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Spencer Reid: Gorgeous Gray Matter

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I didn't think he was all that prominent in season 8 actually. I know this is my perception, but I couldn't help but feel that the Maeve story was done sort of grudgingly to try to placate fans and once they had it over with they seemed to have the attitude "We gave you a Reid story, now STFU". They would exaggerate how much of a role he played in things and claim he had a lot of focus when he was barely there.


I mean, why is it that of all the scenes that get cut from episodes when they air on say A&E, its Reid scenes that get snipped? 


I think they are making a mistake by having entire episodes focusing on specific characters instead of trying to balance it and make sure that all of the characters get to contribute equally. But when you look at the time and effort they put in to the unsubs and/or their favorites (Morgan and JJ) then it shows just how unbalanced it is.


I don't think that Matthew would jump ship. I think he'll stay until they either ask him to leave or end the show. But I don't think his heart is really in it anymore. I think part of that is because most of the writers aren't really in to Reid as much. Its probably not easy for him to remain enthusiastic about a character that the showrunner seems to have little to no interest in at all.

  • Love 4

I didn't think he was all that prominent in season 8 actually. I know this is my perception, but I couldn't help but feel that the Maeve story was done sort of grudgingly to try to placate fans and once they had it over with they seemed to have the attitude "We gave you a Reid story, now STFU". They would exaggerate how much of a role he played in things and claim he had a lot of focus when he was barely there.

This, unfortunately.

  • Love 2

Since Reid is the reason I watch CM, (not MGG, but the character, Reid), there can never be too much of him.  But I also recognize that it's how he relates to others that makes him interesting to me.  So I wouldn't be happy if it was 'all Reid, all the time' either.  I like the mix of personalities and situations.  And I actually still like all of the characters, even if some aspects of them have worn a bit thin. 


The writers did seriously neglect Reid for a good long while. They had so much ground to make up that I was pleased with the attention the character got last year.  But, like everyone else (on this thread, anyway), I want more, more, more this coming year! 


I haven't gone back to re-read the interview Zaneej mentioned, but the way I recall it is that the interviewer introduced the idea of MGG's not having opportunity to show his range on CM, and he didn't disagree---which he usually doesn't in such situations, apparently out of politeness.  So I'm not sure I'd read anything into that, nor give it any weight.


MGG has certainly has shown his ability to inject Reid with personality and emotion even when it isn't explicitly written into the dialogue, just through the use of facial expression or intonation.  Those small things are a big part of what made me fall in love with the character.  Since he's proven himself capable of it, I hope MGG continues to give us those nuances, no matter what the writers give him to work with.

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I agree that he seems to want to move on. I commented on that point a while back, as well. Like we who have followed him a long time can kind of 'sense' that he's ready to go (and isn't that a weird thing? That some of you can nod and know exactly what I'm talking about, through a medium that is only little black letters.). 


I think though, that some are forgetting that season 8 Reid was very prevalent with the Maeve arc and that in season 9 he took a big swoop towards the actual heroic again. The last time he was treated abysmally by the writers was season 7. He was consistently shunted to the background, marginalized to a talking head, and the butt of everyone's jokes. Aside from the generally shitty writing, it is the main reason I refuse to buy the season. 


The appearance of Alex and her respect for his abilities served as a reminder to the rest of them of his value, and his loss of Maeve reminded them all of how much they love him. Nobody shushed him in 9, and his bravery and heroism was re-established as he saved other team members and victims lives again and again, became much more physical with and mentally outwitted UnSubs, delivered a baby while talking the UnSub down, and surviving his own gunshot neck.


All us Reid fans, and probably even others, want to see that continue in 10, and unless Matthew has deliberately asked to be dialed back, I'm hopeful they'll continue this path, even if they revisit his addiction. Concerns are not unfounded, however, and I hope what we fear the most for Reid does NOT come true.

Willowy, I couldn't agree more with your description of sucky season 7. I have no intentions of buying it either. Unless I see it somewhere someday for about $5 or $10. And even then I'm still not sure I will get it. 


