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Ratings and Scheduling: Hail to the Gods

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Honestly, the only thing I would say for certain about the ratings the season is that The Flash crossover gave Arrow a bust.

that would have helped more if they had not excluded the main character for 3 episodes. it was a big mistake

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I feel like the Flarrow crossover made the Flash audience interested in Arrow because they focused on the shows core strengths (Team Arrow, Diggle, Oliver/Felicity, Felicity, Oliver's lighterish side). The hiatus gave the viewers a chance to sort of catch up which is why the ratings were so high in episode 10 (also because people wanted to find out about what happened to Oliver after he fell off that cliff). But ever since episode 10, the ratings have been relatively steady, but the viewership had been on a downward trend.


I think people were frustrated that they weren't getting what they wanted to see from The Flarrow crossover/ Arrow viewers were getting increasingly frustrated by the lack of focus on Oliver and the interesting characters/sidelining Diggle/ and maybe to some even the Laurel arc. People stayed on hoping to see if the show gets better, and by episode 15, it didn't.


Then the show went on a 2-3 week hiatus which made people lose interest further which is why ratings for episode 16 weren't good at all and was a representation of people losing interest during the Canary Trilogy (0.8), but in fact episode 16 was actually a really good one. So through good word of mouth, more people start to wonder whether Arrow is finally back on track, then episode 17 comes and ratings increased to a (1.0) all due to good word of mouth as well as the Diggle's wedding.  But in fact episode 17 was really terrible and lacked focus on what people were interested in seeing, focus on Diggle, which is why the episode for episode 18 went down to a 0.8/0.9 and stayed steady for episode 19. 


Ratings IMO for this episode increased to a 1.0 because they heavily promoted Olicity. I can't really think of a lot of other reasons because people generally find the LoA arc boring and don't like Ra's as a villain at all (at least from what I've seen)... Maybe they were also interested in seeing what would happen to Thea as well? But I think the 1.0 was mainly due to the couple. 


At least that's my interpretation on the ratings. It's probably not true, but that's my story and I'm sticking with it. 

Edited by wonderwall
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It's always interesting to me how ratings supposedly reflect what people think works and doesn't work.  The demo for the show is good but it has been higher for other episodes this season.

It's hard to draw a direct line between how good an episode is and its ratings, unless it's a special one like the Arrow/Flash twosome crossover.  If anything, how good an episode is will be reflected in the ratings for the following episode as people set their timers and word gets around.  If an episode is bad, that's not necessarily going to get reflected right away either as people give the show another chance if they've had loyalty to it.


Maybe that's why they put this episode here -- they want a good audience for next week when it's sweeps and really counts.


I can't understand why they still used the demo to decide whether shows are going to be renewed or not.  Even if the younger demo were more likely to switch products based on advertising (disproved), in the current economy they are less likely to have disposable income than older viewers.



I feel like the Flarrow crossover made the Flash audience interested in Arrow because they focused on the shows core strengths (Team Arrow, Diggle, Oliver/Felicity, Felicity, Oliver's lighterish side). The hiatus gave the viewers a chance to sort of catch up which is why the ratings were so high in episode 10 (also because people wanted to find out about what happened to Oliver after he fell off that cliff). But ever since episode 10, the ratings have been relatively steady, but the viewership had been on a downward trend.


I think people were frustrated that they weren't getting what they wanted to see from The Flarrow crossover/ Arrow viewers were getting increasingly frustrated by the lack of focus on Oliver and the interesting characters/sidelining Diggle/ and maybe to some even the Laurel arc. People stayed on hoping to see if the show gets better, and by episode 15, it didn't.

The January episodes seem to be always a let down after the build-up to the mid-season finale.  It seems like they put in there the stuff they want to have made canon but don't really care about.


This year,  however, it seems to have been a mistake because it cost the crossover audience boost. If you came from The Flash, you're not going to be too excited about four or five episodes about Ray's suit or Laurel getting beat up on her way to becoming BC.

Edited by statsgirl
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Arrow is a show that isn't good at what it thinks it's good at and is ashamed of what it actually is good at. I think that's one of the main reasons ratings rarely have a boost. I also think they put the wrong type of emphasis on the wrong parts of "Olicity," to the detriment of the characters and the show as a whole.  

