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Small Talk: Behavioral Gabbing Unit

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Here's something cool for all us aspiring writers out there. Toss your 100 word story in the ring for a chance at TWENTY GRAND!




It's far more difficult than it sounds, writing a good story with only 100 words, but why not give it a shot? Somebody has to win!

Three, Four, and Five are all tied for me. I like that everyone is basically featured the same size, and the layouts were more creative. The negative space ADDED to the art rather than intruding on it, and the color balance of the red/black was dynamic, though very different, on each. 


The covers for 6,7, and 8 are laughably bad. And 9, while not the worst, is washed out and desperately needing that splash of red. I don't like Gideon's huge head on season 1, and season 2 has all the women clustered together in the very back. 


I was told that the marketing department does these, not the art department. Figures.

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Ok, so I know there have been discussions of the portrayal of corrupt police offers on tv as well as the portrayal of small-town southern cops... But the state I live in keeps living up to some of those stereotypes and then some. Where I live, the police don't do fingerprints, evidence goes missing, and people who were probably murdered are declared as having committed suicide. Like, person A had an affair with person B's wife. Person B finds out and for some reason they both go out hunting together. Person A ends up shot dead and Person B swears it was suicide. Queue the smarmy DA to be out there smiling like its a picnic as they are recovering the body...


Anyway, the cops in New Iberia decided to up the ante. Now, I don't know exactly what happened, but the story from the cops was not consistent with the evidence. If we just give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are telling the truth, then it means they are completely inept and negligent. If you go by the evidence and common sense, they are lying murderers.


Basically they stopped a 22-year-old pedestrian for being black and patted him down. They claimed to have found a small amount of marijuana on him. They arrested him and put him in the car. At that time it was reported that he had no injuries. Seems like a normal thing at first, but then it gets weird. The cops claimed he refused to get out of the car at the station and that he somehow magically produced a gun (despite having been searched TWICE-- and thoroughly enough that they found a small bag of weed) and shot himself in the right side of his chest with his hands cuffed behind his back. Initially the cops claimed that he shot himself in the back on his left side under his armpit and that it went out the front, but the coroner's report showed that he had been shot in the front on his right side and exited out under his left armpit. It was determined that it was NOT at point-blank range. They did NOT check his hands for GSR. Also, he was left-handed and there were abrasions and bruises on his face. So, what did they determine as cause of death? suicide.


Seriously? WTF... 


I grew up in a law enforcement family and I respect law enforcement agents, but stuff like this really pisses me off. How the fuck can they get away with this cra in this day and age? I feel so badly for his family.


The guy's name was Victor White if anyone is interested. I'm sure before its all done, they will drag his name through the mud and try to find any little bit of negative info about him that they can.

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Yeah. I had to call the cops because someone broke in to my friend's house and stole her air conditioner. I had to actually go to the station and drive to show them how to get there (even though it was not hard to find and there were cops who went to the house across the street all the time-- as it used to be the home of a police officer). I made sure not to touch anything with my bare hands and was expecting them to fingerprint the place. They just shrugged and said it was probably some junkies or something and they didn't really care. They didn't bother with fingerprinting or trying to find out who did it.


But I've been told by friends who have relatives who get arrested frequently that they don't even bother to fingerprint people.


I don't know about the procedures in New Iberia though. They claimed that the gun was not a police gun-- but I know that at least at one time, LEOs were instructed to carry drop guns just in case they had to shoot someone and there was any question of whether or not the person was armed. They were told to put a gun on them and claim they were armed. Now, that may not be current procedure, but the cops could easily gotten their hands on a gun. 







So, he even had abrasions on his arm as if the bullet scraped it as it passed in to his chest, it was not at close range, he'd been bludgeoned on the face, the bullet was not recovered, and the cops claim there are no security cameras aimed at the parking lot. Even my small inept police force has a camera on their tiny parking lot. And it doesn't take in to account that the guy was lef-thanded. To me it seems that they hit him and knocked him down and then shot him while he was either falling or already down on the seat on his side. Because, unless he was a contortionist, I don't see how this guy could have managed to get the gun aimed just next to his right nipple and shoot himself. Cops initially said it was an accident but are now claiming he killed himself on purpose.. But the reason they said suicide is because there is more privacy (they don't release the entire autopsy to the public) in the case of a suicide.