I also agree with you about Alex Blake. When I first heard about that character I got pissed off. I was convinced she was going to make Reid even more irrelevant than he had already been made in season 7. But to my pleasant surprise her character, imo, actually turned out to be good for his character. 


I admit to being torn as to whether or not I'd eventually buy season 9. I do agree with you that Reid had some moments last seasons where he really got to shine. And that is the only reason I would even consider getting season 9. Unfortunately I also felt his lack somewhat last season,along with Hotch and Rossi, while at the same time feeling like there was an overabundance of Morgan and JJ.

And than of course you have that totally abysmal  episode known as "200". A total waste of what was likely to be CM's last milestone episode ever. It's for those reasons that I would be hesitant to buy season 9.

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I haven't gone back to re-read the interview Zaneej mentioned, but the way I recall it is that the interviewer introduced the idea of MGG's not having opportunity to show his range on CM, and he didn't disagree---which he usually doesn't in such situations, apparently out of politeness.  So I'm not sure I'd read anything into that, nor give it any weight.

JMO, I think he at least broadly hinted 3 times in the interview that the contrast is sharp between work on CM and "my dream." He feels his Spencer is too serious and makes people sad, and he only has 5 weeks of freedom a year in which to do projects where he can stretch and have fun. It doesn't take much "reading", IMO, to pick that up.

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Normasm, I've read and watched a lot of interviews with MGG.  The only one where I thought he was remotely revealing of anything (and not simply promoting whatever the interview was about) was in the podcast on Nerdist.  He's too smart, and too savvy about publicity, to do anything else.  I think it's why you can feel like you might know him, and yet not know him at all, at the same time.  He's very good at wearing invisible armor.  So, since he was promoting a particular project at the time of the interview in question, I didn't really give much credence to any of his other responses. 


Having said that, I don't disagree with anyone that he might be getting tired of playing Reid.  There have been instances over the past couple of years where I think he's been guilty of phoning it in, and I think that says more than whatever we might read in an interview.  I can't help but hope he's given some material to rejuvenate him this year, even if it's the final one.


Finally, a random observation:  I noticed the comment about having only 5 weeks to do other projects as well.  But I"d seen another interview where he mentioned an 8 week hiatus, and it made me curious.  So I went back and counted from when we were told they'd wrapped (April 24).  From there to the second week of July, when the cast returned----14 weeks. 

JMO, I don't feel like I "know him" at all, I just speculate. There are times in interviews where he just sounds weary, other times manic. Does this mean I know why, or what's going on in Gublerland? Nah.


About the only having 5 weeks (but really having 14), I think he means 5 clear weeks where nothing is scheduled (like his usual trips on hiatus). Having to do things on the weekends may compromise a whole week, or one project may be slated for 3 weeks, another for 2, etc. Just 5 weeks that he can do independent projects. That's my take on that.

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I don't know if anyone posted this one, but he sounds more upbeat here http://www.straight.com/movies/720781/life-after-beth-actor-matthew-gray-gubler-sees-new-life-zombie-rom-com


It also can be the skills of the reporter to ask the right questions and key in on what the actor wants to convey in the piece they're talking about. 

He certainly seems to be much more comfortable showing off his legs now. I wonder what changed to make him like his legs again. LOL.


I wonder if he got in on the whole "soul cycling" thing or whatever it was called. I vaguely recall it being mentioned. I believe his sister participates in that and the girl he wanted to marry who ended up breaking it off with him is really big into it.

Edited by zannej
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Hello everyone, I started watching the show last week on Netflix and am halfway through season 4. I've been lurking here for all your great insights- love this forum.


Reid is so damn cute I can hardly stand it...he's what will keep me watching even when the torture-episodes are getting to me and I'm fastforwarding through the scenes. I always have to stop for him (for Hotch, Morgan, Gideon and Prentiss as well once in a while, but ALWAYS for Reid).


Just watching a scene where  Morgan gives him tips on clubbing and he impresses the bartender with his magic trick. So dam frigging adorable.