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I'm glad that they had sex and all, but story-wise and characterization-wise, this season has been a suckfest of epic proportions.  As long as ratings are good, they are going to continue to string together meaningless "cool" scenes and screw up pretty much every character.  I've been hoping and praying for shitty ratings, because that is the only thing they'll listen to, so I just don't find it excellent that ratings are good.

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Arrow is a show that isn't good at what it thinks it's good at and is ashamed of what it actually is good at. I think that's one of the main reasons ratings rarely have a boost. I also think they put the wrong type of emphasis on the wrong parts of "Olicity," to the detriment of the characters and the show as a whole.  


Oh interesting statement, what do you mean by the wrong type of emphasis on the wrong parts of Olicity? 


Also I sort of agree with your first statement. They're proud of all the wrong things... Like the fact that the plot moves at breakneck speed, proud of dumbing down Oliver, proud of the LoA arc this season that has only been lackluster (I mean they called it epic??? Uh, no)... They don't show emphasis on the good parts of the show like the action, Diggle/Felicity/Oliver's partnership, Oliver's relationship with Thea, Nyssa Al Ghul just kicking ass, and what made O/F popular in the first place which is minimal drama... 


I think that the main issue of this season that has affected every aspect of this show and not just Olicity (although it's interesting to see everyone putting the blame of this season on this one couple) is the fact that the writers are writing for plot and not character. Half of Oliver's decisions didn't even make any sense this season, Diggle was sidelined for inexplicable reasons up until episode 15 when him and Oliver went to NP, they kept keeping apart O/F for the sake of 'drama' which is so contrived, Ray Palmer was on his own show apparently and Felicity was a part of that which made most of her scenes irrelevant (because I still don't understand the importance of Ray or his arc in this show)... 


The writing is a detriment to the show as a whole, and Olicity among many many aspects of this show is a result of the problem, not a part of it, but I feel like Olicity is a scapegoat people use and lay the blame solely on them which IMO is pretty fallacious since very little has gone right this season (and most of it has nothing to do with the couple). 

I'm glad that they had sex and all, but story-wise and characterization-wise, this season has been a suckfest of epic proportions.  As long as ratings are good, they are going to continue to string together meaningless "cool" scenes and screw up pretty much every character.  I've been hoping and praying for shitty ratings, because that is the only thing they'll listen to, so I just don't find it excellent that ratings are good.


I was hoping for crap ratings, but when what I'm interested in is focused on in an episode I'd actually like to see that do well. It would reflect badly on O/F and O/D/F if this one episode among tow others was the only episode with bad ratings especially compared to the high ratings of the BC arc. It might send the EPs the wrong signals saying, hey, maybe Laurel as BC is working and O/F and O/D/F aren't? I wouldn't really want to risk it. 

Edited by wonderwall
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. I wish they'd just had them as a couple from the start of the season and shown how a new romantic relationship would be tested with all the drama and upheavals, whether their working partnership would be changed, etc. If they'd needed Felicity/Ray, which I don't think they did, it could have always been a past relationship, or a friendship that made Oliver feel somewhat threatened.

Naah, that would have been too adult of the writers.


Maybe they can do that next season, instead of breaking them up/dating other people/getting together again wash rinse, repeat.

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I think they put too much emphasis on the will they/won't they and the "make them wait" type of writing, which doesn't work if characters are sacrificed (as I feel Felicity was, and even Oliver was to a point). I think they didn't understand that many fans of the couple liked them for who they were as people as well as who they were together, rather than just liking them as a generic couple who would be put through bad soap tropes.


They also seem to think that some part of Felicity belongs to the various men they are promoting, which diminishes her as her own person. I wish they'd just had them as a couple from the start of the season and shown how a new romantic relationship would be tested with all the drama and upheavals, whether their working partnership would be changed, etc. If they'd needed Felicity/Ray, which I don't think they did, it could have always been a past relationship, or a friendship that made Oliver feel somewhat threatened. 


