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Small Talk: Behavioral Gabbing Unit

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I feel for Fort McMurray. Lucky there is no loss of life, but all those lives are essentially destroyed. It's a city of 100,000, and, by the looks of it, when the fire is finished, there won't be a city for anyone to go back to. I can't imagine what it must feel like knowing that not only have you lost your house, but also the entire community you live and work in.

At least you can replace a home. A city you can't.

I feel so bad for them. :(

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not yet. in fact it's even worse today. the weather is not cooperating today either. it's warm, dry and now windy-sending flames up 100 ft, causing lightning inside the fire itself. they've actually pulled crews back in a couple of areas (the out of control fire itself is the size of the city of Calgary) for their own safety, leaving it to water bombers that cannot keep up with it. 70% of the homes in two suburbs of Fort McMurray are completely destroyed. More than 90K people have now been evac'd. And some were evac'd north to the oilfield camps and are now having to evac south because there's fire going that way now too. it's just terrible. But, in the spirt of Canada, people across the country have already donated more than 11 million Canadian dollars (that's about 8.5 Million US or just under 5.9 Pound Sterling) to the Red Cross efforts, and that's only through the 'text to ####' function; there's also all kinds of donations going to the Red Cross in other methods totalling almost 30 Million Cdn. which the government is going to match. There's all sorts of other help being rendered for example, the Labatt's Brewery in Edmonton halted the beer production lines yesterday to fill 200K cans with drinking water for the firefighters and evacuees. The WestJet airline evacuated ALL the patients from the FortMac hospital to hospitals in surrounding cities (mostly Edmonton and Calgary). It's really heartening to hear.....I'm waiting to hear from my son's friend, we want to send them a contribution once we have the information (their paypal or whatever) to do so. Anyone can send a donation:  https://donate.redcross.ca/ea-action/action?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=NO-DM&ea.client.id=1951&ea.campaign.id=50639

sorry for the lengthy post.....

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there's been a number of stories of people reaching out to other people about their pets. One woman from FortMac is currently away from there doing a job somewhere in BC (I don't remember exactly where) She was told by the people who she'd had going to her apartment to walk and feed her dog every day that they weren't allowed back to the building to get the animal. Apparently she managed to get someone else who was still in FortMac to contact her landlord for permission (given) to go to the apartment and break down the door to rescue the dog, who'd been in her kennel for almost three days. WestJet (the airline) and CanadianNorth (another one) have evac'd people AND let them bring their pets along too. There have been a few happy stories, but my hear t aches at the thought of how many have been left behind. 

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There was also a photo of a woman evacuating on horseback, so that she could take the horses with her. People with farms have also been offering space to board livestock. There was at least one dog that died from the stress of the whole evacuation, though. Also, two people were killed during the evacuation when their SUV collided with a logging truck.

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there are no words to describe the horror when there is a catastrophe. We had an awful fire 4 months ago, actually there were a lot of fires in the north of the country at the same time, even the news said it couldn't be a coincidence. Of course, nobody was found guilty.

It can't be compared to this huge fire, but, as normasn said, disasters are always tragic.


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Two more incredible stories.

At this point, even the rain that is expected in a few days won't be enough to make a dent in the fire, though. It just keeps growing. At least the wind is co-operating and blowing it away from towns.

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is the best way to donate, through the red cross directly to their 'Alberta fire appeal'

news on right now is telling me this fire has doubled in size, over 1500 square miles in size-- about 580 square miles since Wednesday 

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On ‎5‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 2:07 PM, ReidFan said:


is the best way to donate, through the red cross directly to their 'Alberta fire appeal'

news on right now is telling me this fire has doubled in size, over 1500 square miles in size-- about 580 square miles since Wednesday 

Thanks I'll let people know.

To all the moms and other nurturers out there this mother's day. Don't forget to Prince it up!

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46 minutes ago, normasm said:

He's a working actor, like dozens we've seen at various spots in their careers who star on CM and other prime time shows. He did a lot of commercials several years ago, so it is good to see he's doing some visible stuff. I always liked Tim, even tough the Doyle arc was silly.

My all time favorite was the one with that tiny little giraffe that he did. I didn't care that it wasn't real. I thought it was absolutely adorable.

And on entirely different note as well as a rather sad and ironic one apparently the actor who played Patty Duke's father on the Patty Duke Show,William Schallert has passed away just days after she did.I have to admit though I was amused by the fact when first reading about his passing that there was no mention of him having starred as her father,but rather the fact that he had starred in the Star Trek episode about the Tribbles.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, normasm said:

He's a working actor, like dozens we've seen at various spots in their careers who star on CM and other prime time shows. He did a lot of commercials several years ago, so it is good to see he's doing some visible stuff. I always liked Tim, even tough the Doyle arc was silly.

