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Euros Of Hollywood - General Discussion

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I think Jannik is cute in his own way, and I thought he was very handsome in his photo shoot. The girlfriend is an entitled bitch who got the job, I think, by being a model, meeting Jannik, and then being hired by him. She's no genius. Photoshop "expert" or no. Ahem. And it was a really bratty move to put his photo in the trash. Jerk!


Really? I find him quite unfortunately looking, aside from his buff build. He's got droopy eyes, a bulbous honker of a nose and no shortage of wrinkles. And let's not forget that tragic undercut hairstyle which clearly does him no favors. He's not nearly as good looking as he seems to think he is. As always, his scenes were a total bore.


Then again, I find Fawni's accent amusing--perhaps because it isn't the typical Germanic one that is mimicked American films and TV shows. However, I must say, she has much better diction than most native English speakers I know. Fawni is also a talented painter. I liked a number of her pieces.


What was it Bleona was singing? "You don't understand that my class--it bigger [sic] than my ass." Perhaps something got lost in translation, because there's nothing classy about this broad from the trampy see-through chain metal outfit she recently wore to the AMAs to grabbing the block of Parmesan and biting a chunk off simply because felt she wasn't tended to in a timely manner at Fawni's sit down dinner party. Everything about Bleona screams attention whore. An oxygen tank that needs a third party operator? Bitch, learn some pranayama.


Oh, and don't even get me started on her poor Maltese. The pink circle's around the dog's eyes tells a tale of neglect. That only happens when no one wipes the daily ocular discharge from around the eyes, which thens leads to fungal and bacterial growth.


Holy shit. Are you telling me that Sascha is just turning 28? No effin' way. I thought he was in his early forties! No way he's still in his twenties, unless there are compounds that accelerate aging in the German water or milk supply.


On an equally superficial note, Isobel looks like a really busted up Madonna in her talking heads and Bleona's tits look extremely fake. They're too round to be convincing.


Still loving the authentic friendship between Massimo and Fawni. She seemed genuinely stoked for him when he got his movie role and my fingers are crossed that there's no falling out between the two, as there often is with these kinds of shows.

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I still don't understand how Sascha, who claims to have wealth back home, is spending fake money he doesn't have for this party, can't fly his wife out for the week. If I was her, I would be pissed about that, and about him being a baby and getting in the middle of the drama of two females. Easy solution, don't invite them, or invite them and let them work it out themselves. They are all adults.


And if I were an investor, and heard him say he is spending money to show things are good, when all the numbers are pointing to the opposite, I would grab what is left of my money and run. Because, I agree, $50 t-shirts just don't seem what is in right now. Also, I don't understand why he is trying to work with Bleona, who has so little recognition here. Wouldn't you want an American/Canadian/recognizable celebrity photographed wearing your shirt? 

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Whenever I see Belona, I always think of Lydia Schiavello of the Real Housewives of Melbourne. Some of these Bravo cast are starting to look the same but in different roles....arggghh watching these shows too much I suspect.

Yes!!! She also reminds me of Adrianna from RH of Miami, complete with the constant bitchface, gaudy wardrobe, delusions of grandeur, and haughty, hateful attitude.

They really do have to feature the typical crazy brunette bitch on all these Bravo shows, don't they??

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So many things bug me about Bleona but what annoys me most is when she says "Albeeny or Albeenay" instead of Albania. Am I the only one to notice this?


ITA with the poster that mentioned Bleona's obvious boob job. What's funny is that Bleona has repeatedly made jokes about Fawni's uneven, fake "tits". Glass houses, Bleona!


I sincerely hope Bleona doesn't get off for bullying Fawni by blaming it on Isabel. Yes, Isabel was horrid but Bleona egged her on and refused to drop the topic. Bleona reminds me that being a good person doesn't get you anywhere these days. She hasn't found success in America but I'm sure she's still raking in the money thanks to her 100% fan base in Albania. /sarcasm

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What a fun episode! Well, except for Isabel. She can take two seats with her sour puss and get off my screen. I liked Sasha's song - and Massimo's dancing. Even crazy Bleonia was fun tonight. I want a Bravo crossover episode party at Sur for my birthday.

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I've grown to like Fawni, too.  She's sort of like Massimo.  They don't have a conniving nature.


Sascha throws that over-the-top party to convince his investors that the store is successful?  I'm not a businessman, but I'd think the bottom line profit and loss statement would influence them more.  But Sascha with his shirt unbuttoned was surprisingly hot, and I did like the song.


