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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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I had very little tv in the 90's also. Are you guys stalking me? I watched all kinds of crap after the fact. And I'm mourning the loss of AMC for this upcoming season, that's why I'm trying to find peeps to view with. (May have locked that down, won't be Sunday nights but I'll get it.) I may break down and bump up my package but damn I'm poor. I'm calculating how much turning off my air conditioner might save me. haha


And I can't believe there's no one else from here going to walker stalker con. I know I'll meet plenty of crazies but I'd love a "pre- approved" crazy before hand. I'm not scared of ya'll at all even though you eat squirrel meat. :D

We are all freaks in this forum, I swear.  I didn't have a TV until September 12th.  I got one for obvious reasons on that day in 2001.  I don't think I've known anyone else that didn't have TV's through the 90's and damn how many on here are there??  I have caught up on some of my pop culture through Netflix though.


I think I'm going to the walker stalker in Chicago in February.  I can't get days off to go to Atlanta, and I can like walk to it in Chicago.

  • Love 1

I have cable!!  With AMC on it.  It's just basic cable for now but one of my new room mates is leaving in November and handing over her digital box so I'll get Space back.  No more Z Nation, which shouldn't annoy me as much as it does, because it doesn't look like Space puts it online.  But I have cable again.  I am so happy.  The cat is still gone, I'm still getting to know my new room mates and I still have to start a new job next week, but I feel so much better.  See, Mom, TV does make everything better!

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Congrats! This is where the cycle starts taking you up again--good luck on the new job; can't see any reason the new roomies wouldn't be lucky to live with someone like you, maybe someday another little fuzzy will come in to your life. Glad to know things are looking up for you. Keep us up-to-date, and don't forget only 15 days!!!!!

  • Love 1

I had the weirdest ZA dream last night. We (and by "we" I mean myself and a random group of people) were living in an old school, it had several stories. There were actually quite a few people living there and resources began to dwindle fast. So a bunch of the teenagers/young 20-somethings formed a group and were rounding up the old and young (apparently there were no middle aged people other than me?), and no one was quite sure what they were doing with them - eating them, feeding them to the zombies, just locking them up somewhere so they didn't have to share? I was determined it wouldn't happen to me, so I decided to start a romance with one of the boys in the group. I figured that at first it would save me, but in time I would be allowed more freedom, could possibly get one of their cell phones and sneak out to call the FBI. Yes, I said the dream was weird - apparently in THIS ZA there were working cell phones and the FBI was still in tact. So anyhow, that was my plan, but I could never get away from the dude long enough. And I began to realize what a mistake it was, because he was an intolerable idiot. Despite hoarding the remaining supplies among a small few, people were not getting enough - and everyone was getting sick and weak. I asked him if they had any safety measures in place, in case people die and turn in the night (mmmmhmmm, "we're all infected" here too) and he just looked at me like I had 7 heads. Then he began to pull the rotting teeth out of his mouth and try to paint them with White Out. That's when I woke up.

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Oh schmoogity! Thats a freaky dream. My apocalypse dream...I was rescued by Sayid from "Oz" although he was some military dude. He took me to a facility where we were gonna get to repopulate earth. The scientist studied us and put us through all this medical stuff to see that we would make awesome future people with spectacular DNA and I pretty much didn't care. I was like "woohoo Ima do it with Sayid!" we were gonna have to be observed and do it in this big water tank, didn't care. I was like bring it on. At the last minute they found other chicks and I was pissed but then I said who cares I still get to do it just have to share. Then I woke up. I CAN'T EVEN GET LUCKY IN A DREAM! I've only ever had one successful dream and if I tell you guys you have to promise never to tell. EVER. No I won't make it dirty. 


I've seen the descriptions of the walking dead spin off. Meh so far but you know I'll tune in. See what's up. another Andrea. 

Edited by nachomama
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Well since you begged...Once upon a time I dreamed that I was going to an art opening. And there was a lifesize nude painting of Richard Belzer. hahahahahahahha It was just after I got tv in the 90's, I was catching up on "Homicide: Life on the Street" I'm sure I watched an episode before bed. Anywhooo...basically I went home with Richard Belzer (no I have no attraction to him whatsoever, zip zilch zero) because well...he was given certain gifts...


