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Small Talk: The Library

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I pronounce things in my head the KPC way.

But introductions...

Hi, I'm Elyse. It is my real world name, and I'll respond to it. I will also respond to words that rhyme with my name. at least is a frequent example of this.
I am Australian, I live here but I used to live in Canada and I'm pretty sure I left my heart there. My visa ran out last week, that made me sad.

In terms of work, I currently work selling barbecues. Before I left for Canada I worked for TV for 6 years and studied sound engineering for a while and now I just wander what to do with my life. They tell me I can do more and should be doing more, but applications don't seem to agree.

Sorry, that's an ongoing issue I'm working with. Right now, I'm thinking if I stick with my retail gig for a while, get more experience that is more transferrible it will be easier to actually transfer and I'll have more chance with work. Especially if I go back to Canada, which I would like to do in the long run.

In terms of things that aren't going to bring me down.
I bought a NBA shirt with Granger for the gym, so when I think I can't do something I can be all "what would Hermione Granger do?" or the nerdiest application of a piece of sporting merchandise.

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Yep. I've been pronouncing the names as Erratic and KittenPokerCheater mentioned.

I can't say that I have a current tv obsession.

I'd have to agree with this. I watch a fair amount of shows but, at the moment, am hard pressed to come up with any that I watch live anymore. Some of that is schedule but not all of it. I guess right now I'm most interested in how Justified wraps up.

Has anyone figured out how to quote without an extra blank line? I can get rid of it but only by editing my post.

Edited by Endeavour
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Has anyone figured out how to quote without an extra blank line? I can get rid of it but only by editing my post.

Once you've pasted the quote in, go back to the start and press backspace to remove the excess line.

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Hi, I’m Earl, but in the real world I go by Jennifer.  I was born, raised, and still live in the Philly ‘burbs.  Last year I both turned 40 and got married for the first time, which isn’t nearly as mid-life-crisis-y as it probably sounds.  No human children for either of us, and none in the plans.  It’s enough just adjusting to life with a husband after living on my own for 15 years.  I would not welcome more upheaval at this point.

My plan for life was to be a teacher and I have a BS in El/EC Education.  Yadda yadda yadda, I’ve spent the last 12 years working a very boring corporate gig for a pharmaceutical company instead.  It pays well, which almost makes up for having my soul slowly sucked out of me by the fluorescent light bulbs of office life.  Almost.

I’ve spent most of my life as a TV addict, always drawn towards shows (and books for that matter) with abnormal/super-natural / sci-fi / fantasy elements to them.  I miss having a TV obsession – I think my last one was probably Lost.  I’m excited about Game of Thrones coming back this Sunday and am enjoying a Buffy rewatch/ recap reread.  Oh, and I also watch an almost shameful amount of reality TV, mostly but not exclusively competitive shows like TAR and Survivor and Top Chef.  My pet peeves include people who refer to reality TV as if it is a single reprehensible genre with no redeeming qualities. 

Other than TV and working my life is about horses.  I’ve been riding since college and I live on a horse farm.  I only own one of my own, but love and care for several for other people.  Riding itself used to be a huge part of my life, but right now they are all really just my very expensive pets.

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I only own one of my own, but love and care for several for other people.

My stepsister runs a barn/boarding service for horses (she's in OR). It sounds exhausting, but horses are her passion, and this way she gets to ride most days and spends A LOT of time with them.

I’ve spent the last 12 years working a very boring corporate gig for a pharmaceutical company instead.

I hope it's not Biogen Idec. I, uh, may tend to say nasty things about them (as an MS patient, I've been down some bad road as far as pharmaceuticals go). ;) And Earl, if your name is not a Dixie Chicks reference, I will have to reorganize my whole brain.

Hi to everyone! bug, you're not the only high school teacher (english is too, although I don't know if she's gonna post here) and Endeavour, you're not the only paralegal (the other would be Boliver).

There definitely seems to be a dearth of awesome TV at the moment. Hmph.