His delivery is amazing. He nails it everytime. The most recent I remember was in the last episode I watched. He learnd  that the supercreep, played by Jason Alexander, is an admirer of his. Reid says, "For once, can't I have a normal fan?" LOL It's just how he said it. Perfection.

Edited by nyxy
  • Love 7

Welcome to CM fandom, nyxy!!

If you are liking S4 Reid, I recommend reading the CM recaps by the SF author Elizabeth Bear. She started with The Big Game/Revelations, and drifted away in mid-Season 6, but I love her take on the fourth season eps, which include several of my faves. Her recap of The Angelmaker is really appreciative of Reid: http://matociquala.livejournal.com/1464426.html

You can start with her first recap of the S1 DVDs at the bottom of the page here: http://matociquala.livejournal.com/?skip=210&tag=geeks%20with%20guns

And read the quotes--they are almost always worth it, adding a lot to the discussion of the episode.

(BTW, you'll recognize her name when you get to the S6 episode "Valhalla"--they used her for the opening quote, knowing she's a fan. She completely flipped out!)

Edited by Sharpie66
  • Love 3

Watching Damaged (S3:E14). Spencer and Hodge have a serial killer in a locked room on death row. They want out, officers are on rotation, the convict threatens to kill them to commute his execution while they prosecute their murders. 

So Spencer says he knows why this guy killed so many women. A montage of him explaining, thorough, clinical, exact. The convict is first skeptical, then intrigued and then almost - moved. Hopeful that there is an actual explanation for what has made him into the monster he is. Spencer talks long enough that the guards show up and let them out. On their way out the convict asks "Is that true? Is that why I can't stop?"

"I don't know. Maybe." Spencer says barely looking at him as he leaves. 

The convict is utterly deflated. 


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I did love how Reid distracted Chester in that scene. The other plot in that episode left me cold, but I really felt the acting was fantastic in the parts with Hotch, Reid and Chester. Even though Chester was a horrible murderer and was planning to kill them, there was still this hint of a little lost boy who wanted to be understood. He didn't understand himself and he wanted to know what caused him to feel compelled to kill. It was actually rather sad and even if you didn't feel sorry for him, I think there was something relatable and human about him. He so desperately wanted some sort of validation or perhaps it was that he wanted to be absolved of his guilt by the idea that it wasn't all entirely his fault.

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Hotch and Reid's scenes are the 'B' plot, and the best thing about that episode. Sometimes I ff through the Rossi stuff to get to the stuff with Hardwick. No offense to Rossi, I do love him, just his story isn't as compelling in this one, imo. Although I do love it when the team shows up at the bar. "Why do you care?" "Because you do." Classic Emily.

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I did like when they were profiling and Prentiss was saying Rossi was a fussy anal retentive guy who colorcoded his notes (or something like that). But the whole clown thing was just... lacking. I also found it annoying that Morgan was being so rough with the guy that he knew was mentally handicapped. Granted the guy had murdered people and really caused upheaval, but he felt remorse and it was sort of accidental on his part. He didn't have the mental capacity to control himself as well.


I sometimes think about what would have happened if Reid had been there for the takedown. I think he would have told everyone else to back off and then talked very gently to the guy and explained that they were going to try to make things right and that he needed to come with them. Probably would have brought the father in too-- he was an accessory after the fact. But also the guy had the mentality of a child. It was so sad when he was crying "Daddy!" while Morgan was cuffing him. He was clearly very frightened. I think that Reid-- and probably even Hotch-- would have been more gentle with him.

  • Love 5

Welcome to CM fandom, nyxy!!

If you are liking S4 Reid, I recommend reading the CM recaps by the SF author Elizabeth Bear. She started with The Big Game/Revelations, and drifted away in mid-Season 6, but I love her take on the fourth season eps, which include several of my faves. Her recap of The Angelmaker is really appreciative of Reid: http://matociquala.livejournal.com/1464426.html

You can start with her first recap of the S1 DVDs at the bottom of the page here: http://matociquala.livejournal.com/?skip=210&tag=geeks%20with%20guns

And read the quotes--they are almost always worth it, adding a lot to the discussion of the episode.

