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S06.E10: Reign Fall

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Was I supposed to feel sorry for Mama's little sociopaths and her pathetic parenting techniques?


Convenient that Hanna was able to launch himself through midair to knock the son off the bomb and into the perfectly placed pool mere steps from the back door.  That was a nice looking house.  Military service must pay well, at least once one becomes an officer...


Hanna calls his father 'Colonel Hanna'?  Did I get that right?  How...affectionate.

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Deeks knowing a famous basketball player but not bragging about was a nice touch, IMHO.

So I am convinced that Kensi and Deeks are together already. They seem to spend all their free time together ... at each others homes and beyond. And just the way they talk and interact now. Especially since they woke up together a few episodes back .. which, by the way, didn't seem like the first time.

I'm alright w this. Do I want to see Kensi/Deeks all lovey, dovey? Nope. Simply b/c that's not the DNA of the characters. Affection for these 2 would be going to the gun range. This is character over plot and I'm okay w that.

Edited by Samantha84
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This is the first episode I've caught in a while, but I'm glad I saw it. There's just something about most of these characters and the show's general tone that I absolutely love, even when the eye-roll worthy improbabilities stack up and the the actual plotting and storytelling is kind of lacking. I'm very happy to see that Chris O'Donnel/G is more animated and alive than when I last saw him. And I'm trying hard to avoid trotting out the overused term "bromance" here, but I really love his friendship with Sam---who may be my very favorite character. (*whispers*) I'm also that one person who likes Nell. 

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Must be Assistant Director Owen Granger was still recovering from the Poisoning? His name was mentioned but I didn't think it was for health or where a bouts. Also I am surprised we didn't hear anything about the mole, Carl Brown's case, or about bugs that were still being worked out in the systems at the Villa. We could still have problems for weeks to come.

Hetty wasn't to busy on episode.

I guess Journalist Jack Chapman was in the wrong place/wrong time. It also switched from someone maybe after CIA Officer Michelle Boarders to Gunnery Sargent Mike Johnson, real quick. I figured they would be trying to track anyone after Boarders and then stumble onto Johnson being the intended victim. But him being friends with Chapman did it. At Boarders home there was a funny design on the wall behind Sam and G. I thought maybe it had something to do with the case, but nope.

I liked that when Sam and Callen went to the Academy to pick up Cadet Devin Johnson that he questioned them being there. Had to call Sargent Johnson(Dad) to change protocol. Sam used some of his military training on him.

We heard a lot about Sam's Military lifestyle and upbringing by Colonel Hanna. We also see that G. was quite a goof-off in school years. But we have heard of Kensi's Military father, but this episode nothing was said. I thought something would come out.

Richard Mills trying to run over Johnson and G talking him was a nice scene. Richard and David singing "Hush Little baby" and then mom Estelle singing it was kinda creepy. Almost Criminal Minds creepy. And I love that show. But I guess she used it to make her boys feel better after step Dad, Sargent Bob Posey(I think), disciplined them. Seems David offed him somewhere.

The LA team didn't do the NCIS break down of the victims like Gibbs team would have. It was kind of glossed over the names of the other victims and what one odd item was found at the scene. So if the home wasn't CIA the explosion/death would have just been handled by local Police? Gibb's team would have been there on the first Military murder. Also who arrested David Mills at the school? Sam and G went to save Lewis. Local PD pick him up cuffed to a table? Also with budget cuts and stuff, I was surprised all that stuff was still in the school building. Take it to the new school, or auction it off?

Sam is the superstar in this episode. G and suspect ex Military David Mills are having a shootout in a abandoned school building and Sam leaps through a window and subdued him. Then Sam tackles Master Sargent Shawn Lewis's son Brian Lewis off a mine into the pool as it blows up. I thought maybe G would have to show off his chops to offset Sam's earlier stunt.

I liked that Sam had David Mills stand on the IED to get him to talk. Then after he told and stepped off it, Sam said,"I guess he had it in him!"

It was funny that Kensi was all gaga Fan Girl over the Basketball Star, Kip Bingham. And he was a buddy of "Marty Mar" Deeks,and she didn't know it. Deeks actually used to beat him at one on one.I am surprised that if Deeks and Kensi are dating, or spending a lot of time together that she don't know he likes basketball. And his baseball talk to make it look like he is dumb on basketball was a tad much, lol .But Kensi almost stayed to hang by the pool with Kip and his 3 girl friends. That does not seem like her.

It also cute how G and gang was trying to figure out what character Sam played at his daughters party. The Gennie, Baloo, Shrek and others were funny, but he played Sully from Monsters Inc. Callen wanted to see a picture.

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Story seemed a bit shaky this week. And it would have been nice to get some mention of Granger recovering or charges pending against the mole (can't remember his name).


If the name 'Aiden' was supposed to tell us that Sam also has a son, it didn't work. I spent half the episode trying to figure out who he was talking about.


I'm not surprised Callen screwed around in school, the various foster parents/group home situations probably meant a lot of school transfers and no one watching over his grades or teaching good habits. He seems to have overcome it though.


It is nice to see Callen loosening up a bit. He can get so dour at times.