Edited by AnnieF
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I think that's about to end. The Blacklist is getting better, and judging by Lizzie's hairdo last ep they are gonna ditch that wig soon. Agents of SHIELD was hella awesome last episode - hopefully this is an indicator that they are going to finally live up to their potential, and Orphan Black is about to return(yay!) and so is Game of Thrones. 

Of course, YMMV on these choices, but in my case, I've noticed a marked improvement.

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Heh.  No, it didn’t come from the Dixie Chicks, but you’re welcome to think it did.  I forgot all about that song, but now I’m remembering a fun, campy video from the 90s that accompanied it? 

Truthfully the Earl of my name was Earl, our beloved family dog that I grew up with.  We lost him back when I was in college, right around the same time we were getting access to the exciting World Wide Web (via dial up and a free AOL disk, ‘natch).  As I had the most technological expertise it was my job to set up our family account.  Back then we all had to share a single log-in, and I wanted it to include a tribute to the dearly departed Earl.  I tried many variations using his name all of which were taken, and finally in frustration typed, “EarlIsDead.”  Bingo!  That is how my family burst onto the information superhighway, as the EarlIsDeads.  I have no idea why I used it again when I signed up for TWoP more than a decade later – just an old inside joke I guess.  And don’t bother asking why my father named the dog Earl.  I got nuthin’ there.

I hope it's not Biogen Idec. I, uh, may tend to say nasty things about them (as an MS patient, I've been down some bad road as far as pharmaceuticals go).

I’m so sorry for all that you’ve been through.  My aunt has MS and now lives in a nursing home that specializes in MS patients.  It's a horrible disease and my heart goes out to you.  Please feel free to rail away at my industry as much as you want.  I work for a generic company, so at least I can say that I play no part in what passes as innovation in medicine.  We only strive for cheaper versions of what other companies have already (allegedly) deemed safe and effective.

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I forgot all about that song, but now I’m remembering a fun, campy video from the 90s that accompanied it?

Only the greatest music video ever made in the history of music videos.

But I am sorry about your dog.


*(And here is where I would have to explain that the above link is NOT 'Safety Dance', but that was in TWoP land, and I think that we can leave that joke behind? Especially as we never did find a decent quality video of that)

Edited by Lisin
fixed it to embed youtube
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Thanks for your kind words, Earl -- I don't take any MS drugs now, so all my railing is past-tense. And making generics is a worthy thing. :) I'm sorry for the loss of Earl the dog. It does make a great story.

I think the vids are gonna be embedded, which means the Safety Dance joke is no more. Adieu, Men Without Hats. You served us well. ;)

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Hi old friends and new! I'm Anne, I'm in my mid-40s and live in Tucson, AZ with my husband and two rescue dogs. A very long time ago, I used to recap Buffy for TWoP. I work at a university but my hobbies are more central to my self-image - knitting, painting, TV, crafting, dog rescue.

My recent (but it's a rocky road) TV obsession has been Teen Wolf, mostly because I have really inappropriate feels about Stiles/Dylan O'Brien.

I  prefer genre TV, and I've mostly sworn off shows about the profound pain of being a white man, so I haven't watched many of the critically acclaimed TV of the past few years. This upcoming fall, I plan to just watch Sleepy Hollow and Brooklyn 99 and pretend we live in a world where TV shows try harder with diversity.

Edited by Anne Chase
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Hello newbies, and oldbies that are resurfacing to (re-)join our little crew here. I'm Gary. I live in NYC and have been an attorney for over 20 years. Single. Childless, but a doting uncle of a niece and nephew who have grown up way too fast. I was a long-time Administrative Law Judge holding unemployment insurance hearings until about 9 years ago when I left for my current job at the state attorney general's office. Still dealing mostly with unemployment cases. Outside of work, I love most sports, play softball from March to November (volleyball playing days are likely over due to knee problems), work out, and also spend (way too much) time on the computer, watching tv, and reading sci-fi/fantasy/spy novels. I guess Orphan Black is probably my biggest current tv obsession. I've also had the good fortune to meet a number of the people on this board, as well as to see a few of KPC's plays.

