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S02.E02: Alive and Kicking

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As tensions between Elijah and Hayley grow, Klaus steps in and encourages her to regain her position within her werewolf pack. Still under Davina’s control, Mikael grows impatient while she attempts to uncover a spell that would protect those closest to her. When Elijah turns to Marcel for help in tracking down a vital piece of information, he is forced to remember a time long ago when they were on better terms. Meanwhile, Davina and Kaleb (guest star Daniel Sharman) find themselves in a dangerous situation when unexpected visitors show up and crash their dinner. Finally, Klaus grows suspicious after a meeting with Cassie (guest star Natalie Dreyfuss) doesn’t go as he had planned.

One thing I love about the Vampire Diaries universe is that they do not hold on to secrets for months on end (which is what I was used to from watching daytime soaps as a kid). I am really glad that it's only the second episode and Elijah and Klaus already know that both Mikael and Esther are back so they can start plotting.


I'm glad that some of my questions from last week were answered. Kol no longer has vampire powers (heh, his whining about not having scars for 1000 years was hilarious) but he has witchy powers due to the body Esther put him in. I also loved that he revealed to Davina (and us) that his mother annoys me and that he has to play along if he wants to keep his current body and stay alive.


Still do not care about Hayley and the wolves at all. Gawd, I had forgotten how much it annoys me when she pronounces it as "woofs." I guess at least if she and the woofs are living with Klaus at the mansion, most of the annoying characters are contained under one roof.


Loved Elijah handing Hayley a towel and looking directly in her eyes the entire time. I did the same thing once when I ran into a girl I went to high school with working at Hooters. I was trying so hard not to look at her boobs!


I don't like this new "Marcel is mad at Elijah because of stuff that happened 200 years ago" storyline because until now we have mostly seen that Marcel loves, admires, and emulates Elijah.

I'm so glad they didn't drag out the Mikael and Esther mystery for half a season or so...second episode and bam the big reveal, one to each brother.

I suspect Kol is going to play a key figure in helping Elijah and Klaus. I don't think he likes mommy too much, especially after she did her little mind whammy on him. I think she would easily sacrifice Kol and Finn (even though they're now human) in her desire to destroy her other children.


I would really like the see them try and get Nate back as present day Kol, he's good in the role.

I always did wonder why Esther never objected to Mikael abusing her son. Turns out she's pretty abuse friendly herself. Although, she did seem ashamed for a second there and stroked Kol's cheek like it would make it all better. Now I'm more curious than ever how she and Mikael got on.


Tight episode, really enjoyable. Flashbacks were great, like always. Nate's Kol is all that's good about Klaus without the conquering and the whining. That bloody Hamlet play seems like the most fun a murdering vampire can have.  


I don't like this new "Marcel is mad at Elijah because of stuff that happened 200 years ago" storyline because until now we have mostly seen that Marcel loves, admires, and emulates Elijah.


Marcel does emulate and respect Elijah, but he was very vocal about hating him last season. It was one of the mysteries I'm happy to see solved. 

Edited by driedfruit
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No Cami=excellent episode.


Thank you, show runners, for bringing NB back for Kol flashbacks, thank you!!! Ok so the hair was unfortunate for most in those flashbacks but hey, I'll take what I can get. I'm only wondering how long it will take Kaleb/Kol to bolt from Esther and Finn, he seems to barely stand his mother and detests Finn. At least with Klaus he seemed to have fun, other than getting daggered every now and then.

Like ya'll have already posted I'm glad they're not dragging out the point that both Original parents are back for the entire season. As much as I heart Elijah I cannot wait for Mikael to be unleashed from Davina's hold on him and to raise hell. Is it wrong that I want to see Esther and MIkael throttling each other, Homer Simpson-style, once the inevitable showdown happens?