My shame knows no limits. IT WAS A DREAM PEOPLE. YOU CAINT JUDGE ME.

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Oh I've always wanted to have those weird dreams!  I've been a lucid dreamer all my life so whenever things start being wonky I'm immediately dream eye-rolling at myself and realize it is a dream and not real.

There is a certain "anti-anxiety" pill also prescribed for post-allergy itching and hives, anything with the nervous system---anyway one of the side effects is that you dream of famous people. I had a reaction to maypops (a type of vine plant fruit) and my arm was one big blister that itched insanely. My doc gave me these pills and I kept thinking this is so strange, I usually dream but I've never seen a celebrity in my dreams but now they are everywhere in my dream world! The doc showed me articles in medical journals; he was laughing about how big a percentage of people suddenly are surrounded by Hollywood stars when they dream.


I have never had RIchard Belzer show up. Matt Damon and George Clooney have kissed me though...so maybe you need to see your physician promptly.

Well since you begged...Once upon a time I dreamed that I was going to an art opening. And there was a lifesize nude painting of Richard Belzer. hahahahahahahha It was just after I got tv in the 90's, I was catching up on "Homicide: Life on the Street" I'm sure I watched an episode before bed. Anywhooo...basically I went home with Richard Belzer (no I have no attraction to him whatsoever, zip zilch zero) because well...he was given certain gifts...


My shame knows no limits. IT WAS A DREAM PEOPLE. YOU CAINT JUDGE ME.

So I'm going to fly my freak flag at the highest possible point here, fellow PTVer's.


Am I the only freak sitting here reading about the Ebola outbreak in Dallas and surmising that paying very close attention to every episode of The Walking Dead for survival tips in case this outbreak goes to a cataclysmic degree is probably not an entirely bad idea?  


I take little comfort in the CDC's half-hearted reassurances...I remember all too well all of the misinformation they doled out when AIDS/HIV came to the forefront.  Yeah, not trusting their info right now...


Thinking maybe I should get myself a semi-automatic, a cowboy hat, and start hoarding bottled water every time I look at the headlines.


And, of course, because I'm anal-retentive and OCD beyond any rational comprehension, I'm also wondering how many cases of Ebola will have cropped up before October 12th and TWD premiere.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 4

So I'm going to fly my freak flag at the highest possible point here, fellow PTVer's.


Am I the only freak sitting here reading about the Ebola outbreak in Dallas and surmising that paying very close attention to every episode of The Walking Dead for survival tips in case this outbreak goes to a cataclysmic degree is probably not an entirely bad idea?  


I take little comfort in the CDC's half-hearted reassurances...I remember all too well all of the misinformation they doled out when AIDS/HIV came to the forefront.  Yeah, not trusting their info right now...


Thinking maybe I should get myself a semi-automatic, a cowboy hat, and start hoarding bottled water every time I look at the headlines.


And, of course, because I'm anal-retentive and OCD beyond any rational comprehension, I'm also wondering how many cases of Ebola will have cropped up before October 12th and TWD premiere.  


I almost always think "Global pandemic with 90% fatality" when a new virus pops up in the headlines.  All thanks to Stephen King and "The Stand".

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I almost always think "Global pandemic with 90% fatality" when a new virus pops up in the headlines.  All thanks to Stephen King and "The Stand".


Thanks to The Stand, I'm still convinced it will be a silly flu-like bug that will get you all, not an exotic disease that isn't easily spread.   I say "you all" because living like a hermit will save me.   :-D


Ebola doesn't scare me a bit.  I haven't touched another human being in quite some time, and that's how you get it.  heh.

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Thanks to The Stand, I'm still convinced it will be a silly flu-like bug that will get you all, not an exotic disease that isn't easily spread.   I say "you all" because living like a hermit will save me.   :-D


Ebola doesn't scare me a bit.  I haven't touched another human being in quite some time, and that's how you get it.  heh.


I feel ya, WQ.  I work from home and thus can stock up on necessities and hole up if and when required.  For the first time in my life, I'm seeing the true advantage to working remotely for my employer.  No pesky subways, buses, or trains to deal with and the close quarters in which all of those bacteria can breed and fester.  Yikes.


Okay, now that I've officially scared the crap out of myself, I'll be taking notes of any especially intriguing survival tips from this season of TWD.  