(BTW, you'll recognize her name when you get to the S6 episode "Valhalla"--they used her for the opening quote, knowing she's a fan. She completely flipped out!)

Thanks, sharpie! I just checked out that link- it's wonderful. There's a section from it I'd like to quote here but not sure I can.  Looking forward no end to reading.


So they actually quoted Elizabeth Bear in an episode- must have been fun to watch! Also interesting that an SF writer should be drawn to the show since the genres are so different. 


I'm trying to avoid spoilers but I've peeked on this forum and gathered that Reid is still around- yay!


I agree with everyone about how fabulous Reid was in that scene with Chester. Did not see it coming any more than the character did! And it was played perfectly. As someone said upthread, MGG can bring life to even the most stilted dialogue (not that there's been too much of that in the first 3.5 seasons I've watched so far). He can convey so much so effortlessly even in wordless moments. He deserves as much credit as do the writers for making a potentially stereotypical character complex & unpredictable. Just brilliant.

Edited by nyxy

I did love how Reid distracted Chester in that scene. The other plot in that episode left me cold, but I really felt the acting was fantastic in the parts with Hotch, Reid and Chester. Even though Chester was a horrible murderer and was planning to kill them, there was still this hint of a little lost boy who wanted to be understood. He didn't understand himself and he wanted to know what caused him to feel compelled to kill. It was actually rather sad and even if you didn't feel sorry for him, I think there was something relatable and human about him. He so desperately wanted some sort of validation or perhaps it was that he wanted to be absolved of his guilt by the idea that it wasn't all entirely his fault.

I agree, zannej, there was something in Chester that showed to the audience why Hotch and Reid became BAU profilers. When the excrement started to hit the fan, Hotch reacted to Chester as if he was the monster he most certainly was, Hotch was aiming to fight and claw and defend Reid and flat-out kill the bastard with his bare hands (remember this was before the Reaper killed Hayley). Reid reacted to Chester as if he was a damaged, mangled little boy, someone who was doomed by his parents' horrible behavior before he was ever able to defend himself. The only way Reid could disable him was to find that child and speak directly to him. 


Remember when Hotch, taking off his coat and tie, said, "But then, I'm not a 5-ft-tall prepubescent girl... At your core, you're a coward…"


Reid said, "Chester, do you want to know why you killed those girls?" And launches immediately into a description of his mother, "good ol' Jean," as an undifferentiated schizophrenic. He had Chester from the get-go when he described the mental illness of his individual parents, the unholy mess that was made when they came together, and the doomed little piece of sh*t they created and set upon when Chester was born. 


I think Reid truly believed Chester never had a chance, but in trying to get out of that cell, he lobbed the only bomb he could to hurt Chester, a psychological one. "I dunno, maybe."

Edited by normasm
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zannej, I also wanted to make the point about the psychology of Chester in this episode, and the writing back in those days. 


Jeffrey Dahmer expressed a desire to know why he did the things he did, and made some attempts to talk to people to find out, and it seemed like this was loosely based on that. I know it's been said (mostly by his father) that he wasn't tortured or sexually abused by his father, and something else gave life to that part of the homicidal triad, but I think there was something there that either Jeffrey could't remember, or it was something his mother did, and he loved his mother, so he would never say that she had abused him. I always thought it was sad, for this reason alone, that he was murdered in prison. What we might have learned about him is forever gone.

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I love the Hotch/Reid half of that episode for all of the reasons mentioned above.  I think it reflected what can happen when you put together pretty complex writing with excellent acting.


My own take on the interaction with Chester was that, prior to this incident, the killer had never given any thought to why he did what he did.  He just followed his compulsion.  There was no remorse.  And then this kid from the FBI ends up telling him all these things about his childhood, and how they'd affected him.  And, in that moment, I think Chester reached back to his uncorrupted child-self and began to mourn, both about what he'd become and about what he'd done.  As for Reid---also the child of a schizophrenic mother, absent the balancing influence of a father---I don't think he actually believed Chester was destined to be a killer.  Reid knew, better than most, that there is always an element of choice.


