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Small Talk: Behavioral Gabbing Unit

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I've been a fan of Disturbed ever since "Prayer" came out in 2002..."epic" is the only word I'll use to describe them...and that cover fits the bill.


Their cover of Genesis' "Land of Confusion" was also pretty cool.

Edited by Danielg342
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Man, CoStar, thanks for sharing that. I've always thought that was a beautiful song, and this is a great rendition. I'll look up Disturbed, that guy's voice is wonderful.


Whatever you do, I'd suggest staying away from their first album, "The Sickness". They had a few good ones but that album was a poor attempt to imitate KoRn and Limp Bizkit. Afterwards, their singer, David Draiman, vowed to show he could do more "than make animal noises" (his words) and, in my opinion, they haven't looked back since.

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So now that I've all but weaned myself off CM, can someone recommend a decent crime show/mystery? (Even semi-decent would suffice...I'm not too picky!) Ideally, I'd love one where we DON'T always know exactly who perpetrated the crimes within the first few freaking seconds of every episode (*glares bitterly at CM*), with more psychological suspense/insight than just sordidness and gore, and featuring characters with fairly well-defined personalities (in other words, NOT JJ!) despite not dwelling much on their personal lives. British whodunits tend to be my all-time favorites, but I've probably seen them all by now :)


Any and all suggestions will be much appreciated!

If you can find it, Motive. It's a Canadian show that aired for two seasons on ABC. Currently there are four seasons from the CBC. It's cool because you learn about the victim and killer within the first 3-5 minutes. The rest of the show deals with how the police detectives figure out the hows and why and who. I really like the actress and Louis Ferriera as the main detectives.

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A while ago, I posted my fanfics on the forum. Those were written almost three years ago (hard to imagine), but since then, I've moved on from the fanfiction world, and on to the world of original fiction. If you recall, my fanfics were set in an alternate world called "Vicendum" and it's this same alternate world that I am presenting to you, only this time all the works within Vicendum are original. So I thought I would present to you my original works, of which you can see here:


(Warning- some content might be disturbing, so reader discretion is advised)


The wiki

The Virus (a serial/procedural taking place in North America)

The Vicendum Chronicles (stories happening elsewhere in the world)


A special note- I haven't completely abandoned my fanfic storylines: what I've done is rework the stories so they could pass as original pieces of fiction. I thought to myself that, my setting is completely original and I thought with a few tweaks, my characters- who aren't that much alike to their CM counterparts anyway, since I didn't accept *every* bit of canon- could be reworked so that they became my own, kind of like what EL James did with "Master of the Universe" (only, I hope, I've done something better written).


Just thought I'd leave it out there, in case anyone wants to see it.

Edited by Danielg342
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I hope everyone is gearing up for a joyous Christmas. I'll be spending tomorrow with some friends, and then spending the week-end doing some much needed chores around the house. Like every other holiday season, the past few weeks have been a flurry of baking and crafting. Chez Bookish Jen looks like a cross between Martha Stewart's playroom and Grey Gardens. Yikes! However, my co-workers loved my chocolate/peppermint brownies and my mom was all agog over the hand-made necklaces and earrings I made her.


And in the new year, I'm going to get back into belly dancing, which is great exercise and loads of fun. My belly dancing teacher's studio is within walking distance of my apartment and she can't wait for me to come back to her classes. And I'm also taking yoga on Wednesday nights at a studio that is also within walking distance. That means I won't be able to watch CM until it pops up on-line. Oh, well. That's life.

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Ugh.  So sorry, secnarf.  Hoping you'll at least find solace in the meaning of the season.


Wishing all a wonderful day with family and/or friends tomorrow, whether or not you're marking a holiday or holy day.  Because that's what both of those things are about.

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Thanks everyone. My friend was so young, it would be a shock at any time of year, but it being right before Christmas just adds another layer :(


I hope you all had a good holiday with family and friends.

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Thanks everyone. My friend was so young, it would be a shock at any time of year, but it being right before Christmas just adds another layer :(


I hope you all had a good holiday with family and friends.

Secnarf, I am so sorry about your friend. You, and your late friend's family and friends are in my thoughts during this difficult time. Peace.

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I hope everyone has a fun, festive and safe NYE. It's going to be pretty chilly here in Milwaukee, and we just got slammed with a snow storm a few days ago. Most people I know are going to be relaxing at home rather than partying it up. Tomorrow I'm going to stay home, do some work around the apartment and watch the CM season 10 marathon on ION even though ION seems to be allergic to Mr. Scratch for some odd reason that can't be explained.


And remember me telling you about the guy I was seeing-AG? Well, I was smart enough to trust my woman's intuition and take heed of those red flags. I had a weird encounter with AG recently and he treated me in an insensitive and ungentlemanly manner, and I don't take kindly being treated in such a unseemly way. Yes, my heart is broken and I've shed a few tears but I'm glad I trusted my instincts and not take things further with AG even though every part of me wanted to. I'm not sure if we can even be friends. Oh, well, his loss. Tis a pity, right?