And stocking up on ginormous cans of pudding for sustenance.  

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The Stand is the reason I go to the pharmacist every year and get my flu shot.  I'm not accumulating all this survival knowledge to go down without a fight. 


I survived my first day in the new job.  I hate that feeling of showing up and not having a clue what I'm supposed to do.  I mean, I know my job and I'm good at it, but there's that new kid moment where it just all seems weird.  In room-mate news, one of them talked me into taking a meditation class with her from 6.30 to 8pm on Tuesday nights throughout October.  My first thought: I'll miss The Flash.  Do I seem like someone who should be meditating?  I am consoled by the fact that I can watch The Flash online.  My second thought: at least it's not Sunday nights because, as of the 12th, those are sacred.  There was a publicity poster for the show on a notice board in my new neighbourhood which made me like my new neighbourhood even more.  It was Rick Grimes and it made my morning, and I hadn't even had my coffee.  I may stroll by again tomorrow morning just so I can have Rick glower at me some more.

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 Aren't you glad to get the first day knocked out? It's always easier after your first!  :-D


A Rick Grimes poster showing up----that's a good message from your cosmic lifeguard---good omens abounding.


But the meditation class---better you than me! I'd be banished in 5 minutes for snickering. (Hey I get the giggles at funerals.)  Hope it works out for you.

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In all honesty, and just between you, me and whoever else wanders by to read this: I'm not overly enthused about the class.  I've attempted meditation before and I suck at it.  Two minutes of wondering if I'm doing it right, followed by a minute of 'oh shiny' followed by two minutes of waiting for the timer to ding so I can call it a day.  I can't sit still for five minutes and this poor deluded woman thinks she's going to get me to sit for 90.  One of the reasons I work so well with little kids is because my attention span lasts as long as that of the average four-year old.  I've also found it better to stay out of my own head; it's dark and scary in there!

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 Aren't you glad to get the first day knocked out? It's always easier after your first!  :-D


A Rick Grimes poster showing up----that's a good message from your cosmic lifeguard---good omens abounding.


But the meditation class---better you than me! I'd be banished in 5 minutes for snickering. (Hey I get the giggles at funerals.)  Hope it works out for you.


Sing it, sister!


I have the dubious privilege of being the only person I know being physically escorted out of the Tiki Room at Disneyland in Anaheim.


Uncontrollable giggle fits.  With everyone staring at me, which made it even worse.


I mean, c'mon...these people were pointing, oohing and ahhing over FAKE BIRDS coming down from the ceiling.


I found it hysterical and that inappropriate giggling would. not. be. stifled.  I seriously tried.  


That being said, the hot dude outside running the pineapple drink stand thought it was hilarious I'd been thrown out for laughing at how ludicrous it all was and gave me a free one for making his day.  


The moral of the story is sometimes inappropriate behavior pays off, especially when it's 90 degrees outside and you're thirsty as hell.


Okay, now that I'm done giggling, I'll go back to obsessing over all things Ebola-related, debate watching Outbreak, and killing time in general for the next 11 days...

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 4

I have the dubious privilege of being the only person I know being physically escorted out of the Tiki Room at Disneyland in Anaheim.


That being said, the hot dude outside running the pineapple drink stand thought it was hilarious I'd been thrown out for laughing at how ludicrous it all was and gave me a free one for making his day.  




That story made my freakin' day--and it's only 7 a.m.!

I had the ignominious fate of working in Florida theme parks for summer jobs back in Ancient Times (when I was young) and we loved it when someone just unloaded on the whole happy-horseshit!


Oh, I got bounced in the UK when I was doing a semester abroad and we go to the ballet, all dressed, very nice, good seats...it was La Fille Mal Gardee or some such jabberwocky ("The girl who is not guarded/supervised?/chaperoned? well"--whatever) and the lead ballerina does this beautiful leap in the air, legs extended. and misses the guy, or he missed her, and she ass-plants full force on the stage from 6 feet up and grunts "EUWGH!"

That did it.

I just blared "HA!HA!HA! HAAAAAAAAAH! " and a very elegantly dressed middle-aged British matron in front of me turned around in her seat and threw a punch and I go down on the floor in hysterics and my friends get on the floor pissing themselves and we crawled by people's legs to the aisle where some really constipated men of some sort of supervisory function shoved us all the way out to the street. ("muricans!")