Mostly, I love the episode for the Hotch/Reid scene in the SUV, after it's all over. That scene shows something of the relationship that is unique between them.  Reid feeling comfortable enough to tease his superior (can't quite see him ever doing that with Gideon), Hotch feeling comfortable enough to volunteer his situation with Haley.  There's a level of trust and respect that I wish they would revisit.  It showed itself in Zugzwang, but there have been a number of other missed opportunities since.

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Proof was on A & E this afternoon, and I have to say that I really enjoyed Angry!Reid. Yes, the fewer people who knew that Emily was alive the better, but he was right, Hotch and JJ did him in particular a terrible disservice. Especially JJ during those ten weeks he was crying on her couch and thinking about going back to Dilaudid. As much as it didn't make me hate her, the way she says "But you didn't..." when he asks her what would have happened if he'd gone back to the needle doesn't make me love her either, and I love the way he spreads his arms out and says "It's too late!" when she says she's sorry.

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The JJ/Reid conflict was the only thing worth watching in this episode. I was so disappointed that it was resolved at the end of the episode with that stupid pasta party.

I suppose we should be grateful that Messer and these writers even allowed that much conflict. We all know how much they love their "We are Family" moments.

But at least I was able to enjoy it even if it was for only one episode. I think both Matthew and AJ gave good performances in this episode.

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It's funny, having watched the 200 travesty, to look at these episodes for hints of the retcon to come; no, no, no -  it's so pathetic. But maybe that's a discussion for the writers thread...

Are you perhaps thinking along the line as to how in the hell did JJ, in the short time she was away from the BAU,manage to take profiling classes, have Reid come over to her house 10 straight weeks(2 and 1/2 month) in a row crying about Emily,and yet somehow she finds the time to go on a super secret mission. And of course while all this was going on I've got no doubt she continued to be an awesome wife and mother. DANG!Maybe JJ is a super woman after all.

Edited by missmycat
  • Love 4

Missmycat said:

Are you perhaps thinking along the line as to how in the hell did JJ, in the short time she was away from the BAU,find time to take some profiling classes,as well as have Reid come over to her house 10 straight weeks(2 and 1/2 month) in a row crying about Emily.And yet somehow she manages the time to go on a super secret mission. DANG!Maybe JJ is a super woman afterall.


I'd be so grateful if anyone could explain the timeline around 'It Takes A Village' to me, even before the dreadful '200'?  Where was Reid supposed to have been?  When?  When did he decline to remain with the team, and, if he did so, why was he back there with them?  I've done my best to write it into fanfic (before '200'), but I still don't get it. If I have to take '200' into account, then I really don't get it.

  • Love 4

Missmycat said:

Are you perhaps thinking along the line as to how in the hell did JJ, in the short time she was away from the BAU,find time to take some profiling classes,as well as have Reid come over to her house 10 straight weeks(2 and 1/2 month) in a row crying about Emily.And yet somehow she manages the time to go on a super secret mission. DANG!Maybe JJ is a super woman afterall.


I'd be so grateful if anyone could explain the timeline around 'It Takes A Village' to me, even before the dreadful '200'?  Where was Reid supposed to have been?  When?  When did he decline to remain with the team, and, if he did so, why was he back there with them?  I've done my best to write it into fanfic (before '200'), but I still don't get it. If I have to take '200' into account, then I really don't get it.

I would love to know what he did on his so called sabbatical. But I seriously doubt they'd ever even bother revisiting it anytime soon. Reid is just not that important to EM.

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Are you perhaps thinking along the line as to how in the hell did JJ, in the short time she was away from the BAU,manage to take profiling classes, have Reid come over to her house 10 straight weeks(2 and 1/2 month) in a row crying about Emily,and yet somehow she finds the time to go on a super secret mission. And of course while all this was going on I've got no doubt she continued to be an awesome wife and mother. DANG!Maybe JJ is a super woman after all.

Oh, honey, don't forget she almost caught bin Laden and would have if she hadn't miscarried her bebe...