Ah I see what you mean now. And I actually really agree, and I'm probably one of their biggest proponents :p I think that the issue is still plot over character. I think the writers are holding onto their original plan but with different characters. I don't think that's right. But after last nights episode, I find it difficult to believe that in season 4, O/F would be on again and off again. I think it was all kinds of unnatural to keep them apart, I'm actually curious to see how the show will end this season regarding these two and HOPING that they chuck all the nonsense relationship drama out the window next season and focus on the baddies. I honestly don't think that O/F are the type of people to have an angsty relationship once they get together. Would they have occasional fights? Yes. But nothing like this season. So hopefully we see them change their dynamics back to what it was like in season 1/2 only with the added intimacy in season 4. 


I'm not fond of Felicity's arc this season. I'm also not fond of the fact that MG can't see that Felicity's arc is mainly about the men in her life and not about HER. This year was supposed to be a year where Felicity explored who SHE is and not the men she wants to date. But it is what it is. I just hope the writers finally have a multiple episode arc for Felicity taht focuses on FELICITY and not the people she supports. 


I think what you wanted for this season regarding O/F will be what we see in season 4 (at least I hope it is). 

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can't really think of a lot of other reasons because people generally find the LoA arc boring and don't like Ra's as a villain at all (at least from what I've seen)...


The LOA stuff in Arrow isnt the best of course , but Batman stuff is still very popular, Batman sells. A lot more when its done well though. Not saying that was the only factor of course. 


The writing is a detriment to the show as a whole, and Olicity among many many aspects of this show is a result of the problem, not a part of it, but I feel like Olicity is a scapegoat people use and lay the blame solely on them which IMO is pretty fallacious since very little has gone right this season (and most of it has nothing to do with the couple).


It does happen but I rarely see many people blaming ALL thats wrong with Arrow on Olicity. From what I can see most people get that Arrow writing is very weak this season. The difference in view, is likely on viewing Olicity as being a result of the problem vs being another factor of Arrow issues. 

Edited by Conell
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The LOA stuff in Arrow isnt the best of course , but Batman stuff is still very popular, Batman sells. A lot more when its done well.


It does happen but I rarely see many people blaming ALL thats wrong with Arrow on Olicity. From what I can see most people get that Arrow writing is very weak this season. The difference in view, is likely on viewing Olicity as being a result of the problem vs being another factor of Arrow issues. 


I guess? But over the past few days and on different comment sections I've seen the comment "Olicity is ruining the show" over a hundred times (and I'm not exaggerating). So yeah, a lot of people use the couple as a scapegoat without realizing the bigger issue. It's not Olicity, it's the writing. Olicity somehow gets blamed because people /care/ more about who Oliver's love interest is? I guess? 

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I was thinking about this earlier and it's a let down any time I read a comment putting down Olicity. Until I realized its the same everywhere. You go into any comment section, of any show and you will find comments along the same vein. This pairing is ruining the show, this show used to be so much better until they got these two together, so-and-so was so much better. Unless the show is a straight up romance, then it's like romance is a dirty word. It's for the young, less mature viewer (eye-roll). If it was Oliver and Laurel, the same exact things would be said. Just look at S1 and S2. I bet you would find some of the same people who complained about Oliver and Laurel, now complaining about Oliver and Felicity (I've seen them). 


It doesn't matter who is the main love story. There are always going to be people bashing the romantic element, warranted or not. People view it as an easy target.


I ignore comment sections now. I'd rather focus on something tangible. Ratings going up on an episode I love. Watching social media explode over what I love. Seeing an episode I love top the download charts.


For the record, I'm not saying its wrong or right to ship Olicity. That criticisms aren't valid. I'm just saying that a lot of this is par for course. 

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A quick look on wikipedia shows that The Return and Uprising got a 1.2 and several others have gotten 1.0s and 1.1s.

Yes the show did do 1.2 and 1.1 and 1.0 in this season already. But that was before DST started. And the longer we go into the spring (the daylight last till longer hours, the longer the people are outside)the  the more effected the ratings get by DST. Especially the 8 PM hour. So the fact that Arrow is rising for its last 3 episodes is actually a good sign.I mean look at the Flash it had really high ratings earlier in the season begining with its 1.9 rating. Then it settled into 1.5-1.6 area. And after the DST it went a bit lower to the 1.2-1.4 area.