Loved Marcel and Davina's little reunion, especially his questions about how she's doing and his offer to destroy that dumb boy that stood her up. LOL


I could not care less about Hayley and the wolves, that she's moved them into Klaus' house or about her and Klaus supposedly growing closer. I did catch that they consider Jackson MIA. If that's true all I could think of was that they show runners got rid of the character because of the actor's mumble-ness or that he will be recast.

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Between the mumbling and the way he he always sounded like he was speaking from his throat instead of his chest, I hated every time he spoke so if he's missing, kidnapped, murdered, whatever, I'm cool with it.


I always look forward to flashback episodes because I love the combination of Elijah looking fly as fuck in period costumes and Klaus in some sort of ridiculous wig. Loved that they found a way to let us have the real Kol via the flashbacks. I don't hate the new Kol but he's just there to me. I know I should just be glad that Kol was magically resurrected but I was so bummed about having him stuck in someone else's body because I loved Kol.


ITA that Kol is going to end up betraying Esther and Finn and defecting to Elijah and Klaus's side. Esther was more than willing to kill all of her children when she did the linking spell, so Kol must know that his time is limited if she is calling the shots. She will use him to achieve her goal of killing Elijah and Klaus, and if Kol somehow survives that ordeal she will kill him herself.


I felt bad for Marcel because he really does love Davina but she felt so betrayed by what he did tonight. I hope that didn't destroy their friendship. She looked so disgusted with him when she walked out of the bar (and ungrateful! Marcel and Elijah just saved your ass, so at least begrudgingly say thank you before you stomp out!).


Marcel does emulate and respect Elijah, but he was very vocal about hating him last season. It was one of the mysteries I'm happy to see solved.

I thought Marcel's issues with Elijah last season were more about them being being on opposing sides than actually being resentful of Elijah as a person, if that makes sense. Marcel is usually more perceptive about interpersonal relationships than most people on this show, so I am surprised that in all these centures he never figured out what Elijah was doing back then or why. He knows that Elijah is all about keeping the family together as peacefully as possible and that Klaus is a jealous brat, so it's not at all surprising that Elijah was once again willing to sacrifice a relationship he enjoyed in order to soothe Klaus. I love Elijah but I hate how so much of what he does is to calm or appease Klaus, who needs to learn that the world does not revolve around him.


Real Kol + no Cami = awesome episode!

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I thought Marcel's issues with Elijah last season were more about them being being on opposing sides than actually being resentful of Elijah as a person, if that makes sense. is usually more perceptive about interpersonal relationships than most people on this show, so I am surprised that in all these centures he never figured out what Elijah was doing back then or why. He knows that Elijah is all about keeping the family together as peacefully as possible and that Klaus is a jealous brat, so it's not at all surprising that Elijah was once again willing to sacrifice a relationship he enjoyed in order to soothe Klaus.


Marcel's issues with Elijah seemed very personal. That's why it was so strange. Marcel must know Elijah's reasons, but because he was a child at the time and the emotional trauma was too big so he can't quite forgive him. And even if Marcel realizes the reasons now, sees how Klaus is etc. It doesn't change the things that happened. Or how Elijah decided Klaus' personal growth was more important than their relationship. It was still a choice Elijah made that was very painful to Marcel, and he knew it. 


I think she would easily sacrifice Kol and Finn (even though they're now human) in her desire to destroy her other children.



I think she's all about the greater good, so she would do it if it was necessary (Kol is the same way, via s4 of TVD). But I don't think Esther seeks to kill Kol and Finn anymore, since as humans/witches they're not abominations. And I don't actually think Esther hates her children, but rather thinks of it as a mistake she made and it's something she is responsible of cleaning up for the good of the world.


I can't even disagree with her. When Klaus was talking about how she's crazy for considering her children abominations, I had to shake my head. How is that crazy? They are the definition of abomination.  


But Kol is definitely breaking alliances with her, because it's obvious he'd rather be immortal (BTW his complaint about the scar was hilarious). And no way is mommy turning him vamp again. But since Davina brought Mikael back, I bet Kol is hoping she can help out in his situation too. 