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The way I've always pronounced these names in my head:

taylork = tay-lork

cko = see-kay-oh

Barphe = Barf

Valny = Val-nigh

Edited by YME
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I am Harvester, and I frequented TWoP when it was Mighty Big TV, and that website allowed to meet my fabulous Buffyverse friends. These folks have helped me through many an emotional rough patch.

I taught English and theater in Michigan for years, but a year and a half ago, I restarted my career in Denver. I work in central administration, and I do not love it, so I am keeping my options open. I am closer to my family now (the sane ones anyway) so Denver was a good move.

I am not married, but Denver has a lot of single men, so I have been enjoying that. My current favorite show is Game of Thrones, but I do enjoy Orphan Black too.

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Hi everyone.  I'm harrie - not my given name, but I will answer to it.   I went to school to study TV/Film but turned into an office worker, currently underemployed and considering working toward a paralegal certificate.  I'm 53 and have been married for a long time, no kids but dogs and cats. Right now, one of each (and a baker's dozen of nieces and nephews).  I, too, am obsessed by horses and volunteered at an equine rescue for 10 years until politics made it too unpleasant to spend time there. Still love the critters, and will engineer my travel plans to pass or encounter as many horses as possible.  History, mostly American/local, is another hobby, and some vacations are spent on battlefields and in cemeteries. The hub and I also keep a fairly large garden, growing some of everything - potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, chard/kale, greens, flowers for the birds and bees, etc. - so we both like to cook and eat, too. I sort of keep up on sports, but mostly hockey.   We did use to go to Yankee games, but I was a fan of (the old) Yankee Stadium more than the team.  The place oozed history; you could just feel the stuff that had happened there in earlier years.  Plus I got to see Joe DiMaggio in the flesh, which, if I had a bucket list, would probably be something to check off it.   Since BtVS and AtS went off air, i haven't been captivated by much on TV except for Lost, which I followed to the end and had no regrets about it, and the currently running Person of Interest. Amy Acker, whose Fred character on Angel left me lukewarm, is excellent on PofI as a brainy, possibly slightly deranged, loose cannon.

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Once you've pasted the quote in, go back to the start and press backspace to remove the excess line.

Ok. That's exactly what I thought I had been trying, but I guess not. Thanks, Joe.

Earl, sorry to hear about your dog. I don't usually shorten user names, but may have to in your case.

Willowy, I'm not confident that Agents of Shield is improving but I'm going to see it through to the end of the season and will probably come back next season to see if it's any better.

I remember Boliver from when I posted more frequently, AnnieF. For some reason, I thought she worked in a library. It has been a while, so it's possible that's changed or I am confusing things.

I like Safety Dance and will now have to go look up the video because I don't remember it. Definitely remember the song, just not the video.

Hi to all the new names!

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I'm LittleVoice. I was also LittleVoice on TWoP way back when. Haven't posted for ages and ages, but was just thinking about diving in again when the TWoPocolypse happened, so here I am. 

Re: me. I live in Minneapolis (or close enough), married, no kids, 40s. Spend my days in corporate communications. Love to write and read, love losing myself in a good book or series or movie. I tend to gravitate towards genre stuff in television, though Breaking Bad is probably my favorite series ever. Well, maybe tied with Buffy. Lost would be in there too if not for that final season. 

Life has been knocking me on my ass lately (and this brutal winter hasn't helped) so I need to start finding the fun again. Off to try to do that!

ETA: Oh, and I'm looking forward to the Game of Thrones return this weekend, and Orphan Black (next week?)!

Edited by LittleVoice
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Ah the days of getting "safety-danced."  I walked into that prank more times than I will ever admit.

LnB, does this mean we should have been calling you Your Honor all this time?  I'm surprised we haven't been held in contempt.

So cool to meet the new and/or returning folks, and learning more about the ones I already know.  waves

The profound pain of the bad guys has worn me down these days.  And since I've read the books, I just can't with Game of Thrones.  I want shows like Lie to Me, where you can easily tell who the good guys are by the white hat they wear and good wins out.  But one's mileage may vary (can we say that here?) and I respect and enjoy everyone's opinions and likes/dislikes.