  • Love 6

I actually disliked pretty much everything about "Proof" from the really dumb unsub idea, the torture porn, and JJ and Reid being unprofessional out in the field. It really made me dislike JJ in that one-- not because she didn't tell Reid the truth, but because she seemed to be making it more about herself than actually caring about him (at least that's how it came off to me). She was upset that he told her he didn't want to go to lunch with her. It made her feel bad. Rather than just give him his space and let him cool down, she kept pestering him and was bringing it up on the job. Hotch is no idiot so he would have seen the tension and he should not have put them together because it could have interfered with their ability to focus. If he felt the need to mediate he could have stepped in. I get that maybe he put them together so they could sort things out, but it wasn't the best move. And then JJ and her accusing Reid of being mad because she controlled her microexpressions so well... I also hated that Reid brought up Dilaudid loudly enough that other people could have overheard. I'm not a fan of the bookend stuff, but I wish they had done it so that Reid had said "We're on a case, not right now" and had some of the interactions on the plane after the case. I get that they are human and people aren't always 100% professional at work, but one of the things I liked about the show in the beginning was that the team members were usually able to set their baggage aside to focus on the cases. There were some exceptions (particularly with Gideon), but for the most part, they were professional.


I think another reason it bugged me was because I didn't think there really was a valid reason for the team to need to keep the whole thing about Emily a secret for so long. Especially with the way they resolved the Doyle story. They never even really established that he had any way of keeping tabs on them after most of his minions were killed and he fled. Hell, I don't know if the team even knew he was watching them in the first place. Prentiss was unconscious when they made the decisions and she couldn't have told them. So there were all sorts of leaps to assume the team would know things they couldn't possibly know. It was just such a poorly conceived and executed arc....


And I didn't really like angry!Reid. I do wish they had said something about how the only reason he went to the pasta party was that he first went to a BCC meeting and decided that in order to keep moving on, he had to let it go for his own good and not that he had actually forgiven all parties involved. If they really had to go there, I wish Reid had just told JJ he needed space and to BTFO for awhile and that Hotch had told her to BTFO and let him chill.

  • Love 3

I actually disliked pretty much everything about "Proof" from the really dumb unsub idea, the torture porn, and JJ and Reid being unprofessional out in the field. It really made me dislike JJ in that one-- not because she didn't tell Reid the truth, but because she seemed to be making it more about herself than actually caring about him (at least that's how it came off to me). She was upset that he told her he didn't want to go to lunch with her. It made her feel bad. Rather than just give him his space and let him cool down, she kept pestering him and was bringing it up on the job. Hotch is no idiot so he would have seen the tension and he should not have put them together because it could have interfered with their ability to focus. If he felt the need to mediate he could have stepped in. I get that maybe he put them together so they could sort things out, but it wasn't the best move. And then JJ and her accusing Reid of being mad because she controlled her microexpressions so well... I also hated that Reid brought up Dilaudid loudly enough that other people could have overheard. I'm not a fan of the bookend stuff, but I wish they had done it so that Reid had said "We're on a case, not right now" and had some of the interactions on the plane after the case. I get that they are human and people aren't always 100% professional at work, but one of the things I liked about the show in the beginning was that the team members were usually able to set their baggage aside to focus on the cases. There were some exceptions (particularly with Gideon), but for the most part, they were professional.


I watched the JJ/Reid parts yesterday, and actually, Reid was trying to work the case for the most part, but JJ kept coming around to why he didn't worship her anymore. Especially the comment about "instead of dealing with it, he's acting out…." snarled at Reid and looking straight at him.  Just totally childish of the character. Reid walks away rather than say another word to her.

Edited by normasm
  • Love 4

I do agree with you on the last part, normasm. However unprofessional it might have been for Reid to bring up the Dilaudid where he could be overheard, JJ was kind of pushing him to talk to her while he was trying to work. I admit to being partial, because it's Reid and he's the one with the damned drug problem that she knew about while he was apparently turning himself inside out over Emily 'dying', but by all means, Jayje, poke him with a sharp stick because he's mad at you.