Edited by zannej

Well, breakins and such, they don't do fingerprints here, either. If someone broke in and killed or kidnapped someone, i'm sure they would, but they always assume that if what was stolen wasn't outrageously valuable, it's gone and they won't bother trying to recover it. The one time our house was broken into, the jerks made off with some cash and a couple of shotguns, etc. The LEOs came and looked around and made a report, but that was it.


My dog lead my husband back into the woods a ways, where the jerks had stashed a few of the heavier things, thinking to come back for them later. So we recovered some things due to my pooch! [oh, i miss that dog!]

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Ah. Ok. So that is normal. I wonder if its normal that they don't bother fingerprinting people when they arrest them.... The police in my town have a history of claiming something was accidental or suicide or something else when someone is killed. One of their own shot an unarmed suspect in the head in an interrogation room and claimed that the guy had somehow found a hammer. A local dentist (who once once Mr. Louisiana) killed his girlfriend by running over his girlfriend in an RV and backing over her a few times to make sure she was dead. The drugs he'd been busted for disappeared from the evidence room and they ruled the girlfriend's death accidental...


But, that still isn't quite as bad as these idiots apparently shooting a cuffed suspect and then claiming it was suicide. I really hope they send in some feds or higher ups to investigate.

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Tried to read this but the enormous number of pop up ads made me quit. Was anyone from CM listed?

No they were not. That has to be one of the stupidest list I've every seen. TG who makes around 200,000 per episode wasn't on there. However they did  include one star who was making 50,000 per episode and another 80,000 per episode and yet another making 100,000 an episode. There was also some stars making 125,000 per episode.

Edited by missmycat

Tried to read this but the enormous number of pop up ads made me quit. Was anyone from CM listed?

No mention of CM cast. It's odd because Tatiana Maslany only gets $50k per episode and she plays 7 characters. Kerry Washington gets $80k per episode. Those two were on the list of "highest paid".

But there are people on CM who get paid more than that, but still less than some of the other people on the list.

Wow. Jane Lynch gets $800k per episode.

Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco and Johnny Galecki get $1million per episode


(apparently I was posting at the same time as MMC)

Edited by zannej
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Popping in to introduce myself! I'm a CM fan, but discovered it less than two years ago while on maternity leave and was tired of watching reruns of SVU. So I started watching CM on Ion & A&E. I'm finding the unpopular opinion thread and the netflix threads very interesting! You guys are diehard fans, knowing all the episode titles! I think with the exception of a handful, I would have to look them up! I'm also a competitive reality TV junkie. And all of HGTV & Food Network garbage. 

  • Love 7

Dreading and hating the feeling that Shemar won't be the only agent leaving. Though I've no doubt we'll have visits, once the team dynamic is fucked with, it's never the same. Sometimes it's great, like with Paget... but I think the show is far too long in the tooth to be screwing with the people. Die-hards won't stick with it, and newbies won't know what the hell is going on. CM straddled the shark with 6, but managed in the long game to recoup, if not recover.


I'd hate to see them fully jump it.

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I am sort of hoping that Shemar will instead just opt for a lot less screen time. I hate losing another long time character,especially one I'm still somewhat fond of.

That way he can stay with the show and be free to do some other projects. And hopefully his reduction in screen time would mean more screen time for Hotch and Reid.

However, although I think Shemar is basically a decent guy, I do wonder if his ego is such where he'd rather quit the show outright rather than to agree to something like that.

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I think its likely that if Morgan left and Rossi retired that Messer would have either Kate or JJ be the second-in-charge. There is no way she would give that much power or prominence to Reid.


On a side note, the feds are now investigating the case I mentioned before about the guy who allegedly shot himself while cuffed.

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Jeffrey Dahmer expressed a desire to know why he did the things he did, and made some attempts to talk to people to find out, and it seemed like this was loosely based on that. I know it's been said (mostly by his father) that he wasn't tortured or sexually abused by his father, and something else gave life to that part of the homicidal triad, but I think there was something there that either Jeffrey could't remember, or it was something his mother did, and he loved his mother, so he would never say that she had abused him. I always thought it was sad, for this reason alone, that he was murdered in prison. What we might have learned about him is forever gone.

Bringing this over here because it would be OT in Reid's thread.