Orphan Black!  It might be the only show I'm looking forward to right now. Valny and his honor LnB are partly responsible.  I don't know why Tatiana Maslany doesn't have nominations and wins on the award shows out there.  I don't think BBC is airing re-runs right now, otherwise I'd be watching those to prep for season 2.

I slept weirdly last night because my left neck/trap are ki.l.l.ing me.

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Tatiana was nominated for a Golden Globe or something last year, wasn't she? Not that that counts as a real award.

Watched Thor: The Dark World tonight with our neighbors. That guy sure knows how to wear a cape.

Hope you sleep better tonight, KPC.

Edited by LittleVoice
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I watched the first episode of HIMYM just now. I might just watch the rest of Season One before retiring it for ever.

The blue French horn is still cute.

It's my 17th anniversary tomorrow, so right now I have spent the evening cramped up in bed, and Kory has been in the basement playing very gory X-Box games. But, in the most romantic gesture of the year so far, when I slumped home from work, there was a square vase with 10 pinkish roses in it, a dozen red roses and a box of tampax with an anniversary card attached to it. The guy is a keeper.

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My daughter's car is going to take over a grand in work to pass inspection, but despite that I have decided to go away for my birthday. We are going to go to the same b&b we went to last year for my birthday. I work really really hard and honestly I just need this. I'm not going into debt for it, I just don't have my Suzy Ormand 8 month emergency fund.

I keep a pretty close eye on my credit card charges, and there was one I didn't recognize, so I looked into it and found it was from Adam and Eve, OK, so that is why the batteries were missing from the remote. How do you have the conversation with your daughter that you would have been happy to buy her a vibrator but don't appreciate her ordering things without your approval?

Happy anniversary, Erratic.

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Happy Birthday Dusky and sometimes one's well-being is the emergency that needs the funds.

Earl I'm sorry about your dog too but what a neat way to honor him.  It sounds like you and I have quite a bit in common.

I pronounce names mostly like YME except valny is val-nee to me.

I'm not journeywoman IRL but it is a nodd to my desire to travel and after leaving the first board (parenting) I ever visited I felt a name change was necessary.  I live in the midwest, you could say a distant suburb of Chicago, and work in the financial industry which is not nearly as glamorous as it sounds.  I am old and somewhat technically incompetent but hope to change that with the arrival of my first data phone next month.  I am married and have two kids, a son in college and a daughter in high school, and a cat who is a bit of a spaz. 

I've sort of glommed on to one show to obsess about for a good part of my life (Chyna Beach?) but after discovering BtVS and TwoP I learned so much more about TV production that I feel I appreciate good TV more now.  So BtVS and AtS sit at the peak as they should but over the years I've also loved Lost and Breaking Bad and right now I'm enjoying The Americans, Orphan Black, Arrow and of course Sherlock (BBC.)  But I can't keep up with some here because I love to read too and that takes up much of my free time.

I've had the honor to meet many here in the real world, including Taylork, JHeaton, Boliver, AnnieF, Darkpool, cko, Loandbehold, oh and I am throwing SilverFox in as an honory member.  I hope to meet others here over time as well because the support provided here is not something I could ever have imagined existed much less having been the recepient of.  Y'all rock.  And I'm sure someone will figure out a way to have a Safety Dance sneak attack.

Speaking of technical incompetence.  Do you all read posts, return to the thread, and then click the marked all button?  Because that seems to mark all the threads as read.  I read the FAQ but am apparently stupid.

ETA: Heh, did anyone else catch the little subliminal misspelling above?

Edited by journeywoman
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You have no idea how hard it is for us! NO IDEA!!! *sobs*

There, there, Darkpool. Go do something comforting! You know - date a hooker, punch a business rival, or cook some meth. You'll feel better shortly!

I want shows like Lie to Me, where you can easily tell who the good guys are by the white hat they wear and good wins out.

KPC, this reminds me I've been thinking of getting Amazon Prime so I can rewatch all ten seasons of comforting good-guys-win Stargate SG-1 again. :) Sam Carter and Vala are the best!

