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"Look how skinny the chef is. That's what's important now."

This episode was insane as all hell, and that's really saying something for this show. Downtown was gentrified to hell, while the suburbs were ruled by makeup ladies. I loved the shout out to Mitchell & Webb.

I KNEW I heard Jane Lynch as the officer the moment she started talking.

I love when the family is just savage to each other. Hayley posing as Steve for the test and STILL getting a zero was icing on the whole cake. And I laughed really hard whenever Stan did the helicopter arms.

Edited by Galileo908
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Of course that after all the fears of the downtown Stan drilled into Steve and Hayley, the real danger was a homicidal bunch of suburbanites.

And only Roger would be nostalgic for the seedy downtown.

I hated how they really dumbed down Hayley for this episode. But as someone who is insulted by my younger brother daily, I couldn't help but laugh that Hayley wound up flunking Steve's test after he spent most of the episode shitting on her.

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On 4/13/2020 at 8:30 PM, Galileo908 said:

There's always one Roger persona that each Smith can't see through, and looks like this is the one for Stan.

I'm watching now, and Roger said to Stan, 'oh you never put that together? It was before we really knew each other.' So I don't know if that counts as one. 

Stan's always been a fairly competent agent, so I didn't like too much that he was a buffoon. I suppose it can be chalked up to Roger.

I did like how the family figured out it was him though. 



Edited by DoctorAtomic

I liked that Hayley still has the van. 

On 4/20/2020 at 8:34 PM, Spartan Girl said:

I hated how they really dumbed down Hayley for this episode. But as someone who is insulted by my younger brother daily, I couldn't help but laugh that Hayley wound up flunking Steve's test after he spent most of the episode shitting on her.

I think she just didn't give af about having to babysit Steve on a Saturday. I'm guessing she smoked up before. And she wasn't going in on the pyramid scheme. 

Chisel the walls clean. yeesh.

Good Terminator gag!

That's a long, long walk for an Escape from Witch Mountain joke. I don't know if anyone else got it. 

I just love the idea of Roger wanting to run his own male strip club (where they keep their clothes on)...and he's not very good at stripping. For one week, he finally got to be Wheels.

Klaus and Steve's plot was dumb, but fun.

Was...was Stan even in this episode? He was only in Roger's dream at the end.

And aww, Linda Memari died?! Remember the Memaris?

Edited by Galileo908
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3 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

Was...was Stan even in this episode? He was only in Roger's dream at the end

He was reading the book at the table in the beginning.                                                                         Klous did pretty good for a change, even though she's a little rough and her Gypsy family came to live with them. ha.

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oooh, they showed the black and white tv episode just before this one. That's my favorite. 

The book was 'the dangers of reading near others'.

On 4/27/2020 at 8:30 PM, Galileo908 said:

I just love the idea of Roger wanting to run his own male strip club (where they keep their clothes on)...and he's not very good at stripping.

The family was so derisive of his character too. 

I am positively shocked that Jeff knows how to fix a flat. 

Is this the first time Jeff had his hat off?


Edited by DoctorAtomic

Was laughing so hard at everyone fawning over The Weeknd. Of course this would lead to Roger swapping places with him. And eventually create his own version of the Fyre Festival.

Stan infecting Francine with the bubonic plague just to fulfill a Make-A-Wish to rescue Roger and then breaking the antidote was so dark, but so great.

And then they got The Weeknd to sing a song about how he's a virgin. This show, man.

"That's one of the good syringes for company!"

"The golden age of television has begun: Step Brothers is on every channel!"

"She's dying, The Weeknd."

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On 5/4/2020 at 8:36 PM, Spartan Girl said:

Also wow, Jeff being sort of OK with Hayley wanting to make the Weeknd into her hall pass. 

I don't know who this guy is, but it was still funny with them going all nuts for him. I'm not surprised Jeff would be ok with it. He'd probably watch. 

Hey, where do you get a bed with no girls in it?


Edited by DoctorAtomic
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So this episode went from "WTF" to flat out disturbing real quick. From flat out breastfeeding, to a Grey Gardens spoof, and ending with Francine eating bees so Steve would be allergic to the milk. Of course the Oedipus Rex musical was Principal Lewis's idea, and it's all for a kink. God, this show.

