OnceSane November 5, 2014 Share November 5, 2014 No episode description yet. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/
VCRTracking November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 Well they answered my question before the episode of how Kuvira could defeat Korra when even at her weakened could still kick her ass once she goes into the Avatar state. They got the metal out of her but the "Dark Korra" spirit that's been haunting her. I don't think it's all in Korra's head. Before that Kuvira was impressive. Suyin I like you but you broke the truce and Kuvira is in within her rights to take over. Kuvira played you like a fiddle.You and Opal need some anger management. Loved Varrick missing Zhu Li and tricking Bataar Jr.(who's a real asshole) Huan's art class was great and Meelo's painting was both hilarious and disturbing. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-543906
Eegah November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 My big concern was that Kuvira would be made into a Mary Sue by being able to beat the Avatar State somehow. Great to see that didn't happen. Can they stop with Bataar Jr. growling like an animal? It's like he turns into Christopher Walken from Sleepy Hollow for a second. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-543943
Xazeal November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 Great episode. The story keeps trucking along as expected as a steady pace, and now we're finally at the point where I no longer know what's going to happen. I'm not too worried considering how good this season has been. Do we know what Kuvira's endgame is? She's united all of the Earth Kingdom/Empire now, but obviously she's not going to end there, and the final scene said something about getting their plan back on track. The bomb will definitely be used, and I thought it would be against Zaofu, but now I'm thinking Republic City is in trouble. It makes sense that the series would end where it began. Varrick is having a great season, and Mako is having a laughably terrible one. If the action does move back towards Republic City now, he can finally become relevant again. I wonder if he's hooked up with Prince Wu yet. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-543969
enlightenedbum November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 Varrick is the best. Korra needs to go talk to Asami. For like two episodes. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-544200
cambridgeguy November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 They got the metal out of her but the "Dark Korra" spirit that's been haunting her. I don't think it's all in Korra's head. I agree. In theory Vaatu should be slowly growing inside of Raava so maybe he's strong enough to influence Korra thanks to the stuff she went through? None of the other Avatars had this issue because Vaatu was trapped in that tree. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-544289
BatmanBeatles November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 I loved how Bolin didn't understand how to "Do the thing." 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-544367
PinkRibbons November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 Glad to see that Dark Korra wasn't just a fleeting idea for the first few episodes. Man, that shot when Kuvira lifted her head and it was Dark Korra creeped me out! It was tough watching Korra get her ass handed to her by Kuvira. I always liked that she was such a skillful bender, despite her deficiencies in other Avatar-y areas (that season one "whose the half-baked avatar now, bitch?" -- paraphrased -- is still one of my favorite Korra moments). I hope that when she gets a rematch with Kuvira that she wins on her own strength alone, without the avatar state. Love that Varrick was willing to go down with his creations. Who knew he could be so badassedly noble? As far as Zhu Li's concerned, I'm starting to think she might have been somewhat sincere when she pledged her loyalty to Kuvira. I'm not sure if this is going in a "Zhu Li stayed on as a spy on purpose" thing or a "Zhu Li makes up for her betrayal later on" thing. I seriously doubt she'll stick with the bad guys in any case. Suyin pretty much screwed herself with the attempted assassination, and there's not much that can help now. Kuvira is technically in the right at the moment. I think the next stop on the "bring Kuvira down" mission is to go to the prison camps. Either to bust everyone out or at the very least document their existence and expose it to the world. After what Ozai tried to pull on the Earth Kingdom in the first series, I don't believe the new world order doesn't have "crimes against humanity" laws. Then again, this could lead to another world war against one nation, so I'd say that news of the prison camp conditions need to be spread throughout the Earth Empire so that Kuvira loses her backing. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-544669
Eegah November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 If Zhu Li is a spy, I think not even Varrick knows about it, given his heartbroken "She really is gone" upon waking up. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-544796
