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S01.E03: Wait for the Punchline

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Watson and the fellows treat a comedian who collapses at an open mic night, but throughout the case her past is revealed to be much more complex than initially believed. Meanwhile, the team becomes concerned when Watson himself collapses and suffers another traumatic brain injury as he continues to hide his worsening symptoms,

Premiere Date: February 23, 2025     CBS     9pm      



I actually like the show, even though I don't like all the stuff involving Moriarty. I think they should have let us get to know what John Watson was like before doing all of this personality altering nonsense. I have no idea what Watson's normal behavior is like, so how can I tell what behaviors the different drugs might be causing. They should have waited till Season 2 to introduce Moriarty. I tend to like the cases, even though they involve one in a billion rare genetic diseases, but I guess that was the premise of the show. I especially like the doctor's no nonsense approach for diagnosis and bedside manner.


Kacey Rohl as a pharmaceutical rep. working for Moriarty

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I agree about getting to know the character of Watson before introducing the Moriarty angle.  No reason that couldn't have been an end of season surprise.  I do not understand Moriarty's point here.  With Holmes gone he's free to be the menace in Europe without much interference from anyone.  Is he just messing with Watson for the sport of it or to ruin his reputation?  TPTB haven't proven yet that they're that adept at planning for the long-term or making something cohesive.

I did like the case but everything around it was eye rolling.  The show has done nothing to make me care about his junior associates and their private lives or Watson's.  I do think Watson needs to leave his ex alone though.  Poor Rochelle Aytes can't catch a break with a good show.

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This week’s patient was the most charming and interesting case yet. Watson also came alive with her in a way he hasn’t with anyone else. But I’m getting really sick of the way he keeps intruding on Mary’s life. The lunch scene was completely inappropriate and irritating and I wish it wasn’t brushed off. His behaviour when it comes to her is the worst part of the show for me and I really hope they nip it on the bud by the next episode. 

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Long QT syndrome is easy to diagnose with a stethoscope and an EKG. It's absolutely bizarre that it was treated as a big mystery. 

I know someone who has it, and it was diagnosed during a routine exam.

Also, Watson being confused about why he's getting worse? Also stupid. He's managing his own case, he is hiding his treatments from the people supposedly on his team, and it makes no damn sense! 

He had a head injury. He shouldn't assume it will get progressively worse. That's idiocy. Get some tests. Do the normal treatments.

What the hell is his problem?

He's so unlikable!!

I'm hate watching at this point. 

Edited by possibilities
  • Like 1
1 hour ago, babyrambo said:

This week’s patient was the most charming and interesting case yet. Watson also came alive with her in a way he hasn’t with anyone else. But I’m getting really sick of the way he keeps intruding on Mary’s life. The lunch scene was completely inappropriate and irritating and I wish it wasn’t brushed off. His behaviour when it comes to her is the worst part of the show for me and I really hope they nip it on the bud by the next episode. 

I agree on both things. And I agree with others that the Moriarty stuff feels jammed in and it feels intrusive

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It bothered me that Watson had a head injury but didn't have a bandage.

So, were we supposed to believe Watson's jerky behavior toward his soon-to-be-ex was because of the pills? I was unclear on that. Either way, I don't know why they are doing this subplot that makes him look bad.

Still haven't warmed to the other doctors. Although, I might be interested in hearing more about this woman who decided to date her ex's twin -- BOLD.

Case of the week was interesting; glad that their investigation could free the mother.

I might keep watching, but it'll be as background noise.

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I said yesterday to the fam that the medical stuff and the Moriarty stuff feel like two different shows crammed into one.  And Shinwell doing this is weird.

I really thought glasses twin being cagey about his girlfriend and Dr. Lubbock (is that her real name or a nickname Watson gave her because Texas?) being cagey about her engagement ring was going to end in a reveal they were dating each other.  Instead, she has an apparent jackass as a fiancé because why not another plot?

Edited by mojoween
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I actually kind of enjoyed this episode due mainly to the redhaired patient and the little mention of the RedHeaded League.

I still think Watson's a jerk to Mary Morstan, still insisting that they aren't divorced yet, and having that blowup at lunch. He's lucky she didn't try to fire him. Reporting the incident is the least she should do.

Moriarty's smug henchwoman is annoying but so far they haven't implied that she's Irene. I don't understand the repeated mentions of tamsulosin. That med is prescribed for prostate problems in men; I have no idea what off label use it would be for a person with TBI. Plus it has side effects of fainting due to low blood pressure. You'd think it would be something Watson wouldn't want to prescribe himself. I guess I'll wave it away as him being irrational and overconfident in self-medicating. I still hate his smugness around Dr. Derian.

4 hours ago, mojoween said:

Dr. Lubbock (is that her real name or a nickname Watson gave her because Texas?)

It's her character's real name listed on IMDB. I am puzzled about her weird not-fiance, and I hope she gets more character development beyond her love problems. I liked her last episode when she was all "my brain had an orgasm" and excited about solving mysteries.

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7 hours ago, mojoween said:

I really thought glasses twin being cagey about his girlfriend and Dr. Lubbock (is that her real name or a nickname Watson gave her because Texas?) being cagey about her engagement ring was going to end in a reveal they were dating each other.  Instead, she has an apparent jackass as a fiancé because why not another suit?

That was where I thought they were going as well; it would have been more interesting.

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1 hour ago, possibilities said:

Lots of head injuries are closed, so there would be no bandage. I was taking Watson's problem to be a concussion, or post-concussion syndrome if he doesn't recover.

When he fainted/fell, he cut his head; they showed him getting stitches. Wouldn't there be a bandage over that, even just until a proper scab forms?? I know there's no bandage because that's not sexy enough for TV; but they made a point to show he was injured, so why not just go all the way with it? But it's just a nitpick.

Edited by Trini
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10 hours ago, Trini said:

When he fainted/fell, he cut his head; they showed him getting stitches. Wouldn't there be a bandage over that, even just until a proper scab forms??

Right! Sorry! I thought you were referring to his major life changing injury, not this week's fall. I don't remember what this week's fall resulted in. So, if you say he cut his head, I believe you and yes, there should have been a some evidence, a bandage or a visible gash or something. I just literally did not remembver that there was a wound from this ep's fall. 

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