aboot".     


Nope, no response. I got a 'follow' from the degrassi writers, but nothing other than that. 


I do have to laugh because those Canadianisms (which may be sooo ingrained in me), ie: change room, marks, kilos (i always use pounds heh), washroom, grade, and Sore-y and Aboot (and of course. "eh") i don't notice THOSE so much, (unless they start using freshman, sophomores etc. (though when i was in high school we interchanged them. freshman/grade nine etc). 


(shrug), i can understand not wanting to marginalize an American audience, but even just a "wow. I applied to get into Dalhousie and I got in " (which is the most expensive school in Canada, and one of the most prestigious, up there with McGill, Queens, UofT) would make  me happy. (Or even. "wow. Stanford, Katie? You couldn't have applied to go to Queens? it's only three hours away, and it's thousands of dollars cheaper.") LOL. just something. 

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I'm glad other people immediately made the PPL connection. The good thing about Degrassi is they won't drag this out for... five seasons is it now? 


I never really love these Ali/Dallas plotlines. They're just repeats and I kind of wish they'd fade them into the background like Connor/Jenna. If they can't think of anything interesting, don't bother. Ali has never been the best character but she's had her moments. But they were a long time ago (unless you count the hilarity of Leo... oh, the bad acting. So delicious.) I can't bring myself to care about Ali and Dallas and their future together. They're in high school. They're not one of the show's big couples where I would buy them being high school sweethearts who stayed together. They're also not tied together by a baby or some life altering event, etc. So yeah, I can't say I'm bothered by the idea they won't be together forever.


Holy unsolicited advice, Batman! I think that was the most awkward way they could have written a new niner interacting with Drew and Dallas. Glad she was making a play for him instead of just awkwardly trying to get the new and old cast to interact.


I like lighthearted Drew. I do not know why they insisted on Clew and all this recent angst. That actor's strength has always been comedy. Fun, casual advice-giving Drew in his Grace-style exposition mode is his comfort zone.


I see what they're trying to do with Lola but the actress isn't natural enough in her line delivery. It takes a certain amount of intelligence to play dumb.


I felt like Zoe and Grace sped up the pace of their dialogue in their scene together. That patter was a nice change of pace. I'm over the oomphchat thing but they should mix up the cast and create these combos more often.


I care less about Miles than when he was with Maya.

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I think Hunter's the obvious choice (for the harassment and for the upcoming fire) but I don't think it's him. I thought the doll voice sounded like Winston. I could see Frankie crumbling and telling at least one person about the Degrassi Nudes thing. I don't exactly see Winston being big enough to handle it for her but it's possible.

My immediate thought was that if they're smart and don't make it Frankie that it will be one of the girls kicked off Power Cheer... Becky or Frankie. While it doesn't seem like either of their personalities it would totally be the kind of nonsense twist you'd get out of a teen movie.

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Nope, no response. I got a 'follow' from the degrassi writers, but nothing other than that. 



Very cool.  While a reply from Snake would have been a real coup, it's pretty awesome that you got a follow from the writers.  

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