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Small Talk: Behavioral Gabbing Unit

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he doesn't really pay much, if any, attention to the posts we make to his FB/Instagram/Twitter (don't think there's enough time in his day to read every post he receives..he once posted a picture of his iPhone screen which indicated he had 65 missed calls and over 18000 text notifications)  All I'd be doing is sharing this picture with a bunch of 15-24 year olds who think he's gonna marry them someday. What I should do is photoshop a pretty girl on his back....and then send it to his sister's account (much more likely to get back to him personally that way LOL)

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11 hours ago, qwerty said:

Everyone, meet my newest Rat. I named him Spencer :)


If I could afford it, I'd have a rat for every team member and call their cage the BAU. 

Welcome to the family, Spencer.

I jokingly refer to my cat, Pokey Jones, as Mr. Scratch. Well, at least when it comes to my furniture. Good thing he's so cute.

And could all of you send some positive vibes my way. I'm starting to apply for jobs and just applied for a secretarial position. I might also have some writing opportunities coming my way, going to polish up an essay and send it to a publication shortly, and my sister is going to ask a friend of hers if she'd ever be interested being interviewed for an article I want to pitch to a crafting magazine. Thanks.

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17 hours ago, qwerty said:

Everyone, meet my newest Rat. I named him Spencer :)


If I could afford it, I'd have a rat for every team member and call their cage the BAU. 

I've never had a rat, but I had gerbils and hamsters all the time growing up.

5 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

And could all of you send some positive vibes my way. I'm starting to apply for jobs and just applied for a secretarial position. I might also have some writing opportunities coming my way, going to polish up an essay and send it to a publication shortly, and my sister is going to ask a friend of hers if she'd ever be interested being interviewed for an article I want to pitch to a crafting magazine. Thanks.

*sends many good vibes*

I hope you get the job, Booky, since I know you've been dealing with some professional setbacks. I'd also like to make a request for good vibes. I'm planning to submit a story to a local zine called The Blotter, in addition to other writing that I'm working on, so if ya'll could wish me luck it'd be much appreciated.

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On 6/14/2016 at 9:41 PM, Cobalt Stargazer said:

I've never had a rat, but I had gerbils and hamsters all the time growing up.

*sends many good vibes*

I hope you get the job, Booky, since I know you've been dealing with some professional setbacks. I'd also like to make a request for good vibes. I'm planning to submit a story to a local zine called The Blotter, in addition to other writing that I'm working on, so if ya'll could wish me luck it'd be much appreciated.

Well, I'm going to send you some well-wishes your way.

I just posted a new book review to my blog; I reviewed the novel The Other Woman by Therese Bohman. I loved it! Here is my review:

And I'm working on another piece of writing that isn't due til the end of this month but I want to get a jump in on the headline. Also, I reached out to some jewelry designers to find out if they'd be interested in being interviewed or profiled (heh, profiled) for a crafting magazine. And my sister said she would talk to a friend of hers who makes beads if she would be interested in being interviewed for an article. This crafting magazine actually pays and I no longer want to just give it away. I want money.

I'm also going to submit another resume for another admin. asst job. Wish me luck.

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Many people voted because of outright lies from the Leave campaign and over a million now say they would change their minds in a second referendum now the truth about all the lies is coming out. The result was quite close. But already we can see the damage it is doing to the UK and there is a big movement to try and stop it going through. The country is totally divided and both main political parties are in disarray. Also it has now sparked a torrent of racial abuse.

Sorry mods for going off topic.

Normally I'm with those who would like to keep this forum a politics-free zone.  And I'll honor that by not stating my particular views.  

Having said that, I think we are at a critical point in human history.   I don't think there is a single member of this board, in any part of the world, who won't be, or hasn't already been,  affected by the vote in the UK, whether or not we realize it yet.  The same will be true of the November vote in the US.  Despite our borders, we live as a single human race, on a single planet, and we are all going to rise, or fall, together.

I understand and respect that there were those in the UK who were fully informed about the issues and the potential effects of their vote, and thus submitted their choice, in either direction.  But, as Old Dog points out, there were also a host of voters who didn't understand, and didn't research, and voted anyway.  This can happen in any long-standing democracy.  We are so used to the privilege, and we take it so much for granted, that we don't use it responsibly.

So I encourage all to make sure it doesn't happen in your country.  If your party or your candidate makes a promise, ask how  they will accomplish it.  If they make a threat, ask 'why'.  If they are telling you something you want to hear, make sure they, and you, have something to back it up.  'Opinion' doesn't really count, in research.  Facts do.  Make sure yours, and those of your candidate, are correct.  Research, vet, question.  Vote responsibly.  As the button on my lanyard says, 'Vote as if your life depends on it'.  Because it just might.

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Voting is important, but uninformed voting can be dangerous. I had a rather lengthy discussion with a friend of mine several years ago about whether or not voting should be mandatory, and her POV was that it shouldn't be because uninformed voters are more dangerous than if they didn't vote at all. It was a really interesting discussion, and I came away from it really not sure. I think it's everybody's responsibility to get informed, but over and over again, in countries all around the world, style often matters at least as much as substance, if not more. So, if you force uninformed people to vote, are you going to be worse off than when you started?