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His loss indeed Booky! I'm sorry it didn't end well, but, wait a minute, yes, it did! Because you told him to take a hike before it got too-too. So, painful? I'm sure. Will you be glad in 10 years? I can almost guarantee!


Happy New Year, everyone!

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Happy New Year! Ok, its belated. Yesterday my 300-year-old oak tree decided it didn't want to live anymore and keeled over-- landing on the car port, driveway, both of my vehicles, and dinging the edge of the roof on the porch. If it had landed 5 feet over, it would have come down on my head. Met some new neighbors who came out to cut the branches off and move them off of the vehicles. One had to be pulled out of the way with the tractor, but the other was able to be driven. Unfortunately, the one that I could drive has such severe frame damage that its going to be totaled out. The car rental places are all closed until Monday so we will have to rely on friends for lifts-- although the one friend who offered ended up having his truck break down after visiting us last night.

I'm sad to lose the cars and the tree. One of my cats once gave birth to a litter of kittens in the tree. I used to climb it. A few months ago an arborist looked at it and said it was fine, but apparently it was rotten in the core all the way down to the roots.


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Nice quote, good post. I'm just so depressed about this.

Yea, me too. I actually shouted out, "Not Bowie, nooooo!" when I heard the news this morning. He was truly an amazing artist who remained musically relevant until the end. Right now I'm imagining him singing "Under Pressure" with Freddie.

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And yet another piece of my adolescence is gone, because Ziggy Stardust is no more. RIP, David Bowie. January 8, 1947 - January 10, 2016.


Cancer sucks.

Oh my heart just broke in two when I heard. My daughter woke me this morning, saying she had bad news and asking if I was prepared for how things come in threes (Weiland and Lemmy in recent weeks). I held my breath and she told me. I've been listening to Bowie all day. Love him.

This is one of my all-time favorites. Significant considering I generally hate Christmas music.


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For those of you who are familiar with The Sound of Silence, stop what you're doing for the next four minutes and seven seconds.



I'm only a semi-fan of Disturbed, but my God.

For some reason this post completely escaped my attention until now.

That was incredible. The Sound of Silence is one of my favourite songs.

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Well, this year is sucking. Poor David Bowie.


normasm, it was a free assessment that the arborist did-- but the other arborists all said that because the tree rotted from the inside, it was impossible to tell from the outside. It looked healthy and still had green leaves. We just had the other oak tree closer to the house trimmed. Arborists arrived around 7:30am and didn't leave til after 4pm-- at which point they had accidentally broken a waterline. They will be back this morning to fix it and finish the trimming. I wasn't there for the break or their leaving. I know some of you are on other forums and are aware that both vehicles were totaled and while I was using a rental yesterday, someone went through a red light and nailed the front of the vehicle so hard it made me spin around. Rental is totaled and I have some bruises, but am otherwise ok. Just very very frustrated.


The arborists just arrived, so I'm going to go greet them.

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I need your help! My sister and other students with developmental disabilities will no longer be able to attend their after school programs as of May 1st due to the schools cutting off transportation. These programs are valuable and necessary for these students to succeed in their adult lives!

Please sign this petition and help these kids get to their programs!


I hope this isn't against the rules, but I am in desperate need of signatures! Thank you :) 

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Ugh. I've just about had it. I've been at this company doing various special projects for quite a long time, and I feel completely underappreciated and undervalued. Meanwhile, some of my co-workers are getting coddled and favored. Plus, I really think I need to watch my back because of the gossipy nature of some of the people in my department.

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I left a job once because of the cliquish and gossipy atmosphere. When I was hired I thought it was great that there were so many women managers in the department. But they'd spend a great deal of time at the managers' meeting discussing personal stuff about their underlings instead of their actual job performance. Are you looking for another job, Jen?

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I left a job once because of the cliquish and gossipy atmosphere. When I was hired I thought it was great that there were so many women managers in the department. But they'd spend a great deal of time at the managers' meeting discussing personal stuff about their underlings instead of their actual job performance. Are you looking for another job, Jen?

At this job I go from department to department working on various special projects. This particular project will end in March. I've been doing special projects for this company for a rather long time, and most of my experience has been great. It just seems this time I'm not given the respect I deserve. There is a clique made up of women and men, and I (along with a co-worker) have been treated with a very cold manner since we started on the project. For instance, I'll have pertinent questions regarding something and my pleas for guidance or help are ignored.


Then again, I've just been having a bad week.

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HOORAY! I can post again. Of course I had to start a whole new account in order to do so. This time though I have my password written down somewhere in case I accidentally get signed out again and can't remember it. Anyways some of you already know who I am but for those who don't I was formerly know as missmycat

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