I was more making a joke about Doyle than Tim Murphy. I'm happy for him...he should have a series all his own...he'd be great at it.

33 minutes ago, MMC said:

My all time favorite was the one with that tiny little giraffe that he did. I didn't care that it wasn't real. I thought it was absolutely adorable.

The DirecTV ad where he played a Russian oligarch who "loves savings the money!" I loved that one too.

  • Love 3
On 5/10/2016 at 10:31 PM, MMC said:

My all time favorite was the one with that tiny little giraffe that he did. I didn't care that it wasn't real. I thought it was absolutely adorable.

And on entirely different note as well as a rather sad and ironic one apparently the actor who played Patty Duke's father on the Patty Duke Show,William Schallert has passed away just days after she did.I have to admit though I was amused by the fact when first reading about his passing that there was no mention of him having starred as her father,but rather the fact that he had starred in the Star Trek episode about the Tribbles.

William Schallert was in absolutely everything, but I'll always remember him as the father on The Patty Duke Show. 

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22 hours ago, normasm said:

Very cool Booky!

I know I'm very excited. This will be within walking distance of my Lady Lair.

And I just had coffee with a long-lost friend I haven't seen in ages. It was so cool to catch up.

Too bad the weather sucks. We even had a smattering of snow earlier this afternoon.


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Ugh, they still haven't turned the AC on in my building - they don't until the overnight lows are consistently above 10C. Even with the cool down today and tomorrow, it's pretty hot in here. Hopefully this week they'll finally turn on the AC - I've been holed up all day studying non-stop (licensing exam coming up) and being drenched in sweat all day makes studying even less fun. I'd prefer snow!!

I lived in the Chicago suburbs for 40 years so I had my fill of snow and cold. Been living in SC for 21 years. We've had snow a handful of times since I moved here and everything shuts down if there's even a threat of snow. No salt and no plows and people don't know how to drive even in good weather. But it's funny when it snows. You drive down the street and see snowmen about 2 feet high with all kinds of twigs, pine straw and other lawn debris sticking out of them. Every kid has to try to build a snowman even if there's only an inch or two of snow on the ground. 

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4 hours ago, SSAHotchner said:

I lived in the Chicago suburbs for 40 years so I had my fill of snow and cold. Been living in SC for 21 years. We've had snow a handful of times since I moved here and everything shuts down if there's even a threat of snow. No salt and no plows and people don't know how to drive even in good weather. But it's funny when it snows. You drive down the street and see snowmen about 2 feet high with all kinds of twigs, pine straw and other lawn debris sticking out of them. Every kid has to try to build a snowman even if there's only an inch or two of snow on the ground. 

I live in NC, and it's the same way here. We get weather alerts up the bazoo at the mention of snow, like we're about to get buried, and then its this wimpy stuff that melts within hours or turns into slush and screws up the roads until the city cleans it up. Of course that doesn't prevent people from mobbing the grocery stores and buying up all the bread, milk and eggs they can find. I've lived here all my life and I still don't get that one. Even if french toast would sustain you through a blizzard, those things are perishables, FFS.

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And, ah yes. French toast. Beans and Barley, a café/market in my 'hood, makes the most delicious French toast out of challah bread.

I think I'll make French toast later this week. My mouth is watering at the thought. I can't remember the last time I had French toast.

And though I'm not a huge egg fan I'm trying to eat more eggs because they are cheap. I had scrambled eggs this morning and threw in some mixed veggies and chives from my herb garden (with a side order of bacon).

I'm going to have cheddar baked chicken for dinner tonight.

I made a pot of French onion soup over the week-end, and had a bowl last night. Perfection.

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On ‎5‎/‎19‎/‎2016 at 6:19 PM, ReidFan said:

I hear you. My husband, before he became a cop, was a television news reporter for seventeen years, and his inspiration to get into that field was SixtyMinutes and specifically Morley Safer and Mike Wallace... sad that they're both gone now

It is sad. And when we lose Bill Moyers, you will have to talk me off a ledge. I adore that man to pieces. He is my favorite journalist. I just love his interviewing style, empathetic but knows when to ask the tough questions. He is a treasure.

And just when I think my life couldn't get more shitty, I think my cell phone has died. My battery did die, and right now I'm trying to recharge it. I tried turning it on but it wouldn't turn on. I'm hoping it is just because the battery has to be fully sparked up, which may take a while. The light on my phone has turned from red to green so maybe that's a good sign and eventually it will turn back on. Wish me luck.

ETA: Just looked up on my cell phone issue, and it just may be an issue with the battery and I might not have to buy a new phone. It's just once these batteries die, they talk a very long time to re-charge. We shall see.

And could all of you send some positive vibes my way. I just wrote and posted a review of Robert Reich's book "Saving Capitalism."

I decided to e-mail a link to my review to Mr. Reich. I hope he likes it. I'll let you know if he responds.