Edited by Anne Chase
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Happy birthday, Erratic.

Enjoy the b&b, dusky, and good luck with that conversation.

sometimes one's well-being is the emergency that needs the funds

That's such a great way to look at it. How many of us put our well-being last? I bet a lot of us.

I started watching but only got through about a half hour of Orphan Black. Not because I wasn't interested. It was just a time thing. That's on my list to get back to.

Do you all read posts, return to the thread, and then click the marked all button?  Because that seems to mark all the threads as read.

I usually read the posts and return to the thread but don't click on anything. Then when I come back later, I click on the symbol next to the thread I want to read. I think it's a star if you have posted in it and a circle if you haven't.  (ETA: It's a conversation bubble, not a circle.) That will take me to the last read post. If you click on the symbol next to the forum instead of the thread, that will mark everything read I believe.

Edited by Endeavour
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Go to the top of the page and click on my shows.  DO NOT CLICK ON THE little white box options but confirm it.  Then, the next time you log into this page, a cute little box shows up at the top of your page that says "go to to first unread post" and viola!*  I hope that makes sense.

Thanks for the neck vibes little voice.  It feels a bit better today.  Sometimes I think I must do gymnastics in my sleep

Have a lovely birthday weekend dusky!  You deserve time off to pamper yourself.


*(in my childhood, I thought viola in french was spelled "wall-ah" and "viola" was pronounced like the shakespearean Viola.  Big confusion for awhile).

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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I'm glad I didn't miss Erratic's anniversary and dusky's birthday. Many happy returns of the day to both you !!

(Warning, this is going to be long, I have 2 days worth stored up!! Feel free to skip the whole thing, I won't mind)

The reason I'm late is because I bought a new laptop. More on that later. 

Hello everyone, I'm romantic idiot. I'm Indian and a fairly typical Bong / Bengali, currently living in Bangalore. My name (good name as we Bongs would call it) is unpronounceable not just by foreigners but fellow Indians too, so am happy to pretty much answer to anything but that. It's best if I don't get into how I manage to watch most of the television I do, but they are getting better at showing a lot of these series at home, now. I like to think of myself as a marketing professional working in a large bank. I am very lucky - I have a wonderful boss and good and helpful coworkers. I have awesome clients. We were short staffed last year, which was challenging, but that's fixed itself now. I still find myself wondering whether or not to change jobs or move back home to Calcutta though, because (despite being paid fairly well, I think, though not as much as my batchmates, probably), I want more money because I'm a spendthrift. I have a Bachelor's (Hons) in Economics and an MBA specialising in Finance & Strategic Management. I have a brother who is 10 years younger, and two loving parents whom I lead around by the nose. (I'm spoiled). 

Regarding TV obsessions - I was following The Good Wife, but that's over. And I'm feeling blah about Scandal, Community, Parks and Rec. Maybe it's just the recent bloodbath. I'll confess, I htink I need a little bit more knowledge of (and interest in) American History to be really into Sleepy Hollow, but I'm dancing at the thought of Orphan Black's return and a few uninterrupted weeks of Mindy. I go back and forth on Nashville. I'm NEVER EVER watching GoT or Breaking Bad, I don't watch shows that kill off main characters or something as horrifying as BB on principle. That's not a world I want to live in. 

That's probably enough about for me - I believe the world is heliocentric and I'm the sun, so there's going to be a lot more follow over the next few <insert preferred measure of time>

There was a long period of time when I thought YME was "Yimmie."

cko is see-kay-oh.

Barphe is Bar-fee

valny is val-nee

Pretty much this. 

Agents of SHIELD was hella awesome last episode - hopefully this is an indicator that they are going to finally live up to their potential, 

Unfortunately, still too much Skye for me though. 

I want shows like Lie to Me, where you can easily tell who the good guys are by the white hat they wear and good wins out.  

I like that aspect of Lie to Me. but some aspect of Monica Rajmund really gets on my nerves. She just tends to take over whatever she appears in (e.g. TGW), and she's so Lana Lang and Skye-like in LTM that I wasn't able to get into that show. 

