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S47.E02: Epic Boss Girl Move

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On 9/26/2024 at 10:59 AM, Skooma said:

Too funny but Andy never got to say those lines.  He was too scared to untie  the first item that lead to the box. 

Oops, I meant Sam not Andy. In any case, we didn't need three people explaining to the audience how the advantage box worked. It's enough to show him finding it, opening it and reacting to it. We'd already seen two other people go through this. If the editors think we need yet another person's talking head explaining what they found and the dilemma within, they either think we're not paying much attention or we have short term memory loss.

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Of course dummy Andy puts the Beware Advantage back.  Have we ever seen anyone actually do that? Andy is both off his rocker and not very bright. I want him gone. I loathe watching idiots take up space on this show.

TK and Rome, both guys can NOT read a room to save their lives. I honestly don't think I'd last two TCs if I had to be on a team with guys like them because Im.oretty sure I'd tell them to STFU within five minutes of being subjected to them incessant crowing about themselves.

Edited by surfgirl
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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Oops, I meant Sam not Andy. In any case, we didn't need three people explaining to the audience how the advantage box worked. It's enough to show him finding it, opening it and reacting to it. We'd already seen two other people go through this. If the editors think we need yet another person's talking head explaining what they found and the dilemma within, they either think we're not paying much attention or we have short term memory loss.

The only reason I can think they do it so we know it's the same thing in all three boxes.  Maybe someone would think the beware advantage was different for each tribe?

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I can understand being wary of the Beware Advantage though.  Once you accept it, you are committed to it.  How was Andy to know that after he dug up the box, one TC immunity was his for free, no strings attached?  Beware Advantages in the past have forced the finder to go on bizarrely complicated quests, with no vote in TC until that quest is fulfilled. 

That said, I did like the progressive nature of this Beware Advantage.  It forces the player to weigh the odds and evaluate their position in the tribe.  Are they secure?  Is the tribe strong, and likely to not lose challenges?  I did not like the size of the box though.  How the hell is a player supposed to hide an entire treasure trunk away from the rest of the bored tribemates?  Especially the oh-so-not-subtle "We're going to get water!" and coming back completely filthy after digging up, then reburying the huge box.  I'd be like "I'm not so sure I want that water...."

While I don't think Andy was dumb to leave the Beware Advantage behind, I still find him tiresome.  Having someone like that in your group who is so constantly needing validation is exhausting, and folks like that can be so emotional volatile that they're likely to turn on those providing the validation. 

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6 hours ago, surfgirl said:

Of course dummy Andy puts the Beware Advantage back.  Have we ever seen anyone actually do that?

Genie did it in 41, which wasn't bad in and of itself.  But then, she promptly told Shan and Ricard about it, and the former found it, took it, and took the lead in voting Genie out in that same episode.

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Just re-watching and am so tired of this ancient TK trope:

"I hate to lose"

Please.  Show me somebody that does. Nobody does.  It's how you deal with losses that matters, I would guess we all have had some.

"I don't associate with losers"  Dude if you don't see the mark, it's you.

So glad TK got whacked.  Take your "winner" ego and go home, not even to the jury bro. Boo Hoo.  Shouldn't have dissed Tiyana like that.

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What was the point of TK wearing his shirt on one shoulder the way he did? That was driving me nuts! Guess he never learned in kindergarten that there's no talking during nap time, bro. Although I agree with him about not wanting to live in Florida. 

Sam might as well tell Andy he has the idol. Everyone else on the tribe knows. Wish Probst had let Rachel keep the rice. It was a boss move to pocket it.

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42 minutes ago, Grizzly said:

Wish Probst had let Rachel keep the rice. It was a boss move to pocket it.

I thought it was a smart move, unless there was some prohibition against it that ended up on the cutting room floor.

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If there's one "new-era" trend I approve of, it's voting out the big, egotistical lunkheads who think they're untouchable "alpha males." The TK blindside  was SO satisfying!

I'm glad Andy didn't get the damn advantage, he'd lose what's left of his mind.

Outside of Terminally Insecure Andy, whose casting is an unfortunate callback to the worst aspects of 'classic' Survivor, I'm enjoying this cast. After almost a quarter-century on the air, it's inevitable that most or all applicants are now fans who "grew up" with the show and their enthusiasm is infectious. But the verdict is still out on the so-called superfans -- previous superfans have crashed & burned, so let's see what happens.

