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Small Talk: Behavioral Gabbing Unit

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The parents have tried to have the kid evaluated but the doctors said they can't do it until he's actually five. The same child was trying to ride a tricycle and kept ramming a car and couldn't figure out why he couldn't go through it. He also has no concept of personal space and climbs all over people and does not listen when they tell him to stop it.


He's in pre-school but one of his teachers has been doing his homework for him and he's failing-- partially because of behavior. He hits and chokes other children and throws tantrums.His father was abusive but he's pretty much out of the picture now. His step father has been trying to work with the kid to help him out and is trying to find ways to get him to behave and to teach him how to interact, but the kid is frustrating to be around because he hits people and throws things at them when they don't pay attention to him. He used to try to claw his own face up and the stepfather had to put him in a bear-hug to stop him, but he's apparently stopped that behavior now. He's improved with the stepfather's help, but I'm still worried about the kid. I'm hoping the damage from the father can be undone.


The one-year-old child in the family is already showing signs of being much smarter than her half-brother.

Local boards of education are mandated to provide services to kids with special needs from age 3 on.  The BoE can arrange for a developmental assessment, even if the pediatrician doesn't want to.  Of course, the question is:  Is the child developmentally delayed vs. suffering from a behavioral problem or psychiatric disorder?  Could be either or both.  He needs a hearing test (never neglect the obvious), and then developmental and psychological evals.  If he comes from an abusive situation, and if child welfare services are still involved, they should be able to arrange both (and should have already done so).


There are certain types of assessments that can't be done too early in life, because of the nature of the tests.  Maybe that's what the parents were talking about.  But it doesn't meant the child can't be evaluated at all.  They should start making some noise.

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Oh, I agree it is crap that the child hasn't gotten help yet, but I live in an assbackwards place. There was a woman who was bragging about how she beat her children in public and that child protective services had been called on her 4 time but they never did anything about it. 


The child's doctor (who is not a psychologist) said he thought the problems were behavioral, but everyone I know who has met the child thinks there is something else going on with him. One minute he can be very sweet and affectionate and thoughtful and then he doesn't listen and starts to get aggravating. He can't figure out simple things, can't follow a conversation, and just seems very slow to me. But I didn't know if it was just because I spent more time around kids with higher than average intelligence, or if the kid was actually just slow. It doesn't help that the mother doesn't know what she is doing and is not the brightest bulb in the world. I do feel badly for her because she had a lot of bad things happen to her-- including having an abusive father and abusive husband. She does not know how to interact with her kids and she's not a good mother. She loves her kids and worries about them, but she just doesn't know how to spend time with them and interact with them the way a parent should. It is so incredibly frustrating-- although I have seen worse parents out there. Still, I do worry that this kid is a future unsub if things don't get straightened out.


And for the record, I have spoken with family services on other issues before and they blew me off. They just don't want to get involved unless there is some sort of severe abuse or neglect going on. The people around here really piss me off because they just aren't willing to do anything-- like the cops don't even bother fingerprinting crime scenes or doing anything other than filing paperwork and then going to stuff their faces with donuts.

Edited by zannej

I realize I'm late with this, but I'll do it anyway.


Like some of you, I'm a refugee from TWoP, as I got annoyed at how nitpicky the moderators were over there. This place seems like a nice relief from all of that, and the plus is that I'm encountering many of the same names I encountered back at TWoP. Good that we can connect again. :)


CM's my favourite show, with my seasons of choice being 1-6.01, although I find this current season to be pretty close to my favourites (some episodes- like "Final Shot"- I would put in my favourites). I've always enjoyed how cerebral the show is, as well as how deep and layered many of the cases are. I credit CM with making me rediscover my love for writing- I've written many a fanfic for CM and I'm currently writing my own original web series, inspired by CM and many of the other procedural shows I watch.


Favourite character is Derek Morgan. Never understood how that happened (I'm not gay, so I have no sexual attraction to him), but I always figured it had something to do with that "tough guy with a brain" vibe he gives. Plus his interactions with Dr. Spencer Reid (who I count second on my list of characters) are just golden- Shemar Moore and Matthew Gray Gubler have such great chemistry and comedic timing that I firmly believe the two of them should have a show all to themselves, just so we can see the two characters bicker and snark at each other all day.


Other things about me: I'm a university graduate (in history and research analysis) and I like long walks on the beach (no joke)...but I live in Canada, so my beach walking isn't as often as I like :( . I love to travel (been to many of the places CM has been to, and other places), and, as I said before, I love to write. I watch mostly other procedurals- right now, in addition to CM, I'm currently into Elementary and The Blacklist, though I do occasionally catch CSI since it comes on right after CM. I also used to watch The Mentalist before Red John made it silly, as I think Patrick Jane is one of TV's best characters (I've often wondered how he'd do in the BAU- he has the right skillset, and I think it'd be funny to see him pull tricks and annoy a guy like Hotch). If I'm not watching a procedural, I'm watching sports, especially hockey (Sabres) and soccer (Inter), so right now, with the Stanley Cup playoffs on, I've spent a lot of time in front of the TV but I'm enjoying it.