I don't know if this show will get a second season, but I wish they'd ditch Isabel, Yannik, and Bleona.

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Thank you for the research, Rahul!


Interesting to see the movie on IMDB, with not very much fleshed out. Steven Seagal is rumored to have the lead role. Sounds like wishful thinking, not that I'm a fan. I hope it works out for Massimo. He seems so genuinely happy to have gotten this break. I would hate to see him be disappointed.


I laughed when Sascha's German friends showed up, and he said, "The Germans!" by way of introduction. They were all badly dressed and matching in their weird T-shirts. The styles seem very outdated, as does Sascha's idea that online is the way to go. Where has he been all these years?

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Wow. Bleona is a total bitch to her parents. Who talks to and/or about their parents like that? Especially on national television? If I didn't already dislike her, I definitely would now.

Oh Sascha, I guess he believes the "you have to spend money to make money". At least the song was fun for me.

Why is Isabel being a hater? Maybe she saw how she looks with her hair up as we did in the preview. No wonder she wears it down most of the time, she looked like a rat. And lying to Fawni about what she said about her to Bleona? Not a good look. Like Isabel with her hair pulled back.

Massimo looked like he had a blast on the set of his movie.

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Sorry the date was wrong, y'all.

Does Isabel not realize this was filmed for national television and would air? I bet she complains about her edit at the reunion (if there is one).

Massimo was so excited while dancing. So cute! As was Fawni becoming an American citizen.

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Sorry the date was wrong, y'all.

Does Isabel not realize this was filmed for national television and would air? I bet she complains about her edit at the reunion (if there is one).

Massimo was so excited while dancing. So cute! As was Fawni becoming an American citizen.

Fawni was just darling becoming a citizen. She seems much more appreciative of the opportunity this country provides than most native-born citizens that I know.

Sascha is just gross. He's ugly, dated and embarassing. Rockstars and Angels is a joke. Too bad this show won't be on the air long enough to witness their "Going Out of Business/Liquidation" sale. I honestly don't know why his wife puts up with him. He seems like and awful husband and father.

My love for sweet Massimo grows. I honestly don't know if he is gay, or if his mannerisms are a European thing.

I KNEW the model would end up wearing Jannik's yellow cable cardigan the second I saw it. I swear I did!!!

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When did they play this ep? I noticed they were repeating Vanderpump Rules instead.


That shop is so 1990's!


It's only on now at 11:00 PM where I live with no repeats.  I guess that means it's a goner.


Sascha and his Rock Stars & Angels schtick.  I'm not fashionable at all, but even I can see that it's corny as hell and wouldn't be caught dead in any of those clothes.


Massimo and his dance routine!  Bless his heart and his tight little pants, but that was awful.  I still can't stand Isabel.

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Massimo and his dance routine!  Bless his heart and his tight little pants, but that was awful. 


Agreed. Massimo moves well, but his choreography wasn't really a cohesive dance at all but a jumble of steps from disparate genres which should never have been juxtaposed like that. What the hell was Isobel even promoting in that music video?


When did they play this ep? I noticed they were repeating Vanderpump Rules instead.


Bravo is now airing Euros at 12am EST, which effectively means the show has no chance of returning for a second season.

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Massimo's countries (and his enjoyment of them) was everything.

So now Isabel admits she talked shit and just expects Fawni to be okay with it? Girl definitely thinks she should be the star of t the show since her husband is relatively famous. And why did Sascha take her side? I guess producers didn't want everyone vs. Isabel, no matter how justified.

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I got such a chuckle out of this episode.  Everybody dancing in their underwear at that club!  Having never been invited to a gay nightclub, I'm not too sure how "underwear" night would work.  Do you come dressed like that or do you take off your clothes when you get there and put them in a locker or something?  Bleona's performance was such a hoot.  She's supposed to be an amazing singer, but she was either lip syncing or singing along with herself on a pre-recorded track. I noticed when that one dancer sprayed the whipped cream on her and she scooped up a big mouthful of it, she stopped singing but her voice continued on the track.


It's a good thing this show is almost over because I can't stand any more of Isabel, the sour-faced Swede. 

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Bleona's performance was such a hoot.  She's supposed to be an amazing singer, but she was either lip syncing or singing along with herself on a pre-recorded track. I noticed when that one dancer sprayed the whipped cream on her and she scooped up a big mouthful of it, she stopped singing but her voice continued on the track.