Edited by kikismom
  • Love 4


That story made my freakin' day--and it's only 7 a.m.!

I had the ignominious fate of working in Florida theme parks for summer jobs back in Ancient Times (when I was young) and we loved it when someone just unloaded on the whole happy-horseshit!


Oh, I got bounced in the UK when I was doing a semester abroad and we go to the ballet, all dressed, very nice, good seats...it was La Fille Mal Gardee or some such jabberwocky ("The girl who is not guarded/supervised?/chaperoned? well"--whatever) and the lead ballerina does this beautiful leap in the air, legs extended. and misses the guy, or he missed her, and she ass-plants full force on the stage from 6 feet up and grunts "EUWGH!"

That did it.

I just blared "HA!HA!HA! HAAAAAAAAAH! " and a very elegantly dressed middle-aged British matron in front of me turned around in her seat and threw a punch and I go down on the floor in hysterics and my friends get on the floor pissing themselves and we crawled by people's legs to the aisle where some really constipated men of some sort of supervisory function shoved us all the way out to the street. ("muricans!")


That is EPIC!!!


Kikismom, we must make a pact to never (NEVER!) go anywhere together.  I think the two of us would have far too much fun.  


Seriously, I've no doubt that I would have had the same exact reaction you did.  


I walked into a McDonald's one day on a road trip with my cousin, just as a very large, very rough-looking woman with a tray loaded with food somehow decided she was a gazelle and tried to lift her leg up over those rope devices they have guiding the lines.  Yeah, those ropes that are at 2-1/2 feet in the air.  


Right as I opened the front door I saw her lifting her leg and realized she was trying to step over that rope.  It happened so fast but, of course, she wasn't nearly as agile as she inexplicably thought she was, and she got tangled in it, fell flat of her face, and the food from her tray went EVERYWHERE.


Now, I'm inappropriate but not stupid.  I felt those giggles coming on and knew this woman could probably kick my hummingbird ass with one hand tied behind her back, so I quickly clamped my own hand over my mouth, immediately turned and went right back out the front door before she could see or hear me giggling.


My cousin came trotting out after me and thought I had gotten sick.  She found me around the side of the building laughing uncontrollably with tears pouring down my face.  It took me at least 15 minutes before I could go back in.  Every time I'd think I was done laughing, I'd take two or three steps and start laughing all over again.


When I finally did go back in, there she sat, at her table, with a fresh tray full of food that apparently she carried to her table like a normal person this time.


The entire falling incident probably took 10 seconds or less...but the giggles and memories it has provided me since are PRICELESS.


See, just my luck that uncontrollable giggling would probably be the death of me in a zombie apocalypse.  Shutting me up would be more difficult than shutting up Judith when she's hell-bent on crying.  


I'm pretty sure Carol would just use me as zombie bait for everyone's protection.  

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I am so sad that I've never been thrown out of anywhere for inappropriate behavior. I will work on it. 


ALTHOUGH...Praise jeebus there was no youtube/twitter/vine etc for this stunt I pulled. If there's a Britain's funniest videos I'm sure I'm on it. I went to London and I'm trotting happily along with my ginormously overstuffed wheelie suitcase and equally overstuffed over the shoulder bag, when I get to the escalator. There's a bar in the middle that prevents you taking the luggage carts from one floor to the other. So my wheelie bag gets snagged on the bar. And WHOOMP! There it is. I'm on my ass on the escalator my luggage has exploded. My crap all down the steps. I have also ripped fingernails out of my fingers. So I get up cursing and trying to shove things back into the bag. Lovely British people hand me things as they exit the escalator. Thankfully no skivvies. but my camera, deodorant, toothpaste etc etc and one poor man hands me my razor. Bag was broken, I wandered the airport FOREVER, just trying to dump the thing. Every five minutes there's an announcement of "don't leave bags unattended" or they will blow them the frak up because of terrorists. It won't fit in any trash. I stopped a janitor pushing the big big bin that empties all little bins into and he refused to take my bag. So my damn bloody self finally finds a help desk where the woman took. (I just knew that even though I removed all tags they'd be able to identify my DNA and I would cause an international incident) Then I took a Taxi to Victoria station and got on the chunnel to Paris. I'd wasted my whole London day being a numpty. 

