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Small Talk: Behavioral Gabbing Unit

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20 hours ago, ReidFan said:

I've looked and I can't find it anywhere. (probably not looking hard enough...)

anybody know if Anderson has a first name that's ever been mentioned on the show? He's an ancillary character in the fanfic I'm writing and I just don't know his name.

It's quite a coincidence that you asked about Anderson , I assume it is because you are planning to include him in your writing at one point or another. 

Well, have you read JMO's last story? Guess who is in it !!

Great minds... 

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I came across an interesting article discussing, in part, serial killers and what makes them memorable. 

I don't recall if CM had an episode with sick/elderly victims, which I suppose supports the point of the article. 

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My heart is sad - there is a great evil on this earth. But I am also heartened by the incredibly swift response by the police and emergency services. At times of great evil and disaster we also see the very best of humanity.

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I stay and work in london... the loss of life makes me sad and I am angry at the action of these cowards. The emergency response was really good and saved a lot of people. 

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I watched the OneLoveManchester concert on TV last night. It was heart lifting and inspirational and so great to see the spirit of the people of Manchester. So much respect for Arianna Grande and all the acts who performed. Evil must not prevail.

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I watched that concert too and was very impressed with the spirit of the attendees and the turnout and the musicians that showed up. I got choked up when Ariana struggled to get through "Over the Rainbow" at the end. While I find Miley Cyrus vulgar as all get out, it was touching seeing the two former Disney Channel alums react warmly to each other. 

Was suprised to see Liam Gallagher show up and actually be nice to people... especially Chris Martin who he once called "A geography teacher that writes music for bedwetters." His temperament notwithstanding, I've always loved Oasis' music, and I know people bag on Coldplay all the time but I love them, too. 

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I'm pretty angry tonight. My daughter Willow posted a nice photo of herself on instagram. The comments are by one (we think) young boy. I've made reports and reached out to find his parents. This is what our kids deal with every single day. And most, like my daughter, don't feel like they should tell us, because we'll fly off the handle or embarrass them WORSE than the likes of this child did. So they keep it in. And they internalize it.

Nope. Not happening. This little piece of shit will hopefully learn the consequences of his actions, if his parents actually care and will educate him. He also typed "KYS" in the comments. Meaning "KILL YOURSELF". To my daughter.  I hate this world when things like this happen, and I'm stunned and flattened that she deals with this each day. She and many like her are worthy of all the love and beauty and kindness in the world. Not this hate. Not them.


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I hope this kid gets in trouble. This kind of shit should not be tolerated period. This should piss is off every time. And there is nothing wrong with that photo. I hope this kid learns a hard lesson. 

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Willowy, this is disgusting and dangerous. I hope you can find this kid or kids and shut them down/let their parents know. 

As you know, your daughter is lovely. But even if she wasn't, she shouldn't have to deal with idiots like that.

Just where the hell does that come from, that KYS/KMS shit? WTF? I almost think anyone under the age of 20 ought to be prohibited from having a smart device, and be forced to make relationships face to face, like us old codgers did (*shakes cane*). I guarantee that kid would never say that to her in person.

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I'm really sorry that your daughter is going through this. I am a teacher, I teach teenagers, and I'm very aware of the damage this type of thing can create.

I hope you can help her,and you can stop the person/people who is doing this. 

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1 hour ago, normasm said:

Willowy, this is disgusting and dangerous. I hope you can find this kid or kids and shut them down/let their parents know. 

As you know, your daughter is lovely. But even if she wasn't, she shouldn't have to deal with idiots like that.

Just where the hell does that come from, that KYS/KMS shit? WTF? I almost think anyone under the age of 20 ought to be prohibited from having a smart device, and be forced to make relationships face to face, like us old codgers did (*shakes cane*). I guarantee that kid would never say that to her in person.

He's probably a coward any way. And he hides behind his phone to do this shit. 

Just so you know, not ALL of us under twenty are like this. Some of these kids need a good ass whoopin. 

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Ugh. For both your daughter's sake and that of her cyber bully, I hope you have some success with the parents, Willowy. If not, it might be worth trying through the school.   Most states have laws, although most schools have trouble knowing how to enforce them  

And, for the record, she's beautiful.  

Edited by JMO
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On 23/07/2017 at 1:57 PM, Hotchgirl18 said:

Hiking accident. Tripped over a foot and landed against a tree. Doc out me in a boot. Foot looks ugly. 

Root. Autocorrect. 

Hope you feel better soon HG.

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25 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

Hope they stay safe, Hotchgirl! 

I have relatives in North Carolina, too. They're more inland, though, so hopefully that'll mean they can escape some of the worst of it. 

Cousins live in Jacksonville. And my aunt and uncle live close to Charlotte. So it's all in a line. Not sure if they have to evacuate.

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