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Of all things, Roger gets wrecked by Oregon Trail. Loved watching the family die every single way in the game, while Francine kept dying of dysentary.

I loved how the family coped with Roger's "death," my favorite being Francine turning into something out of a Tennessee Williams play. And I was liking Klaus at his bodega until he shot off his fin. That was more painful than the multiple deaths to me.

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Not that I expect continuity, but Roger was originally a crash test dummy, so it's funny he crashed the ship with his aunt, but does that mean she was a crash dummy too? It also doesn't answer how he left earth and then came back again. 

I don't know the demo on this board, but the "Renegade" Roger was from the show "Renegade" in the 90s starring Lorenzo Llamas who 'prowled the badlands'. (I didn't even look that up). Roger was even dressed like him. It was on for like 5 years or something. 

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Of course Francine would be the one who pronounced Oregon correctly, and it is Ore-ginn never Ore-gone. That irritated me every time they said it.

On 5/1/2018 at 7:31 PM, ganesh said:

I don't know the demo on this board, but the "Renegade" Roger was from the show "Renegade" in the 90s starring Lorenzo Llamas who 'prowled the badlands'. (I didn't even look that up). Roger was even dressed like him. It was on for like 5 years or something. 

Was this the first time they've parodied that show? I seem to recall them referencing that show before but can't find anything. I do remember that "Simpsons" episode from years ago.

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Of course Roger plays multiple people at the PTA meeting, and the creepy janitor at the high school.

It's been a while since we've seen Bad Francine. Even Stan admits she's cool now, I personally thought the episode got much better when Stan tried to "make her his." I'm torn that I could've seen more of it, but glad it only lasted for half of the episode.

Next time: Jeff finally gets a new hat?!

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I loved Roger's multiple PTA personalities too.

I have to say it was refreshing to see Steve be cool about the prank instead of throwing another weenie freakout.

Francine's takedown of the Golden Girls was awesome. She truly is the baddest bitch in animation.

The Jeff plot was weird. I'm guessing we won't see his new hat until next season. Man these new episodes never last long...

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On 5/1/2018 at 12:49 AM, Galileo908 said:

Of all things, Roger gets wrecked by Oregon Trail. Loved watching the family die every single way in the game, while Francine kept dying of dysentery.

Teen Titans Go recently did an episode as well where the writers of the show also remembered that classic PC game (and Robin died of dysentery).

A lot of millennials are very confused this year.  "What is this "game" that you speak of??"

  • Love 1
23 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

I have to say it was refreshing to see Steve be cool about the prank instead of throwing another weenie freakout.

Yeah, I didn't think he was going to go ballistic on everyone, but it was cool that he just rolled with it. I totally died when Barry flashed his ass. 

I like when Francine is crazy, but I was having a hard time she'd actually give AF about high school bitches. It was actually a tame crazy for her and not Clooney levels. 

  • Love 1

Oh man, had no idea it came back tonight!

"Schindler's List is much less depressing when it's in Spanish."

Wow, was not expecting Jacked Francine. I liked it (well, until the roided out version) I liked that Stan was so distracted that he never asked why Roger was a park ranger ("and you know it was something cool!"). Roided out Stan and Roger were...disturbing, to say the least.

  • LOL 1

 I'm happy this show is back and it's as funny as ever. But man those body building contests are MESSED UP.

What I love about Francine is how she remains funny while at the same time gets called on her crap instead of the usual holier-than-thou-can-do-no-wrong act that other cartoon wives put on.

LOL at Klaus' rant about IFC. He's right, you can't be an independent movie channel if you show stuff like The Brady Bunch movies. 

  • Love 1

I didn't know it was back on either. Feels like forever. 

I have no idea why they decided on Dusty Baker, which is exactly like the show does. And using an Aaliyah song for the bodybuilding. I mean, she is from there iirc. 

In shape, ripped Franny in the bedroom was hot though. 