How do you have the conversation with your daughter that you would have been happy to buy her a vibrator but don't appreciate her ordering things without your approval?

I don't envy you your conversation, but how cool that she could do that!! 

I usually read the posts and return to the thread but don't click on anything. Then when I come back later, I click on the symbol next to the thread I want to read. I think it's a star if you have posted in it and a circle if you haven't.  (ETA: It's a conversation bubble, not a circle.) That will take me to the last read post. If you click on the symbol next to the forum instead of the thread, that will mark everything read I believe.

I kept mixing this up, but I've sort of figured out a mnemonic, well, thought. The filled bubble or star takes you to the newest unread post. But, in a forum with multiple threads that wouldn't work, therefore that button does not do that for a forum.

About my laptop, so I dropped my 3.5 year old Macbook pro in a bucket of water in December. Luckily the just had to replace the hard drive (**sob** 10 years worth of stupidly not backed up books **sob**) and the Ethernet didn't work, so I got Wifi at home (I was resisting for no reason). Not too expensive. But the display thing on the motherboard stopped working on Friday morning, and with water damage niggles like this were only going to continue. So I could have gotten it fixed for 8k odd, but I bought a new one instead (another obsolete for a month now model) for 70k. The cost was 90k, but they are taking my old Mac for 20k. And I'd already done repairs worth 22k on it already. So, I'm feeling guilty and wondering how to save money on my credit card bill. But anyway, new laptop, yay. It's my birthday gift to myself. I can't afford it. Well, I can but I'll have to pay finance charges. My finance degree doesn't help me manage my finances at all !! Just helps me justify my actions. Gah. 

Yeah, so, hi, I'm r.i.; I ramble. 

Edited by romantic idiot
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Anne Chase (feels weird, Ace)  someone somewhere is doing an official rewatch of SG-1. Helpful right? I can't remember if it was on here or somewhere else that I saw it. I was thinking of joining in.

Happy Birthday dusky! And anniversary to you Erratic!

ETA: It's on this site.

Edited by ZenLizzy
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Happy anniversary (not birthday), Erratic!

Hi and good luck with the new computer, romantic idiot. I agree with the too much Sky or too much adoration of Sky. I'm hoping that's fixed next season.

Edited by Endeavour
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Thanks, Endeavour !!

There are so many good reasons to just kill her off - I don't know why they don't just do that. As beloved as she is - the story potential is awesome!! I think the Whedons need to talk to the Kings. 

Edited by romantic idiot
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Happy anniversary, Erratic.

Happy birthday, dusky. The Adam & Eve story is priceless.  And mental health is hard to put a price on, but it is valuable, so enjoy your weekend.

KPC, Lie to Me is possibly my all-time favorite Buffy episode.

Romantic Idiot, I am glad your computer issue worked out. 

Anne C., I do Amazon Prime, and even with the price increase (to $99), it's worth it for the free shipping alone in my case.  The videos are a nice bonus, with a lot of free stuff available, plus cheap enough rentals/sales.   

Edited by harrie
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    You have no idea how hard it is for us! NO IDEA!!! *sobs*

There, there, Darkpool. Go do something comforting! You know - date a hooker, punch a business rival, or cook some meth. You'll feel better shortly.


Anyone do their own taxes?

Yes. Eventually.

Happy happy birthday, dearest dusky. And am I the only one that's a bit relieved to hear about Adam and Eve? I don't even know why, exactly.

No other news here. I'm geared up to watch Game of Thrones, Orphan Black, and Fargo this month. Well I have mixed feelings about Fargo, but I could watch Martin Freeman in anything. Except I hear that one movie he was in (where he met Amanda Abbington, love them) is horrible.

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Not all that great with introductions but here goes:

I just joined TWoP last June and sad about it shutting down but glad KPC found this place. My username here is the same as there. I'm in my mid-30s, Single, and live in Los Angeles (13 years on the 7th).

I watch alot of TV but its a fairly short list of the "must" shows: Sleepy Hollow, Orphan Black, and The Blacklist.