However, the really frustrating thing about the Brexit referendum IMO (and pretty much all elections, actually), is that with 72% turnout and such a close margin between "leave" and "remain", you can't really say that a majority of voters supported "leave".
Part of it is also change from the status quo. in 1995 when Quebec voted against sovereignty, it was a much closer margin with a much higher turnout compared to the Brexit vote, and still, 100% voter turnout could have changed the outcome. But, in maintaining the status quo, there was less panic/disarray and things settled reasonably well - the separatist faction still exists, but isn't really a serious threat anymore. I think with any major change, even if it was supported by a significant majority of the population, there would be instability during the transition, making the status quo an inherently "safer" choice, at least in the short term.

I will add, due to the safety of the status quo, I never really expected "leave" to win, and I was really surprised it did. Now, only time will tell how this all plays out.

Edited by secnarf
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I kept telling my son it was his responsibility to vote as people had given their lives to ensure he had a vote and a voice. Up till now he always refused to vote saying he simply wasn't informed enough to make a reasoned choice (he's 25 now). This Referendum however he was worried, did some research and was adamant that it was a "no-brainer" that we stay in the EU and voted for the first time in his life. And it seems that the majority of under 40's agreed, however the vote was carried by an ageing, xenophobic and uneducated generation. You only have to see some of the interviews as to why people voted to leave to realise they had no idea of what they doing. I have always been the biggest advocate of democracy but this shows me that democracy is nothing with education and our democracy is as open to fraud and lies as anything else. This is the biggest tragedy to affect our country, and others affected by the fallout, and it is so sad for our young people. Our next generation who really do not want this to happen. I am so ashamed of the ignorant and misguided people who have divided our country and ruined our future and especially that of our children. There are many stories of families completely split with children unable to speak to their parents and grandparents. There is a torrent of racial abuse to people who appear to be immigrants from the lowest and stupidest level of our society, I despair for my country and for humanity, Sorry - I am more than a little upset!!

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I have an online friend who lives in England, and I've begun to wonder about his politics and if they've been entirely different from what I've presumed since we've known one another. Without getting into detail so I don't break the rules, he's all in favor of the 'Leave' faction, and I'm not sure he entirely appreciates the ramifications of it. It bothers me, even though I generally try not to discuss politics because it's such a heated subject, but I thought I knew this guy and now it's like, maybe not so much.

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I'm sorry to have brought politics into the forum and will stop now I've had my vent! This disaster has shaken me to my very core. It just confirms my growing view that the majority people on this planet are either stupid or corrupt and I despair.

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8 minutes ago, Old Dog said:

I'm sorry to have brought politics into the forum and will stop now I've had my vent! This disaster has shaken me to my very core. It just confirms my growing view that the majority people on this planet are either stupid or corrupt and I despair.

Perhaps this picture will make you not despair! Or probably, despair more.


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I despair more. This misguided Referendum has brought out the worst in both sides. Ageism, racism you name it. I thought we British were better than this. Winston Churchill must be spinning in his grave.

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6 hours ago, Old Dog said:

I despair more. This misguided Referendum has brought out the worst in both sides. Ageism, racism you name it. I thought we British were better than this. Winston Churchill must be spinning in his grave.

I feel your pain. I fear the US is not far behind. 

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as a Canadian, I'm kinda horrified on two fronts! our two most trusted and closest global friends (the UK and the US) are both scaring the crap outta me. Leaving the EU is gonna screw up the whole world financially. And then there's the lose-lose situation in the upcoming US election. I fear for this planet. I do.

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2 hours ago, ReidFan said:

as a Canadian, I'm kinda horrified on two fronts! our two most trusted and closest global friends (the UK and the US) are both scaring the crap outta me. Leaving the EU is gonna screw up the whole world financially. And then there's the lose-lose situation in the upcoming US election. I fear for this planet. I do.

I'm in the heartland of the US, and if you're horrified, well, I'm down right terrified, not only for my own generation, but for generations to come. I try to be positive, but it's so difficult in the current state of both the US and the rest of the world in a constant chaotic mess of violence, bigotry, racism, homophobia, misogyny, anti-Semitism, classism, polarization, and divisiveness. My depression and insomnia keep getting greater and greater. Yes, I am a cynic, but a cynic is pretty much a wounded idealist. I actually find myself in public with tears going down my face. Excuse my language, but I sometimes hate myself for being so serious all the time. I wish I was the light-hearted, bubbly type, but I'm not. Shit.

However, these nicknames regarding Trump coming from the Scottish truly make me laugh:
"Touped fucktrumpet"
"Weasleheaded fucknugget"
"Bloviating flesh bag"
"Weapons grade plum"
"Mangled apricot hellbeast"

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even better, is when you work in a store where there are a couple of expat Scots....... and when you relate these words to them, they can dissolve you into laughter by their sheer ability to string all those words together in a single coherent sentence, and with that delightful accent. 

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Elie Wiesel died today :(

I remember reading Night in high school, and it always stayed with me. If you haven't read it, I would suggest doing so. He is also the author of one of my favourite quotes: “The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.”

