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Blue Bloods in the Media

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On 6/4/2024 at 8:04 PM, DanaK said:

I'm amazed how many people in the comments section agree with me that Young Reagans (working title) should be the spin-off. Henry's commissioner, Frank is a detective (I wanted to see him in the 1970s as a rookie, but that doesn't work) because you need the children old enough to have interesting subplots at home with glimpses of them at school. 

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To me the prospect of such a show needing to having four youngish children plus the wife on a show and a regular 1970s (exterior) New York City location makes it seem less likely. That's a lot of children plus the wife for a cast and a regular 1970s New York setting seems harder to pull off than other flashback shows where you would have primarily interiors maybe or more generic locations.

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Part of Donnie's wrap comments can be seen here via the Internet Archive. It was livestreamed by somebody on TikTok and some of the clips began being posted afterwards, before being taken down for now, but hopefully they will be available in full eventually.

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