  • Love 4

Oh, normasm, that was something I meant to point out but forgot-- other than Reid making a slightly snide remark about someone using tears to be deceptive (something JJ *should* have just ignored if she had any sense of professionalism), Reid was just trying to avoid it altogether. I got the impression that one of the reasons he was mad was that she wouldn't leave him alone. It came off with her acting like *he* was the one who did something wrong or hurtful when all he wanted was her to BTFO. Granted she had her feelings hurt and that put her on the defensive-- and back then she was more human- but still, if she's such a great profiler and was so good at knowing how to deal with people she should have known that he needed some space. She could have told him that she was sorry for hurting his feelings and that she was going to respect his boundaries and give him some space. If she had acted maturely.. But she ended up taking jabs at him and being bitchy instead. 


And when it came down to the fans watching, Reid was the one who got the most criticism for being unprofessional. For me, it was bad writing because I felt that some of the behavior was just out-of-character. And Emily's speech to Reid was just.... It was comparing apples to oranges and guilt-tripping him. It was all drama I felt the show could have done without.


I hope that they actually give Reid something good this season that doesn't involve him being bitchy.

  • Love 4

And I didn't really like angry!Reid. I do wish they had said something about how the only reason he went to the pasta party was that he first went to a BCC meeting and decided that in order to keep moving on, he had to let it go for his own good and not that he had actually forgiven all parties involved. If they really had to go there, I wish Reid had just told JJ he needed space and to BTFO for awhile and that Hotch had told her to BTFO and let him chill.


I've forgotten the details of their interactions now and I've (somehow) never seen the episode where Prentiss returns, but I always felt like Reid was being the unprofessional dick in personally penalizing JJ for not telling him. She was doing her job, following the rules, and protecting Prentiss' life.  Also, the double standard in his response to JJ vs. Hotch is vaguely offensive -- they did the exact same thing for the exact same reasons.

Edited by dusang

But his grief was on full display on JJ's couch every single night for a couple of months, not Aaron's. A true friend would've told him. As zannej said, it's hard to believe that the threat of Doyle was so intense that she couldn't whisper in his ear. Reid would keep the secret, and it would have given him respite from his horrible sadness. She should have told him, just him, and I think in retrospect, she would have. 


Still, right or wrong, that's how JJ operates. She did the same thing in Amplification when she didn't tell Will about the anthrax in the park. 

  • Love 2

I actually felt that the writers really dropped the ball on the bit with the reasons for keeping a secret-- as Willowy mentioned; the Doyle threat did not seem that intense. As for the just doing their jobs thing, IIRC, the team was on hot water because I could have sworn that the whole pretense of Emily's death was NOT officially sanctioned by the government. Which means it was a private covert operation that JJ and Hotch pulled off somehow.


Reid of all people could be trusted to keep his mouth shut on the matter. I don't think he was unfairly penalizing JJ. He felt betrayed. He bore his soul to JJ and she watched him suffering and she could have easily eased that pain by telling him the truth. Granted, according to the writers she thought that she couldn't, but I still think it was a crap story. I blame the writers for that garbage. 

And here we come to one of my biggest complaints- the story made fans perceive Reid as a jerk because it was poorly executed.

  • Love 3

I thought the fight was great, though. I loved seeing him needle her, then give her the business when she asked for it. I like how it affected her, too. 


Matthew has said that he thinks it's funny when Reid gets angry because he expresses it through passive-aggression (which, true, it isn't very professional, but it IS very human). It must be fun to act it anyway, considering Spencer is usually so sensible. 

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IMO JJ acted way more unprofessional than Reid did.She should have just backed off and given him his space.But she just couldn't seem to let go of it.

I get that she was upset because Spencer was mad at her and she wanted to make things right with him again, but imo she handle it all wrong.

Reid may be a genius, but he is also someone with serious trust and abandonment issues. So to me I felt he had a right to his feelings of betrayal.

And I've also no doubt in my mind that Reid(even without Prentiss guilt tripping him) eventually would've him realized that JJ didn't purposely set out to hurt him. 

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