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I guess? But over the past few days and on different comment sections I've seen the comment "Olicity is ruining the show" over a hundred times (and I'm not exaggerating). So yeah, a lot of people use the couple as a scapegoat without realizing the bigger issue. It's not Olicity, it's the writing. Olicity somehow gets blamed because people /care/ more about who Oliver's love interest is? I guess?



Fair enough, even if its a majority, I believe there are still other different views. Yeah I guess people do care about Oliver's romantic life, he is the show lead after all, but Olicity doesn't exactly make it easy to ignore Imo. Its everywhere, playing right into the hands of hardcore romance haters/anti shippers who might otherwise not have cared & critical fans too. 


I ignore comment sections now. I'd rather focus on something tangible. Ratings going up on an episode I love. Watching social media explode over what I love. Seeing an episode I love top the download charts.


Yeah  rating gods have more weigh in rating a show's performance I would think, justified or not. 


Yes the show did do 1.2 and 1.1 and 1.0 in this season already. But that was before DST started. And the longer we go into the spring (the daylight last till longer hours, the longer the people are outside)the  the more effected the ratings get by DST.

Yup DST can certainly have an effect on most shows' ratings.

Edited by Conell
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 Its not a bad rating since it rose 75% from the original airing. It all depends if people watch the commercials,that is what is important for the network and advertisers. The most important delayed viewing data are the C+3 and C+7 those count in the people who watch the commercials. But those rarely get released.

Edited by Velocity23
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Eh, I'm not that glad they're down, especially after last week's Olicity-heavy episode.


I don't know that it's much of a mandate. I mean, it was Olicity-heavy, but it did end with the hero signing on to become the leader of a bunch of assassins, so I'm sure that turned a lot of people off. 

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The Olicity sex was pretty much trumpeted from on high, and that episode was up like 250k viewers from the two prior.  There's no way they don't know that the bump was pro-Olicity. 


And yes, ratings are definitely up from last season, which is what Guggie's banking on right now.

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Oh, of course, there could be many reasons for the drop. People getting fed-up with the show, and the depression, and the angst, not only Olicity. I just wish it wasn't so blatant, after last week's events :)

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Lol they should have hold off 3x20 till this week. Starting first week of sweeps this way aint pretty. Just a week after you had one of the highest rating since DST started. This was episode where LL used her Canary Cry and it doesnt seem to brought in more viewers.

Edited by Velocity23
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Really curious to see how they look at the ratings. I really don't think people care about the Ra's storyline.


Eh, I'm not that glad they're down, especially after last week's Olicity-heavy episode.

If the show dropped dramatically, then I would be concerned it could be seen as a negative response to Olicity. But it really just dropped back down to pre-episode levels.

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Come on, let's face it. If the ratings went down after an 'Olicity episode' then anti-shippers will blame it all on Olicity and not the dumb LOA storyline. And if the ratings went up after that episode, they'd say it wasn't because of Olicity. They can't ever win. People's reactions are so predictable.

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The two episodes prior to Olicity sex were a little under 2.5, then the well-publicized Olicity sex episode went up to 2.75, then this misery episode went down to 2.4.  That is NOT a bad reflection on Olicity, just the opposite.  The hypothesis to be drawn from those four episodes' numbers is that Olicity sex sells, misery not so much.


And from lots and lots of other website comments, a LOT of people are very over all this Ra's stuff.

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It doesn't really matter what anti-Olicity people think, it matters what the network thinks.  They know how to read numbers, which is why Olicity gets so much attention.  They pushed the heck out of that Olicity sex scene, everyone knew it was coming, so to speak (sorry, couldn't help it), and an extra 250k-ish people tuned in, then tuned right back out when they saw from previews/commercials that the next episode would be the hero of the show turning evil and the characters continuing to be miserable. 


Not to mention, a big drop in the first sweeps episode is not something anyone at the network or the show is going to be happy about. 

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There was also a BIG social media push for 3.20, this episode not so much. And what they did use to promote it was BROKEN TEAM ARROW, DOOM, GLOOM, EVIL OLIVER....Doesn't that sound so awesome?

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They gave 3 sneak peaks that is more then the usual episodes gets. And Canary Cry was all over the promos.