You know this got weird when even ROGER got freaked out.

Loved Stan's quest about getting a neck. And then he forms a friendship with Jeff with a Chimp Face. Also loved Klaus as the Mall Cop of the house.

7 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Steve's Oedipal issues have been building up for a long time, but I still can't believe they got away with the visual of Francine literally breastfeeding Steve.

While Steve is dressed as Ziggy Stardust for some reason! THAT'S what makes it American Dad.

Edited by Galileo908
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We’ve come full circle to Steve’s version of Oedipal Panties. 😂 

As much as I liked Stan becoming a giraffe storyline, having Stan be the one to make Francine realize that she was setting Steve up to be washing her V-jay in ten years would’ve been hilarious. If they did a cutaway flashback to show that scene from the episode it would’ve been even better.

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On 5/11/2020 at 8:27 PM, Spartan Girl said:


Holy shit yeah. Motherfucker. 

I did like the Dirty Dancing bit in the play rehearsal. 

On 5/11/2020 at 8:31 PM, Galileo908 said:

While Steve is dressed as Ziggy Stardust for some reason!

I buy that Louis is into fem boys though. 

I like the episode, but wow. 




I absolutely love hearing Patrick Stewart talking about Overwatch and vaping.

"He's a total poser! It's the main reason we're killing him!"

I missed Principal Lewis. He caught 50 cats because he thought they were Pokemon. Gold.

I can't believe that the final words of Original!Earth was Jeff apologizing to Tuttle. Man, that ending got weird.

"Lives in a modest house, listens to Modest Mouse."

I love Roger auditioning replacement partners for a crazy Stan Adventure. And of course Stan is gonna be mad that Francine is no Roger. She did well enough. Randomly destroying a car was definitely a Roger move.

"I thought we could do some bong hits, play some Soul Calibur." Francine is definitely Couple Goals. She's got taste.

This was all worth it to see Stan wearing the Zoot Suit.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

I love Roger auditioning replacement partners for a crazy Stan Adventure. And of course Stan is gonna be mad that Francine is no Roger. She did well enough. Randomly destroying a car was definitely a Roger move.

Yeah, it's not hard to replace Roger. All you have to do is just enable Stan's crap and make things worse.

Roger preparing to get sick -- God, why does every AD episode lately remind me of the pandemic?

It so figures that all this was because Stan was the one wronged and his psyche rewrote history because he couldn't handle it. And Francine wisely just ends the cycle by "forgiving" him and dropping it. Couple goals indeed.

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Frank Stallone junior high got a good laugh. 

On 5/25/2020 at 8:33 PM, Galileo908 said:

And of course Stan is gonna be mad that Francine is no Roger.

I'm not sure I bought this. When Frannie and Roger get together, it usually goes sideways fast. 

I did like when they were doing the audition that Roger noted Hayley's sandwich experience. 


We got "One Fish, Two Fish" instead, where Hayley gets married to Klaus to keep him from getting divorced. And then Hayley becomes a fish to keep up the sham marriage. Weird it took the show all this time to do something like this. 

"You were talking to Danuta?! She told me she was dead!"

I liked the family's subplot about opening a coconut. I'm reminded of that old Looney Tunes cartoon of a squirrel trying to open one. Loved that it took Criss Angel to dovetail the two plots together.

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I totally forgot about Klaus and Danuta. I like when they call back to continuity on all the weird shit on this show. And he knows the Kid Rock version of Sweet Home Alabama.

I had a huge laugh at the quick sight gag of the guy walking the little dog at the farmer's market because that was literally me yesterday.

How do you not know Klaus is into east coast hip hop!


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Apparently "Roger Needs Dick" has a flag-kneeling joke so that's why it's being pushed back. We got "Exquisite Corpses" tonight instead. It featured incompetent cops. How timely.

I liked seeing the fun Roger, Francine, and Jeff adventure. I know that Francine and Roger have experience running businesses...but then again, they were drunk. The RB Killer was fun, and it sucked that he got killed off. 

I laughed really hard at Steve's going to school song that he sings every morning after Stan goes to work. I had a feeling we were never going to see the full theme song this time.

