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S08.E04: The Hook Up Reverberation

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I would believe that about all of them except Sheldon. Nothing about Sheldon's personalities or past actions suggests he would be a passive investor in anything

Sheldon would be pestering Stuart about how things should be done and telling customers how good new issues were (which he didn't like Stuart doing to him), but I think he'd draw the line at doing any real work.

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I would believe that about all of them except Sheldon. Nothing about Sheldon's personalities or past actions suggests he would be a passive investor in anything


Remember that he loaned money to Penny and wasn't worried about when she'd pay it back.   If the comic book store had the furnishings and stock that he wanted and was open at times convenient to him, I don't think that he'd give a thought to the finance or other business aspects of the place.

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I'm not happy with the direction that the show has taken recently either. Sheldon being abrasive is expected, but Penny now barks a lot, as does Bernadette, and now the new girl arrives with issues. Then they take the very benign character of Stuart, whom I thought would end up a happy-go-lucky caregiver to Howard's mom, and they begin to make him combative with Howard. One antagonist is fun, but not 3/4 of the cast!

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Stuart isn't being combative or abrasive. He is friends with Howard's Mom, possibly even romantically involved with her, and this is rocking Howard's world. This is the most interesting and lifelike story they have attempted on this show, since Howard has been so attached to his mother and limited by their relationship. Stuart, even more than Bernadette, is what will grow Howard up.

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Remember that he loaned money to Penny and wasn't worried about when she'd pay it back. If the comic book store had the furnishings and stock that he wanted and was open at times convenient to him, I don't think that he'd give a thought to the finance or other business aspects of the place.

I don't think it would be about the money for him. He is a control freak. He would be a partner in the business, whether they say it would be as a passive investor or not, and would want a say in how everything is done. This is a man who has drawn up lengthy agreements in detail that he follows to the latter 95% of the time for his girlfriend and best friend to date and live with him. I just can't see him hanging out and saying nothing about a business he legally would have partial control over.

Lending money to a friend is different from being an investor.

Edited by DrSpaceman
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Lending money to a friend is different from being an investor.


That's true and I agree there might have been issues with control (anyone else thinking of the episode where Leonard came up with that app?) but on the other hand money isn't a motivator for Sheldon so in that sense anyway he'd probably be a dream investor for someone.

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I've made my feelings known and I know others disagree about the guys being investors in the comic book store, which is fine, different perspectives, I am not trying to beat the topic to death, so I will just make one last point

Just in general, being a passive investor with little to no interest or control in something you invest in like this is a bad idea. So even assuming the guys will just give Stu money and don't want to have much to do with the business otherwise, that is not really a wise move legally or practically. Can lead to big problems and you could lose more just the money you have invested. If you get involved in something like this, you have to put some work into it even if one person is doing the majority of the day to day work just to protect yourself. Which all goes back either way to them basically being much to naive from a business standpoint for a project like this.

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I really didn't care for the Emily/Penny storyline this episode. It was so unoriginal and I saw it coming from a mile away. As others have pointed out, it doesn't fit with what we've seen from Emily before. We really don't need more characters pointing out how pretty Penny is every 5 seconds. CBS shows love to do that. I've only seen a few episodes of HIMYM, but in every one of them characters would say stuff like that about Robin. Can't anyone say anything else about Penny? Or come with up different or more interesting storylines for her? We also don't need Amy making those comments again. One of the things I didn't like in season 5 was Amy's "crush" on Penny. 


Having said that, Amy stole the scene in Penny's apartment. Mayim Bialik was so hilarious. She's the only one that actually makes me laugh on this show.

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As others have pointed out, it doesn't fit with what we've seen from Emily before.


I agree.  It was also unnecessary for the feud to continue.  So petty and I don't see how Penny and Emily's personalities would clash so much that they would have lingering animosity. Just because they are both pretty is so weak.

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Really disappointed with the Penny - Emily plot this week. It just seems stupid to force create this "hate" drama between them. Plus, I kept waiting for Penny to call Raj "Quick Draw" and remind him that they never actually slept together so he better quit telling people that lie. It just pissed me off, watching this episode.


Also, I kept waiting for someone to explain to Sheldon why using a van and candy to "lure" children to the comic book store would be a very very bad idea. I thought eventually Leonard would explain it, but he never did. It's like they prepped this "joke" but never finished it. I guess that's what you get when you try to crack jokes about pedophilia. News flash, showrunners, it's not funny!

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Also, I kept waiting for someone to explain to Sheldon why using a van and candy to "lure" children to the comic book store would be a very very bad idea. I thought eventually Leonard would explain it, but he never did. It's like they prepped this "joke" but never finished it. I guess that's what you get when you try to crack jokes about pedophilia. News flash, showrunners, it's not funny!


Black-ish did this joke so much better last week.

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How did they do it? I've been watching that show but I missed last week's episode.

Dre was trying to get some black friends for his son, so he drove by a bus stop and tried to get some kids into his car. When a woman standing nearby gave him a look and started to dial her cell phone, he realized what he sounded like, apologized, and even commended the woman for doing the right thing before tearing off in his car. (It doesn't sound funny but it was.)

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Also, I kept waiting for someone to explain to Sheldon why using a van and candy to "lure" children to the comic book store would be a very very bad idea. I thought eventually Leonard would explain it, but he never did. It's like they prepped this "joke" but never finished it. I guess that's what you get when you try to crack jokes about pedophilia. News flash, showrunners, it's not funny!


It was funny because we, the audience, got it; we knew what the van and candy and luring children thing meant. Sheldon didn't have to and finishing the joke would have been overkill.

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I should add that I'm not sure I needed it to be finished as a joke. I think as a viewer I needed it to be finished as follow-through for Sheldon, Howard and Raj to realize that the idea was gross and very wrong, and not a good idea at all. I needed the showrunners/writers to show that it's actually not funny, but apparently they're a lot more amused by that kind of joke than I am. That's probably why the "joke" didn't work for me. I didn't want them to go "overkill" and try to make it funnier or explain the joke; instead, I wanted them to make things right.

Edited by sinkwriter
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I think as a viewer I needed it to be finished as follow-through for Sheldon, Howard and Raj to realize that the idea was gross and very wrong


It's not exactly a morality play. This show has had more off-color jokes in just the early-seasons version of Howard than most shows have their entire runs. It's not PC, but a lot of good humor isn't.

Edited by CleoCaesar
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Sheldon and Raj were never, ever going to get what was wrong with that picture. Howard should have. Leonard did. I think the joke was that they're completely clueless in so many ways that sometimes it's just not even worth it for Leonard to go over it with them.

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It's not exactly a morality play.


Yeah, I noticed that, thanks! But seriously, most of their off-color jokes I can eyeroll, or even laugh about. I guess (for me, anyway) this one was different. I don't enjoy jokes about pedophilia.

Edited by sinkwriter
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I thought it was pretty funny.  I also found the whole scene in The Friendship Algorithm when Sheldon and the little girl are bonding over Curious George to be funny as well.  "Don't look up, there's cameras."

Edited by CherryAmes
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