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On 9/27/2024 at 9:00 PM, Grizzly said:

 Wish Probst had let Rachel keep the rice. It was a boss move to pocket it.


On 9/27/2024 at 9:45 PM, PaperTree said:

I thought it was a smart move, unless there was some prohibition against it that ended up on the cutting room floor.


It was part of a challenge. You can't take anything with you that was used in, or part of, a challenge (unless specifically stated otherwise). Taking the rice would be no different than taking the knife.

It was a boss move though.

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On 9/25/2024 at 11:01 PM, North of Eden said:

I would swear on a stack of bibles Tianna and Kyle were not in the season premiere. Anyway, I've never seen anyone as crushed as Kyle to realize he's at the bottom of the pecking order. The look on his face walking away with his torch was just sad.



I was sad for Kyle too, I don't even know why. He seems very endearing though. I have a feeling he'll be fine and understand why T.K had to go -  he basically said in the episode itself that T.K. going off like that wasn't a good thing and was trying to play mediator. 


On 9/26/2024 at 12:09 AM, Steph Sometimes said:

Apparently, there's a Genevieve hiding somewhere. I swear it.

You're lying! Who the hell is that?!

On 9/26/2024 at 12:28 AM, Rodney said:

Don't mind the Gata girls.  Rachel seems to have a good head on her shoulders, and Anika and Sierra are nice.  But Sam is definitely already getting too big for his britches for someone who only got a one-Tribal-Council-only idol.  And the less said about Andy, the better.

I actually like everybody on Lavo except Rome, so that means Aysha, Teeny, Genevieve, Sol, and Kishan.

Tuku?  T.K. was the only one I couldn't stand on that tribe, so I'm glad that he's gone (though I give him props for taking his blindside so well).  I do like Tiyana, Sue, Caroline, and Kyle, though.  Gabe . . . is a bit much sometimes, but I don't hate him, at least.

Are you me? Cause same thoughts on the players. I find most of the cast pretty likeable.

Also from your post I learned that the aforementioned Genevieve is on the Red tribe, so thanks!


On 9/27/2024 at 1:50 PM, surfgirl said:

TK and Rome, both guys can NOT read a room to save their lives. I honestly don't think I'd last two TCs if I had to be on a team with guys like them because Im.oretty sure I'd tell them to STFU within five minutes of being subjected to them incessant crowing about themselves.

Another reason I can't be on Survivor, I would lose my patience with these type of players immediately. Just peace and quiet for 1 minute, is that too much to ask.

On 9/27/2024 at 9:25 PM, PaperTree said:

Just re-watching and am so tired of this ancient TK trope:

"I hate to lose"

Please.  Show me somebody that does. Nobody does.  It's how you deal with losses that matters, I would guess we all have had some.

"I don't associate with losers"  Dude if you don't see the mark, it's you.

So glad TK got whacked.  Take your "winner" ego and go home, not even to the jury bro. Boo Hoo.  Shouldn't have dissed Tiyana like that.

This^^ Q did some of this last season too, there have been many other "alpha" males who did it as well, and it annoyed me. 99% of the time (in this game), nobody wants to lose morons, you're not special. 

You've already lost, and then to hear these guys go on and on about how the rest of the tribe sucks, and your the only one that has the winner mindset, like shut up. How about we collectively take responsibility cause it was a tribe loss.

I want to know why Anika is on the chopping block over on the yellow tribe though? She seems to do well in challenges and around camp, why her and not Rachel, if you want to keep Andy so badly Sam? 

Watching Sierra and Sam yell at Anika at the challenge, I was side eyeing them. Sam even said something along the lines of choke on the rope Anika, and she had to yell back that she was doing everything she could already. Props though to Sam for calming that team down and getting it together for the win. But what did we not see over at Gata with the dynamics?

I find the entire Red team minus Rome, and plus a Genevieve?, to work really well at challenges and it's wonderful to see. My brother who watches with me was surprised that they did so well on both immunity challenges with not having the typical "alpha male" types on their team like TK, Gabe, Sam and Andy. They were the only tribe I believe who did not capsize their boat last week.

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