Lawyer and author Andrew Vachss (if you don't know who he is, you should check out http://www.vachss.com/ ) wrote a graphic novel called Hard Looks with multiple stories involving various forms of human predators. One of them was a prolific child molester (Vachss' work in the legal system focused exclusively on abused children and children's rights) and from what I can recall of it, there was a group of profilers/psychiatrists trying to figure out what made the guy tick in the wake of his capture. One of them said something to the effect of the parents had viciously abused the guy's brother but never laid a hand on him in a hurtful way,.But before the meeting breaks up, another person says, "There's one problem with that. He doesn't have a brother."


I don't think anyone knows what 'causes'  someone to turn into a monster, at least not conclusively. The Dahmers and the Bundys and the Specks of the world seem to almost blink themselves into existence, which is why they can hide in plain sight.


I think its likely that if Morgan left and Rossi retired that Messer would have either Kate or JJ be the second-in-charge. There is no way she would give that much power or prominence to Reid.

So here's a question for anyone who dares to try tackling it, because I don't know the answer. Why does Erica not seem to like Reid? I've stated my peeves about her before (JJ's prominence, Garcia gradually turning into an anime character, the disrespect towards Jeanne Tripplehorn) but the thing with Reid just flummoxes the hell out of me. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

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I don't know that she doesn't like him, per se, but that she doesn't know how to write him.


Matthew embraced and smooched her (on the cheek) at the 200 party, and in one of the early chats where his contract hadn't been signed yet, she came up behind him and rubbed his shoulders and said something like "He can't leave us, we need him!"


I just don't think she's a good enough writer to realize him fully. Want a bank or bus to blow up or a jeep to take a mortar hit? Erica's your gal. Her and her crony Dunkle are fine with all that. But probing and articulating the subtle, layered workings of our favorite genius's mind? No. I think she knows it, too, and that's why she underutilizes the character. 

  • Love 3

I don't know that she doesn't like him, per se, but that she doesn't know how to write him.


Matthew embraced and smooched her (on the cheek) at the 200 party, and in one of the early chats where his contract hadn't been signed yet, she came up behind him and rubbed his shoulders and said something like "He can't leave us, we need him!"


I just don't think she's a good enough writer to realize him fully. Want a bank or bus to blow up or a jeep to take a mortar hit? Erica's your gal. Her and her crony Dunkle are fine with all that. But probing and articulating the subtle, layered workings of our favorite genius's mind? No. I think she knows it, too, and that's why she underutilizes the character. 

Wouldn't you think she or someone else in charge would try to get at least one writer on the staff that knew how to write, not just for Reid, but some scripts where the focus is on the intellect rather than the action? Can't express it any better tonight, sorry. I'm drained.

  • Love 3

Wouldn't you think she or someone else in charge would try to get at least one writer on the staff that knew how to write, not just for Reid, but some scripts where the focus is on the intellect rather than the action? Can't express it any better tonight, sorry. I'm drained.

This was really more my question, so thanks, SSAHotchner. I don't know about anyone else, but speaking for myself, while Thomas Gibson and Hotch drew me to the show, Gubler and Reid are who keep me watching. If the speculation in his character thread is true and he is pulling away from the role in preparation for it to end, I don't know that I'll remain a viewer. Wouldn't it benefit the show if Messer (how ironic her name seems at this point) did something to find someone who can write for Reid?

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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Hey, all - let's keep in mind that the Small Talk topic is for off topic chatter, not conversation about Criminal Minds. If you want to talk about Criminal Minds, please head to the appropriate thread; for this current conversation, that would be The Bullpen.


Future off topic posts will be moved to the correct thread. Thanks!



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Ok, back to non-show stuff... I have two pet cows. I've had one since she was 3 months old and I bottle fed her and she thinks of me as her mommy. The other is her daughter (a neighbor's bull broke the fence to sire her). Right now our barn is so messed up the cows don't want to go in there, the food trough is broken, and the person we used to buy hay from is no longer around. So its going to be harder to care for them without sinking some money in and fixing stuff up. Someone offered to buy the cows and came by to see them. I lured them in to a neighboring property-- the lady who wanted to buy them is the girlfriend of the person who owns that land. She wrote me a check and I put it in my pocket and figured I would wait a few days before cashing it to see how things worked out-- since I was worried about how my cows would react. I was excited for them at first because I figured they would be better off and they could be with other cows.