Edited by nachomama
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When my parents were alive they loved to play Bingo. They went to this one place every week. My Mom went for the Bingo, and my Dad went for the food, as the senior women of the church prepared home cooked snacks and deserts that were to die for. Once they moved away, the kicked the Bingo habit, but they fall off the wagon when they come back up here around this time of year. They have this one great big Bingo night that gives away a lot of huge prizes.


I went a couple of years ago with them, and I learned two things.


1. Bingo is serious shit.


2. It is a dangerous prospect to piss off little old ladies with blue hair who play 1,000 Bingo cards at a time, who take this Bingo stuff as life and death.

So my sister and I decided to go with my parents to this big Christmas Bingo Extravaganza. It was amazing. These women and men had like whole tables full of cards, and some of them didn't even mark them. They like had them memorized. I only had 4 cards and this nice little old lady next to me who was playing like 200 cards kept saying, "Honey, you missed one." How the fuck did these old people keep up?

I got the hang of it after awhile, and I got bored. Bored for me is just not a good thing.


Anyway, I decided to fuck with my sister. They called a number, and I whisper, "Dude, you got Bingo." My sister, being the naive dumb ass that she is, didn't look at her cards and started screaming, "BINGO! BINGO!"

Oh my God. I lost my shit and started laughing hysterically because of course she didn't have Bingo. People moaned and started swiping the little chips off their 2,000 cards. My sister was desperately looking at her cards trying to figure out where the hell she had Bingo as the card checker lady stood in front of her.


I'm still laughing hysterically as my sister said in a small voice, "I don't have Bingo."


Dude. These people were PISSED. I swear they were planning our deaths as they held up the game so that everyone could put their chips back on their cards. Loud grumbles broke out across the room, as my sister swore she would kill me in my sleep one day.


My parents shot me evil looks from across the table, which just made me break into fits of giggles. We started the game up again, and my sister would jab me in the side, and I'd start giggling again.

Don't you just fucking hate it when you are laughing at a really inappropriate time, you know you shouldn't be laughing, and it just makes you laugh harder? You sit there and grit your teeth so a smile doesn't break out across your face, and this just makes it worse. I couldn't help it. I'd stop for a minute, regain control, and then I'd remember my sister screaming "BINGO! BINGO!" and I'd start giggling all over again.

Finally the dude that was calling the numbers said over the microphone, "You! Blonde girl! You are out of here!" I looked around to see what loser was getting kicked out of Bingo.


Oh fuck, it was me.


My Mom slid the car keys across the table, with the look of certain death on her face. I slowly walked out of the Bingo hall, sporadically breaking into fits of giggles.

Yes, at 31 I had been sent to the car for misbehaving. They didn't leave until it was over, and I had to sit out there for an hour.


My parents and sister finally came out, and when they got in the car my Mom told my Dad to hurry up, that the little old ladies were probably going to lynch me if they got a hold of me.

My fits of giggles started again, and my sister joined in. My exasperated parents gave up, and we started to leave the parking lot. As I looked out my window with a big smile on my face, a little old lady that looked a lot like the "Where's the Beef?" lady gave me the finger.


Yes, Bingo is serious shit.

  • Love 7

And we have Walking Dead Lottery tickets here in Georgia. Scratch off. The commercial is bunch of zombies trying to get into a shack and the woman is fervently seeking a weapon. She gets garden shears and cuts off a walker's finger to scratch her ticket. I was thinking I might buy one for my trip to Walker Con. ( a ticket not a zombie finger)  As my omen. 

  • Love 2

And we have Walking Dead Lottery tickets here in Georgia. Scratch off. The commercial is bunch of zombies trying to get into a shack and the woman is fervently seeking a weapon. She gets garden shears and cuts off a walker's finger to scratch her ticket. I was thinking I might buy one for my trip to Walker Con. ( a ticket not a zombie finger)  As my omen. 

Ooooh I want Walking Dead Lottery tickets!!

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We used to get fits of the giggles in church and my mom would pinch us. That just made us laugh harder. And we would cough and she would send us to the car. 


Would you scratch the lottery tickets? or just hang on to them? I never have cash so I literally only have 1 single dollar bill and I'm torn as to whether I get a mega millions which will be worthless or a zombie which will also be worthless. 