Ravenya003 November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 I think a minor problem (if you want to call it that) in this episode is that Kuvira is making way too much sense. I don't condone her taking over a city that clearly wants independence, but Suyin broke the truce and Kuvira won against Korra in a fair fight. Both those actions deprived Zaofu's citizens of fighting on their own terms against Kuvira's army. We're also meant to think she's dodgy because she's building a super-weapon and has "re-education camps", but most of this has remained off-screen. It was very disturbing when Kurvira looked up and Korra saw herself. I had assumed the show was done with Dark Korra, yet in hindsight there's the fact that the little spirit could SEE Dark Korra, suggesting that it's not just in Korra's head. And what to make of the fact that she saw herself in Kuvira? I don't think it's a coincidence that both characters start with a K, suggesting that there's a "two sides of the same coin" deal going on here. A part of me hopes this will actually end with the two of them coming to terms, though this show does love its action sequences. Varrick has certainly come a long way when you consider what he was like in series two. Remember when he made a veiled but serious threat toward Mako concerning Asami's safety? It's almost like he's a different character now. Really missing Asami right now. But so far I'm loving this season. I've no idea where things are headed. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-544917
Brn2bwild November 8, 2014 Share November 8, 2014 Great episode, but if there's one thing I wish Korra would have learned, it was a bit of cunning when it came to fighting Kuvira. Why not draw Kuvira into attacking first instead of forcing out attack after attack, and why not use a little creativity a la Jinorra and Opal? Maybe that's part of what Korra needs to learn in order to grow, but in the meantime, it's frustrating to watch her attack and get so easily owned. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-545629
enlightenedbum November 8, 2014 Share November 8, 2014 She didn't really take any time to get back with her fighting self so it'd be kind of obnoxious if she came back and just immediately crushed the woman who has run roughshod over the Earth Kingdom her first go. That would not have felt earned, at least to me. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-545664
Brn2bwild November 8, 2014 Share November 8, 2014 She didn't really take any time to get back with her fighting self so it'd be kind of obnoxious if she came back and just immediately crushed the woman who has run roughshod over the Earth Kingdom her first go. That would not have felt earned, at least to me. She wouldn't have necessarily "crushed" Kuvira that way, but it would have made the fight more evenly matched. Korra would not have needed to be in top fighting shape to do it, either. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-545670
Stardancer Supreme November 8, 2014 Share November 8, 2014 Man, it was hard to watch. Korra also doesn't have the skill set that Kuvira has even though Korra is the Avatar. They sure made Military training and Metal Bending go a long way against someone who can bend all elements. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-545771
Apathy November 8, 2014 Share November 8, 2014 Well that's just my luck--when I hated Mako he was in every episode, but now that I actually want to see him (if only to see Prince Wu again) he's nowhere to be found! I'm getting antsy for Team Avatar's inevitable reunion. As for the rest of the episode, I wasn't expecting Korra to beat Kuvira since it's just the half way point, but...yikes. That was brutal. And Hallucination!Korra showing up as Kuvira gave me a jump scare. There was also a moment where Kuvira's army was cheering her on, and then there's Zhu Li clapping all ladylike with her usual deadpan expression. I love Zhu Li. I felt sad for Varrick when he realized she wasn't there anymore, and apparently choosing to blow himself up over it. If that's not proof Zhurrick is canon, I don't know what is. Everything with Varrick and Bolin was gold, especially Bolin bitch slapping Varrick and then saving him! That was awesome. Huan was also very much appreciated: "You're crushing my individuality!" XD I loved how, when Bataar Jr. was yelling at his father to bow to Kuvira, all Bataar Sr. could say was "I'm very disappointed in you, Junior" as if his son was a little boy, because that's exactly what he acts like. You could tell Bataar Sr. was so heartbroken when he said it, too. Poor Opal... Is it just me, or is Kuvira onto Zhu Li now? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-546273
patchwork November 8, 2014 Share November 8, 2014 (edited) I don't know if Kuvira is on to Zhu Li exactly but maybe she realises what a resource Varrick's former shadow could be? Korra obviously wasn't up to fighting Kuvira one on one but I'm surprised at how bad she was. It makes sense that it's more than the mercury(?) effecting Korra and hopefully the show's going to take time to explore the idea. My fingers are crossed that she gets a pep talk from Lin with flashbacks to Lin's younger days as a cop and how she struggled to do her job after case went wrong in every way one can. I miss Lin. And Toph. Opal screen time could have been given to one of them or Mako. Angry, my way or the highway Opal almost makes me miss Mary Sunshine of last season. Varrick was comic gold in this episode, Varrick/Zhu Li are so the OTP of LOK, and Bolin not being forced to be the funny guy 100% of the time means I get to like him again. Edited November 8, 2014 by patchwork Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-547440