I knew from the moment the gig was announced that Bleona would be lip syncing. No way that bitch actually sings live.


Did anyone catch the grammatical gaffe in her first song? I can't recall what exactly it was now, but it was a pretty glaringly bad use of English... Something like "I'm a star...if you don't know who I are"  No wonder she hasn't made it big stateside.


If there was any question left regarding Massimo's sexuality, I think this episode cleared it all up between his excitement over the Palm Springs white party (he had his hair done in corn rows for god sake), sartorial choices, references to the dildos and then all his sex planning.


Sad that the show has devolved into the usual Bravo shitshow, but it'll all be over soon. I noticed they're airing the episodes later and later--next week it will be at 12:30AM. It's like the network wants the show to tank--or perhaps it did already.

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Rahul, I did notice that bad grammar. It was funny at first, but then I realized that it wasn't meant to be funny, and then it was kind of tragic.


I don't see anyone going out of their way to pay for a Bleona Montona show. She should have kept that crap in Albania.

Edited by jennylauren123
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I got such a chuckle out of this episode.  Everybody dancing in their underwear at that club!  Having never been invited to a gay nightclub, I'm not too sure how "underwear" night would work.  Do you come dressed like that or do you take off your clothes when you get there and put them in a locker or something? 

I've been to a few and most places I've been to supply a locker in case you don't want to arrive in your underwear or whatever one will wear.

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Maybe she came to America for her sex change operation?

Maybe she's finally decided to remove her hideous hair extensions??

Maybe she's marrying Massimo so they can open up an art gallery/dance studio in LA together???

Oh, the mind boggles!!!

Actually, no...it doesn't.

This show sucked on levels beyond the depths of Bravo's recent fails like "Love Doctor", "Silicon Valley", "Miss Advised", "100 Days of Summer", "Courtney Loves Dallas", etc...

And it's a sad day when watching such dreck makes me miss the idiots of "Shahs of Sunset"---it's mostly a shame that poor Fawni and Massimo's talents/charms were wasted by appearing on this dreck and sharing a screen with the rest of these deeply unlikable, Eurotrashy goons.

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Oh, the mind boggles!!!

Actually, no...it doesn't.

This show sucked on levels beyond the depths of Bravo's recent fails like "Love Doctor", "Silicon Valley", "Miss Advised", "100 Days of Summer", "Courtney Loves Dallas", etc...

And it's a sad day when watching such dreck makes me miss the idiots of "Shahs of Sunset"---it's mostly a shame that poor Fawni and Massimo's talents/charms were wasted by appearing on this dreck and sharing a screen with the rest of these deeply unlikable, Eurotrashy goons.


Oh noooo, I disagree. At least Euros has Fawni and Massimo, who are very likable people. The aforementioned shows couldn't even provide that. 

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So much snark worthy content in this episode. Where to begin?


Fawni's surprise really was a doozy. First I was floored by the homely, rotund man she trotted out as her fiance. I don't think Fawni is particularly attractive--especially not in the online photos I've seen (I learned her name is actually Stefanie, and Fawni was apparently a Viennese shortened form/nickname) but they do seem oddly mismatched to me. At first I thought he was just a meaningless rebound for her, but if he knocked her up... well, if she's happy I'm happy. Love is blind, after all. She did seem elated.


Had no idea she was speed painting her ultrasound scans, which was a cool reveal. I'm not entirely convinced that was Fawni singing on the pre-recorded track as her "singing voice"  sounds nothing like her, unlike Bleona. Her artwork is quite nice though, and I'm glad her co-stars were all supportive. It was nice to see them in awe of her talent and I'm glad Isabel was able to admit her mistake.


Speaking of the devil, what is with these Euros and their awful fashion sense? I think Bleona just likes being the center of attention, because surely showing up in a sheer dress with your nipples exposed is slutty even in Albania. Her father didn't seem to bat an eye though, perhaps because he's no more than a glorified servant for his daughter. I don't know whether or not to admire her for living with her parents and bringing them to this country with her (especially if they're more than earning their keep), but I do respect someone who looks after their parents financially if they can afford to do so.


Massimo bringing his female date to the party was laughable. He was far more interested in what she was wearing than what was under her dress. I don't know who he thinks he's fooling at this point or why he's bothering. Also, his dress sense is atrocious as was his British accent.  The look on the film producer's face said it all and I was cringing right along with him.