Edited by driedfruit

Seeing 'Original' Kol and new Kol, just made me want real/original Kol back. This show is The Originals, bringing him on full time would be good and fill a void left by Rebeckha. Especially since he seems like he'd team up with his brothers and isn't fond of mommy or daddy. 


Loved that Klaus and Elijah separately saw their parents and came together to let the other now instantly.


No Kami! Awesome episode.

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This is probably going to end up being my favourite episode of the season, because: Nate Buzolic as Kol in the flashbacks finally, No Cami (honestly didn't even notice her absence), minimal Hayley, lots of Elijah, Elijah/Marcel moments which are finally explained, and secrets being exposed right off the bat instead of carried out for episodes on end. Not even Klaus was that annoying this episode, which is a bonus. 


Just being able to see Nate for a few scenes is enough. And they could easily bring him back if they wanted to; they have freaking magic that could conjour up Kol's old body and they could easily explain it away, so I hope they do that if Kol survives the season. I know Finn definitely won't, because it's Finn and nobody really likes him because he's such a mama's boy and it's more fun to watch Esther sacrifice the only kid on her side, but Kol has a chance! 


I actually was wondering why Elijah and Marcel didn't get along. I thought that Elijah would be good with Marcel, as he is the nicest out of all the siblings and he would be more welcoming to someone who is on Klaus' side, but this actually makes sense. I like how they explained it as Elijah pushing Marcel away for Klaus to care for. It sucks, but it's totally in character. Elijah would unfortunately do anything for his brother and sending him his own child to care for is exactly like Elijah. Now, I love how Marcel 'returned the favour' and gave Elijah his own newborn vampire to mentor. I actually am curious to find out how that turns out. And if Elijah does end up on Team Vampire? Even better, because I find that I love the Elijah/Marcel scenes. 


Kol so doesn't like his mother; he never has, but I can see why he's playing along. I love how he lied to her about Mikael too. Daniel Sharman is no Nate Buzolic, but he's holding up better than the Esther and Finn actors. 


Davina is all sorts of badass but I appreciate that she needed help when she let Mikael out. I'm just glad Josh wasn't around this episode, or else I'd be worried about his safety even more. Although one scene of Josh would have made the episode even better for me.


I'm looking forward to the moment of Esther and Mikael reuniting and them having a pissing contest. "I'm trying to kill that abomination of a son! And the other one!" "Well I'm trying to get rid of all the abominations in the world that we created!" 

Seeing 'Original' Kol and new Kol, just made me want real/original Kol back. This show is The Originals, bringing him on full time would be good and fill a void left by Rebeckha. Especially since he seems like he'd team up with his brothers and isn't fond of mommy or daddy. 


Loved that Klaus and Elijah separately saw their parents and came together to let the other now instantly.


No Kami! Awesome episode.

No surprise I want my Original Recipe Kol back. Kol, Rebekah, Marcel and sometimes Davina. I don't care about anybody else.

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Also upon watching the full episode I have realized the Elijah is a Jason Morgan sized (for you GH ex-pats) dick. That "oh so noble" push you away to love you shit is not noble on a fucking 12 year old. You want to save Klaus? How about not sacrificing the self-esteem of an already traumatized little boy to do it. Troglodyte. Also a moron because as we have seen, Marcel being the sweet kid he was and Klaus loving him proved to be some freakish anomaly in the nature of a truly fucked up aberration who seemed to only get worse with time (murdering Jenna much). Ugh so much Klaus hate. So much. There's almost no room for anything else. The only time I've ever actively liked him is these flashbacks with Marcel and when he was being a doting loser with Caroline. Just. hate.