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Somehow, I feel like a little bit of our collective human conscience has left with him.  I had the good fortune to hear him speak in person one time. He managed to take the worst of humanity, and use it to challenge everyone to create the best of humanity.  And he really believed we had it in us. RIP

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JMO, we do have it in us. If we open our eyes and hearts, it's right there. He was a very wise man who had every reason to hate, but chose to enlighten and love instead.

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6 hours ago, secnarf said:

Elie Wiesel died today :(

I remember reading Night in high school, and it always stayed with me. If you haven't read it, I would suggest doing so. He is also the author of one of my favourite quotes: “The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.”

I read Night in college, and I'm not too proud to say that it totally wrecked me. Having survived so much loss, Mr. Wiesel has more than earned the right to be at peace, and I hope he's reunited now with his family.

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Old Dog, I want to give my opinion about the Brexit, but I need a lot of time because it is a sensitive matter, I hope you don't mind if it takes me few days :)

Edited by smoker
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18 hours ago, smoker said:

Old Dog, I want to give my opinion about the Brexit, but I need a lot of time because it is a sensitive matter, I hope you don't mind if it takes me few days :)

Sensitive isn't the half of it! My friendship with a dear friend I have known for 15 years is hanging on a knife edge because she wanted out of the EU and I am totally convinced that we should stay in! The country is split down the middle. Over 1 million people already regret they voted out - so how can it be right for us to be stuck with it. A Referendum after all is basically just an opinion poll - Parliament still have the power not to act on it. I will be interested to read your thoughts when you have a chance to think about it. The whole thing is one unholy mess!

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1 hour ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

Go, John Cena.

Excellent. And I'm glad he quoted our real national motto, E PLURIBUS UNUM, 'from many, one'. Most people think it's In God We Trust. 

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If you haven't read/seen this speech by Robert Kennedy, do it!

I really admire Robert Kennedy, and after watching a documentary about this speech, it became one of my favourites - one that I can recite mostly from memory.

Context: Kennedy was supposed to give a campaign speech in a predominantly black neighbourhood in Indianapolis, and King died shortly before he arrived. Most of the crowd, especially those at the front, had been there for hours and had no idea anything had happened, but more people were arriving, angry and armed and ready for a fight. Kennedy was urged not to go, police said they couldn't protect him, but he went anyways, gave this speech that he had written himself on the plane, and there were no riots in Indianapolis that night.

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On ‎7‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 8:52 AM, normasm said:

Well this year just entirely blows. Wake me up when it's over.

I'm with you. I can't think of a year that has sucked as much as 2016, not just for me personally but for society and the world at large. And none of this has helped me when it comes to my issues of depression and anxiety. I've really sunk into an abyss of darkness.

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On ‎7‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 4:06 PM, normasm said:

Me, too, Booky. I'm sending you a hug so you'll feel a little better...

Thanks. I need all the hugs I can get. I went to my support group yesterday. And I'm getting together with a friend on Sunday. Our little get-togethers always cheer me up.

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5 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

Ahem, that reminds me. When are you going to send me some new chapters. You're leaving me hanging girl!

Sorry, Booky! I drifted away for a bit because I finally forced myself out of denial about another show and got to work creating the ending I think it should have, but I'll be returning to my original work as soon as I'm on firm footing with that. Thanks for hanging in there and keeping me motivated. :-)

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Does anyone own or ever used the MacBook by Apple. Not that I could ever afford one, but I find myself wondering if they'd be a lot less problematic than my PC. It is less than a month old and it is already behaving as badly as my old computer was. Of course it might make a difffference were I able to afford one that cost between $2,000 & $3,000 instead of having to settle for one costing between $300 & 400.

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I only use Macs, so of course, i'm prejudiced (they are the best for designing, etc.) I have iMac OS X, as does the hubs, and he also has a Macbook Air 11". If you are just wanting internet, email, etc., you might consider an iPad, which I also have. It can do all your personal stuff, it's just not the tool for work that an iMac is. Go here and explore the different kinds. http://www.apple.com

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Just a suggestion to try a different browser before spending money on a new computer. If things are hanging up, it's more likely to be the browser than the computer.

I love my iPad, but only for browsing and reading.  Hate typing on it.

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41 minutes ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

@MMC, what make and model of PC do you have? I have a Hewlitt-Packard laptop, which I bought as a replacement for a Dell, and I haven't had any problems with it.

It's an HP All in One. I got it from HSN for a little over $300. I was talking with my brother about it. He has similar problems with his.

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10 minutes ago, JMO said:

Just a suggestion to try a different browser before spending money on a new computer. If things are hanging up, it's more likely to be the browser than the computer.

I love my iPad, but only for browsing and reading.  Hate typing on it.

When I still had my previous computer I switched back and forth between using Microsoft edge and Google Chrome. To me it seemed to make little difference in the performance of my computer.

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I have an HP as well.  Was the only one I could walk out of Walmart with the day my Toshiba gave up the ghost.  (After giving me ten good years)  It gets pretty heavy use, but  more for documents and presentations than for media.  I don't love Windows 10, but the computer is fine for what I need.

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