Stardancer Supreme November 8, 2014 Share November 8, 2014 I loved how, when Bataar Jr. was yelling at his father to bow to Kuvira, all Bataar Sr. could say was "I'm very disappointed in you, Junior" as if his son was a little boy, because that's exactly what he acts like. You could tell Bataar Sr. was so heartbroken when he said it, too. Poor Opal... That was very much child-throwing-tantrum like. It's sad, really. I wonder if it is because Junior is not a bender? All he does is growl and gnash his teeth. Kuvira can't possibly be in love with him. I wonder when he is going to wake up? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-547751
Tony November 9, 2014 Share November 9, 2014 (edited) I'm not a fan of this series at all. Korra is totally becoming the most inept avatar ever. She literally had to be begged into getting involved with intercepting Kuvira. Peace and butterflies and rainbows is all nice and stuff, but there's a friggin' army ready to be launched at the city. If that's not a sign to take action then I don't know what is. And that defeat to Kuvira despite the avatar state was just embarrassing. ETA: I definitely think Zhu Li's a double agent set to sabotage whatever progress they make with the spirit vines. Her eagerness to plead allegiance to Kuvira just rings hollow to me. Marrick did save her from flying off the train in episode 5, so I think she's still loyal to him. Edited November 9, 2014 by Tony 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-548666
magicdog November 9, 2014 Share November 9, 2014 (edited) and then there's Zhu Li clapping all ladylike with her usual deadpan expression. I love Zhu Li This was my first clue that she's not really with Kuvira. I can see her being frustrated with Varrick after all those years together but she wasn't as gung ho about Kuvira's victory as the rest of the spectators. It was a golf clap. I am certain she will help the good guys soon. What annoyed me about this episode was seeing Sue Yin and her sons kept in metal constraints. I kept thinking they should be trying to bend themselves out of them! Or are they made of platinum? I miss Lin. And Toph. Ditto. I'm hoping for them (and Asamai & Mako) to make another appearance soon. For some reason I kept picturing Toph appearing on the battlefield and bitch slapping Su Yin for letting her city get taken over! loved how, when Bataar Jr. was yelling at his father to bow to Kuvira, all Bataar Sr. could say was "I'm very disappointed in you, Junior" as if his son was a little boy, because that's exactly what he acts like. You could tell Bataar Sr. was so heartbroken when he said it, too It made perfect sense. Not just Junior's attitude but you can sense how there wasn't anything else he could say to his son - a traitor. Junior's madder that his father couldn't be bothered to scream at him! Maybe he was hoping to get R-E-S-P-E-C-T from dear old dad ("look at me! I helped conquer the old Earth Kingdom and I'm engaged to its leader!"). Whether or not it's due to Junior's lack of bending abilities is unclear. It could be since the only other non bender in the family was Opal and felt he could identify with her - until 3 years ago. Kuvira can't possibly be in love with [Junior]. I wonder when he is going to wake up? I wouldn't be surprised if Kuvira turned on him eventually. After all, he could be just another useful idiot, which would fit into the communist theme of Kuvira's empire building. Edited November 9, 2014 by magicdog Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-549307
BatmanBeatles November 9, 2014 Share November 9, 2014 What annoyed me about this episode was seeing Sue Yin and her sons kept in metal constraints. I kept thinking they should be trying to bend themselves out of them! Or are they made of platinum? They probably are made of platinum. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-549624
patchwork November 11, 2014 Share November 11, 2014 (edited) Ditto. I'm hoping for them (and Asamai & Mako) to make another appearance soon. For some reason I kept picturing Toph appearing on the battlefield and bitch slapping Su Yin for letting her city get taken over! I don't think Toph will leave the swamp any time soon but as powerful as she is these days she could slap around Kuvira's forces from the comfort of her cave. Then create a massive mud statue of herself in Earth Rumble Champion pose in the middle of the battlefield. Edited November 11, 2014 by patchwork 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-556030
rozen November 28, 2014 Share November 28, 2014 (edited) I feel kind of silly because I just now realized that Kuvira was ready to axe Korra because the next avatar would be an earthbender. With that, and spirit vines, the old Fire Nation would seem quaint in comparison. Before, I thought it was kind of crazy, the political fallout from killing an avatar would be pretty huge, I'd imagine. Kuvira seemed more tactical than that. Edited November 28, 2014 by rozen Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17499-s04e06-battle-of-zaofu/#findComment-606439
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