That's me...so, hello guys. *waves sheepishly*

  • Love 4

So far this week I had to take one of my cats to the vet and leave her for a couple of days for treatment. Poor baby. She'll be happy to get home but she'll probably be mad at me for taking her in the first place. I visited her yesterday and will visit her every day that she is there. If she has to stay another day I'll bring her some food from home. 


I found a broken water line that did serious damage down at my workshop and its in a tight spot that will be hard to get to for a repair, so I had to shut off the main water to the barnyard. Got good news on my followup from my doctor. This should be my last round of antibiotics.


The boy I mentioned that was showing signs of developmental problems was doing better last time I went over. I have a measuring tape keychain that he likes to play with and I keep showing him how to use it and how to read the numbers. He managed to read/count up to 11 (at which point he got confused because it says 1FT instead of 12). He was playing nicely with his little sister and not having tantrums. My brother started a game with him where the kid leaps into my brother's arms and gets hugs so I joined in and he kept running back and forth to us and wanting hugs. I need to get my mother over there when she's feeling better because she knows how to work with kids on pronouncing words and reading flash cards and all that stuff that his mother should have done.. I could go on a rant about her, but it will make my blood pressure go up. Suffice to say, she never should have procreated.


I started another one of my kitties on some medicine. Only one pill a day and he likes the taste of it so he eats it willingly. Its funny how some cats can be so mellow and accommodating while others are all claws when its time for medicine.


At least the cheese cube trick works for the dogs. Anything I need to give them I stuff in a cheese cube and they wolf it down. 

Edited by zannej

I just started watching Medium...as often happens, I 'discover' a show a decade or so too late ;) Patricia Arquette has never been a favorite of mine, but somehow she seems like a really good fit for this particular role. And I usually dislike an excessive focus on TV kids, but Bridget and Ariel seem realistically flawed and relatable so far. Joe and Allison seem really believable to me as a wonderfully loving but imperfect married couple. There's a surprising amount of suspense and mystery, though obviously the psychic/paranormal element requires more of a suspension of disbelief than, say, Criminal Minds! Like CM, though, it does raise some very interesting ethical and psychosocial issues in the course of unraveling the mystery. 

Edited by mstaken
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I now have the Jefferson's theme song playing in my head on constant loop :)


I started a 'Favorite and Least Favorite TV Couples' thread in the Everything Else section if anyone is interested in chiming in :) Hope you're all having a great weekend! It's raining here yet again, which provides me with a fabulous excuse to stay in with my Kindle and DVDs! 

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Willowy, you probably know this already, but ABC has officially renewed "Agents of Shield".


CBS has also renewed "The Mentalist"  which is a complete surprise for many people. However since CBS only ordered 13 episodes, it will more than likely be the show's final season. Unless of course CBS adds more episodes later."The Mentalist" renewal also makes it highly unlikely CBS will be moving Criminal Minds to Sunday. I do believe one of the things that might have saved "The Mentalist" was CBS's failure to launch any successful dramas this fall. For all intense purposes "Hostages" had already been canceled,but now it has been made official with CBS's announcement. Intelligence has also been cancelled.

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I was elated for SHIELD renewal bur I do hope they get away from focusing too much on Skye and Ward.

Skye has greatly improved but I'd rather know more about May than her. And let Ward stay bad. I don't care that he was brainwashed or what, what he did unforgivable and there is no redemption for the people he killed.

I'm currently bored and trying to find a video of the recent Coriolanus production to download and watch. Thus far I've only seen short clips and some gifs. I've read reviews and every single one of them said that Tom Hiddleston was fantastic in it.



My kitty is home from the vet and wasn't mad at me. She was just so happy to be home that she wants to snuggle with me and the other kitties. She keeps trying to bury her face in their bellies and wants them to lick her forehead. 

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Oh cool! I didn't know that. I always like to learn about what goes on in other cultures. I know that Halloween is a US invented holiday that was borrowed from multiple pre-existing holidays and created specifically to find a way to redirect the destructive energies of bored teenagers. The day itself I think was something special or notable in other cultures, but the traditions of costume parties and trick-or-treating was created to give kids something to do because they were vandalizing buildings and setting things on fire. Different regions of the US treat the holiday in different ways. Some embrace it, others tolerate it, and some actually prohibit some of the activities. I've heard that Halloween is a big deal in Nevada (which might explain why Matthew loves it so much), but out where I live they passed city ordinances banning anyone over the age of 13 from trick-or-treating (generally enacting a curfew for teenagers) and the past two years they completely forbid trick-or-treating (they made that announcement two days before Halloween-- after many people had purchased candy and paid 10% tax on it at the local stores).

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True. Although I think there was one particular outfit Reid wore I think in season 3 or 4 that had a watch fob and nice vest and such that I keep thinking about. I bet that Matthew would absolutely love to dress up in costumes like that. He seems to like Victorian style. 