Edited by Bookish Jen
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17 hours ago, normasm said:

Good for you, Booky!

Thanks, doll. And here is me strutting myself, thinking I'm hot shit (minus the ciggie, of course):


And crisis averted. My cell phone is fine. Yep, I just needed to spark up the battery.

I also left a VM regarding a special project, but I haven't heard back. Perhaps, the person I left the VM for is out today, getting a start on the holiday week-end. I'll call her again next Tuesday.

I'm also looking into more freelance writing projects. I just wish the pay was better. Even the bigger websites/publications don't pay very well. Ugh.

And I wish the weather was going to be nice this holiday week-end here in Milwaukee, but it's going to be overcast and rainy for most of it. But hopefully, we won't get any more snow considering June starts next week. Then again, I do live in Wisconsin.

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FYI, as much as I enjoy hanging out with all of you, you might see a little less of me at these parts for a few weeks or more. I have a lot of issues to deal with both professionally and personally. Issues I desperately need to deal with so that is what I will be focusing on for a while.

2016 has been a very trying year for me, a year of loss. A friend of mine and I were just discussing how the deaths of musical greats like Bowie and Prince sent us reeling. But it is so much more than that…

This year’s presidential campaign has pained me deeply. The personal is political and the rise of someone as detestable as Trump disgusts me to no end. We, as a nation and a society, are supposed to be better than this, but are we?

And personally, I’ve dealt with loss when it comes to relationships. My promising romance with AG turned out to be not so promising. For some reason, a friend of mine, one who I’ve been friends with for ages, has full out rejected me. She has not responded to any of my calls, VMs, etc. I have no idea why.

In the past few months, two friends of mine were dealt with some devastating news regarding their health. Another friend just barely survived breast cancer. I have been dealing with issues of depression, anxiety and insomnia, and sometimes cry myself to sleep.

And I’m also dealing with some professional setbacks, which has left me fearing for my financial well-being, my sense of self-worth, and just an utter feeling of worthlessness. I have a great need to be needed and it feels horrifying to be unneeded.

As many of you know, I’m very much a liberal, progressive feminist and I definitely believe in a public safety net. But I also pride myself for being able to pull myself up by my bra straps and take care of myself. My current state leaves me feeling a great deal of guilt, and a deep, abiding shame.

So I’m going to take some time out for a bit of much needed self-care, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I will pop in every once and a while to say hello and to catch up. And if any of you could send me some loving, life-affirming PMs my way, I’d greatly appreciate it.

Much love to all you.

Bookish Jen

P.S I hope I don’t sound like to much of a drama queen in this post.

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5 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

FYI, as much as I enjoy hanging out with all of you, you might see a little less of me at these parts for a few weeks or more. I have a lot of issues to deal with both professionally and personally. Issues I desperately need to deal with so that is what I will be focusing on for a while.

2016 has been a very trying year for me, a year of loss. A friend of mine and I were just discussing how the deaths of musical greats like Bowie and Prince sent us reeling. But it is so much more than that…

This year’s presidential campaign has pained me deeply. The personal is political and the rise of someone as detestable as Trump disgusts me to no end. We, as a nation and a society, are supposed to be better than this, but are we?

And personally, I’ve dealt with loss when it comes to relationships. My promising romance with AG turned out to be not so promising. For some reason, a friend of mine, one who I’ve been friends with for ages, has full out rejected me. She has not responded to any of my calls, VMs, etc. I have no idea why.

In the past few months, two friends of mine were dealt with some devastating news regarding their health. Another friend just barely survived breast cancer. I have been dealing with issues of depression, anxiety and insomnia, and sometimes cry myself to sleep.

And I’m also dealing with some professional setbacks, which has left me fearing for my financial well-being, my sense of self-worth, and just an utter feeling of worthlessness. I have a great need to be needed and it feels horrifying to be unneeded.

As many of you know, I’m very much a liberal, progressive feminist and I definitely believe in a public safety net. But I also pride myself for being able to pull myself up by my bra straps and take care of myself. My current state leaves me feeling a great deal of guilt, and a deep, abiding shame.

So I’m going to take some time out for a bit of much needed self-care, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I will pop in every once and a while to say hello and to catch up. And if any of you could send me some loving, life-affirming PMs my way, I’d greatly appreciate it.

Much love to all you.

Bookish Jen

P.S I hope I don’t sound like to much of a drama queen in this post.

No you simple sound like someone who desperately needed to poor their heart out.I am sending you hugs from across the states and I will be praying for you.

Edited by MMC
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Booky, take good care of yourself. You seem like a really cool gal, and I know you've had it especially rough lately. Hang on. it will get better. Yes, it may then get bad again, but those things beyond our control we need to let go.


Just know you have friends you'll never meet, but who wish you well. Come back soon, my nerd.

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