Loved that Craig Robinson just shows up on this show every once in a while as himself.

Edited by Galileo908
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Francine, Jeff, and Roger starting a murder bus tour together?! Wow, who would have thought they'd be a hilarious team?

Yes, the incompetent cops joke was timely. The show has been spot-on with timeliness lately...

Yay, Craig Robinson!

LOL at the RB killer just wanting to bring back a discontinued burger. And of course Roger falls for him...and OF COURSE the tour passengers kill and dismember the killer because they're all murder groupies. 

"Facebook is for racist grandmas!" So, so true.

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"I scared Stan in the car and made him crash".

I like that they're keeping Hayley working at the sub shop.

22 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Francine, Jeff, and Roger starting a murder bus tour together?! Wow, who would have thought they'd be a hilarious team?

Wow but they got hammered at what? 9 am? And put down two big bags of nacho chips.

I liked that Jeff was the one actually thinking. You can get a scanner app for your phone though.

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I keep a bunch of old "American Dad" episodes on my DVR when I feel like having something on but I don't need to pay too much attention to it. I liked the show much better when the drugs the writers take weren't so obviously affecting their abilities to tell a good story. Back in the old days, episodes had real plots and the humor didn't come from increasingly bizarre and disgusting visual gags or outlandish situations (and yes, I realize there has always been a fey alien and a talking fish). This is the show that took Christmas stories and turned them on their ear -- "Rapture's Delight" or any of the ones with evil Santa trying to kill the Smiths. Now, it just seems like they throw crazy shit at the wall & just write whatever sticks.

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"We can send a man to the moon but I can’t look up the lyrics to Cotton-Eye Joe with eight porns running in the background."

I like it when Stan is in weird manchild mode. He sodastreams Fireball? Bowls to Disco Duck? Buying a trophy shop just to nail Francine in it? Yeah, it's pretty easy to see where Steve gets it from.

I love it when the plot gets so absurd characters have to ask how it all started. Was not expecting Stan to dress up like a pickle to try to destroy Francine's trophy store, and for the truck driver that tried to kill him ending up getting killed by the real Pickle Man.

Anyone else catch "Mindquad on the loose" on the magazine cover at end?

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This could have easily been a Steve and Francine episode, but apparently her codependency issues go way, way, way back. Stan being so clingy reminded me of my dad. Ew.

Tuttle being secretly watched by Koreans as their new reality TV craze? Yup, sounds about right for the show these days.

LOL at Bullock using the term "rando."

Edited by Spartan Girl
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23 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

This could have easily been a Steve and Francine episode, but apparently her codependency issues go way, way, way back. Stan being so clingy reminded me of my dad. Ew.

And this goes all the back to Stan and his own mother after Jack left them. Both of them have messed up codependency issues and frankly they're definitely made for each other.

  • LOL 1
On June 13, 2020 at 11:58 AM, SmithW6079 said:

I keep a bunch of old "American Dad" episodes on my DVR when I feel like having something on but I don't need to pay too much attention to it. I liked the show much better when the drugs the writers take weren't so obviously affecting their abilities to tell a good story. Back in the old days, episodes had real plots and the humor didn't come from increasingly bizarre and disgusting visual gags or outlandish situations (and yes, I realize there has always been a fey alien and a talking fish). This is the show that took Christmas stories and turned them on their ear -- "Rapture's Delight" or any of the ones with evil Santa trying to kill the Smiths. Now, it just seems like they throw crazy shit at the wall & just write whatever sticks.

You're not wrong. Some episodes this season have been batshit crazy. But unlike The Simpsons and Family Guy, this show still makes me laugh.

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I was watching an old episode the other day that had a cut-away for the saga of the golden turd. It ended with the cleaning woman bring it to the Vatican and the religious leaders saying it needed to return to the source, which was an image of Roger. There needs to be a new chapter in this story, although given what "American Dad" has become, I doubt the writers could continue a plotline that has appeared sporadically over the span of many years, but which is still compelling.

The Golden Turd

And here's all of them (as of December 2019)

American Dad | The Complete Golden Turd Saga (2019)




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