I thought evil Oliver made people excited.

I think the point here is that people didnt bother to watch live. For 3x20 people actually wanted to watch live.

Edited by Velocity23
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They gave 3 sneak peaks that is more then the usual episodes gets. And Canary Cry was all over the promos.

I thought evil Oliver made people excited.

I think the point here is that people didnt bother to watch live. For 3x20 people actually wanted to watch live.

Wait. You mean the Canary Cry didn't get a surge in viewers? But COMICS??


On another note, I do think it may get adjusted up a bit. It normally does, not always, but normally.

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I just watched the first 6-7 episode and episode 3X20 live. The rest of the episodes I didn't watch or I ff them to get to certain scenes. So, others might be doing the same.

I know for certain some Batman fans are really not happy with Arrow right now. I can't even mention one thing about Arrow to them. Makes things awkward at work especially when I am excited about that Olicity sex. lol

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On another note, I do think it may get adjusted up a bit. It normally does, not always, but normally.

Yeah demo is most likely getting adjusted up. According to the unrounded numbers. But still not what they wanted for first week of sweeps. Especially since the last three episodes saw a steady uptick in demo and viewers.

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If I were a Batman fan I'd be pissed that they ripped off Batman stories and stuck them on Green Arrow where they do not belong, and if I were a Green Arrow fan I'd be pissed that they ripped off Batman stories and stuck them on Green Arrow where they do not belong.  They need to start telling their own damn stories.

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I tried to watch last night but the Ra's storyline is killing the show and every character involved in it for me.  The flashbacks are the second worst thing about this season.  That storyline more than anything else is driving me away.  I love(d) the characters once and would have loved to have enjoyed Laurel, Felicity, Thea, and Diggle scenes (sorry but I can't enjoy anything about Oliver right now) but I can't get over how Batman-lite-awful this is.  I can't speak for anyone, but this Ra's, League of Assassin stuff is ruining the show, or any character interaction I would have enjoyed, and while I don't like to generalize, I wouldn't be surprised if that's driving people away. 


The ratings are still good, as the ratings adjusted up, to .9 in the demo,which isn't that different from last week.  But boy do I wish Arrow was about a guy trying to save his city with the help of his friends, not whatever this humorless show is trying to be.  If it tried to tell simpler, better stories, I don't see why it couldn't get close to what The Flash is getting.  All the characters deserve better, even Oliver, and I don't even like him.

Edited by Betweenthisandthat
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Final numbers:

0.9 and 2.39 mil viewers.


Expected upwards adjustment, but I have to say Arrow looks like a real dud compared to The Flash right now. Not too long ago, it looked like Arrow could maybe catch up to The Flash when The Flash was going through a bit of a mid-season slump and it's ratings fell to a 1.2-1.3 in the demo. At the same time, Arrow was reaping the benefits from the Flarrow crossover with steady numbers of around 3 million total viewers and a demo rating of around 1.1 per episode. But since then, The Flash has seemingly found another gear (this week's episode scored a 1.5 in A18-49) whereas Arrow's ratings have declined again (especially in total viewers, where we are hitting sub 2.5 million fairly regularly again). I think if it weren't for the Flarrow crossover boost, Arrow would be hitting series lows (lots of 0.7s) on the regular these days.

Edited by strikera0
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If I were them I would be concerned about the next episode


Do they have a reason to be if the demo is the only thing that really matters?  If it stays around .9 or 1.0 I doubt they'd care.  That's what it has done for its finales.  I hate the LOA storyline and think it's hurting the show, but just looking at the numbers doesn't prove that, and if that's the case, I might have to give up now.

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Individual episodes don't matter much - well, except for the Flash vs. Arrow and The Brave and the Bold crossovers, which did so well that we'll be seeing more crossovers.  What matters is trends.