I read A LOT. Across a wide range of genres.

I like Tennis, Baseball (Mets), and NASCAR.

This year, I am making a dream that I've had for 25 years come true by going to NYC in August. And I will be travelling by train. Very excited and very nervous!

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Happy Anniversary, Erraticand happy birthday, Dusky! I hope you are both enjoying wonderful weekends. And thanks for posting the "Earl" video - ghat was a lot of fun to rewatch. Thank goodness the handkerchief-as-shirt fad died with the decade.

Tonight I'm having a friend and her son over to watch GoT. I wouldn't normally play hostess on a Sunday night but they don't have HBO and usually watch by less legal means. Plus it gets me off my butt to enjoy a clean house for the week. And: fun munchie foods!

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And: fun munchie foods!

Trying to think of what munchies would go well with GOT. Hope it's not one of  those times you regret eating, like The First Rule of Fringe: Never Eat During Fringe. That happened to me just the other day with a show that now I can't remember which.

But yeah, I'll definitely be glued to my seat for GOT, despite that part of myself that is saying "noooooooooo!"

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My sister and I are making a few things from the Game of Thrones cookbook. Sorry, no fermented mare's milk is available.

It's a lovely weekend here, and I have spent most of it re watching GoT.

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But yeah, I'll definitely be glued to my seat for GOT, despite that part of myself that is saying "noooooooooo!"

I'd also encourage y'all to cleanse your palate with 'Veep' after GoT (half an hour later, I think. Still HBO). Julia Louis Dreyfus is absolutely fantastic in Veep, and I have this half-crazed desire to see Cyrus Bean appear as her campaign manager, because, that would be my two favourite fictional White House employees together. Oh, and throw CJ in there too and that'd be great too.

Hope your birthday went well, Dusky, please tell me that you didn't get a big ol' dildo from your daughter...

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The process seemed about the same to me: mostly simple but oddly confusing at times.

That about sums it up for me. Something always happens that makes me question the results.

Lots of GoT watchers. I will get to that one eventually. I think all the seasons are only available on HBO Go, not on demand. I have to figure out how to get HBO Go on my tv. I do have that on my phone, but I really don't feel like watching it there.

Hi CherokeeRose4! Do have anything in particular planned for NY?

After seeing all the posts here mentioning how good Orphan Black is, I decided to get back to it after only having seen part of the first ep. I watched the entire 1st season this weekend. What a great show. It's very well done. I do have a question but will head over to that thread to ask I guess. This is the first weekend I've had in a very, very long time that I could just relax and it felt great to spend a large chunk of it getting into a new series.

cko, I'm not sure about Fargo either but am giving it a shot for the same reason as you.

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I already posted this at TWoP today, since that is my home away from home. I can't quit youuuu!

My niece Kari and her almost two year old son Oscar are going to be on The Today show this Monday at around 9.30am.

It is a segment about people who do charitable work and Oscar has gotten some of his walking gear due to that. I don't think I ever mentioned that he was born missing some bones in his right leg, his femur is short and is missing his fibula.(it's a rare kind of birth defect)  so his leg is a lot shorter than the other. But he's such a happy kid and is already scooting around with his walker and is learning to use his prosthetic.  I put a link at the bottom and he can see where the physical therapist is helping him to walk with his prosthetic. He is an amazing little boy I have no doubt this kid is going to be able to do anything he sets his mind to as he gets older.
Anyway.... the Today Show segment is really about the volunteer/charity people, but hopefully Oscar and Kari get a few seconds of screen time.
My sister is also coming with her to NY today to help out because she's also taking her baby she just had in January, so she'll have her hands full.(they both live in Tulsa,Oklahoma)

The show picks them up from the airport and brings them to the hotel and brings them back. After the show,they'll go home later that day, so they won't be staying here for long. But I'll be recording the show.

You can see a quick video here my niece took of him doing his walking exercise with his physical therapist.  


BTW- I will post my introduction later this week. Really, it's not that interesting! But since everyone is doing it.....:)

Edited by Valny
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