Edited by slayer2

Just caught up with the show. Compelling (ha!) episode. Pretty much what most people said except I actually don't like that back story between Marcel and Elijah. I get that most people like Elijah better and he often gives up those relationships to appease Klaus, but I like that while Klaus is a huge asshole he has those key people that he loves and they also feel close to him. I'd rather the deterioration of their relationship be based on Klaus' acts instead of Elijah giving Marcel up to him. I feel like they are making a trade off with Haley/Klaus closer and Marcel/Elijah closer. I much more enjoy the Marcel/Klaus dynamic so that's a bit less interesting to me. Also we have seen too many examples of Elijah sacrificing for Klaus so it's increasingly harder to believe he has to hold on to his brother's redemption and kind of makes him the abused girlfriend coming back for more. I don't know. I guess that just bores me.

Again really disappointed in the episode. Something is off to me in the writing for Elijah and it is killing it for me b/c I always adored him. Somehow he comes off as weak and not as self assured as I'd like, I think it is the whole Mikael dynamic b/c Mikael is acting like I always feel is Elijah's role. I never got any kind of closness vibe from Elijah towards Marcel and so to me this back story is out of the blue and makes Elijah too mopey add to that his issues with Hayley and he just doesn't feel right to me.


About the only thing I really liked was Klaus b/c he was acting like himself, a gaint baby on the outside but inside he listened to Elijah and did the right things with Hayley and ferreting out his mother.


Loved Kol in flashback, but again the writing for Kol in someone else's body is off to me. Kol was way more sarcastic and reckless, this fauxKol is way too passive and whiny. Kol would never let fear of Esther cowtow him this much, he'd be rule breaking right and left as flashback Kol showed even with fear of daggaring he just doesn't give a rip.


I'll keep hoping things improve for me b/c I did like Elijah in his last scene with Hayley. That seemed more in character for him.

Apparently I am the only one who likes this actress as Esther. I think she's good. Sorry.

Edited to add why: Upon rewatch I confirmed my initial opinion that I do like the actress playing Esther. IMO she is doing a fine job of portaying a centuries old mother of five in the body of a young girl. There is a way that a mature woman carries herself that you dont see in youth - she's comfortable in her skin and doesnt sweat the small stuff. I think this actress has this down. But what I particularly find impressive is her interaction with her sons, especially Klaus and Kol. I like how she doesnt so much as flinch in their presence and in the presence of their grown man rage. Sure, others have defied, fought, and countered them, but she receives them with that very unique posture that only a mother has toward her son, even when he has grown into an imposing adult - that, "Watch your tone, boy. I brought you into this world and I will take you out." confidence. They dont scare her, she scares them. Often in a family unit the father is the alpha male but the mother is the alpha female and the kids instinctively fall in line. I also liked her exchange with Kol in which she basicallly uttered this exact sentiment but then caressed his face in her demented "Mommy loves you! She only gives you brain aneurisms because you deserved it.". Im curious to see her interact with her husband and also curious to see when and if she will speak of her daughter, as she now has proximity with four of her five children.

Edited by Timetoread
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Loved Kol in flashback, but again the writing for Kol in someone else's body is off to me. Kol was way more sarcastic and reckless, this fauxKol is way too passive and whiny. Kol would never let fear of Esther cowtow him this much, he'd be rule breaking right and left as flashback Kol showed even with fear of daggaring he just doesn't give a rip.


Kol's current passiveness is completely understandable given the things that have happened since. He's now human and keenly aware of how vulnerable he suddenly is. Old Kol was essentially unkillable for 99% of his existence--the oak stake Mikael had prior to coming to mystic falls was a one time deal thing, and it was clearly meant for Klaus. It's easy to be reckless and fearless when you know the worst that can happen is a long nap till the next time your big brother gets drunk and sets you free. But now, any little tumble can break his neck. Or scar him (gasp!). And since he's gotten a taste of death, Kol isn't likely gonna want to get his second taste anytime soon.


But, of course, Kol being Kol he still rebelled against his mother the only way he could. I expect if we ever get Nate again, and Kol goes back to being an original, his reckless streak will get a quick rejuvenation.    

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