Edited by nachomama
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We used to get fits of the giggles in church and my mom would pinch us. That just made us laugh harder. And we would cough and she would send us to the car.


Church giggles are the worst. I was raised Catholic, but gave it up at about age 14. For some reason, when I was 21 my then-fiance wanted us to go to church for St. Patrick's Day. I can't really remember why. I think we were friends with a Catholic guy? Anyhow, when we got there only the front pew was open - just my luck. I was bored and thumbing through a hymnal, and there was this drawing of several Jesuses on one page. I guess it was showing him doing many different works, but the way it was drawn was just odd and silly looking. So I nudged my fiance, showed him the picture, and said - "Will the real Jesus Christ please stand up" (ala Eminem, whom I hate). He burst out laughing, then *I* was laughing....then some guy in a suit was asking us to leave. 


That's only slightly better than the time I was lifetime banned from a bar for throwing a glass at a girl. Hey, she was making fun of my hair (I was a punkrocker when I was younger and have had several "weird" haircuts over the years). The glass didn't even hit her. 

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I just saw some pics from the premiere. Andrew Lincoln was clean shaven with a haircut. I have read the comics, but I wonder what's going on. And why didn't Reedus have shorter hair? Hmm. Here's hoping the stubble returns. 

AL says there is an extraordinary thing that goes down when he loses the beard.

Oh these jokes just write themselves.



I actually miss that show.  Because of my cable situation (analogue only for now) I don't get Space anymore so I've lost Z Nation.  I honestly didn't expect to mind, but I do.  I read the thread, envious of those who got to enjoy the cannibals and the rest of it.  It's nowhere near as compelling as this show but I found it fun, and everyone involved seemed to know what kind of show they were making and just going for it.  Which I can respect.  I'll be inheriting my room mate's digital box in November (the same one who wants to take me meditating!) so I hope Space will re-run the show at some point and I can catch up.


mandolin, you are not alone.  I've seen interviews with Andrew Lincoln and he seemed like a pleasant guy, but grubby what's-a-shower Rick Grimes?  I adore him. 

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In one week, I'll be next to you.

Cock my head to the side, can't peel my eyes from the tv

5 days I might lose my mind, dont talk to me til after Sunday

3 days I won't leave my house, No spoilers, Sorry!

2 days I won't change the channel


One week til my ZOMBIES!


k very bad parody there. But I kept repeating One Week in my head.


They looked spectacular at the premiere and I'm sure they all love to show off their less than dirty selves.  


And I'm not going in any threads til the season starts. I want virgin brain. I'm going to watch with co-worker but it will be Tuesday. Yes I will watch before that because I just can't help myself. I might nap on Sunday afternoon so I can stay up super late and watch couple times and talking dead. YES PEOPLE I AM THIS OBSESSIVE.

Edited by nachomama
  • Love 4

Next weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving and I'm going out of town with friends.  We're leaving Saturday and returning Sunday, and I have made them promise on pain of death that we will not be back in the city later than 6pm.  I'm leaving plenty of leeway but there will be no living with me if I miss the premiere due to traffic.

  • Love 2

Next weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving and I'm going out of town with friends.  We're leaving Saturday and returning Sunday, and I have made them promise on pain of death that we will not be back in the city later than 6pm.  I'm leaving plenty of leeway but there will be no living with me if I miss the premiere due to traffic.

I don't trust people...you need a plan B.

If they start driving too slow or taking country sightseeing roads or wanting to stop here and there, be ready to start talking with increasing frequency about how that great holiday dinner made you a little gassy.

If that doesn't work bring out the heavy artillery---keep a ziploc bag of egg salad in your coat pocket. No one needs to see it. Just leave it in there all day. Just keep saying omygod i'm so sorry I whoops I did it again...

This is how you get a carpool to take you to your house first. Fast.

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I've been recording the Breaking Bad binge on Sundays, and yesterday AMC crapped out on me.  It wouldn't record anything and I missed several episodes before discovering this and being forced to watch 4 hours of LIVE TELEVISION WITH COMMERCIALS (and no ability to pause or rewind).  Oh, the horror!  I am forever traumatized.


ATT gave me a $25 discount and the problem was resolved by the next morning, but my nightmare now is that it happens again when TWD season premieres.  I may have to watch live again, just in case.  :-)

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