Edited by ganesh
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Out of all people, Stan's hero is Guy Fieri. And then they don't actually get Guy Fieri to voice himself. Boo.

I did like Jeff being part of the Pesto Crew, it was just stupidly funny to see him part of a "cool" gang, and then BECOMING Guy (because Demon) was great.

I wasn't keen on the Klaus/Roger plot until the very end.

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I love Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives so an episode where Guy Fieri is a demon possessing Jeff is automatically hilarious. But the real Fieri should have guest voiced.

I loved the running gag of Stan eavesdropping on Jeff and Hayley. And his Family War.

LOL that Klaus and Roger's plot was just a comic book of Steve's which is why they kept hearing his voice.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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I love whenever they screw with the intro, and Roger didn't show up for work this time. Stan just wanted to sing his theme song in peace, it's not fair.

Roger might've kicked his family habit, but he's gone nuts over the many many many personas he's got. Seriously, a rollerskate cobbler ended up causing a race war because he wasn't there.

When Roger mentioned "retired personas" I KNEW Stan was gonna become Ricky Spanish, and got so happy when he made a comeback. And his arch-rival (and sister!) being Jeannie Gold made it even better.

Rogu was so weird, and I figured that he'd take over the personas at the end.

Edited by Galileo908
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I love when Frannie says 'fuck'. 

You knew the whole thing was going to fall apart because Stan wouldn't care about doing the work, but I like how they linked it all together. 

I think we all knew the principal was going to be mad at Steve for *not* taking drugs. 

When was Ricky Spanish retired? Seeing him steal the pie killed. 

If Stan's doing the personas, I was wondering what about the one that they don't recognized. 

Was Grimes singing the jazz too? He sang on the Orville and I didn't know it was actually him. 

  • Love 2

Boy this episode had some creepy moments. Halliburton turning people into talking birds, Klaus getting eaten alive by the monster, Frannie and Hayley's super dark tan, Stan and Steve disembowling the monster...

Big LOLs at the Old Ulysses song and Snot/Tuttle as told by Hanks/Ryan romcoms.

Of course Roger gets to be the new land monster.

  • Love 1

Really liked the Old Ulysses song, and Roger wondering why he doesn't have his own theme song.

I liked how Snot's story of getting Tuttle as a dad started as Sleepless in Seattle and turned into Zodiac (and later Steve using You Got Mail to break them up). Snot and Tuttle seemed like a pairing that seemed obvious, but I never thought of before.

Loved the running gag of Halliburton turning people in to birds, then killing them.

Overly sunburned Francine and Hayley was just disturbing, but I loved it when they thought they became beams of light.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, ganesh said:

Was this the only episode where they didn't do the opening?

No there's been others.  "Blood Crieth Unto Heaven" also skipped the opening as did Tearjerker, 100 A.D., Flirting with Disaster, Hot Water, Hurricane!, For Black Eyes Only, Lost in Space, Minstrel Krampus, The Two Hundred, Ninety North Zero West, The Long Bomb, West to Mexico, Santa Scmanta, Dead by Dinner Party,  and A Pinata Named Desired apparently had a truncated opening.  See  https://americandad.fandom.com/wiki/Roger's_Disguises

Edited by Matt K

Much like the Simpsons and Bart, it's really hard to believe that Steve (and Roger) once starred in a commercial as a little kid and it never came up until now. Hell, didn't Roger join the Smiths when Steve was much older? Nevermind.

"We could've been on the cover of Double Stuffed Magazine, the only magazine dedicated to twins, double penetration, and Oreos!"

It's weird to see Spencer's Gifts get Dadded in 2019, but they're still around, but it's lame now. And Roger going to, of all places, Six Flags New Orleans for a sting. The gratuitous death was fun.

  • Love 1
On 3/11/2019 at 8:30 PM, Galileo908 said:

"We could've been on the cover of Double Stuffed Magazine, the only magazine dedicated to twins, double penetration, and Oreos!"