I found out within half an hour that the cows did not agree with the transaction and they returned themselves. The lady came back and the cows were in my driveway. The older one had a full-on panic attack when she realized I had snuck away. She apparently ran along the fenceline desperately and then jumped the fence (scraping her front dewlap) and ran all the way back in to the front yard. When I went over to her after she returned, her nose was running, her eyes were watering, and she was practically hyperventilating. She also had diarrhea (which I think was stress-induced). I had to go over and hug her and pet her to calm her down. I had to give the check back to the lady because we realized that it wasn't going to work out if my cow had such severe separation anxiety.


In some ways I'm relieved because I was going to miss my babies. But its going to be a pain getting things fixed up.

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And left her house that day excited for her ride. She lived for 18 hours. Ugh, just awful. Even though she's not in any pain now, her poor husband is. I hope they were being sweet to each other and having fun when it happened. It'd be extra-rough for him if they were in a spat. 


Tristan, my teen son, says "I love you" to Willow and I every time he leaves the house, even if he's being 'onery and we've had words. He tells me, "You never know, mom." 


This woman's death brings that home, big time. 

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Prime Suspect, anyone? Original flavor, please. The American version was pretty good, but there's only one real Jane Tennison.


I mention this because of the comment upthread about strong female characters. I never know what it means, although I'm aware that the debate has raged for a while about what does and doesn't make a character strong. Despite Jane's poor personal choices and slow slide into alcoholism and depression, she never gave up. If anything, the fact that she persevered in the face of her flaws and mistakes speaks to a resilience that not many current TV characters could pull off, IMO. I recently acquired the box set, and it was the best seventy dollars I ever spent. I strongly recommend catching this great series if you possibly can.


This post has been brought to you by my admiration for/crush on Helen Mirren. :-D

Oh, god, Cobalt, I loved this series. It was a heartbreaker. As with many series, the 2nd and subsequent seasons weren't as compelling, but, yes! Major crushing on Miss Helen. Oh.

  • Love 1

Oh, god, Cobalt, I loved this series. It was a heartbreaker. As with many series, the 2nd and subsequent seasons weren't as compelling, but, yes! Major crushing on Miss Helen. Oh.

There is truly nothing like a Dame, and my slobbery devotion was born a little over a decade ago when I stumbled on Calendar Girls, which was actually released on my birthday.

And left her house that day excited for her ride. She lived for 18 hours. Ugh, just awful. Even though she's not in any pain now, her poor husband is. I hope they were being sweet to each other and having fun when it happened. It'd be extra-rough for him if they were in a spat. 


Tristan, my teen son, says "I love you" to Willow and I every time he leaves the house, even if he's being 'onery and we've had words. He tells me, "You never know, mom." 


This woman's death brings that home, big time. 

Even sadder is the fact that she left behind 2 teenage boys.They probably had all sort of plans for the holidays. It's going to be some sad days ahead for that family as well as the families of Robin Williams and Joan Rivers. Speaking of Joan Rivers, I saw where Matthew gave her a shout out on twitter.

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There is truly nothing like a Dame, and my slobbery devotion was born a little over a decade ago when I stumbled on Calendar Girls, which was actually released on my birthday.

This was the first believable show that had a woman fighting the old boys network and out-thinking them. The critical thinking, the fact that she was older but still sexual/sensual, the slow coming-around of some of the guys, the grudging respect she garnered, the laying in wait of the higher ups who had almost nothing to protect but their masculinity.... Excellent

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Whether or not it's 'positive', it's important, and people need to stop shrugging it off. 


Ray Rice is a fucking abusive slimeball brute, and he needs to be jailed, and those complicit in the coverup be fired, identified, and shamed. The more protection these beasts get, the more prolific they'll continue to be. We need to call attention to their brutalities, and punish them as a society, or it will never stop. It will never even slow down.

I apologize if I seemed to imply otherwise, Willowy. As someone who remembers the O.J. Simpson trial all too well, I'm not surprised that this hasn't gotten more press than it has, and it's gross to me. People do/ need to stop shrugging off incidents such as these, and I hope Olbermann does everything he can to draw attention to it.

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