Jannik and Natalie--I very much doubt they'll still be an item in a year's time. He's very much keeping his options open and playing the field while he can, not that I care about these two.


I'm actually going to miss this show because it kind of filled a Shahs of Sunset shaped void in my heart. I hope they can turn it around for another season if the petty drama takes a backseat.

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Could Sascha be any more obvious that he took Isabel's side to further his career/get close to her husband?

And Bleona reuse much too hard to be "shocking", especially with her comment about being naked in front of her dad.

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Why was I thinking that Fawni's surprise was going to be some kind of nude/sexual performance art?  I was pleasantly surprised at her engagement and pregnancy announcement.  Now we know why she was so nauseated and vomiting.  Isabel can eat her insult about drug use.


I'm sure that was really Fawni singing.  She sounded like that on her previous song, too.  She really is quite a talented artist. (I was referring to her painting)

Edited by technorebel
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I personally loved this show & really hope that it returns although I highly doubt it lol. At least Fawni & Massimo need to be on tv on a regular basis they're so cute & likable. Bleona got better towards the end of the season. Too bad her music & voice isn't anything special.  Jannik & Sacha meh & Isabel is a mean little idiot that trio can go.

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Bleona is fun to watch. I get the feeling that she's in on the joke. Bleona was actually likeable in this episode. I found it endearing when she teared up listening to her music. I have my own feelings about Bleona's personality, but anyone who works so hard to follow their dreams earns my respect.


Fawni and Massimo remain the most likeable of the bunch. I wish that I had friends like those two! Massimo's accents are terrible.


Agree that Sascha is blatantly sucking up to Isabelle to earn favor with her husband.


Don't think Yannick and Natalie will ever get married. Their relationship is unhealthy. It's a shame that American women are pushed so much to get married, because I don't think either of these two are ready for such a commitment.


There's something Tom Cruise-y about Massimo and the way he interacted with his date.

Edited by Granimal
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Geez...this boring B-reel footage wasn't even worth airing.

This must've bombed so hard. And these folks are just so unabashedly tacky. Although I will miss the sweetness and good humor of Fawni and Massimo; shame they can't get their own show together.

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I woke up in the wee hours and watched this off the DVR.  It looks like any funny bits they had, the producers saved for this episode where there are only 3 or 4 of us left watching the show.


Jannik and Sascha at the spa, good God!  I've never seen men spend so much time on their looks.  This would be considered very effeminate where I'm from, yet they're not gay?  And Jannik's modeling faces.  Every time I see those poses, I wonder why Natalie is so keen to marry him with that goofy hair and too-tight pants and all.  There is just nothing masculine or attractive about him (to me). 


Bleona has got the VIP behaviour down pat, except she's really not famous here and probably won't be.  She spends all that money on studio time, then exercises and has a massage while there just to prove that she is really very busy, too busy to care about other people's time.  That massage therapist looked really angry at the wait.  Maybe Bleona's a good tipper. 

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That massage therapist looked really angry at the wait. Maybe Bleona's a good tipper.

I hope she's a good tipper, but I doubt it---not to generalize, but I've learned from my waiter friends that Europeans are typically non-tippers. Tipping for services in most of those areas just doesn't happen. And Bleona just comes across like a non-tipper, being so smug in her self-proclaimed VIP status as she is.

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It's not coming on until 1 am ET? My goodness, just how terribly did this show do in the ratings?


Moreover, there have been absolutely no repeat airings for the past few episodes. That is surely a sign of doom on a network like Bravo which plays repeats nonstop.


The outtakes were enjoyable enough because Isabel was nowhere to be seen for the first 40 minutes. 


Is Fawni still with her baby daddy? There was no mention of him. I wasn't too surprised to learn Massimo had intercourse at the White Party, but I'm almost disappointed he didn't go into the details. I don't know why!  If Euros doesn't continue (and its unlikely that they will), Fawni and Massimo should get their own spinoff vehicle. In a world full of reality TV "celebs" that are downright loathsome, these two are a fresh breath of air.

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I hope she's a good tipper, but I doubt it---not to generalize, but I've learned from my waiter friends that Europeans are typically non-tippers. Tipping for services in most of those areas just doesn't happen. And Bleona just comes across like a non-tipper, being so smug in her self-proclaimed VIP status as she is.


Remember that convenience store clerk she bulldozed into closing the store so he could come pour the gas in her stranded car?  She did give him ten whole dollars for that service.  He stood there on the curb watching her drive away as if he'd just been through a tornado.

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