And for three seasons now, the trend has been that ratings/total viewers generally fall for Laurel centered or Laurel promoted episodes. It's something the showrunners are evidently aware of, given the way that most of her centric episodes just happen to fall during the non-sweeps months of January, and the way that she was essentially left out of the main Arrow/Flash crossover event earlier this year and barely on the Flash.  What's odd is the fact that despite this, this season had a Laurel-centric episode during November sweeps ("Guilty," which got the lowest number of total viewers for November sweeps, and tied for the second lowest in the demo for season 3A), a Laurel-centric episode during February sweeps ("Canaries," which got the hands down lowest number of total viewers for February sweeps and tied for lowest in the demo for February sweeps) and now this, a heavy Laurel episode with the lowest viewership numbers since 302 ("Sara," which I think viewers avoided because they correctly assumed it would be depressing) and 304 ("The Magician," which aired against the World Series.)


This isn't just one episode: it's a trend for the entire season.  It gets even worse when you look at earlier seasons and/or add in any hint that Oliver/Laurel is a possibility again.


Regarding Oliver/Felicity - as I noted earlier, really, the trends for them aren't as consistent. But in this case:


"Broken Arrow," Total viewers, 2.47; demo, 0.9; Felicity almost tells Oliver that she's in love with him; Roy gives Oliver and Felicity a significant look indicating that a breakup is coming.  Total viewers rise to 2.72.


"The Fallen," Total viewers, 2.72; demo, 1.0; Felicity finally says "I love you," to Oliver and they have lots of sexy times, but they break up by the end of the episode and our supposed hero Oliver heads back to the League of Assassins. Total viewers drop to 2.39; demo drops to 0.9.


Nyssa's starting to look like a bit of a ratings question as well - she trended on Twitter last night and seems to be very popular on Internet forums, and clearly the CW thinks she's popular enough to be brought back - a decision I'd agree with - but her episodes haven't always done that well in the ratings.  Then again, her first major episode this year was "The Magician," an episode that's probably going to get ignored during ratings analyses despite its low ratings because of the World Series, and "Nanda Parbat" and "The Climb," which both featured her, were ratings highlights. 


If I had to guess, the drop is, as always, thanks to a number of factors - the way the numbers have generally (but not always) gone down when things look rough for Oliver/Felicity; the Laurel effect; sports; DST; and Baltimore.  But I think the ratings still remain in Oliver/Felicity's favor.

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I honestly think there are bigger problems in this show than Laurel actually getting screen time.  I don't watch this show for ships.  Don't care about Laurel and Oliver, because I haven't seen any hints of them getting together at all.  Don't much care about Olicity either, but I do care about the arcs, and this arc isn't good.  


It seems very tunnel vision way to watch, as if Laurel herself can be blamed for all or most of the down ratings and Olicity alone can save the show.  If that were so, season 1 would have done much worse than it did, and season 2 much better than it did given her the amount of storyline she got in the first season and the relative minimal amount she got in season 2.  It's a CW show, so I suppose ships are what draws viewers to programming on this channel anyway, but I watch for the characters all of them now suffering in this ridiculous LOA plot.  I hope in vain that the writers see things my way, knowing well that this isn't how TV works, because I still cling to the things I enjoyed in the first season and parts of the second.  I enjoy what these characters could be. I love Laurel and Felicity and majority of the characters, but not enough to suffer through the rest of the season if it focuses again on Malcolm and Ra's. 


I can get Arrow benefitting from The Flash which seems to be a better written show for the most part with a storyline that seems interesting yet not so convoluted as this one.  Are the LOA and Malcolm Merlyn episodes doing that well that it can't be the part of what's dragging this season?

Edited by Betweenthisandthat
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Nyssa's starting to look like a bit of a ratings question as well - she trended on Twitter last night and seems to be very popular on Internet forums, and clearly the CW thinks she's popular enough to be brought back - a decision I'd agree with - but her episodes haven't always done that well in the ratings.  Then again, her first major episode this year was "The Magician," an episode that's probably going to get ignored during ratings analyses despite its low ratings because of the World Series, and "Nanda Parbat" and "The Climb," which both featured her, were ratings highlights. 



The Magician didn't rate poorly at all. Yes, total viewers were low but it scored a 1.0 in A18-49 against super heavy competition. In fact, it was tied for second-highest rated episode prior to the Flarrow crossover.

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Well, I'm not sure that tied for second out of seven episodes is all that great, but for that particular episode, I also don't think it matters - it's going to get tossed out as an outlier.

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