I need to see an issue of this magazine. 

I liked Franny's short hair when Steve was a kid. 

I had no idea Spencer's was still around. So glad they had a song for it. I do like when the family collectively does something insane. 

  • Love 3

All the tiny Tuttles is what makes American Dad American Dad.

Yeah, gotta love Roger switching to a girl the moment he revealed that he & Steve ran away to an all-girls school. I'll admit, I loved how this episode started to cram in as many 80s sitcom tropes as possible, especially when they reveal that this ep was a backdoor pilot for a spinoff (filmed in Vancouver!). Because, yeah, the only way Steve is a success is if HE was the main character and not Stan. Steve and Roger trying to kill their own plot armor and refusing storylines was pretty genius.

Of course Stan has zero patience for Not!Punky Brewster...until she was great at basketball.

Steve and Roger roomed with the only two lesbians in the whole school and they didn't notice it at all. Steve's certainly come a long way, I'll say that.

  • Love 1

Was Hayley/Rachel singing the theme song?

They lived in Annie Hall. 

I did like how Roger was the straight man for most of it; figuring out it was the spin off and then all the plot tropes. 

On 3/18/2019 at 8:30 PM, Galileo908 said:

Of course Stan has zero patience for Not!Punky Brewster...until she was great at basketball.

The only thing I remember about Punky Brewster was someone getting stuck in a fridge. 

  • Love 2

I laughed so hard at everyone caring so much about the stick.

It's amazing that Hayley is smarter than Steve despite being in Community College for 13 seasons. Loved Klaus invading Steve's subconscious.

Starz just got Dad-ed. Full of almost good shows like "Black Sails," "Outlander," and other shows Roger made up.

I had a feeling that a security system would eventually decide Stan is a threat because Stan is Stan.

I liked this one, but it had two things I absolutely hate: people slicing their palms, and people damaging their teeth.

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Big LOL at the grief over Stick.

Only Stan would traumatize his family with a fake home invasion (to the creepy soundtrack of the Brady Bunch singing). And build a security system that would go haywire.

I admit I was expecting Roger to crash Steve and Hayley's college course. But he's already done something like that like ten times, so it was a nice change of pace that he wasn't in that storyline.

LOL at Klaus singing "Smooth Operator".

Edited by Spartan Girl
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We've been getting so much Tuttle lately. Now we know he's a dog race announcer.

I really liked seeing Stan in that fancy racing outfit, drinking Brass Monkeys, and then becoming weird dog track people with Francine.

Of COURSE Roger is one of the dogs. And makes out with Hayley. It's Roger, after all. We've come full circle. Also, one of Darlene's pups looked like Roger. I'm just gonna not think about that one.

Steve's nude plot was fun, as was Klaus's. It sucks that he actually can't die.

Edited by Galileo908
  • Love 1

Okay, when the hell did Barry get so eloquent?!

Stan and Francine sure are a badass team in times of duress. Did NOT need to see the mutants having sex. Ew.

Of course one successful jingle turns Roger into a egomaniacal monster artist. And Klaus' jingle made me very glad he got mauled by dogs last week.

Edited by Spartan Girl
  • Love 1

I love how Stan was enamored about Steve's "new friend" Barry. Totally him to forget he ever existed, despite showing up at his house every other week for 13 years.

"Let's send in the old jingle and see if they notice!" I liked how Klaus raised the very plot point I was thinking about when I saw the jingle story, because that's where I thought it was gonna go. Klaus writing a Hillary Truther jingle, and Roger going full Phil Spector was definitely where this show goes, though.

Of course Stan and Francine's relationship can only be healthy when they're facing death.

"Was that Craig Robinson?" Yes, yes it was. And that was JK Simmons as Gene.

1 minute ago, Spartan Girl said:

Okay, when the hell did Barry get so eloquentt?!

Maybe he forgot to take his vitamin for a while?

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