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Jana and Stephen: Slow and Steady Gets the Best Wedding


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That trip is my worst nightmare. Let’s get in a tiny camper and go to a super boring place.

Hannie and Jennie are certainly getting around. I didn’t see any parents with them either. I guess there were enough older siblings to make sure they didn’t sit on any guy’s laps like that one gal in short shorts.

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Camping isn't my thing either but it seems like they like it.  Are Stephen and Jana still into the ILBP or have they distanced like some of the others.  Jana used to be on the talking heads saying almost nothing and making faces - she seems happier now.  Wasn't there some speculation that she "settled" for Stephen?  I think she really likes him.  But, then again, she doesn't talk to me so what do I know.

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2 hours ago, BetyBee said:

Stephen's family is more talented and they seem to love performing (unlike the Rodrigues family). Stephen seems like a hard worker and a really nice guy. I hope that's the case!

The Wissmans are way way above the Rods in education, the quality of their music, and I think quality of life (at least as to material comforts, income level, nutrition . . . ). I haven't looked at their theology but I assume they're in the IFB world, ugh. But the bios of the adult kids show that they have : JOBS. Like, real jobs. 

Anyway, their website - https://wissmannfamily.com/ - although it hasn't been updated for a few years, compares favorably to the mess that Jill R maintains for public consumption.  Edited to add: they also have a YouTube channel with a few videos, the newest of which is 4 years old: https://www.youtube.com/@wissmannfamily6451

Also, this interesting statement is on the page about their "Ministry:"


Financial Arrangements

We have been blessed to be able to truly say, “The Lord is our Provider”! We travel on a love-gift offering basis, trusting God to meet our needs through the generosity of His people. If you prefer not to have a free-will offering, please let us know and we will negotiate enough to cover our needs.

Sounds like "trust others but count the cards." Or "In God we trust. All others pay cash." They'll travel to perform at your church, but they aren't going to go broke paying for the gas and other travel expenses to do so. I wonder how often they got burned before they decided not to make over-generous assumptions about the "generosity of God's people." 🤣 BTW I'm not slamming them for this. I think it's sensible. 

Edited by Minivanessa
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9 hours ago, Minivanessa said:

 Or "In God we trust. All others pay cash." 

Jean Shepherd, right? It was a book with down-home family stories that also included the origins of the movie “A Christmas Story”. My dad knew him because they grew up close to each other. My dad swears that he knew all the kids in the movie. And my dad‘s name was Ralphie. 😉

Anyway! The Wissmans seem like a fairly happy family. I think Stephen always looks happy, and so does the one that married Jer. So there must be something to that, compared to the Rods and their fake smiles, and the Duggers searching out new things in life that they never knew about.

I just wish that one of them, someone, in any family, would try and be different and get a college education. Mostly they work for the family, and it’s usually some form of manual labor. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but no one ever chooses to further their education beyond homeschool high school.

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5 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Jana was attending college for nursing before she got married.  I hope she's continuing her education in Oklahoma.

She's in Nebraska, not Oklahoma. She was doing prerequisite, pre-nursing classes, if I recall. It would be a legitimate surprise if she continued now that she's married. 

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1 hour ago, Heathen said:

She's in Nebraska, not Oklahoma.

Oops, you're right.  It's Jill who's in Oklahoma.  

In one of the People magazine articles, Jana said she was in her second semester in the Spring of 2024.  I think LPN was a 3-semester program at the school she was attending (the local community college in NW Arkansas), but I could be wrong.  So I'm thinking she'd probably had some nursing classes by the time she left.  I hope she continues on towards getting her license, but who knows.


Edited by Gemma Violet
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Ha ha, and I thought Jana moved to Kansas! 

I can’t help but wonder if she got scared of the real world and working, and that’s why she got married.

It also wouldn’t hurt for Jana to have her license in case something happens to Stephen. He does manual labor, what if he gets hurt or disabled? 

Edited by EmeraldGirl
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1 hour ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Wasn't sh on the Dean's List at school? It seemed like she took her studies seriously, ev n if it was just pre reqs. 

I don't remember. But I do remember a mention of her being present for some event a student religious organization did, and I don't think it was public knowledge that she was enrolled at the time. I just remember thinking it was annoying as hell for a Duggar to shoehorn themselves into that because I assumed she'd just shown up with no connection to the school. It never even occurred to me that she was a student there and that was an extracurricular group for her. I retract my criticism, years later. LOL 

In any event, based on that, it does seem like she may have participated more in the campus social system than I would have assumed a Duggar would, even if it's still very much within their wheelhouse. 

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She gets a lot of views on her videos which helps with the income.  The Tiny House tour got 1.4 million views, Part 1 of the wedding got 971,000, and the Fixer Upper tour got 900,000.  Some get in the 300,000-400,000 range, so I'd say she averages about a half million views on each.

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On 3/20/2025 at 12:20 AM, Gemma Violet said:

Jana's latest video below.  This was videoed a couple of weeks after Jana and Stephen got married.  It's mostly scenes of Stephen's family band performing at a place called Old Threshers Foundation.


Does James just go everywhere? He’s always in these videos no matter whose channel.

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