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  1. I took it as a joke, that he was not serious. I'm sorry that the captions didn't work for you. When I can, I try to go to "open captions" screenings where you don't need a device to see the subtitles on the screen. The plot is kind of confusing at times, but I did enjoy a lot of the action scenes. I particularly liked the cartoony fight in the nightclub when Goslilng's character is high on drugs, so you can see like "Bam" and "Pow." Also during another fight, there was a Six Million Dollar Man sound effect because Lee Majors also starred in that show. I liked the karaoke scene with "Take a Look at Me Now." I just wish that Stephanie Hsu didn't have such a small part in the movie. At least she got a fun fight scene. The dog was cool.
  2. It was a fun movie. They made such creative use of the Lifeline bracelet to trick people into thinking they were in different locations. Nice final film for Richard Roundtree. At first I didn't remember the bonus scene, but then I did. About the trees, right? Nice.
  3. Cress

    Queer Planet

    very fun documentary.
  4. Oh here it is. I didn't know this thread was here. I don't know why they don't move it to the new Disney+ documentaries topic they made. When they described Jim's idea for the nightclub, didn't it sound like that Sphere thing in Las Vegas?
  5. That's kind of vague. It reads to me like "The Conjuring" is the series, and that he just mentioned CRA in passing with no details.
  6. Oh I didn't know. sorry.
  7. https://www.disneyplus.com/movies/jim-henson-idea-man/5oKOs85ntvJS Directed by Ron Howard, a biographical film about the Muppet creator. Some interesting stuff, and his family participate in interviews. Jim's 1970s idea for the nightclub sounds a bit like The Sphere thing in Las Vegas.
  8. Cress

    Barbie (2023)

    Mattel Creations will sell a Mini dreamhouse from June 6 to June 7th, but I believe you have to be a Barbie Signature member. It's up to you whether you think it's worth it for a dreamhouse that's too small for a normal Barbie. (They include a mini Barbie.) https://creations.mattel.com/products/mini-barbieland-dreamhouse-jcb29
  9. I don't know if it's just going to be a medical procedural with Holmes allusions like House, but they mention Moriarty in description. I hope it doesn't turn into a conspiracy-driven show, all about Moriarty plotting against Watson for some inexplicable crime... That's what turned me off shows like Castle. And I hope they don't do anything with Irene Adler either, cause I eventually quit Elementary over that. I'm trying to keep an open mind and let this be its own show.
  10. I've finished season 3 now. I wonder when season 4 will come to PBS.
  11. They should have spent more time on the society and their magic. The world building seemed pointless if they were going to spend so much time on the love triangle at the internet company. The only mention of backstory for Aren was his comment that he had a white mother and grew up around white people, but nothing further was developed on that angle. Then there was a final scene showing that Lizzie also is in a magic society. Her "So Swag" jewelry was actually for the Society of Supportive Wives and Girlfriends, another movie trope of shallow characters who exist to service someone else. The movie has potential but doesn't fulfill it. At least show us Aren's new idea for a yarn sculpture.
  12. I thought Jay was a jerk to assume they'd spend all the money on the restaurant. They could have compromised by asking Isaac only for $10K, but letting him keep the rest of the money that Trevor's investment made. That way Isaac can still spend some on a wedding and keep some savings for any future needs.
  13. I loved him in this movie. He's funny and outrageous with all his drug problems and his money problems from his divorce. Yet he has serious moments too like when their mother said something homophobic, but later he was invited to that wedding. You could see it really touched him. I agree that Monk should have confessed the truth to his girlfriend when she asked him where his money came from. Instead he said it was none of her business, so he was still withholding his true self from her.
  14. In the speculation thread, I predicted that Jeffrey would find out about Ben, but I thought he would grow up to write the DARPA code. Instead it was Hannah who did it, and Jeffrey grew up to hate Ben. But I was right that Gideon Ridge was an alias. I just didn't realize he was Jeffrey until I saw the boy noticing "how do you know all this" about Ben during the fire episode. The finale was a good wrapup, and I loved seeing Beth and Janis back. So Hannah's swap code didn't actually do a swap after all. But she said "you can go home" and "home is not a place, but a person" so he's gone home in the sense that he's back with Addison.
  15. Wow I didn't know he really did play a Klingon once. I'll have to rewatch the movie.
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