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If the name 'Aiden' was supposed to tell us that Sam also has a son, it didn't work. I spent half the episode trying to figure out who he was talking about.

ME TOO! Thank you for pointing that out.


I loved the whole interaction with Deeks, Kensi and the basketball player. He *tried to tell her in Ops, but she was on her way. I loved that the player kept mouthing stuff to Deeks and he finally said "SHE'S RIGHT HERE!" hilarious.


Shallow alert: I'm tired of Kensi's plaid button downs. Get a henley. A v-neck tshirt. a light blue oxford. CHANGE IT UP. (Altho, then i'd have to request LL lose the henleys, and i don't want that.)

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Shallow alert: I'm tired of Kensi's plaid button downs. Get a henley. A v-neck tshirt. a light blue oxford. CHANGE IT UP. (Altho, then i'd have to request LL lose the henleys, and i don't want that.)


I'm not particularly a fan of the plaid but I do like that our characters all have their own style. And I'm very glad the Kensi dresses sensibly for the fieldwork she performs. I think the only times we've ever seen her in a dress/skirt/heels is when she's undercover.  It's a nice touch of realism that most cop shows don't consider (the CSI franchise is terrible about their female leads being dressed in low cut blouses and 2-3 inch heels at crime scenes)

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If the name 'Aiden' was supposed to tell us that Sam also has a son, it didn't work. I spent half the episode trying to figure out who he was talking about.


Okay, I didn't watch this show from the beginning, and then had a long weekend binging old episodes and then otherwise catching up.  Which is my was of saying I may be making this all up, from a fog of a nap during the binge session, but I've always thought Sam had two kids.

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Maybe it was just me and my mood but I really thought this was an off episode.  I am not usually overly critical but I thought every one of the guest stars was a horrible actor or maybe that he/she won some fan contest and got to be on the episode.  Nothing from the mom rang true for me-except for her hair and makeup.  Perfect for downtrodden mom.  Her 2 sons weren't any better.


I didn't think the CIA officer was very believable either.  She was extremely passive about everything even though it involved her home and family.


I thought it odd that Deeks kept threatening to beat up the obviously mentally unstable son to try and get him to talk.  If he had been the usual suspect I would be okay with it.  But not the fragile boy we saw; anything he could tell them would be questionable anyway considering his mental state.


The team aspect of the episode was good.  I just wish the other parts had been better.

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He does.  A boy and a girl.  That's all I really know, as until recently they were barely mentioned.

He mentions the girl a lot. The texting, etc. But in earlier seasons, if i recall, someone asked him if he had kids, and he responded "a daughter." Now he has a son. I definitely remember being surprised there was a boy. The "official" NCIS LA fan wiki says mentions only the daughter. Color me confused.  :(

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I get the sense that if there is a son,he's a teenager and not Michelle's child. I think he must be from a prior relationship and probably doesn't live nearby. That is the only reason I can think that Sam wouldn't mention him more. He's not the type to be a deadbeat parent.

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The team aspect of the episode was good.  I just wish the other parts had been better.


I totally agree, but in my experience with this show---which is admittedly somewhat limited!---that's pretty typical :) I've found most of the plots either lacking or way too ridiculous to take seriously, so for me the charm of the show is its characters and their interactions and its gleefully high energy feel. 


I feel like I still don't have a great grasp of Kensi's character other than finding the actress likable, so I'm appealing to you experts for help! What are her strengths and flaws? Is she an introvert, an extrovert...? So far she seems kind of like the 'typical' cool, tough, super competent chick we see on most crime shows, which is totally fine, but I'm just wondering if there's anything else to her that I don't know about. 


I agree completely with those who were pleased to see Callen more animated this episode. There's a fine, tricky line between making the character introverted and enigmatic and coming across as just kind of flat and 'blah', so I'm always glad when the writers give him some life! 

Edited by amensisterfriend
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With Callen admiring that the father that was there to push his son, and the "Grey Man" episode, I'm hoping they're leading up to Callen meeting and/or learning where his father is this season. Or maybe finally learning what his first name is.




Shallow alert: I'm tired of Kensi's plaid button downs. Get a henley. A v-neck tshirt. a light blue oxford. CHANGE IT UP. (Altho, then i'd have to request LL lose the henleys, and i don't want that.)



It's really silly at this point. Everyone wears the same outfit ALL the time. Did the costume people just buy a bunch of shirts in bulk??

Edited by Trini
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...I was surprised all that stuff was still in the school building. Take it to the new school, or auction it off?

This is one of my pet peeves on this and most other procedurals or action dramas.  If a crime team investigates an abandoned factory, it always is full of equipment and machinery.  CSI once went to a Vegas nightclub that had closed about 30 years ago, and nothing had changed in those 30 years except dust accumulating.  Glassware and ashtrays were still on the tables and costumes were still in dressing rooms.  Don't writers understand that when a business closes, the building owner, or at least the insurance company willl insist that EVERY single item, including trash, is removed.  In any REAL scenario, that old school would have been just a shell.

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The family in this ep was very pathetic and sad. The way the two boys would hum the mockingbird song, and then how the Mom sung it to one of them, as if they were 5 years old. Yeah, it was a bit Criminal Minds weird...

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