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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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First step to survival: Find your people!  I use the screen name Irishmaple as a shoutout to my two nationalities.  I was born in Ireland, and lived there through my childhood and teen years; as  a young adult I emigrated to Canada and have lived here ever since.  Nice to run into other Irish-Canadians in zombie land.   

I did it, you guys! I got my mom hooked on TWD! I had never really thought of it before, because I figured it would be too gory for her. But I saw a couple of posters mentioning getting their moms to watch the show, so I figured - it can't hurt to try. We were planning to spend Halloween weekend with her, the kids and I, so my husband could do some painting. So I brought my season one dvd, and surprisingly she immediately said she would be open to giving it a chance. Well, we watched Days Gone Bye Friday night and after it was over she turned to me and said, "I liiiiike" it. It was so cute, she was like a little kid. We ended up staying up until midnight Saturday night finishing the season, and now she's all bummed she has to wait until next weekend for me to bring season 2 over. 


It's so adorable, she really likes Glenn and was freaking out when the Vatos had him. And as soon as she saw Andrea put the gun in Rick's face, she said - "I don't like her, she's a drama girl". That's when I knew we were going to really bond over this show. I'm a little upset that I won't be able to watch all the other episodes with her, but I can't very well just move in until she's all caught up. It's just really fun to witness someone getting hooked on it like I did. Although, I will say, it's sometimes hard to discuss stuff, because I have to make certain I don't give something away. 

  • Love 7

It's Tuesday night, it's raining and dark, and I'm at home.  I had my shower, and now I'm waiting for The Flash to start at 8pm instead of catching it online later in the week.  I stopped at the candy store, which stocks imports from my homeland, and I have my Fry's Chocolate Cream all ready to go.  It's a good night.  Yes, I really am the type of person who enjoys doing things that are not so good for me over those that might good for me.  This is my kind of meditation! 


ETA: further proof that nothing in my life goes seamlessly - The Flash is not on tonight.  CTV is showing The Hunger Games movie instead.  Why, Universe, why?  All I wanted was one little TV show, not some overhyped movie event. At least I can catch Agents of SHIELD on the US channel, but if that's a re-run, I'm not going to be happy.

Edited by Irishmaple
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Clear is one of my favourite episodes of The Walking Dead.  Rick, Carl, Michonne and Morgan.  And zombies.  I don't really need much more than that.


You guys (in the US) are having an election?  I just got through the mayoral one here - Rob Ford was replaced, if anyone's interested.  Honestly, all I wanted was one Tuesday night of TV and everything's a re-run.  The Universe is having the last laugh here.  At least the chocolate hit the spot.

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Amen to that!


We just finished playing board games with a couple of our friends ("Pandemic" followed by "King of Tokyo") We had a blast! If you had told me a couple of years ago that I would be looking forward to board game nights with friends when I was in my mid-forties I would have called you crazy! Board games (especially co-operative ones) have come such a long way! Thank you, Wil Wheaton, for producing TableTop and showing me the error of my ways!


Next week, Zombicide, where our ragtag group of survivors works together to fight the zombie horde!

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The Canadians are taking over! 


All my people lost that I voted for. Oh well, zombies are coming anyway. And in the ZA I will be the idiot whining that I just miss tv. They will ostracize me not because I kill Karen but because I keep humming theme songs and reminiscing about the whacky hi-jinks, they will yell "WE ARE ABOUT TO DIE AND YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT GILLIGAN?"


And food, I will refuse the can of cat food but I'm all over a stale cheeto

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Hey y'all!  Sorry, someone thought a throwaway joke I made was a real spoiler; I am so sorry it came across like that! I don't actually know any such thing, it was sarcasm but I guess a little too dry. Or in the future I should say "just kidding"!

Whoever was upset, I apologize for making you think I gave away something real!  I'll be more careful...but it is kinda funny...I do come up with some weird shit just being a smart-ass sometimes. Like the time I told the statie who pulled me over that I was speeding because I had to get my heroin delivery downtown by 7:00.


He didn't think that was so funny either.

This reminds me of the time the FBI was doing a background check on my daughter for security clearance.  They were going to interview random family members so she called me, just in case.  She said Mom, please, no sarcasm and no jokes.  The FBI does NOT have a sense of humor.

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Argh! I'm so frustrated! I have been trying to add an avatar photo and I just can't seem to do it! When I use my Flickr account (which allows me to size a photo down to 50 x 50 square) the system tells me it can't find the photo. When I try to use my own photos it tells me the image is too large (and my ancient laptop does not have a sizing feature in my photo album).


Sigh. I guess I am doomed to be rainbow smiley here for awhile...



Edited by shanndee
  • Love 1

Because I feel the need to keep you all informed of my every speedbump: Disaster Has Struck.  Since I moved to this new place, I've been a basic analog cable gal waiting for the digital adapter box.  I have fewer channels but most shows I watched were available.  The cable provider is switching from analog (cable in back of TV) to digital service and I've lost channels even since I moved here in September.  I got home from dinner, switched on the TV and discovered I've lost AMC.  I have nothing of interest higher than channel 30 now and AMC occupied channel 32.  Nothing but static there.  I have the adapter box but have no idea what hooking it up might involve.  I'll try calling Tech Support tomorrow and see if someone can walk me through it, but I doubt I'll be able to get a Support person out on a Sunday.  I might actually miss tomorrow night's episode and AMC online isn't available in my area.  This may not be the worst thing that ever happened to me, but it feels pretty damn close.  What am I supposed to do at 9pm Sunday if I can't watch The Walking Dead?

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