On a side note, there were some cute videos of Tom around the Crimson Peak filming time. The one where the little girl runs up and wraps her arms around his legs was cute.  There was another one where women were asking for hugs and he got several hugs before he said he had to go home. Then I discovered the Loki Crack videos and they were hilarious. Some bits more than others.

LOL. Well, to quite that Josh guy that interviews him a lot "He's awesome". There's a video-- I think it is titled something like "Jessica Chastain says Crimson Peak script scared Tom Hiddleston in to crying" or something like that. The interviewer mentioned the highlight of some film festival or something had been getting to see Tom dance and then Jessica started teasing him about having a mancrush on Tom and the guy got embarrassed and just kept saying "well, he's awesome!" LOL. Poor guy.


Upcoming shows on CBS.




Nice to see that a couple of them have strong female leads. I am very interested in "Stalker" and Madam Secretary. It's so ncie to see Tea leoni back on the screen after she married David Duchovny and had kids, she disappeared. I guess now that they are separated, and their kids are a little older, she is back working again. Good for her.

Edited by IndependentMind

So I read an article about a man in his early 60s who is terminally ill and not expected to be alive in August. His family is trying to get attention from Marvel to send an early release of the Captain America movie so he can see it before he dies.



A few of the actors have already jumped in.





Edited by zannej

Prime Suspect, anyone? Original flavor, please. The American version was pretty good, but there's only one real Jane Tennison.


I mention this because of the comment upthread about strong female characters. I never know what it means, although I'm aware that the debate has raged for a while about what does and doesn't make a character strong. Despite Jane's poor personal choices and slow slide into alcoholism and depression, she never gave up. If anything, the fact that she persevered in the face of her flaws and mistakes speaks to a resilience that not many current TV characters could pull off, IMO. I recently acquired the box set, and it was the best seventy dollars I ever spent. I strongly recommend catching this great series if you possibly can.


This post has been brought to you by my admiration for/crush on Helen Mirren. :-D

I really like "Motive". I also enjoy HBO's "Veep". I don't know if I have mentioned this but of course, "Game of Thrones".


I have also checked out "Murder In The First" since I love "Major Crimes." I don't have an opinion yet. It's okay. I'll have to see a couple of more episodes to decide if it's worth watching or not.

Well, I met him! I met MATTHEW! They didn't allow us to take ANY pics, so that sucked, but I GOT TO MEET HIM!!! I got to see him rehearse, and he ate dinner with all of us outside right before the storm hit. 


He was running around like an awesome crazy person during the cuts, grabbing stuff from the green room like a big Costco-sized box of Goldfish, and pretending to dump it all over people. I told him "Hairball says Hi!" and he goes "OMG HARRY IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD!!" and then we talked about the raging storm outside (we were under a tornado warning and Drew (the AD) gathered everyone around to talk about going to the basement if we had to!) before he left to do his scene with Jere. He was sweet and he was oh so beautiful and he was hilarious. His hands are HUGE!


*Dream come true* When the movie comes out you'll see me at the Italian restaurant, and in the scene where he and Jere are talking by the hotel doors, we are at the front counter and then we just walk offshot. Nothing big, nothing at all really, just a moment. But it was so fun to be a part of and I hope to do it again. 



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Thank you. Still buzzing today. I can't get his face outta my head. Well, tbh that's true most days, but there's actually a reason today, heh. Also wanted to share this - Harry being cool:




I had already seen Matthew about twenty times by then but didn't know what to say to him as he was always on the fly. We passed each other as he was coming out of the green room and that's when I was able to say it. And now I've officially become the boring person that always says "Did I ever tell you about the time...?" 

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It was. We were just texting while us extras were on hold and I told him we were all waiting and Matthew was running around downstairs somewhere and he goes "Hold on, I'm gonna text him." 




I was all GET THE FUCK OUT!!, but he did and when I asked him what he said in the text, the above was his reply. You know, he didn't have to do that, but he did just to be nice. He knows how much I love Matthew and that was just a really kind gesture. Say what you will about Harry, but he's got a heart 'o' gold. 

I really think you could find a job as a journalist/interviewer. You know how to make contacts and you have much better grammar and diction than anything I've ever seen in the local papers-- plus its better than stuff I see in online articles by people who are supposedly professionals.


I wonder if Matthew is always running around like that when he's on the CM set. I remember someone saying that he used to be the only one to go up and visit with the researchers and hang out with the writers and such up stairs when everyone else was just chilling on set or just hanging around downstairs. He seems like a very social person.


I know he talks about loving the rain and I wonder if he was feeling the love during that storm. LOL.


Speaking of storms, I got home from the grocery store yesterday and the power was out. It keeps going out when it rains-- which is very frustrating because we have an electricity dependent water well and pump system. No power= no running water. The trade-off is that I have strategically placed buckets outside to catch rainwater so we can at least give the dogs water and cart in buckets to dump in the toilet bowl to flush. The bad thing is I haven't yet found a good way to filter out debris and its not good for the septic tank. I had to drive back in to town to get take-out food because we couldn't cook anything. 


At least we had some good fried chicken though. There's a local small burger joint that makes the best fried chicken.

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